2020届九年级英语专题练习:时态(II )卷.doc

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2020届九年级英语专题练习:时态(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:时态(解析版) (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)(2015青海)What do you think of the talk show last night?I didnt watch it. I _ mum with some chores.A . helped B . was helping C . have helped2. (2分)I didnt see you at Olympic Sports Center this morning. What happened?Sorry, I the exchange students around our school then.A . showedB . was showingC . am showingD . will show3. (2分)The students _ warmly when I got into the classroom.A . are talkingB . were talkingC . talkedD . were talked4. (2分)Tim Cook called his mother every week even when he _ around the world. A . was travellingB . is travellingC . travelledD . travels5. (2分)While the sun _, he was still asleep at home. A . riseB . risesC . is risingD . was rising6. (2分)Look! What a clean room! Who_ it?A . has tidiedB . is tidyingC . will tidyD . tidied7. (2分)Hurry up, the movie Wolf Warrior for 10 minutes. OK, Im coming right now.A . beganB . has begunC . has been on8. (2分)一Jim computer games again,right?一YesHe them for ten minutes every dayA . is playing;playsB . plays;is playingC . is playing;playD . play;is playing9. (2分)-Wheres your father?-He to workA . has goneB . wentC . has beenD . will go10. (2分)(2015哈尔滨) I a camera two weeks ago but I havent had a chance to use it.A . have boughtB . boughtC . will buy11. (2分)Ted usually _ up early in the morning,but yesterday he_ up very late. A . get; getB . gets; gotC . got; gotD . get; got12. (2分)-Excuse me, when _you _ the man in blue ?-Last year in Nanjing. And I _ him for about one year.A . did, know/ have knownB . have known / have knownC . did, know / knewD . have known / knew13. (2分)Shang Nan _ English when he was young. A . saidB . spokeC . tellsD . talks14. (2分)Are you a basketball player in you school?Yes, I _the team 3 years ago. I _in it for 3 years.A . joined, wasB . was joined, amC . have joined, have beenD . joined, have been15. (2分)The rainlast night. But the fields are still full of water. Itfor nearly a week.A . stopped; had rainedB . stopped; has rainedC . stops; had rainedD . stops; has rained16. (2分)He_ his grandparents in the countryside last week. A . visitsB . visitC . visited17. (2分)The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _. A . inventsB . inventedC . was invented18. (2分)I called you, but nobody answered. Where _ you?A . isB . areC . wasD . were19. (2分) Its dangerous to swim here. Look at the sign. Oh, I notice it. Thanks for telling me.A . haventB . wontC . dontD . didnt20. (2分)On his way home,he an old man lying on the ground last night A . seeB . sawC . seesD . seeing21. (2分)(2015.江苏泰州)Hi, Jack. Nice to meet you here in Taizhou! Me too. But I _ you were in Shanghai.A . thinkB . thoughtC . am thinkingD . will think22. (2分)I know you _ to China many years ago. And how long have you _ in China ?I dont remember it exactly.A . come, liveB . came; comeC . come; comeD . came; lived23. (2分) Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning. It doesnt matter. Dont forget _ it here this afternoon. A . left; to takeB . forgot; bringingC . left; to bringD . forgot; to bring24. (2分)Its almost eight years we _ each other last time.A . since; sawB . before; seeC . after; will seeD . when; have seen25. (2分)一 There is someone knocking at the door.一 It must be the computer repairman. I him to come to fix my computer.A . callB . have calledC . calledD . will call26. (2分) you out the rubbish yet? Yes. I it five minutes ago.A . Did;take;didB . Have;taken;have doneC . Have;taken;did27. (2分)-When _ Jessy _ to New York?-Yesterday.A . does; get B . did; get C . has; gotD . 28. (2分)_you _your homework yet?Yes, I _it ten minutes ago.A . Did, do, finishedB . Have, done, finishedC . Have, done, have finishedD . will, do, finish29. (2分)Everyone except Tom and John there when the meeting began. A . areB . isC . wereD . was30. (2分)I am sure that my dream of becoming a famous player _.A . will come trueB . came outC . come upD . were coming along31. (2分)You good grades if you hard.A . wont get; wont studyB . wont get; dont studyC . dont get; dont studyD . dont get; wont study32. (2分)Are you sure when Miss White _ to our school?Im not sure. She says if she _time shell come tomorrow.A . will come, will haveB . will come, hasC . comes, has33. (2分)When we lived in Hangzhou ten years ago, we for a walk after dinner. A . goB . would goC . wentD . goes34. (2分)When he_ , Ill tell him the news. But I dont know when he _ . A . comes; will comeB . will come; comesC . comes; comesD . will come; will come35. (2分) How soon _ your father _ back? In about two weeks.A . did; comeB . is; comeC . will; comeD . are; coming36. (2分)I work hard at school. I think I _ a teacher someday. A . amB . beC . will beD . are37. (2分)Sally _ to a concert in Xiamen tomorrow.That sounds exciting!A . wentB . goesC . will go38. (2分)Look, earthworms are moving on the ground. Is it _ rain?A . will beB . 不填C . will going toD . going to39. (2分)He after supper a couple of years ago. A . smokedB . would smokeC . smokesD . will smoke40. (2分)If you dont have time, we a party next Friday. A . wont haveB . dont haveC . doesnt haveD . isnt having第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:时态(解析版) (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、

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