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高一牛津英语模块二第二单元重点背诵(2-1)世界上乐意进行许多惊奇的冒险,有许多地方看 2、体验澳大利亚的阳光、沙滩和海水 3、探索令人惊奇的巴西雨林 4、挑战自我在戈壁滩长途跋涉 5、我和哥哥一直忙于计划假期 6、我们将骑骆驼穿过撒哈拉大沙漠 7、我们将和当地的向导一起骑骆驼旅游,在帐篷里野营,在又大又厚的睡袋里睡觉 8、我听说能在晴朗的夜晚看美丽的星星 9、从维多利亚湖顺流而下不远,水流湍急10、因此,我们将去激浪漂流 11、你得穿特制的衣服,戴头盔,穿救生衣,以防筏子翻过来或沉没 12、随身带上伞以防下雨 13* 熄灭烟头,以防火灾 14* 墙上的图片挂倒了 15. 我需要买一个大的、结实的轻便背包,放食品和饮用水补给品 16、我们要尽量地靠近那些动物,即使很危险 17、我的确想近距离地看大象 18、非正式的信通常手写 19、一封非正式的信通常以随意的,友好的问候开头 20、经常会重提过去的事情 21、当我说某人愚蠢时,并不是指的你 22、当那位教授讲课时,不时地查阅他的讲稿 23、骑在骆驼上旅行六天听起来像很长一段时间 24、我盼望收到你们从世界各地寄来的明信片 25、你认为值得冒生命危险去探险吗?26、还要带一条毛巾,因为你去激浪漂流会弄湿身上 27、还要带一个指南针,这样就不会迷路 28、带上防水火柴,你也许需要生火 29、最后一件装备也是最重要的,就是急救箱,以防万一生病 30、天气预报说,我们到达伦敦时会下雨 31、你去坦桑尼亚拜访你的叔叔吗? 32、英国旅游委员会下个月举行一个旅游节33、科林正要下骆驼,这时一个孩子朝他跑过来 34、我们正要关掉收音机、进入睡袋,天气预报说整个晚上会刮大风 35、当我们黎明起床时,发现天气出奇地好 36、在晴朗的天空上,像往常一样,太阳升起来了 37、我们静静的坐着,看着日出的粉红色和黄色 38、跋涉穿过丛林。学习如何轮抡斧头和坑锔 39、注意海豹。 乘游船 40、把箱子翻过来 41、这个男孩假装能阅读,但是他把书拿倒了 42、陕西官员的谎言令全国人民大为惊讶 43、我对山西煤矿灾难大为吃惊 44、一些人,包括政府高级官员对虎照撒了谎 45、孩子们盼望送给礼物 46、他盼望的那一天终于来到了 1. There are a lot of _ adventures _ _ and places to see in the world.2. _ the sun, sand and sea _ Australias famous beaches!3. _ the amazing Brazilian rainforest! 4. Challenge yourself_ _ in the Gobi desert.5. Ive been quite _ _ my holiday with my older brother.6. Were going to travel _ _ through the Sahara Desert.7. Well be traveling _ camel, with local _, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground in our big, thick _ bag. 8. Ive heard that we can see beautiful stars _ _ nights.9. A little way _ the river from Lake Victoria, the water actually gets quite _.10. So, well _ white-water _. 11. You have to wear special _, helmet and a _ jacket, in _ your raft gets _ _ down or sinks.12* Take the umbrella with you _ _ it rains. (in case _rain)13* Put _ the cigarette in case _ fire. 14* The picture on the wall is _ _.15. Ill need to buy a large, strong, light backpack to _ my _ of food and water.16. Well try to _ as _ as possible _ the animals, even though they are dangerous.17. I really want to see an elephant _ _. 18. Informal letters are usually _.19. An informal letter usually begins _ a _ and friendly greeting.20. Very often past events are _ back _. 21* When I said someone was stupid, I didnt _ _ you.22* When the professor gives lectures, he _ _ his notes now and then.23. Six days sounds like a long time _ _ _ on camels. (不定式表示将来或正在)24. I look forward _ _ your postcards from different places all over the world.25. Do you think it is worth _ your life _ adventures?26. Take a towel _ _, because you will get wet when you go white-water _.27. Also take a compass so dont _ _ _.28. Take waterproof _ with you. You may need to _ a fire.29. The last and most important _ of _ is your first aid _ in case you are sick.30. The weather report says that it _ _ _ when we arrive in London.(将自然发生)31. Will you _ _ your uncle in Tanzania?(有礼貌询问)32. The British Tourism Board will _ _ a tourism festival next month.33. Colin was _ _ _ off the camel when a child ran towards him.34. Just as we _ _ to turn off the radio and get into our sleeping bags, the weather report said that strong winds would _ all night.35. When we got up _ _, we found the weather was _ good.36. The sun rose, _ it always _, in a _ sky.37. We sat _ total _ and looked at the beautiful _ and yellows of sunrise.38. _ _ the bush. Learn how to throw axe and use a pitsaw.39. Look _ _ seals. Take a river cruise. 40* Please turn the box _ _. 41* The boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the book _. 42* Shanxi officials lies _ the people all over China. 43* I am _ that he didnt come.44* Some people, _ high officials, told lies about the Tiger Picture.44* Some people, high officials _, told lies about the Tiger Picture.45* Children look forward _ _ given gifts.46* The day he had been looking forward _ _ at last. 答案1. There are a lot of amazing adventures to have and places to see in the world.2. Experience the sun, sand and sea on Australias famous beaches!3. Explore the amazing Brazilian rainforest! 4. Challenge yourself-go trekking in the Gobi desert.5. Ive been quite busy planning my holiday with my older brother.6. Were going to travel on camels through the Sahara Desert.7. Well be traveling by camel, with local guides, camping in tents sleeping on the ground in our big, thick sleeping bag. 8. Ive heard that we can see beautiful stars on clear nights.9. A little way down the river from Lake Victoria, the water actually gets quite rough.10. So, well go white-water rafting. 11. You have to wear special clothing, helmet and a life jacket, in case your raft gets turned upside down or sinks.12* Take the umbrella with you in case it rains. (In case of rain)13* Put out the cigarette in case of fire. 14* The picture on the wall is upside down.15. Ill need to buy a large, strong, light backpack to carry my supplies of food and water.16. Well try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they are dangerous.17. I really want to see an elephant up close. 18. Informal letters are usually handwritten.19. An informal letter usually begins with a casual and friendly greeting.20. Very often past events are referred back to. 21* When I said someone was stupid, I didnt refer to you.22* When the professor gives lectures, he refers to his notes now and then.23. Six days sounds like a long time to be traveling on camels. (不定式表示将来)24. I look forward to receiving your postcards from different places all over the world.25. Do you think it is worth risking your life for adventures?26. Take a towel as well, because you will get wet when you go white-water rafting.27. Also take a compass so dont lose your way.28. Take waterproof matches with you. You may need to make a fire.29. The last and most important piece of equipment is your first aid kit in case you are sick.30. The weather report says that it will be raining when we arrive in London.(将自然发生)31. Will you be visiting your uncle in Tanzania?(有礼貌询问)32. The British Tourism Board will be holding a tourism festival next month.33. Colin was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him.34. Just as we were about turn off the radio and get into our sleeping bags, the weather report said that strong winds would blow all night.35. When we got up at dawn, we found the weather was surprisingly good.36. The sun rose, as it always does, in a clear sky.37. We sat in total silence and looked at the beautiful pinks and yellows of sunrise.38. Trek through the bush. Learn how to throw axe and use a pitsaw.39. Look out for seals. Take a river cruise. 40* Please turn the box upside down. 41* The boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the book upside-down. 42* Shanxi officials lies astonished the people all over China. 43* I am astonished that he didnt come.44* Some people, including high officials, told lies about the Tiger Picture.44* Some people, high officials included, told lies about the Tiger Picture.45* Children look forward to being given gifts.46* The day he had been looking forward to came at last.


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