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冀教版2020届九年级下学期英语4月学业模拟考试(二模)试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)(2016黔东南)Who do you think _ in your Dragon Boat race team?Da Liu, I think.A . is a good playerB . a good player isC . is the best playerD . the best player is2. (2分)Emmanuel Macron(马克龙) was chosen to be _ President of France last month. He has become Frances _ youngest president in history. A . a; theB . the; theC . /; /D . /; a3. (2分)Koalas sleep _ the day and get up _ night. A . during; atB . at; duringC . at; at4. (2分) John, Im very tired. Lets stop to have a _. OK. Then lets sit under the tree and drink some water.A . tryB . mealC . rest5. (2分)Can you kick the ball to end of the football field? Its hard for me. I think few goalkeepers can make it.A . anotherB . the otherC . other6. (2分)Would you like some teahoney?A . forB . C . withD . has7. (2分)What does your father think of your school report this term? The smile on his face shows he is _ what I did in my study.A . worried aboutB . sorry forC . angry withD . pleased with8. (2分)I am looking for a W.C , but I cant find _ . A . itB . oneC . thisD . that9. (2分)How do you like this piece of music by Tan Dun?Well, of all the music that he has written, I think this is his _ one.A . better-knownB . well-knownC . best-knownD . most-known10. (2分)Jane, I cant find my key. Did you see it?Isnt it in your bag? I saw you _ it in your bag.Oh, here it is. Thank you.A . puttedB . to putC . puttingD . put11. (2分)Mo Yans books have been sold out in many book stores his winning of the Nobel Literature Prize. A . becauseB . sinceC . asD . because of12. (2分)Your mother was angry because you went out without _ her. A . tellB . toldC . to tellD . telling13. (2分)We _ a lot of progress since 2003.A . makeB . had madeC . have madeD . made14. (2分)Whats your plan for the coming weekend?I _ to visit the Shanghai Disneyland.A . goB . goesC . wentD . am going15. (2分) When shall we go and play basketball?Not until the work _ tomorrow.A . will finishB . has finishedC . will be finishedD . is finished16. (2分) At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups. More chances _ to students to learn from each other.A . offerB . are offeredC . have offeredD . are offering17. (2分)Here are some apples. You _ take any one if you like.A . mustB . canC . needD . should18. (2分)I want to be a doctor. _ meaningful work it is to help the patients! A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a19. (2分) _ K-E-Y.A . Whats that?B . Spell it, please.C . Can you say it?D . Is it a key?20. (2分)Did Jimmy win first prize in the swimming competition yesterday? Yes, of course. , hes the best swimmer in out city.A . Without doubtB . For exampleC . At firstD . Dont worry二、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项(A B C D)中,选出最佳选项。CHe was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got at his familys small house on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.On the day before the bass(鲈鱼)season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and the bass with worms. Before long, when his fishing pole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. His father watched him with admiration as the boy skillfully worked the fish alongside the bank and he very successfully lifted the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass.The boy and his father looked at the handsome fish, the fish jumped up and down in the moonlight. The father looked at his watch. It was 10 P. M.-two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy. You will have to put it back, my son.” he said.“ I have never seen such a big fish before.” cried the boy“ There will be other fish. said his father. The boy looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were anywhere around in the moonlight. He looked again at his father. Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could tell by his fathers voice that the decision couldnt be changed. He slowly worked the hook out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into the water.That was 34 years ago. And he has never again caught such a beautiful fish as the one he landed that night long ago. But he does see the fish again and again-every time he comes up against a question of ethics(伦理). For, as his father taught him, ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult.We would if we were taught to put the fish back when we were young. For we would have learned the truth. The decision to do right lives fresh in our memory. It is a story we will proudly tell our friends and grandchildren.(1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . The fish was too huge to lift easily from the waterB . The writer and his father usually went fishing together on an islandC . The fish went back to the water because of the writers carelessnessD . As time goes by, the writer can still remember every detail clearly.(2)The third paragraph mainly tells us that_. A . someone knew when they went fishingB . it was not a right time to take the bass awayC . the boy has great skill in working the hook out of the fishs lipD . fishermen and boats were not far away from there(3)After reading this passage, we can infer_. A . fishing is a good hobby not only for teens but also adultsB . the boy and his father are examples of the practice of ethicsC . the bass is not permitted to catch in New Hampshire lakeD . its important to balance fishing the bass and protect it(4)What can we learn from the whole passage? A . The boys happy childhoodB . Getting a handsome fish is a very brilliant experience.C . We do the right thing when we come up against a question of ethics.D . The practice of ethics is only simple matters of right and wrong(5)_ might be the best title of this passage. A . Catch of a life timeB . An unforgettable experienceC . Benefits of fishingD . An adventure of a handsome bass三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)22. (15分)完形填空Many students have some 1.For example, some students do not learn their school subjects 2. Some are good at 3and do well in many exams, 4they are doing very badly in sports and they do not have strong bodies. So their classmates always call 5“bookworms”(书虫).So many students suffer from(遭受) stress. The good news 6that there are some simple ways to deal with(处理)7.Firstly, 8a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and doing exercise are very important. How can we be happy if we are unhealthy!As for schoolwork, making plans can be helpful. Making a list of the things they need to do and planning 9to do them can help students organize(组织) their time. If you are not talented 10one subject, study hard and 11a teacher for help.Students should not care about 12laughing. They should think about the things that are good.Then students should 13make enough time for their hobbies(爱好). Playing sports, reading and watching movies help them relax.Finally, 14is useful and important for students to share their problems with their15and family members.(1)A . friends B . problems C . happiness D . homework (2)A . good B . well C . great D . bad (3)A . learns B . learn C . learning D . to learn (4)A . so B . and C . but D . because (5)A . them B . they C . him D . her (6)A . are B . were C . be D . is (7)A . hungry B . illness C . stress D . tired (8)A . eating B . eat C . eatting D . to eat (9)A . when B . where C . what D . why (10)A . in B . for C . at D . to (11)A . asking B . ask C . asks D . asked (12)A . other B . others C . others D . others (13)A . too B . either C . to D . also (14)A . that B . this C . it D . these (15)A . brothers B . friends C . sisters D . cousins 四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)选词填空friend, be, come, but, they, with, like, English, from, andJane and Sally are my new classmates. They_very nice. Jane_from Canada and Sally is_America. They _English. Many students in our class _English a lot_I like it a little.So my _is not very good. Jane and Sally often help me_it. They like Chinese very much. But their Chinese is not good, so I help_. We are good_and we help each other.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)24. (1分)Does this girl_(has) any brothers? 六、 句型转换 (共1题;共13分)25. (13分)按要求完成下列句子, 每空一词。(1)The weather was sunny that day.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the weather _ that day?(2)Kate went to the park last Sunday.(改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答)_ Kate _ to the park last Sunday? _, she _.(3)I climbed Mount Tai last weekend.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ last weekend?(4)Jim rides his bike to school every day.(用 yesterday改写句子)Jim _ his bike to school yesterday.(5)Gina did her homework last night.(改为否定句)Gina _ _ her homework last night.七、 短文填空 (共1题;共6分)26. (6分)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空(1)Did you see her_(walk)in the street when you passed there?(2)He is_(surprise)to see his mother outside the classroom .(3)I_(call)you up last night but you werent in .(4)I happened_(see)my teacher on the way to school .(5)When I_(walk)in the street ,I _(meet)my best friend Jim .八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)根据材料内容,从方框中选出合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。Many people in the world are living a very fast life. They seem to be always in a hurry (匆忙).No time to stopPeople in cities around the world walk 10 percent more quickly than they did twenty years ago. Singapore is at the top of the list for fast walkers._People aren t as patient (有耐心的) as they were in the past. If it takes more than five minutes for a bus to arrive, they become very impatient. They think they don t have any time to wait_Written communication (交流) on the Internet is getting shorter and shorter. People now use more and more simple words, like BRB (be right back) or NP (no problem)._Even in their free time, people do things in a hurry. Twenty years ago when people went to art museums, they spent about one minute looking at each picture. But today they spend much less time._The cars are faster, but the traffic (交通) is worse, so people drive more slowly. They spend more time than ever sitting in their cars, feeling worried that they arent going to arrive on time._In the US, there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories, for children. The stories in it are famous but short. They are popular with those parents who are too busy to tell their children long stories.People are living faster, but are they living better?A. No time to waitB: No time to writeC. More time on the roadD. No time for Van Gogh (梵高)E. No time for Snow White九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)请根据以下提示以The Monkey King为题写一篇短文,来介绍齐天大圣。要点:1)美猴王是名叫大闹天宫(Havoc in heaven)的故事里的英雄。2)美猴王是一块石头变来(be born from)的。他想长生不老。他聪明、勇敢和幽默(humorous)。他能把自己变成(change)72种不同的东西,像树、鸟等等。他用云在天空中环游!3)他带领一群猴子反对玉皇大帝(the Emperor of Heaven)和他的士兵。猴王把天宫弄得乱七八糟。最后, 玉皇大帝求助于如来佛祖(Buddha).如来佛祖搬来(move)一座山压在他的身上。500年之后,一个和尚(monk)把他从山下面解救出来(get out from).第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)22-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)23-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)24-1、六、 句型转换 (共1题;共13分)25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、七、 短文填空 (共1题;共6分)26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)27-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28-1、

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