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上海新世纪版2020年英语中考模拟试题(七)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)1. (15分)阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Mr. Chen is a farmer. He1 in western China with his wife and two sons. One year ago, he found that he had cancer(癌症). The doctor told him that he needed 2at once. And he said the operation would3thousands of yuan. It was too much money for Mr. Chen and his wife. They had no job and4 were at school. The situation seemed5. Two weeks later, however, Mr. Chen got some6 news. He was told about a health care project which provides medical treatment for poor patients in7 China. The8. to pay only half the cost or even less. With the help of the project and the kindness of9family and neighbours, he was able to receive an operation just10 to prevent the illness from getting worse.11 he has returned to his home.The12 of this health care project is to improve the situation for poor people in western China. So far, the project has helped more than 5,000 people13 medical aid. The Chinese government is14 working together with other countries and international organizations to do this. They hope to develop a new health care model15 China. As our country develops, we must remember the responsibilities(责任) of looking after the weakest members.(1)A . live B . lives C . are living D . lived (2)A . a treatment B . a rest C . an operation D . training (3)A . pay B . spend C . have D . cost (4)A . both their sons B . both their daughters C . all their sons D . all their daughters (5)A . hopeful B . hopeless C . harmful D . Harmless (6)A . sad B . bad C . terrible D . good (7)A . eastern B . southern C . western D . northern (8)A . want B . need C . prefer D . like (9)A . my B . your C . his D . her (10)A . in time B . on time C . at the same time D . for a long time (11)A . Already B . Just C . Ever D . Now (12)A . chance B . Advice C . Example D . Purpose (13)A . receive B . receiving C . received D . Receives (14)A . too B . also C . either D . as well (15)A . to B . at C . for D . on 2. (10分) A woman is going shopping. She is going1boat. The boat is going across(穿过)the river. Her basket is empty(空的). Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the 2.“Help!”she says.“Look! My basket is in the river.”A boy sees the basket. He says, “Dont worry! I can 3 it! Im a very good swimmer.” He takes off his shoes and shirt. “Look 4my shirt and shoes, please!” he says and then jumps into the river.A 5 sees the basket. “I can go by basket!” it thinks. It gets to the basket. The boy 6in the river. “Wheres the basket?” he calls:“Its over there!” calls the woman. “Its behind you!” Its 7that duck! The boy gets to the basket.“Go away!” he says to the duck. The duck 8out of the basket and swims away. The boy takes the basket to the land. “Oh, thank you!” says the woman. “Thank you very much!”“Not at all!” says the boy.“ 9 you like to give me my shirt and shoes?”“Yes, here you are. Oh, whats in the basket? Its the ducks 10.”(1)A . on B . in C . by D . to (2)A . water B . boat C . ship D . tree (3)A . clean B . buy C . do D . get (4)A . after B . at C . for D . like (5)A . dog B . chicken C . duck D . monkey (6)A . is fishing B . is swimming C . is playing D . is flying (7)A . beside B . under C . on D . behind (8)A . climbs B . comes C . jumps D . walks (9)A . Are B . Do C . Would D . Could (10)A . meat B . hair C . hand D . egg 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)3. (10分) Rick is a good manHe makes birthday cakes in a shopHis cakes are great and have very good prices,so many people buy his cakesHe makes friends with lots of his customers(顾客)They all like him very muchOne eveninghe wants to go home,but many of his old customers come inRick smiles(微笑)to them,“I am sorryIt is late todayIf you need cakes,please come tomorrow”One of them takes out a nice cake and says to him,“You make so many great cakes for usThis birthday cake is for youHappy birthday, Rick”(1)Where does Rick work? _A . At schoolB . In the classroomC . In a shopD . At a party(2)When the customers come one evening,Rick _A . is making cakesB . is at homeC . wants to go homeD . is playing basketball(3)His customers give him_A . many cakesB . a birthday cakeC . some moneyD . some fruit(4)Ricks customers like him because_A . hes a good manB . his cakes are bigC . his cakes are at a very good priceD . A and C(5)One evening, the customers come to Ricks shop because_A . they want to buy cakesB . it is Ricks birthday that dayC . Rick asks them to comeD . they come for a party4. (8分) Scientists who study the climate are still arguing about how fast the earth is warming and how much it will warm, but they do agree that the earth is warming and that it will keep warming if we dont do anything about it.Scientists agree that the burning of fossil fuels (化石燃料) like oil and coal cause greenhouse gases to escape into the air and that these gases are causing most of the warming. Another cause is deforestation (cutting down trees) . Trees soak up carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases, from the air.There are already some changes happening because of global warming. Sea level is rising and some animals are already moving to new homes. Its already too late to stop global warming completely.If the warming gets worse, as scientists expect, there may be some kinds of plants and animals that is disappearing because they cant move to new homes. There may be more storms and floods. Sea level may rise so much that people have to move away from the coasts. Some areas may become too dry for farming.Global warming is a very difficult problem to fix. People are having a hard time agreeing on what to do about it. For example, everyone agrees that wasting energy is a bad thing to do. But some people think that the federal government (联邦政府) should make laws about it, while other people think it should be up to each person or business to decide what to do.Many states and businesses in the United States are not waiting until the federal government decides what to do. They have already started working on the problem.(1)What are the scientists arguing about in the passage?A . How fast is the earth warming?B . How much will the earth warm?C . The earth will keep warming if we dont do anything about it.D . Both A and B.(2)What does the underlined phrase “soak up” mean?A . take inB . grow upC . take offD . set up(3)What may be the causes of global warming?A . The disappearance of plants and animals and the wasting energyB . The burning of fossil fuels and storms and floodsC . The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.D . The rising of sea level and deforestation.(4)What is the best title of this passage?A . The reason for global warmingB . How to stop global warmingC . The changes to the worldD . The global warming5. (8分) For years I wanted a gardenId spend hours thinking of different things I could plant that would look nice togetherBut then we had Matthew, and Marvin, and the twins Alisa and Alan, and then HelenI was too busy raising them to grow a gardenMoney was not enoughNeither was timeOften when my children were little, one of them would want something that cost too much, and Id have to say, “Do you see a money tree outside? Money doesnt grow on trees, you know”Finally, all the children got through high school and college and were off on their ownI started thinking again about a gardenThen, one spring morning, on Mothers Day, I was working in my kitchenSuddenly, I looked out of the window and there was a new tree, planted right in my yardThere were things blowing around on itThen I put my glasses onand I couldnt believe what I sawThere was a money tree in my yard!I went outside to lookIt was true! There were dollar bills(帐单), one hundred of them, hanging all over that treeThere was also a note among them, “Thank you for your time, MomWe love you!”Later, my children bought me tools, ornaments, a sunflower stepping stone and gardening booksA new page started in my lifeThat was three years agoMy gardens now very pretty, just like I wantedWhen I go out and take care of my flowers, I dont seem to miss my children as much as I once didIt feels like theyre right there with meNow every year when winter comes, I look out of my window and think of the flowers Ill see next spring in my little gardenI think about what my children did for me, and I get tears in my eyesevery timeIm still not sure that money grows on treesBut I know love does!(1)How many children did the writer have?A . ThreeB . FourC . FiveD . Six(2)What did the mother mean when she said “Money doesnt grow on trees”?A . She was too busy to plant a money tree at that timeB . She had to save money so that she could have a gardenC . It wasnt easy for her to make money to raise all the childrenD . They didnt have much money because the mother lost her job(3)The “money tree” appeared in the writers yard _A . before her children were bornB . one spring morning when the children were littleC . after the children went to schoolD . on a Mothers Day after the children left her(4)The children planted a money tree in their mothers yard because _A . their mother needed money badlyB . they wanted to show their love to their motherC . it was time for them to give the money back to herD . they wanted to live together with their mother forever6. (6分) Have you ever seen a movie called “ The Choir Boys”(放牛班的春天)?The French movie tells the story of a group of naughty boys who learn music from a dedicated(尽职的) teacher. In Shanghai, there is also a group of children learning music. But their story is a bit different.The musical group, “ShepherdsKids” , was founded(建立) by the Shanghai Jiuqian Volunteer Center. There are about 40 students in this group. Their parents are migrants(打工者) working in Shanghai.“ The music courses are free,” said Zhang Yichao, founder of the group. “We just want to make the childrens lives more colorful.”The kids learn singing, dancing and musical instruments. Their teachers are volunteers from high schools.Learning music is not an easy job, especially for these migrant workers children.“I never know the musical stave(五线谱) before,” said Hua Delong, 13. “Sometimes it was really hard to study.”Tang Yue is a volunteer teacher at the center. She is a student from Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual High School.“These kids face difficulties bravely,” said Tang. “Sometimes they have to help their parents do housework and have little time to practice, but I never hear them complain.”Their hard work has paid off(回报). Today many people know the group. They have even performed as a choir for foreign pop stars.Li Luo, 14, told “ Teens” how appreciative she was of the group.“I had little fun before. I seldom(很少) watched TV. Study seemed the most interesting thing in my life. “Shepherds Kids has given me a new life.”(1)In Hua Delongs opinion, learning music is not an easy job because _.A . he didnt know the musical stave beforeB . he had little fun beforeC . the music courses are not freeD . seldom watched TV before(2)From the story we can know that _.A . the naughty boys were successful at lastB . the ShepherdsKids has made great successC . all the volunteers giving lessons for the children are music teachersD . the children learnt music very easily(3)The story is an introduction of _.A . the French movie The Choir BoysB . a musical group The Shepherds KidsC . the foundation of The ShepherdsKidsD . the children learning music三、 选出正确的选项补全短文 (共1题;共25分)7. (25分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 My name is Roy Green. Im a student. I am nine years old.(岁). This is Alan. He is my good friend. Nice to meet him here. His last name is White. His telephone number is 362-5132.(1)Whats Roy Greens first name? (2)Is Roy a student? (3)How old(多大) is Roy? (4)Who(谁) is Roys good friend? (5)Whats Alans last name? 四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共6题;共6分)8. (1分)Help _(你们自己) to some fish, kids. Thanks. 9. (1分)It is helpful to d_ a good habit of reading in language learning. 10. (1分)Its very _(重要的) to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit for us. 11. (1分)An artist should c_ beautiful things. 12. (1分)We have _(刚刚) finished our work. 13. (1分)Whats the _(意义) of this word? Can you tell me? 五、 完成句子 (共7题;共15分)14. (3分)在那个时候,依靠手工一次只能制作一本书 。 In those days, books could only be produced one _ _ _ by hand.15. (2分)均衡饮食是指每天摄入不同种类的健康食品。A _means having different kinds of healthy food every day.16. (2分)你的朋友是瘦还是胖? _your friend thin_heavy?17. (2分)Wait a moment. My homework is_(快写完了). 18. (2分)要赢这场篮球比赛太难了。Its too hard_ _ the basketball match.19. (2分)她努力工作,以便在五点前使一切都就绪。She worked hard _ _ everything would be ready by 5 oclock.20. (2分)这孩子跑得太快了!_ _ the little boy is running!六、 话题作文 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)假如你叫Tom。你们学校正在开设国际课程,下个月将有新的外教来学校上课。以下是外教Rhian的微信,请根据该内容回复一条90词左右的短信,可适当发挥。Hey,Rhian.Thanks for your message.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、6-1、6-2、6-3、三、 选出正确的选项补全短文 (共1题;共25分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共6题;共6分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、五、 完成句子 (共7题;共15分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、六、 话题作文 (共1题;共5分)21-1、


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