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美联英语提供:快速搞定高中英语语法的100个句子5关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里http:/m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0(3) I wonder if he dared come home.不知道他敢不敢回家。语法分析:用在条件从句中。(4) I dare say everything will be all right.我看一切都会好的。语法分析:用在某些习语中,如I dare say, dont you dare等。(5) I dared them to debate with me about it.我问他们敢不敢和我辩论这个问题。语法分析:及物动词dare表示“向.挑战,敢于尝试”等。(1) She _dare me to jump off the two diving board.(2) I have never _dare to disturb him.(3) Who _dare to go?(4) You are tired, I _ say.(5) Dont you _ touch that table?(6) How _ she take my book without even asking?(7) She didnt _ to disobey.(1) dared (2) dared (3) dares (4) dare (5) dare (6) dare (7) dare45. have的用法She has having them repaired.她正请人修理它们。have这个词可以作助动词与其他词构成不同的时态,也可以作及物动词,有不同的实际含义。作为及物动词时,可以与许多名词连用表示不同的动作。它还可以构成某些句型,具有特殊的用法。本例句是have+名词或代词+过去分词这样的结构,表示的含义是让别人做某事或遭遇某事,是have的特殊用法。(1) Whats that got to do with you?那和你有什么关系?语法分析:have got = have构成特定句型。(2) He soon had us all laughing.他很快让我们都大笑了起来。语法分析:have+名词或代词+现在分词的结构,表示让某人做某事或让某事发生。(3) She has had her hands burned.她的手给烫了。语法分析:have+名词或代词+过去分词的结构表示让某人做某事或遭遇到某事。(4) Im going to have him live with me.我打算让他和我住在一起。语法分析:have+名词或代词+不带to的不定式结构,表示让某人做某事。(5) May I have a look?我可以瞧一眼吗?语法分析:和许多名词连用表示具体的动作和行为。(6) I have got to be off now.我必须离开。语法分开:have got to 或 have to 表示“不得不”,意思接近must,但must强调说话人的意愿。(1) I tried to have her _talk, but no use.(2) The driver had his bus _hijack.(3) These last two days I have _have to take a rest.(4) I was afraid she would _go to Shanghai by then.(5) _live there for several years, he was reluctant to leave.(1) talking (2) hijacked (3) had (4) have gone (5) Having lived46. do的用法Do come with us.务必和我们同行。do作为助动词可以用在动词前面表示强调,也可以构成疑问句和否定句,还可以用来表示刚提到过的动作,以避免重复。作及物动词时do的用法主要是和名词或代词连用表示做某事,也可以和动名词连用。do还可以作不及物动词,表示工作、学习等方面的情况,也表示了“行了”、“够了”、“可以”等意思。(1) She does sing well!她确实唱得很好!语法分析:助动词do用在动词前面表示强调。(2) He doesnt drive but I do.他不会开车,但我会。语法分析:用来表示刚提到过的动作,以避免重复。(3) Has she done her homework?她作业做完了吗?语法分析:do作及物动词和名词连用,表示“做某事”。(4) I did some reading before I went to bed.睡觉前我看了一会儿书。语法分析:和动名词连用。(5) Go and do your hair.去梳梳头发。语法分析:和一些表示物件的名词连用,表示某些动作如“梳”、“刷”等。(6) This hotel wont do.这家旅店不行。语法分析:表示“行了”、“够了”、“可以”等意思。(1) Please! _ be quiet a moment!(2) She lives here but I _.(3) They want to _ business with my company.(4) Easier said than _.(5) She _ some writing in her spare time.(6) Could you _ the rooms now?(7) That jacket wont _ for skiing.(1) Do (2) dont (3) do (4) done (5) does (6) do (7) do47. will (would)的用法That will be the postman at the door.门口的人想必是邮差。will在这个句子里表示对某件事情的推测,它可以用于各个人称,表示“愿意,肯”、“决心,承诺”、“习惯”、“命令”等意思。此外,will还用于将来时态,还可以用于疑问句表示请求。would作为will的过去式,可以表示强烈的愿望、意愿,可以用来提出请求、问题及看法等。还可以用在虚拟条件句和含蓄条件句中,would可以表示过去的习惯性动作或倾向,另外也用于某些结构中。(1) It looks as if she wont be in time for the train.看来她好像赶不上火车了。语法分析:will用于将来时,各种人称后都可以用。(2) Will you please sit down, everyone?大家请坐好!语法分析:用于疑问句表示请求。(3) These things will happen.这样的事情总是要发生的。语法分析:表示某种习惯和倾向。(4) Would you help us, please?帮助我们可以吗?语法分析:用来婉转地提出请求、问题或某种看法等。(5) She would be delighted if you went to see her.要是你去看她,她会很高兴的。语法分析:用于虚拟条件句中。(6) The wound would not heal.伤口老不愈合。语法分析:表示过去的习惯性动作或倾向。(7) Id sooner go home.我宁愿回家。语法分析:用于某些结构中。(1) _ you tell her that Im Tom.(2) If you _ allow me. I will see you home.(3) Boys _ be boys.(4) She _ report to the headquarters right today.(5) The man with the umbrella _ be his father.(6) I am sure he _ mind your going.(7) I _ have done more, if Id had the time.(8) I _ love a coffee.(1) Will (2) will (3) will (4) will (5) will (6) wouldnt (7) would (8) would48. should 的用法He should not drink and drive.他不应该酒后开车。should在这个句子中是情态动词的用法,表示“应该”意思接近于ought to。作助动词时,should可用于第一人称,构成过去将来时态。在某些句子中,用should可以使口气显得更婉转,在某些宾语从句和主语从句里可以用来构成谓语,也用在虚拟条件句和条件从句中。在某些由in case, so that, lest等引导的状语从句中,也可以用should。(1) I said I should be glad to help.我说过我将乐于帮忙。语法分析:should可用于第一人称,构成过去将来时态,在口语里大多用would。(2) You should have been helping him.你应该在帮助他。语法分析:作情态动词用,后面可以用完成形式。(3) I should be glad to talk to you.我很高兴和你谈谈。语法分析:用在某些句子里使语气更婉转,只用于第一人称。(4) He determined that she should study music.他决定她学习音乐。语法分析:在某些宾语从句中构成谓语。(5) It was necessary that he should work hard.他用功很有必要。语法分析:在某些主语从句里构成谓语。(6) Should I be free thiss afternoon, I will come.如果今天下午有时间,我就来。语法分析:用在条件从句中,主句谓语可以用虚拟语气或陈述语气等。(7) I should say shes over fifty.我看她有五十多岁了。语法分析:表示猜测。(1) He considered how he _answer.(2) I _ be grateful for your help.(3) She arranged that I _ go abroad.(4) It is only right that he _ have a share.(5) How _ I know?(6) If I was asked to work on Sunday I _ resign.(7) She was terrified lest she _ slip on the icy rocks.(1) should (2) should (3) should (4) should (5) should (6) should (7) should49. ought的用法What ought I to say to him?我该对他说些什么呢?ought总是和to一起用,可以表示义务、约束力,意为“应该,应当”,语气比should强,比must弱。还可以表示事与愿违,意为“本应该,本当”。在口语中表示愿望,意为“.才好”。ought后面的不定式可用完成形式、进行形式或被动形式等。ought to 一般不用过去时,在宾语从句中,可用于过去时。ought还可以表示揣测的意味。(1) I ought to write to her today.我今天应当给她写信。语法分析:表示“应该,应当”(2) She ought to have stopped at the traffice lights.在红绿灯前她本应该停车。语法分析:后面的不定式可用完成形式。(3) I ought to be leaving now.我现在该走了。语法分析:后面的不定式可用进行形式。(4) Something ought to be done about it.对此应当想些办法。语法分析:后面的不定式可用被动形式。(5) He ought to pass his test.他应当能通过考试。语法分析:ought还可以表示揣测。(6) The chils ought not to hace been allowed to go alone.本不该叫孩子一个人去。语法分析:表示事与愿违,意为“本应该,本当”。(7) He said she ought to leave for Japan.他说她该动身去日本。语法分析:在宾语从句中,ought to 可用于过去时。(1) You ought to _read this novel.(2) Ought Ito _write to say thank you.(3) She ought to _come to the meeting, but I didnt see her.(4) You ought not to _drive so fast.(5) She ought to _isolate.(6) The water ought to _boil by now.(7) I ought to _hear from her soon.(8) There ought not to _ must noise in a hospital.(9) She ought to _do it yesterday.(1) read (2) write (3) have come (4) have been driving (5) be isolated (6) have boiled (7) be hearing (8) be (9) have done50.情态动词的其他用法Can it be true?这可能是真的吗?情态动词和原形动词连用可以表示对现在情况的推测,情态动词和现在完成时态连用表示对过去情况的推测。can可以用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句中,may也可用在肯定句和否定句中,但不用在疑问句里。must和have to只用在肯定句里。should (could, might, ought to) + 过去分词,可表示“原本.而未.”的意思。(1) It cannot have been lost in the post.它不可能落在邮筒里。语法分析:can和现在完成时态连用,表示对过去情况的推测。(2) She cannot be his wife.她不可能是他的妻子。语法分析:情态动词和原形动词连用可以表示对现在情况的推测。(3) That may be so, but I doubt it.事情可能就是这样,但我对此表示怀疑。语法分析:may用在肯定句和否定句里,但不用在疑问句里。(4) He must be in.他一定在家。语法分析:must 只用在肯定句里。(5) I should have gone there alone.我本该一个人到那里。语法分析:should或could might ought to + 过去分词,表示“原本.而未.”的意思。1. She could not _see me yesterday because I wasnt there.2. Could he _hear of her?3. It may _be your mistake.4. English may _hard, but its so useful.5. She may _go somewhere else.6. She might not _mad.7. She must _read in the reading-room.8. They should _arrive there by this time.9. You might _complete the work earlier.10. You ought to _give me something to eat then.1. have seen 2. haveheared 3. have been 4. be hard 5. have gone 6. be mad 7. be reading 8. have arrived 9. have completed 10. have given51.不定式的用法She didnt know whether to laugh or to cry.她感觉真是啼笑皆非。不定式有时和连接代词或副词一起构成宾语。在这个句子里,不定式就是这种用法。所谓不定式有两种形式,即带to的不定式和不带to的不定式。不定式在多数情况下都带to,不带to的不定式和动词原形相同。不定式在句子里可以充当很多成分,如充当句子的谓语、主语、宾语、定于、状语和表语等。它毕竟还是动词,因此具有动词的某些特征,如它可以有自己的宾语和状语共同构成不定式短语,它也可以有自己的逻辑主语。(1) Will you please call back again in a little while?请过一会儿再打电话好吗?语法分析:不带to的不定式和助动词共同构成句子的谓语。(2) She is said to have been to Canada many times.据说她曾经多次去过加拿大。语法分析:不定式和某些被动结构在句子里构成复合谓语。(3) It is so good to talk to you.和你谈话真好。语法分析:it作先行主语后面的不定式是真正的主语,这样可以使主语避免显得过长,常见的这类句子结构有it+be+形容词+不定式, it+名词或动词+不定式以及it+be+介词短语+不定式等。(4) I asked her to convey my best wishes to her mother.我请她向她的母亲问好。语法分析:“名词或代词+不定式”的形式跟在动词后面可以在句子中做复合宾语,这样的动词有很多。(5) Did you see anyone enter the office?你看见什么人进办公室了吗?语法分析:在诸如see, hear, let, watch, notice, have, fell等某些动词后面可以跟不带to的不定式,构成句子的复合宾语。(6) Shes a nice person, to be sure.可以肯定,她是个好人。语法分析:不定式修饰整个句子,因而称之为句子状语。1. She likes to half _close his eyes.2. I told him to stay at home and _wait till I came back.3. She was sent abroad _educate.4. The baby seemed _dream.5. She was known _work for the International Olympic Committee.6. Would you like something _drink?7. It isnt right _waste so much money on it.1. close 2. wait 3. to be educated 4. to be dreaming 5. to have worked 6. to drink 7. to waste52.关于不定式用法的注意点She tried to explain.她试图解释一下。有些动词可以用不定式直接作宾语,如try, want, like, wish, hate, mean, pretend, begin, decide, learn, determine和 expect 等。还有些动词不能直接跟不定式作宾语,需用it代替不定式作宾语,这些动词有find, make, think, consider 和feel 等。也有些动词不能直接跟不定式作宾语,需在不定式前加连接代词或连接副词。有些动词可以跟不定式作宾语补语,如 love, teach, ask, get, tell, invite, force, oblige 和 beg 等。(1) Her father cannot afford to buy her a bike.她的爸爸无法给她买辆自行车。语法分析:不定式直接作宾语。(2) I thought it impossible to arrive that place in one hour.我认为一个小时到达那个地方是不可能。语法分析:it代替不定式作宾语。(3) Does she know which to take?她知道要哪一个吗?语法分析:动词know不能直接用不定式作宾语,需在不定式前加连接代词或连接副词。(4) She asked me to help her with lessons this evening.她请我晚上帮她补习功课。语法分析:有些动词可以跟不定式作宾语补语。(5) I wait for you to decide.我等你做出决定。语法分析:有些动词也可跟不定式作宾语补语。(6) Listen to me read the text.听我读课文。语法分析:使役动词和某些感官动词后可接不定式作宾语,在主动语态里,不定式省去to。1. The birds refused _take him back.2. She decided _do some experiments to test her theory.3. He pretended _finish it.4. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry _develop very quickly.5. Do you consider it better not _go.6. They know _ to do it.7. Nobody knows _ to do next.8. Ive forgot _ way to take.9. She got young girls _learn nursing there.10. I ask Tom _lend me some money.11. I long for you _see him.12. I hope youll advise me what _do.13. He made some candles _give light.14. I made a big fire _keep off the wild animals.15. I have found her _be friendly.1. to take 2. to do 3. to have finished 4. to develop 5. to go 6. how 7. what 8. which 9. to learn 10. to lend 11. to see 12. to do 13. to give 14. to keep 15. to be53.动名词的用法He resented being called a baby.他不喜欢别人叫他小宝宝。在这个句子中,动名词的被动形式作动词的宾语,此外还可作介词的宾语。动名词就是动词的-ing形式,在句子中可以充当很多成分,如作主语、表语以及宾语等,还可构成合成词。有的动名词已很接近名词或已变成了名词,这些动名词可以有复数形式也可以有定语修饰。动名词也有被动形式和完成形式,可以有一个物主代词或名词的所有格来作它的逻辑主语。(1) Talking mends no holes.空谈无济于事。语法分析:动名词用作句子的主语。(2) Its a wonder meeting you here.在这里遇到你真是个奇迹。语法分析:先行词it作主语,而把动名词主语放到句子后部,作表语的可以是名词或形容词。(3) There was no knowing what she could do.很难说她能干些什么。语法分析:在“There is + no”结构后面可以用动名词作主语。(4) They will put off doing it until next year.他们将推迟到明年再做这件事。语法分析:在很多成语动词后面也可以用动名词作宾语,诸如give up, carry on, keep on, go on 以及cut out 等。(5) I remember telling you about it.我记得曾告诉过你这件事。语法分析:某些动词后面可以用动名词作宾语,此时则表示已发生的动作,如果用不定式作宾语,则表示动作即将发生。(6) It has started raining (to rain).天开始下雨了。语法分析:在某些动词如 begin, start, intend, continue 以及cease 等动词后面可以跟动名词和不定式,意思上没有什么差别。1. I hate _interrupt.2. He regretted _leave Beijing.3. I have no object on _send him abroad.4. How about _come with me to the theater?5. She was not accustomed to _associate with such people.6. I advised _take a different approach.7. _read French is easier than speaking it.1. being interrupted 2. having left 3. sending 4. coming 5. associating 6. taking 7. Reading54.关于动名词用法的注意点You must not give up studying foreign languages for evern a day.哪怕是一天,你也不应该放弃学习外语。有很多动词可以跟动名词作宾语,如suggest, finish, miss, excuse, pardon, advise, keep on,give up 和 put off 等。也有些动词后面可以接动名词和不定式作宾语,还有的动词后面不接动名词,如 wish, hope, agree, care, fail, afford 和 determine 等。有很多词可作动名词的逻辑主语,如形容词性物主代词,名词所有格,人称代词的宾语,名词普通格等。名词化的动名词更多地具有名词的特性,可与冠词连用,也可有定语修饰,可以有复数形式。(1) Please leave off crying.请不要再哭了。语法分析:有很多动词可以直接跟动名词作宾语。(2) Do you like playing (to play) chess?你喜欢下棋吗?语法分析:有些动词后面可以接动名词和不定式作宾语。(3) I remember seeing him once somewhere.我记得在某处见过他。语法分析:在某些动词,如 remember 和 forget 等后面接动名词作表语,表示此动名词的动作已完成,用不定式作表语,表示此不定式作的动作尚未完成。(4) Would you mind my reading your books?我看看你的书可以吗?语法分析:形容词性物主代词作动名词的逻辑主语。(5) Do you object to my friends joining you?你发对我朋友参加到你们一起来吗?语法分析:名词所有格作动名词的逻辑主语。(6) She spoke of there being danger.她谈到过有危险。语法分析:有时there可充当动名词being 的形式主语、(7) These readings are useful to the students.这些读物对学生有用处。语法分析:名词化的动名词可有复数形式。1. He crossed the street to avoid _meet his teacher.2. I suggested _go a walk.3. She keeps _think about it.4. Would you mind _open the door?5. After _take careful aim, he let the arrow fly.6. I am looking forward to _make a trip to Beijing.7. She insists on _do it in her own way.8. Her trouble is her not _have enough money.9. She was awaken by someone _knock at the door.10. Excuse me for my _be careless.关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里http:/m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0


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