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UNIT2KeepingHealthyTOPIC2ImustaskhimtogiveupsmokingSectionA must用法 WemustsayMrandMrswhenyouspeaktoolderpeople Youmustn ttalktooloudly Completethesentenceswithmustormustn t 1 You belateforschool 2 You eatinthelibrary 3 You rideyourbikeintheplayground 4 You doyourhomework 5 You listentotheteacher must must mustn t mustn t mustn t 1 表示 必须 应该 用must提问时 一般不用mustn t回答 而用needn t回答 MustIfinishtheworkbeforedark No youneedn t 我必须在天黑前完成工作吗 不 你没必要 must的用法 2 mustnot mustn t 表示强烈禁止 意为 不允许 一定不 不能 不可 不要译为 不必 Youmustn tgettoschoollate 你上学一定不能迟到 3 must在肯定句中可以表示 一定要 一定是 一定会 等意思 即表示不可避免性 肯定性 可能性 推定或揣测等意思 Youmustbetiredafteryourlongjourney 你走了这么远的路 一定很累 辨析 must与haveto haveto往往可与must互换 但两者的意义和用法有些不同 1 must表示说话人主观看法 而haveto强调客观情况迫使人不得不做某事 2 must只能表示现在 必须 表示过去的事情要用hadto haveto有时态 人称和数的变化 3 must与haveto的否定意思不同 比如 Youmustn tdothat 你千万不能做那件事 Youdon thavetodothat 你不必做那件事 相当于needn t 课堂小测验 Individualactivity 一 请找出下列各句中的错误并改正过来 1 Theyhavegotlotsofhomeworkstodo 2 Whenyouacceptapresent youmustusebothhand 3 Youmustn tbreakanything It sbadlucky 4 Therearesomuchpeopleinthelibrary 5 ItwasverydifferentfromaChinawedding homework hands luck many Chinese 二 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 I mtootired Let sstop have arest 2 Hewenttoschoolwithout eat breakfastthismorning 3 Hecouldn twait eat thecake 4 MustI do itnow 5 Thewindowisbroken Try find outwhobrokeit tohave eating toeat do tofind Jimwenttoschoolwithout have breakfast 2 Childrenmustn t walk acrosstheroadthemselves 3 Nobodycan drop littereverywhere 4 HenryandAlicewillget marry inMay 5 Iwastoothirsty soIcouldn twait drink theorangejuice 三 用所给动词的正确形式填空 having walk drop married todrink 1 鲁比怎样能洗掉溢出的牛奶 HowcanRuby thespilledmilk 2 我的父母总是在晚饭后打扫卫生 Myparentsalways afterdinnereveryday 3 英国和加拿大的天气不一样 TheweatherinEnglandis thatofCanada 四 根据汉语意思完成句子 washup dosomecleaning differentfrom 4 在中国你必须用双手接受礼物 InChinayoumustuse hands apresent 5 影迷们冲上前去与这位电影明星握手 Thefansrushedforwardto thefilmstar bothtoaccept shakehandswith Completethesentenceswiththewordsandexpressionsinthebox 1 Useyour tolookupanywordsyoudon tunderstand 2 Sheopenedher andtookoutsomemoneytopaythetaxidriver baseballcap chessset chopsticks dictionary present purse soap dictionary purse 3 MostChinesepeopleeatnoodleswith 4 Mydaughtercouldn twaittounwrapherbirthday 5 Weuse towashourhands 6 Hethinksit scooltowearhis back to front 7 Where smy Iwanttoplayagamewithit chopsticks present soap baseballcap chessset Completethepassagewiththewords accept drop open put ride show take takeoff wear bicycle hair litter photos shoes wastebinInBritainyoucan t 1 onthepavement Peoplecan t 2 Theymust 3 itinthe 4 Childrencan 5 whentheygointosomeone shouse butadultsweartheirshoesinthehouse Britishwomencan 6 althoughmanypeople 7 ahatwhenit scold InBritainyoucan 8 ofpeople Youcan 9 apresentwithonehand Youcan 10 apresentimmediatelyonyourbirthday rideyourbicycle droplitter put wastebin takeoffshoes showhair wear takephotos accept open Lookatthesignsandguesswhattheymean AroundthewordSignsaroundtheworld Makenotesonwhatyoumust mustn torcando 1 Whatmustyouwear 2 Whatmustn tyouask 3 Whatpresentsmustyoubring 4 Whatpresentsmustn tyougive 5 Whatmustn tyoudointhestreets 6 Whatmustyoudowhenyouvisitsomeoneathome Thankyou


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