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七夕,古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情。吾生虽晚,世态炎凉却已看透矣。情也成空,且作“挥手袖底风”罢。是夜,窗外风雨如晦,吾独坐陋室,听一曲尘缘,合成诗韵一首,觉放诸古今,亦独有风韵也。乃书于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。-啸之记。 托福写作总结托福考试的介绍: 综合写作(integrated) 20分钟 主要靠听力Write 理想字数150字/20分钟 理想分数34分 独立写作(independent) 30分钟理想字数350字/25分钟理想分数45分算分方法:(integrated + independent)/2*6POOL:熟练掌握题库185道题目,最少读三遍,对题目进行分类(合并题目,掌握热点)EducationLearning托福考试热点 EnvironmentLessons in lifeModern technologyMass media独立写作的框架:(开头50字,结尾50字,中间分三段,每段80个字。) Definition 1.1Hook History Importance1. Introduction Controversy Quotation 1.2 Bridge 1.3 Main point1.1 Hook常用表达: 1. Contrary to what most people believe, ( ) are not a modern concept.1.11 History 2. ( ) have a venerable history, dating back to thousands of years ago. 3. ( ) have a history nearly as long as human civilization itself.4. Ancient Chinese/ ancient Egyptians/ ancient Indians/ cavemen ( ).These activities can be seen as the earliest forms of ( ).1. ( ) be playing an increasingly important role in ( ).2. ( ) be an indispensable part in ( ).1.12Importance 3. ( ) has/ve had enormous (tremendous) impacts (influences/effects) on every aspect (fact) of ( ).4. ( ) has/ve evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry. 1. Opinions about ( )s effects on ( ) have varied.1.13Controversy 2. Has created considerable controversy in/among ( ). Native (本土化)1.14Quotation Explanation ( sb ), one of the greater and most influential (most brilliant, foremost) Chinese (philosophers, scholars, educators, thinkers, writers, artists, statesmen, military, leaders, scientists )(of the 20th century) remarked (commented, has put it),“”. Imagination (Mencius) history is a clear mirror, history is a bright lamp, history is a wise teacher.(Confucius 子曰)具体内容见讲义附录Introduction 除了用hook 之外,还可以用 question (bridge) 的格式来写。 Bridge quotation (hook) Main point MP1.2Bridge的常用表达 设问法 1.the question is“” 2.( )constantly find themselves confronted. 虚拟观点 some educators argue that adolescents are encourage to study more.1.3Main point 设问法(回答问题) I believe the answer is yes (no). 虚拟观点 I (dis)agree with this opinion, the reasons are as follows.2.Body:Sub point 分论点连接词:Logical word: First (to begin with, for starters)Second Finally (last, but not least) 并列:besides, in addition to (prep) In addition, furthermore, moreover (adv) 递进:more important, most important, about all (adv)(副词后面不能加名词) 转折:but, yet, however 让步:although, though, despite, the fact that 对比:on the one hand, on the other hand3. Conclusion:3.1 Logical word: All in all, in a nutshell, in summary, in conclusion3.2 Paraphrase MP & gist sentence (排比方式) 讲义上有例子3.3 Final comments: Suggestion Quotation (如果开头用了名人,结尾可以用身边的人)Positive: As (name), ( ), has wisely put it, “make the best of every thing.” we should explore its benefits (advantages) to the full extent to serve the best interests of ( ).Negative: As (name), ( ), has wisely put it,“( )”, it is high time (it is imperative) to take effective measures to reduce its negative impacts (address the problem) to promote (ensure) the interests (well- being) of ( ).Positive & negative (Name), ( ), has wisely put it, “everything has its good and evil sides/( ) is a double-edged sword .” as a result, we should and, in the meantime, to写作细节:1.Main point如何确立?根据题库可将作文题目分成四类:1.1A+-型:一个事物的正负面影响Example 154HookImp + controBridgeParents and educators find themselves constantly confrontment with the question, “are问题?”A+MPI believe the answer is yes.A+1Provide incentivesA+2Improve on weaknessesA+3ConA-MPI believe the answer is no. A-1Create excessive stressA-2Harm all around developmentA-3ConA+A-MPI believe the answer is a qualified yes, despite some negative consequences, scores often far more benefit.A+1A+2A-1A-A+MPI believe the answer is a qualified no, despite some benefit consequences, scores often far more negative.A+A-/A-.A+;although; despite the fact that; despite.Example: Although/despite the fact that it gives rise to problems and challenges, A brings greater benefits.Despite some problems and challenges, A brings greater benefits.Example 144A+-MPI believe the answer is yes and no. scores are mixed blessings.On the one hand A+ on the one hand, scores encourages students to study harder.A+1.A+2On the other hand A- on the other hand, scores can have negative consequences.A-1A-2Example 74HookImp + controBridge设问A-MPI agree with this opinion.A-1Harms health A-2Impacts learningA-3Leads to rises in crimesConA+MPI disagree with this opinion.A+1Disseminate inter A+2Enhance learningA+3Improve friendshipConA-A+MPBasically (Essentially), I agree with this opinion. Although it offers some benefits, television has far more negative impacts.A-1A-2A+1A+-MPI believe television is a mixed blession. On the one hand, A+On the one hand, A-Case by case MPMy stance should be determined on a case by case basis.Educational programs promote the development of adolescents.Case1Discovery series scientific facts and theoriesCase2Family album language learningInappropriate or indecent programs have harmful effects.Case1Smoking scene harm health Case2Sex and violence content commitCon1.2AB型:两个不同的事物选择Example 78 A-outdoor; B-indoorA(1)MPI believe outdoor activities are superior.A+1Enjoy a congenial environment.A+2Have more physical activities.A+3Exciting and thrilling. (bungee jumping)ConA(2)MPA+1A+2B-1Undermine health.A(3)MPAlthough indoor activities have their merits, I believe outdoor activists are superior because they have greater benefits.A+1A+2B+1B(1)MPIndoor activities are better choices.B+1ConvenientB+2ComfortableB+3SafeConB(2)MPIndoor activitiesB+1B+2A-1DangerousConB(3)MPAlthough outdoor activities have their merits, I believe indoor activists are superior because they have greater benefits.B+1B+2A+1ConCase by caseMPThe answer to that question should be determined on a case by case basis. In many cases, outdoor activities are better choices.Case1Case2However, in many other cases, indoor activities are preferable.Case1Case21.3 A? 型:Example 182MPI believe there are mainly three reasons why people are attracted to dangerous activities.Sp1Sp2Sp3Example 43MPI can learn three aspects of a country from watching its movies.Sp1Learn about the lives of famous people.Sp2Important historical events.Sp3Delicious food.1.4Compound 型:分解成A+-/AB型题目来做Example 06-10-28 renewable resources of energy will soon replace the old resources of fossil fuels.MPI believe fossil fuels will be replaced by renewable energy eventually but not soon.A+Cheaper cleanerB-Expensive pollution A-UnreliableConExample 07-12-01 people should not have to pay for public transportation.MPI believe the answer is qualified yes.A+1Reduce pollutionA+2Reduce congestion A+3Save money for residentsA-1Impose financial burden on city authoritiesBOther effective opinions lower ctiarges2. Brainstorm Sps ConvincingRequirement Developable3 sub points Way 1: Bias (有倾向性的观点) (Convincing, Developable) FactsWay2: Segmentation (Developable, 3Sps)Way3: Concretion AbstractWay4: Two-side MP One-sideExample 17MPThe answer is no.A-1Judging by looks leads to terrible mistakes about a persons content.A-2Judging by looks is equal to discrimination.Example 43 见上Example 115 A+1Teach their elders how to use a computer/ skater.Example 114A+1Novels give more freedom for imagination.A+2Novels are more convenient to read.A+3Novels are cheaper.Example 56Sp1Relieve loneness.Sp2Achieve difficult tasks. Sp3Contribute to democracy. Sp4Make money.Example171A+1In some cases dress dose reflect taste and personality.3. Universal sub-point (常用观点)3.1 Cheap: 1) Economical 2) Cost less /save money 3) Relieve financial burden Expensive: 1) Cost a lot 2) Impose financial burden 附: Direct costs Indirect costs (traveling costs) (间接费用)一次性投入少也有可能expensive: 1)Long-term cost (maintenance costs) (供车) 2) External costs (pollution) 一次性投入多也有可能Cheap: 1) produce financial gains (增值) 2) Contribute to economy 3) Provide job opportunities (提供就业机会)3.2 Time saving: 1) Fast, expeditions Time consuming: 1) Be a waste of time3.3 Safe: 1) Reduce the risk of suffering. From physical injuries accidents, crime, or financial, losses. Dangerous/risky: 1) Heighten the risks of suffering From physical injuries accidents, crime, or financial, losses. 3.4 Convenient (1): 1) Be convenient to use be used anywhere at anytime not need for special equipment.Inconvenient:3.5 Convenient (2): 1) Be convenient to live provide easy access to transportation means and facilities. Inconvenient3.6 Healthy:1) Provide sb with opportunities to engage in physical activities.2) Promote the physical healthy and development of adolescents.3) Reduce the risks of various diseases. Unhealthy: (high blood pressure 高血压;obesity 发胖)1) Decrease physical activities and make life increasingly sedentary under mine. (type 2 diabetes 糖尿病)2) Heighten the risk of various diseases.3.7 Healthy (心理):1) Reduce excessive emotional (mental, acatiemic) stress and help people to relax.Unhealthy: 1) Create excessive stress.2) Lead to negative mental and physical state (stressed, anxious, depressed fatigued).3.8 Healthy:1) Hygienic(卫生) 2) Be free of bacterium.3) Reduce the risks of contracting diseases.Unhealthy:1) Be polluted with bacterium heighten the risks of contracting diseases.3.9 Enhance learning (1):1) Make the learning process more efficient and interesting.Enhance learning (2): 1) Improve concentration and boost efficiency. 2) Impede learning3) Distract3.10 Promote all-around development: 1) Help people build strong character (persistence, courage, independence).2) Master essential life skills.3) Communication skills, problem-solving skills, organizing skills, leadership)3.11 Add fun to life:1) Serve as healthy means of entertainment.2) Develop healthy interests and hobbies.3.12 Foster patriotism:(爱国主义教育)1) Contribute to abetter(煽动者)2) Understanding and appreciation of native culture& history and foster national pride.3.13 Promote understanding of alien cultures:1) Contribute to a better understanding and appreciation of distinct alien cultures and histories.3.14 Establish friendship:1) Meet people of diverse backgrounds, widen ones circle of friends, and build social connection.3.15 Improve friendship:1) Provide topics of common interests.2) Keep in close touch with friends.3.16 Improve family relationship:Estrange family relationship:Decrease quality time spent with family members.3.17 Environment friendly (环保): Have less or zero negative impacts on the environment. Promote sustainable development. Pollution: Lead to various environmental problems.4. Develop topic sentence: (methods)考虑三个方面因素: Logical 4060 words HighlightExample 102:A+1: first, the building of a university improves the local economy.1. It is because college students usually spend huge sums of money in the community.2. a recent survey, suggests that 50% of Chinese college students live off campus in rented apartments.3. Lets put it in numbers: suppose the university has 20,000 students. The average spending of a Chinese university student is 800 Yuan per month. Thus, the spending of the university students totals 16million Yuan (about xx dollars) per month.4. in consequence, the local economy will be improves considerably:5. as , , has put it,”students are one of the biggest driving forces of the economy.” Example 149:A+1:for starters, separate schools enhance learning for adolescents.1. In is because in single sex schools, teenagers can concentration 100% on studies.2. Scientific studies have found the concentration level of students in single-sex school is 20% higher than those in coed schools.(引)3. Naturally, students academic performances will be improved considerably: better scores/higher chances of going to top universities. Eventually, better jobs and higher incomes.(果)4. in contrast if teenagers attend the same schools get distanced suffer drops in scores.(反)主题句展开方法:1. 因:上推原因;2. 引:引用例子;3. 数:用数字说话;4. 果:下说结果;5. 反:与原因相反的;6. 改:改写前面的话。具体说:1. Case:It is because There are several reasons for that: first second2. Exemplify:Personal stories /Famous people /Extreme scenarious Takefor example:is a case in point.Supposewhat will happen?3. Authoritative sources:Claim that/suggest that/find that4. Quantify:Lets put it in numbers5. Reverse:In contract,/otherwise6. Paraphrase:As , , has wisely put it,“”.7. Effect:As a result, in consequence, naturally,Eventually, in the long term,8. Detailization(自创词):


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