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上海版2020年中考英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语法选择 (共1题;共12分)1. (12分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In the dining room of my grandfathers house stood a big grandfathers clock. The table was always 1with wonderful food and 2as the main part. And always that grandfathers clock stood like a trusted old family 3, sharing our happiness.As I was a child, the old clock 4 me. I watched and listened to it during meals. I5how at different times of the day, even more wonderful to me was what my grandfather did each day. He never let that clock wind down and 6. He even showed us how to use the key to wind(上发条) the clock. Year after year, the clock became a part of my 7, a part of my heart. The clock stayed with my grandfather until he passed away.Several days after my grandfather died, I entered the dining room, with tears flowing8. My grandmother gave me the clock and the key. I opened the clock door with my 9 hand. Then slowly, gently, I entered the key and wound the clock. It began with tick tock, tick tock ,10 of the clock was breathed into the dining room, into house and into my 11. In the movement of the hands of the clock, my grandfather 12 again .(1)A . cooked B . spread C . cleared D . left (2)A . stress B . surprise C . worry D . love (3)A . friend B . guard C . doctor D . lawyer (4)A . excited B . encouraged C . interested D . comforted (5)A . questioned B . remembered C . doubted D . wondered (6)A . break B . fall C . move D . stop (7)A . studies B . opinions C . memories D . brains (8)A . politely B . gently C . difficultly D . freely (9)A . shaking B . calming C . cheering D . feeling (10)A . life B . style C . information D . color (11)A . study B . bedroom C . heart D . mind (12)A . died B . lived C . smiled D . sang 二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)2. (10分) Madison Stump is a 13-year-old entrepreneur (企业家) in the USA. To save our planet, she has 1a green business, PaperAgain.Madison lives in a “green” family. She is 2trying to be 100% earth friendly. One day, Mandison was thinking over what else she could do to help the environment. 3, she thought, “Why not 4those used boxes and paper to create beautiful notebooks? And I can sell them to help people in need.” That night, Mandison made her first notebook with scrap paper (废纸), and she used an empty gum box for a 5. It was the 6 of her green business.Mandisons first customer was her sister. She, of course, never 7it! However, Mandison didnt mind because she got to see her use it. Before you know it, all Mandisons school friends were asking to buy the amazing notebooks. Then, Mandisons dad came up with the 8idea of starting a website, PaperAgain.com, so that these notebooks could be bought online.Now Mandison is the 9 of a real business! Her notebooks are selling at the store in her hometown. And she is often 10 on the local television news!(1)A . set out B . set off C . set up D . set at (2)A . always B . already C . never D . nearly (3)A . Happily B . Luckily C . Finally D . Suddenly (4)A . return B . recycle C . repair D . replace (5)A . cover B . paper C . face D . book (6)A . end B . change C . start D . entrance (7)A . paid for B . made for C . sent for D . waited for (8)A . familiar B . silly C . dull D . wonderful (9)A . worker B . winner C . owner D . master (10)A . explained B . reported C . replied D . spread 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)3. (10分)You dont need to speak French to understand the Parisians. You just need to know how to make gestures. A new guide has come out by French tourism officials, which is to help foreign visitors understand Parisians with a list of commonly used gestures like “shut up”. “If you use them the next time when youre in Paris, people will start mistaking you for a native (当地人) in no time,” says the online guide at www.cestsoparis.com.Some of the citys rude native people in Paris have been a headache for the tourism authorities(旅游当局) for a long time. They have tried their best to ask Parisians to be more friendly to foreign visitors. They have decided to show visitors commonly used gestures by Parisians at www.cestsoparis.com. Visitors can learn and get help from there.The website includes the common gestures such as “Bof” and “Camembert”. “Bof” is used to mean “I dont know” or “I disagree”, and “Camembert” is to tell someone to shut up.And it also includes a note, which warns visitors not to use the gestures too freely.Otherwise, they may see some even ruder Parisian expressions.(1)The coming out of that new guide in France is.A . to help foreign visitors to learn French wellB . to help foreign visitors understand ParisiansC . to make a suitable website in ParisD . to tell people the importance of speaking French(2)The gesture “Camembert” in the website means.A . I dont knowB . I disagreeC . Dont speakD . Dont stop speaking(3)The underlined word “They” refers to(指代).A . the rude native people in ParisB . the tourism authorities in ParisC . the commonly used gesturesD . the foreign visitors in Paris(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A . Some native Parisians are rude to foreign visitors.B . The new guide is mainly for foreign tourists.C . Youll be regarded as a native if you use the gestures at www.cestsoparis.com.D . You can use the gestures in Paris as freely as you want.(5)The BEST title for this passage is.A . How to learn FrenchB . What places to visit in ParisC . Gestures make you a ParisianD . How rude Parisians are4. (10分) For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshoppingwatching TV and buying things by phone.Now teleshopping is starting in Europe (欧洲).In a number of European countries, people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes, jewelry, food, toys, and many other things.Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden, for example.The biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries, and in one year it made 100 million.In France there are two teleshopping channels, and the French spend about 20 million a year to buy things through these channels.In Germany, until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for 1 hour every day.Then the government allowed (允许) more telepshopping.Other channels can open for telebusiness, including (包括) the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company.German businessmen are hoping this new teleshopping will help them sell more things.Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving their homes .With all the problems of traffic in the cities, this is an important reason.But at the same time, other Europeans do not like this new way of shopping.They call teleshopping “junk (垃圾) on the air”.Many Europeans usually worry about the quality (质量) of the things for sale on TV.Good quality is important to them, and they believe they cannot be sure about the quality of the things on TV.The need for high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be different from the American companies.They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell.They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see in person.(1)Teleshopping is _ in Europe.A . not popularB . growingC . not possibleD . cheap(2)People like teleshopping because it is _ .A . AmericanB . cheaperC . easierD . more popular(3)Some Europeans dont like teleshopping because they _ .A . dont like to buy thingsB . dont watch TVC . believe the things sold on TV are expensiveD . think the things sold on TV are bad quality(4)In Germany, teleshopping may _ .A . help businessmen get more moneyB . keep the shops open longerC . have fewer buyersD . bring better TV programmes(5)The best title of this passage is _ .A . American TeleshoppingB . Teleshopping CompaniesC . Teleshopping in EuropeD . TeleshoppingJunk on the Air5. (10分) When Bill is very young, he loves picture. His mother often draws some for him on old pieces of paper. She is very bad at drawing, but bill likes her pictures and always wants more. Then, when he is a little older, Bills mother gives him some pencils and a drawing book, and he begins drawing pictures, too. But they are never good .When Bill is five years old, his mother gives him a small blackboard and some pieces of a baby on the blackboard, he draws lines(线条) and rubs(擦) them out too for ten minutes , but when he looks at his picture , he is not happy. “Well”, he says at last(最后) to his mother, “Ill put a tail(尾巴) on it and make it a monkey.”(1)Bill _ when he is very young.A . loves watching TV very muchB . often wants his mother to draw pictures for himC . likes old pieces of paper very muchD . always wants his mother to buy pictures for him(2)He is a little older, so his mother gives him _ and lets him begin drawing pictures .A . some paper and inkB . a book and some pensC . some pencils and a drawing bookD . a blackboard and some old paper(3)How old is he when he is trying to draw a baby on the blackboard?A . Hes five years oldB . Hes fifteen years oldC . Hes fifty years oldD . Hes five like a cat(4)Bill wants to put a tail in the picture , so _ .A . it looks like a duckB . it looks like a dogC . it looks like a monkeyD . it looks like a cat(5)Which of the following sentences is right?A . Bills mother does will in drawing.B . Bill isnt bad at drawing.C . There are three people in the story.D . Bill isnt happy when he looks at his picture of a baby6. (10分)(1)If you want to know some information about outer space (外太空),you can go to.A . the XuanWu LakeB . the Zijin Mountain ObservatoryC . the Hongshan Forest ZooD . A and B(2)If your parents and you go to the Xuanwu Lake,you should spendyuan on tickets (票)A . 50B . 60C . 70D . 80(3)You can go to the Zijing Mountain Observatory at.A . 5.00 a.mB . 6.00 p.m.C . 1.00p.m.D . 7.30 a.m.(4)Jack wants to see the panda, he can go to.A . the Hongshan Forest ZooB . the Xuanwu LakeC . the Zijin Mountain ObservatoryD . A,B and C(5)Its fine today. Jack and his friends want to go boatingYou can go tolook for themA . the Zijin Mountain ObservatoryB . the Xuanwu LakeC . the Hongshan Forest ZooD . A and C四、 阅读填空 (共1题;共7分)7. (7分)任务型阅读Every day, I go to school (A)by school bus. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art (B) Science. I like my school (C) the teachers are all very friendly. My dream is (D)当工程师.I like (E)many sports. I (F)擅长swimming and playing basketball. (G)These are my favourite hobbies.(1)对A处划线部分提问。_ you go to school every day?(2)在B处和C处各填入一个适当的词。_ _(3)将D处和F处的汉语译成英语。_ _(4)写出E处的近义词语(单词或短语)。_(5)写出G处指代的英语。_五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)8. (1分)What is the noise? There must be someone k_ at the door.六、 完成句子 (共1题;共4分)9. (4分)她每周看一次电影。She_once a week七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)假如你是李云,琳达(Linda) 是两年前就读于你校的交换生,昨天你收到了她的电子邮件。请根据下面邮件及提示内容,给她回一封邮件。Dear Li Yun,Long time no see! How is everything going? I miss you very much. I think you must be more beautiful now. Tell me what you look like now.Yours,Linda提示:1)比以前长高了,生活更健康了;2)看电视、玩电脑游戏的时间少了,学习更好了;3)性格更外向了,交了很多的朋友。要求:1)用上所有提示内容;2)词数:80 词。Dear Linda,Yours,Li Yun第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 语法选择 (共1题;共12分)1-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)2-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、四、 阅读填空 (共1题;共7分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)8-1、六、 完成句子 (共1题;共4分)9-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、


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