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小学阶段语法要点一、 可数名词与不可数名词1、可数名词:A、定冠词与不定冠词的用法:A1、不定冠词-a(n) (泛指单一、每一、任一)a girl, an active girl单词第一个音是发元音,表示“一”时,用“an”表示:an apple an elephant an idea an old man an umbrella注意“U”在单词中的发音:university a universityuncle an uncleumbrella an umbrellaA2、the (特指这/那/这些/那些 )the boy the dogs the lake用a/an或the填空:1.Whos _boy?2._young lady is our principal.3. Please pass me _plate.4. I live on _ fifth floor.5.Mary is _ active girl.6.Dont read in _ sun.7.Do you like _ piano by the table?B、可数名词的复数形式的规律:B1、一般情况下,直接加-s,如: cat-cats, bed-bedsB2、以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如: brush-brushes, watch-watchesB3、以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries也就是说元音字母+y结尾,直接加s:boy-boys toy-toysB4、以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives wife-wives leaf-leavesB5、不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice, child-children foot-feet, tooth-teeth goose-geese fish-fish, people-people, sheep-sheep deer-deerThere _ many sheep on the farm.(并不是说sheep没有数量,它是单复数同形)B6、人称代词的单复数对比:人称类别第一人称第二人称第三人称人称代词主格单数Iyouhesheit复数weyouthey人称代词宾格单数meyouhimherit复数usyouthem形容词性物主代词单数myyourhisherits复数ouryourtheir名词性物主代词单数mineyourshishersits复数oursyourstheirsB7、指示代词:this-these that-those写出下列单词的单数或复数形式:me- mine ours- him- they- her- this- those- it-写出单数句或复数句:1.Her teacher is over there.2.They have some interesting story book.3.That book is mine.C、名词的所有格:C1、对比:Zhang Pengs bike Zhang Peng and Mikes bike Zhang Pengs and Mikes bikesthe teachers bike the teachersbikesC2、用“of”表达的所有关系 a picture of my room the name of the school a friend of mine2、不可数名词A、不可数名词:water juice milk coffee coke snow rain ice rice honey meat beef motton pork tofu eggplant chicken fish bread news homework housework money hair B、不可数名词没有数的概念请对比:some coffee some knivesmuch water many dictionariesa bag of rice a bag of orangestwo glasses of milk two boxes of crayonsHow much money? How many students?改写句子:There is a little water in the bottle.There is a little water in the bottle.There are forty students in our class.3、some/any, a little/a few, little/few, much/many/a lot of/lots of用法上的区别:A、some/any表示“一些”,后面可跟可数或不可数:some milk, some applesany milk, any applessome (用于肯定句及客气请求问句)any(用于否定句及问句)用some/any填空:1. Would you like _milk?2. Do you have _ money?3. Can you give me _ water?4. Are there _ fish in the river?5. Yes, therere _.6. No, I dont have _.7. There isnt _ milk in the box.B、some/any与a few/ a little的对比:some用于肯定句=a little =a few=severala little+不可数 a little breada few+可数 a few days a few applesseveral+可数 several days any(用于否定句及问句)=little=fewI have a little money.=I have some money.I have little money. = I dont have any money.I have a few friends. = I have some friends.I have few friends. = I dont have any friends.与常见否定句不同的“否定句”。I can hardly wait.I never go to Paris on foot.I have no brothers or sisters.I have little money.I have few friends.C、many/much表示数量很多many+可数 many friendsmuch+不可数 much money=a lot of=lots of写出下列各词的复数 I _him _this_ her _watch _child _photo _diary _ day_ foot_ book_ dress _tooth_ sheep _ box_ strawberry _thief _ peach_ sandwich _man_ woman_ 4、总是以复数形式出现的单词:shoes, sandals, slipper, sneakers,boots, jeans, shorts, pants, trousers, glasses, grapes, noodles,woods, French fries, 5、特殊的数量:everyone (单数)all of us(复数)some of my friends(复数)one of my friends (单数)this pair of shoes (单数)完成下面的练习,注意人称、数量和动词的一致。1. The _(stream) join together and _(become) a river.2. Lets be _(friend).3. The cloud _(come) from the water.4. _there any juice in the glass?5. Where do the _(bus)come from?6.The boys often _(do) sports after work.二、时态对比:1、时态的变化体现在动词的变化:row a boat过去时 I rowed a boat yesterday.将来时 I am going to row a boat tomorrow. 或 I will row a boat tomorrow.现在进行时 I am rowing a boat now.一般现在时 I often row a boat. He often rows a boat.原型 三单式 现在分词 过去式go 样 goes going wentsay says saying saidcook cooks cooking cooked2、各动词形式的变化规律:A、动词三单式与名词复数的规律一样;B、现在分词的规律:B1、直接加ing; drawing reading B2、不发音“e”结尾去掉“e”,再加ing; diving, writing, B3、重读闭音节,双写末尾字母再加ing. running, swimming, putting下面哪些单词是重读闭音节rain sit eat row begin open listen draw buy cut set shopfat thin hot C、特殊的过去式要记住1.make-made2.do-did3.come- came4.go-went5.buy- bought6.eat- ate7.catch- caught8.say- said9.study- studied10.have- had 11.run- ran12.fall- fell13.am- was14.are- were15.sleep- slept16.know- knew17.ride- rode18.keep- kept19.wake- woke20. write- wrote21. win- won22.drive- drove23.meet- met24.draw- drew25.speak- spoke26.get- got27.feel- felt28.read- read29.give- gave30.tell- told31.take- took32.sit- sat33.swim- swam34.drink- drank35.teach- taught36.think- thought37.sing- sang38.see- saw39.fly- flew40.find- found41.leave- left42.sweep- swept43.begin- began44.cut- cut45.bring- brought46.put- put47.hurt-hurt48.let- let49.will- would50.break- broke51.set- set52.stop- stopped53.shop- shopped54.travel- travelled55.cancel- cancelled56.wear- wore 3、特别要注意:A、现在进行时不要漏 “be”动词B、一般现在时的第三人称单数的动词+s或es。完成下面的练习1. -What Su Hai last Sunday? (do) She (go) for a walk.2. -Did you (swim) last Saturday? No. We (watch) a film. 3. -What Wang Bing usually after school? (do) -He usually (go) home and (teach) his little brother.4. -(be) Miss Li in the teachers office now? No. She (take) photos on the playground.5.Its 2:30 in the afternoon. The children _ (play) in the park.6. Helen (like) drawing horses. She (draw) in the study now.7.I_(be)back home two days later.8. I (make) a cake yesterday. She (fly) a kite last Sunday.9. My sister to the supermarket every Sunday. 10. Tomorrow she to the supermarket with me. (go)你能把下面的句子进行时态互换吗?1.He is singing now.(过去时)2.They took some pictures yesterday.(将来时)3.We are going to Beijing tomorrow.(一般现在时)4.Where are you going this afternoon?(过去时)5.What did they do yesterday?(现在进行时)6.Did he read a book yesterday?(一般现在时)4、注意个别动词的特殊用法:1.Policeman Yuang Yuang enjoys _(help) people. enjoy+doing(动名词)2I would like _(sing) a song for you.would like+to动词原形3.He wants _ (help) you with your English. want+to+动词原形4.Look! The little boy is helping his mother _ (wash) the clothes.help+动词原形 =help withHe helped his mother washHe is going to help his mother washHe often helps his mother wash5._(run) is my favourite sport.动名词6.My little sister likes_(play)the violin.like+动名词like to +动词原形I like collecting stamps.I like to collect stamps.7.The policeman told us _(take)the No.11 bus. to+动词原形8.Lets _(go) hiking tomorrow.9.Lets _(fly) kites now.lets+动词原形10.Yesterday he _(visit) his grandma and _ (play)football._ and_前后单词的时态一样A:He reads books and watches TV on Sundays.B: Hes singing and dancing.C: He has to stay at home and look after his mother.11.He often _(go) to the library to_(read) books.to+动词原形12.How about _(name) it Ben?5、单词like的用法小结:A、动词,表示“喜欢”;like+动名词 I like swimming.like +to +动词原形I like to swim in the sea.He likes to collect stamps.He likes collecting stamps.B、动词,与“look”连用,表示“看起来像”He looks like his father.C、动词,与would 连用,表示“想要”would like+名词I would like some beef.would like to+动词原形He would like to go to the painting show with you.D、介词,表示“像,样子”Whats the weather like? =Hows the weather?Whats your room like?Whats your room like?完成下面的练习,注意使用正确的助动词和“be”动词。( do, does ,did,/ is, am, are, were, was )1._you busy yesterday? Yes, I _.2._you clean your room last night? No, I _.3.How _the workers go to work? They usually go on foot.4._they going to Beijing? No, they _.5.I _like football. My sister _, either.6.-Look! The boys _ reading in the park. - No, they _. They _ catching butterflies.7._your parents at home last night? No, they _. They went shopping.8. _they play football yesterday?9._it windy last Sunday?10._ she often walk to school?根据上下文意思及首字母写单词:1.Who are you l_ at?2.He often c_ butterflies in the garden.3.Is your mother going to t_ a trip?4.Last night I w_ to my best friend.三、形容词的比较级和最高级1、比较级与最高级的意思上的区别:比较级:两者的比较,A与B 最高级:A集体里,B最2、用法上的注意要点:A、比较级有单词“than”,或者字面表达两者的比较;IIm taller than you.Whose hair is longer, yours or your sisters?B、最高级会有单词“the”;Hes the best student in our class.3、比较级与最高级单词的构成:A、直接加er,est; longer longestB、单词是y结尾的:B1、辅音字母+y结尾的,改 “y”为 “i”,再加er, est happyhappier happiest B2、元音字母+ y结尾的,直接加er, est 写出下列形容词比较级和最高级old_ young_ tall_ long_ short_ strong_ big_ small_fat_ thin_ heavy_ light_nice_ good_ beautiful_high_ slow_ fast_ late_ early_ far_ well_根据句意填入单词的正确形式:1. My brother is two years _(old) than me.2. Tom is as _(heavy) as Jim.3. Who is _(thin),you or Helen? Helen is.4.He is the _(good)in his class. 5.Who gets up _(early),Tim or Tom? 写出同义句:1.My bag is cheaper than yours.2.Hes taller than the other students in his class.四、there be 句型与have, has的区别there be 句型是表示“某地方有”最接近原则 不可数名词用 there ishave, has 则表示“某人拥有”1. I_ a good father and a good mother. 2. _a computer on the desk.3. He_a tape-recorder. 4. _some trees near the river. 5. _ she _any dresses?6. _there any watermelons in the basket an hour ago? 7. There _ some rice and a banana on the table. 五、人称代词和物主代词 人称类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称人称代词主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey人称代词宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs1、注意要点:A、“无论是”Is this? Is that? Is it? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Are these? Are those? Are they?Yes, they are./No, they arent.B、动词及个别介词后面用宾格Miss Lin teach_ Chinese.(我们)This present is for _.(她)My parents are going to Beijing with_.(我)C、常常弄错的人称:Is Kates hair long and brown?Yes,she is. Yes, it is. 2、英语里男名、女名是固定的。男名:Mike, Tom, Tim, Ted, David, John女名:Mary, Amy, Sarah, Kate, Lily, Lucy写出同义句:1. Are these her presents?Are these _ _?2. My mother is going to buy a book for me.My mother is going to buy _ _ _.3. Miss Li teaches us music.Miss Li is _ _.4. Your arms are longer than mine._ arms are _ than _.六、数词基数词:forty序数词:first second third fourth fifth ninth twelfth twentieth twenty-first 序数词是表示“第几”的意思July the fifth = July 5thSeptember the second = Sep.2nd填入适当的数词1. There are _months in a year.2. There are _days in a week. Sunday is the _day of a week.3. Im twelve years old. Today is my _ birthday.4. Twenty and twenty is _.5. Are there many apples on the table? No, there is only _.6.Mothers Day is the _Sunday in May. Fathers Day is the _Sunday in June.七、介词in on under at near behind in front of by on the right on the left with without over there here there for of from to 1、方位介词;A、next to表示在旁边;near表示在附近B、固定搭配:come down, go up, come here, go there;2、时间介词;A、时间的表达通常从小到大:at six thirty in the morningB、不同时间用不同介词表达:年 in Year 2011四季in spring, in autumn月 in January 日 on Sunday, on my birthday上午/下午 in the morning, in the afternoon时刻 at four oclock3、固定搭配:at noon on Sunday morning1.We usually do our homework _ school.2.I stayed _ my friends _ a week _my holiday.3.Tom is in front of Peter. Peter is _ Tom.4.The day _ tomorrow is Friday. 5.I have rice and meat _ lunch.6.We often wait _ the bus _the bus stop.7. Tom is my deskmate, so he sits _ _me. 8.Whos the girl _ a red dress? Mary. 9.We dont go to work_ Sundays.10. Dont read _ the sun, Its bad _ your eyes. 11. Which grade are you _? Im_ Grade Five.12. I have a new pen pal _ America. Im writing an email _him _my computer.13. Today is Marys birthday. These presents are _ her. 14. Summer comes _spring, but _fall.15. We can listen _ the radio _ the classroom. 16. Tom and Linda come _ China. Theyre Chinese.17. The child is playing _ a toy.18. Look _ the birds. They are flying _ the sky. 19.Dont look out _ the classroom.20. We have lunch _ our school restaurant. 21. We write _ our right hands.22. There are many new books _the bookshelf.23. Thank you _ your help. 24. The pupils are reading some books _ plants. 25. Please turn left _the first traffic light.26.There is a banana _ the banana tree. There are some birds _it, too.27.I met him _my way home _school.28.Hes sending an e-card _ his grandma.29.My mother bought a birthday cake _me. 30.He is good _ swimming.31.Tom gets _ at seven every morning.32.Whats wrong _ you?33.There is something wrong _ my back.34.He often helps me _ my English.35.Its time _ have breakfast. =Its time _ breakfast.36.A killer whale is smaller than a sperm whale _ its size.37.Hes talking _his friends _south gate _the park.38.Please listen _ me carefully.39.Its too cold. Dont take _ your coat.40.The bookstore is _my right.41.He sits _ Tom and Mary.42.I work _ Monday _ Friday.43.He is ill, so he has to stay _ bed.44.Dont be late _ this meeting.45.I usually walk _school, and he goes _subway.46.What is the name _ the factory?47.Betty is English. What _ you?48.Whos the woman _ the black dress/ _an English book?49.They are laughing _Mikes funny face. 50.She looks _ her father.51.Do the students stay _ home _ Saturdays?52.My mother is cutting the cake _ a knife . 53.Well play football _ class.54.Go _ this road, turn left _ the first crossing.55.Can you tell me the way _ the zoo?56.Im going to do some reading _this afternoon.57.Can I speak _your mother, please?58.Walk west _15 minutes.59.I live _ the ninth floor.60.His birthday is _ 2nd October.61.The scientist is doing an experiment _whales.62. _ the weekend, I often go to my friends house.63.Johns pen is lost. He is looking _ it everywhere.64. Im going _ America _ my winter holiday.65.I live _ my grandparents. 66.My birthday is _Jan.2nd .67.I have breakfast _7:15. _ that I go to school.68.I can tell a story _French. 69.This yellow bag is bigger _that brown one.70.This is a picture _ my bedroom. 71.Is it very far _here? Sure.72.Dont turn _the TV. I want to watch the news_ TV.73._Christmas Day, children often get presents from their parents.74.There is a bridge _the river. _the river there are many big fish.75.You should get _ _this bus stop.76._Sunday morning, he often watches TV.77.He returned the kite _me. I was very grateful _him.78.Enjoy your visit _Kunming. 79.Fish cant live _water.80.My father likes working _numbers.81.Keep _touch. Lets write _each other.82.Whats the weather _ _China? Its cold _the north, but its hot _the south.83.Pleas dont come_. You should go _.84.Whats your mother _? Shes tall and young. Shes kind.八、情态动词 can, must, may,would, have to1、各单词的用法上的区别:A、can表示“能、会”,表示有这种能力: I can draw picturs.B、can表示“可以”,表示允许做:We can go at a red light.C、can/could/may可用于客气请求,could/may更有礼貌:Can I have some milk? Could you help me, please?May I cime in? D、would与like连用,表示“想要”: Would you like some tea?E、must表示“必须”,否定mustnt,常用于表达命令、指令:We must stop at a red light. You mustt go out of the building.F、havt to 表示“不得不”: My bike is broken. I have to walk to school.2、注意要点:A、情态动词+动词原形 He can play the vilon.( )I _ at a red light.A.mustnt walk B.can walk C.must stoppingB、除have to外,情态动词都没有数的变化:I can set the table.She would like to perform at the party.We have to stay at home.He has to stay at home.3、情态动词的过去式:can-could may-might4、would也是will的过去式:The policeman told us he would help us.各种类型题的答题技巧注意审题,要完整读几次题目。各种判断题使用的符号:T true F falseY yes N noR right W wrongS same D different还有 一、选择题 1:代入法,代入答案,反复理解;Did you _ last night?A.went swimming B.going swimming2:排除法,排除多余、错误选项,再代入答案,反复理解。二、填空题、看图完成句子、首字母提示完成短文1、要根据上下文意思来填空,步骤1:判断时态、人称步骤2:精确选词步骤3:通读句子,注意检查是否漏单词。1.He _(swim) last night.2.Is he going to _ _ _ _? (住在旅馆)3We _ _ _(等候)the bus now.4.我比他高5厘米。Im _ _ _ him.5.The sperm whale is _ _ the fish.2、先从句子的意思理解,再结合首字母,想出单词,并注意单词在句中的形式。A bus comes to the stop. An old man g_ on it. Theres no s_ for him. “The boy will give you his seat.” The driver says to the old man. But the boy in the seat d_ stand up. The driver looks at him. The he says to the old man again in a louder voice. “The boy will ge glad to g_ you his seat!” This time the boy hears it. His face goes r_. He gets up at once. The old man sits d_ and s_ to the boy, “Thank you, my boy.”三、句型转换步骤1:根据要求找准助动词do does didis am are

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