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上海版2020年八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷B卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Did either of your parents come to see you yesterday? No. _ of them came to see me.A . AnyB . EitherC . NeitherD . None2. (2分) Whats this in English? Its an _.A . orangeB . boxC . ringD . watch3. (2分)His parents worry about his at school. A . successB . succeedC . successful4. (2分)I want to borrow the book, but I dont know how long I can _ it.For two weeks.A . borrowB . keepC . lendD . get5. (2分)Who encourage you the unusual trip? A . tryingB . triesC . to try6. (2分)Did you decide _ a new car?A . to buyB . buyC . buys7. (2分)You _ drive on when the traffic light is red.A . cantB . needntC . mustntD . may not8. (2分)This book is a little above my head, because there are too many new words in it.A . expensiveB . difficult C . interesting D . boring9. (2分)There are two _on the table. A . bottles of orangesB . bottles of orangeC . bottle of orangeD . bottle of oranges10. (2分)I just finish _my last movie yesterday. A . make.B . makes.C . to make.D . making11. (2分)Where are you going this afternoon?To the You know,I am always interested in Kun OperaA . palaceB . theatreC . restaurantD . station12. (2分)Tony,dont forget your homework to me after school. A . bringingB . to bringC . takingD . to take13. (2分)She _ from China. A . isB . amC . are14. (2分)Tom wont go to the zoo unless he _ his homework.A . finishB . finishesC . will finishD . Finishing15. (2分)Its eight oclock. Henry _the phone. A . talks, onB . is talking, onC . is talking, in二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)16. (10分) The father-chlild relationship(父子关系)is the most important because in many families the father is the head of the family and a role model to his children.1. When a child is born in the family, the parents plan a future .The father is the most excited as he has different plans for new son or daughter.2. In today s world ,fathers especially have no time for family .Work has taken up their time ,so they spend less time with their family and children. The importance of father and child bonding(亲密关系形成) has decreased in the recent years.3. Do something together like playing games or a basketball match etc. Activities with your child help you get to know what she or he likes or dislikes and helps you bond better.4.If your child tells you she or he loves her or his mother more . you should know that you havent spent enough time with the child .Ask your wife how to get closer to your child .These are some tips for father and child boning in today s world .Children need both their parents to help them deal with the future when they grow up.请根据以上信息,选择正确答案,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。(1)The fatherchildren relationship is the most important becaues a father _ .A . has to meet his children everyB . is the head of a family and a model to his childrenC . spends the most time with his childrenD . often play with his children after work(2)The underlined word “decreased ”means “_.”A . 消失B . 上涨C . 增加D . 降低(3)If your child tells you she or he loves her or his mother more .A . you should know that you havent spent enough time with the child .B . you should know that you have spent enough time with the child .C . you shouldnt know that you havent spent enough time with the child .D . you shouldnt know that you have spent enough time with the child .(4)The article was written mainly for _ .A . fathersB . mothersC . sonsD . daughters(5)Whats the best title of this article?A . How to plan a chlids futureB . How to make the child have a happier lifestyleC . Father and child bonding is very importantD . Playing games with the child is nesessary.17. (8分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。BWang Fuman is a 10-year-old student. He is now studying in Zhuanshanbao Primary School in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province. On Monday morning (January 8, 2018), he braved -9 weather to travel over an hour to reach his school.When he arrived, his hair and eyebrows had been completely frozen with snowflake (雪花). This made his 16 classmates laugh a lot. Fu Heng, Wangs teacher saw this and took a picture. He uploaded (上传) Wangs picture. The picture soon has got much attention to children from poor families in the countryside. Wang, who has been nicknamed “Snowflake Boy” by netizens, became famous online overnight. By Wednesday morning, his picture had been “liked” more than 260,000 times on Sina Weibo and shared more than 40,000 times.After hearing Wangs story, the Yunnan China Youth Development Foundation held a public donation ( 捐赠) activity for children from poor families. The Foundation has promised to give each poor child 500 yuan ($75) to help them stay warm in winter.By 1 pm on Wednesday, the Foundation had collected about 300,000 yuan in public donations, according to their website. Wangs village now has electricity and tap water, “and my family is getting help to build a new house close to the school”, Wang said, “I think our life will get better.”(1)What was the weather like on Monday morning? A . Snowy and cold.B . Rainy and cold.C . Snowy but warm.D . Rainy but warm.(2)Why did the classmates laugh when Wang entered the classroom? A . Because he lost his books.B . Because he told a joke.C . Because he looked funny.D . Because he was late.(3)The Foundation held a public donation to help the poor children . A . stay happyB . keep healthyC . stay educatedD . keep warm in winter(4)What can we know from the text? A . Zhaotongs weather in winter is warm.B . Wangs future life may become better.C . Wangs village had electricity before.D . Few people shared the boys picture.18. (10分)阅读理解It was a very hot day. A lion and a sheep were both thirsty (口渴的). The sheep found a small pool. Just when the sheep started to drink water from the pool, the lion came up to him and shouted, I should drink first. I m the king (大王) of all the animals. Get out of my way!No, said the sheep. I should drink first. I found the water.You will drink it all up, said the lion. There wont be any left, and I m almost dead (死的) with thirst.And I havent drunk water all day, said the sheep.So they started to quarrel. They shouted louder and louder, and the lion even ran after the sheep to the top of a small hill.Suddenly the lion stopped. He looked up into the sky. The sheep looked up, too. A vulture (秃鹫) was there. All the animals knew and were afraid of him. He is Bird of Death, who likes to jump on the bodies of dead animals and eat them. The lion and the sheep knew itIf we go on quarreling, said the lion, we will both die of thirst, and the vulture will eat us. Go to the water and drink, but dont drink it all.The sheep did as the lion said, and the two animals werent thirsty anymore.(1)The lion thought he should drink the water first because A . he was much older than the sheepB . he was the king of all the animalsC . he was thirstier than the sheepD . he found the water(2)What does the underlined word quarrel mean in Chinese? A . 交易B . 幻想C . 争吵D . 隐蔽(3)How might the lion and the sheep feel when they saw the vulture? A . Scared.B . Excited.C . LuckyD . Funny.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The vulture lived near a pool.B . The sheep drank the water first.C . The vulture followed the sheep to the top of a hill.D . The lion and the sheep found more water together.(5)From this story we learn that its important to A . keep on doing things to the endB . be happy with what we haveC . be hard-workingD . care for others三、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Many people may think that animals in the zoo are happy, free and _(luck), but most of them are sad. Do you _(know) why? Animals _tigers, lions, and bears usually _(live) in forests or mountains. They run, jump, play with their _(child) and catch small animals for food. But now they have to _(stay) in cages, small rooms in the zoo. They dont have to find food by _(they) because the zoo keepers feed them. They do nothing but eat, walk _sleep every day. Their life in the zoo _(be) quite different from that in the forest because they are not free. Maybe they miss their mothers and their friends. _fact, they feel lonely.四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)选择合适的短语填空。be good with;make friends;help with;on the weekend;at the old peoples hone(1)I will help the old people_this weekend (2)Miss Li_the students,so she can help them with English (3)What does your sister always do_?She always plays with her dog(4)Do you know Grace in Class Three?Yes,shes a good girl and you can_with her(5)Can you_my math in the evening,Emma? 五、 交际运用部分 (共2题;共10分)21. (5分)补全对话(方框中有两项是多余的)A.I will live in space.B.What will you do there?C. Oh I think life will be betterD.I will take a spaceship(宇宙飞船)to get thereEWill you have a good time there?FMaybe everyone will enjoy this life thereGWill there be banks,schools and shops?A:What do you think your life will be like in ten years?B:_A:Where will you live?B:_A:How will you get there?B:_A:Will life be interesting there?B:Yes,I think it will be more interestingA:_B:Of course there will beI think the supermarket will have all kinds of things and we can take anything for freeA:_B:I agreePeople will have a happy life there22. (5分)补全对话(有两项多余) A:Hi, Jason. Would you like to come over to my home this weekend?B: _ What are we going to do together?A:Were going to play chess on Saturday morning and I am going to cook noodles for you.B:Are you joking? _A:Of course I can .Ive learned cooking on TV.B: _A:For two days. My parents have been away on business so I cook by myself.B:When will they come back?A: _ During these days, I have to do a lot of things alone.B:Im sure you will have a special experience.A:Yes. _ I like trying new things.B:Great!See you then.A:See you.A. How long have you learned it?B. Sorry, I cant.C. Yes, Id like to.D. Thats the main thing.E. In a week.F. Can you cook noodles?G. Thats wrong.六、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共28分)23. (6分)信息匹配。 Tian Yi Pavilion (天一阁) is in the center of the city. Xu Zheng wants to write a report about the history of Ningbo. He needs to go to Tian Yi Pavilion to look for some information (信息). There is a bus station near his home. Wang Hao Lives in Shanghai. He likes travelling (旅游). So he is going to Beijing. Hed like to get there quickly. He is sure he will have fun in Beijing. This month Yuan Fang will visit her grandparents in her hometown (家乡). Its about 1,000 kilometers away. Yuan Fang wants to get there in 10 hours. And she can enjoy the sights (风景) along the way. Guo Jing likes taking photos. She likes the photos of rivers and mountains best. She is very happy that her parents will take her to the Three Gorges (三峡). She wishes she can take many photos when theyre travelling on the water. A.B.C.D.Speed: 600km/hFeatures (特点):very fast but expensiveSpeed: 30km/hFeatures: cheap and convenient (方便)Speed: 80-100km/hFeatures: fast and comfortable (舒适的)Speed: 40km/h Features:slow but cheap(1)_ (2)What is the advantage (优势) of taking a bus in a city? A . It is very fast.B . It is very slow and expensive.C . It is fast and comfortable.D . It is cheap and convenient.24. (17分)任务型阅读。 In Japan, the latest timesaving invention is a dog-washing machine. Dog owners can buy one for their dogs. They can save time by putting their dogs in the machine and then 33 minutes later, a clean, fresh-smelling dog comes out. The machine becomes more and more popular. The sales of the dog-washer are increasing. The machines save a lot of money for pet owners. However, its bad news for pet hospitals because they are losing many customers. The washing machine has many advantages. First, the whole cleaning process includes a shampoo(洗发), rinse(冲洗) and blow-dry. Second, tests showed that dogs enjoyed the wash and were very happy when the blow-dryer started working. Third, the most important is that the makers of the machine say its very safe and does not harm dogs in any way. One dog-owner, Michiko Kobayashi, loves her new machine. She said her dog was happy, too. Michiko explained to the reporters, Before I bought my washer, I only took my dog to the pet hospital a few times a year. Now, I wash her every week and she looks great. I also save a lot of money. It is welcomed by most people who raise dogs. And it takes over the market quickly. What a beautiful invention!(1)The dog-washing machine can help dog owners _when they wash their dogs. (2)The washing is bad news for _as they are losing many customers. (3)How often did Michiko Kobayashi take her dog to the pet hospital before buying the machine? (4)找出并写下第三段的主题句。 (5)将划线句子译成汉语。 25. (5分)(2015.湖南益阳)阅读下面的材料,然后在表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过三个单词。The 14-year-old girl Susan Davis is having a party. At this party, there are neither cakes nor candles. There is only a room full of art supplies(供应品)and many kids she never met. And all the kids are homeless.Susan got the idea last year after her school. She worried that kids who could not afford their own supplies would give up drawing. So she started writing letters to big companies to ask for help. Then the girl received lots of donations(赠品)from some of the biggest art supply companies. Susan collected more than $3000 in supplies, enough to make a home for kids to paint their own watercolors.By far shes held three parties. What she did was encouraged by the White House. Susan received the Presidents awards(奖赏). Now Susan does it for a different reason to get the poor kids to enjoy art.NameSusan DavisFeature (特点) of the partiesNo cakes and no _ .Only a room filled with _supplies and many kids.Hold for homeless kids.The reason of having the partiesSusan didnt want the kids to _ drawing.The way to hold the partiesShe _ to big companies to ask for help.She collected over $ 3000 _.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)早上,Grace在学校门口遇见了Peter,两人相互问好。Grace手里拿着一支蓝色的钢笔,Peter问她这是什么,并问她怎么拼写,也询问了颜色。请根据以上提示,编写一段不少于8句话的对话。 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、三、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)19-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 交际运用部分 (共2题;共10分)21-1、22-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共28分)23-1、23-2、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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