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高考高频动词短语(16)make短语:make into 制成,作成(后面跟产品,制成品)比较:be made in 在生产/制造 be made of 由组成/构成,(能看出原材料)be made from 由组成/构成,(看不出原材料)be made up of = consist of 由组成,由构成make out 理解,看清楚make up 化妆,打扮,和解,配制,编造,虚构,构成,组成make up for 弥补,补充,补偿 made up ones mind 下决心make a (no) difference (没)有关系/影响 make a fool of sb = fool sb 愚弄某make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵 make sense of 弄懂的意思make sense 有意义,有道理,讲得通 make it(事业上)获得成功make oneself at home 不拘束,别客气 make oneself known 使/让自己出名make progress (in ) (在方面)取得进步make (full) use of = make the most / best of (充分)利用1. Bamboo also can be_ paper.2. Our desks and chairs are_wood.3. The paper for books and newspapers also is _ wood.4. This engine _ 490 parts.5. These days many girls _when they are still quite young to make themselves look more charming.6. Hard work can often _ lack of intelligence.7. Everyone should _full_ of time.8. He is a strange person, so I cannt quite _ him _.9. I cannt _ what he said at the meeting. 10.Whether he comes or not will _no _. (17)pass短语:pass away 去世,死(委婉说法)pass by 通过,从旁边经过pass down 传下来,流传,使世代相传 ,一代一代传下去pass on (to sb) 转交给(某人),传给(某人)pass on from one generation to the next 一代代流传下来pass out 失去知觉,昏厥pass through 穿过,越过1. Dr Johnson _ at the age of 90.2. They all waved to us to say hello as they _.3. The tradition has been _from father to son for generations.4. I nearly _ when I saw the blood.(18)pay短语:pay back 偿还(借款),报答,报复pay for 付款,付费,付代价 (比较:pay a high price for 付高价)pay off 还清(欠款)pay sb a visit 拜访某人pay the bill 买单,付帐单1. He promised to _the money_ by Friday.2. After ten years of hard work he _ all his debts at last.3. The old in our city dont need to _ transport.4. I have not seen my friend Amy for a long time, and I want to _ her _ tomorrow.(19)pick短语:pick out 挑选,认出pick up 拾起,接收,学会(语言),开车去接,康复,购买(便宜商品)1. His story was_ as the best by the judges.2. The phone rang and I_it_.3. Ill pick _t the station.4. I managed to _an American news broadcast.5. I_ the unusual stamp by accident.6. I _ a few words of Greek when I was there last year.(20)put短语:put away 将某物收拾起来,存钱,储存,存起来put down 扑灭,平息,镇压,记下put forward 提出,建议,推荐put off 延期,拖延 put on (戏)上演,放(唱片),穿戴 put out 扑灭,熄灭,使停止燃烧,伸出,出版,生产put up 挂起,张贴,举起,抬起,搭起,建立 put up with 忍受,容忍 put into 使进入,输入,投入put ones heart into 全神贯注于1. We _ the tools before we leave the workshop.2. All the medical workers in the region helped to _ the influenza epidemic(流感).3. Never_ until tomorrow what you can do today.4. We are _the play _again next week owing to its success.5. The firemen soon _ the fire _6. Its time that we _ the Christmas decorations(装饰物)in the living room.7. Drop your weapons and _ your hands _8. I cant_ a lot of noisy people when I am working.9. The government is _ more money_education this year.10. As students, we should _ our heart _ studies.(21)send短语:send away 让走开send for sb 派人去请某人,请某人来send in 寄送某处进行处理send out 派遣,发出(信号、通知等) send up 发射,射出,往上送1. Get back into bed. Ill _ the doctor.2. The ship is in danger; it is sending out an SOS signal.3. The rocket will be _ tomorrow morning.(22)set短语:set about (doing) sth 着手,开始 set aside 留出,搁/放在一边set down 放下,记下 set off 出发,起程,引起爆炸,激起,引起set out (for) 出发往(),动身去()set out to do 开始做,着手做 set up 创立,设立,开办,竖起,支起 set fire to sth = set sth on fire 纵火,放火烧set foot on / in 踏上,到达,进入 set ones mind to do sth 一心想做 set sb a good example in 在为某人树立榜样 set sb free 释放某人,解放某人1. As soon as she arrived, she _ tidying up(整理)the room. 2. Try to _ some time each day for exercise.3. Theyve _on a trip round the world.4. Together the four men _ to look for the lost animal.5. Well certainly _ a complete modern industrial system.6. The bomb can be _ by a slight vibration.7. I have _ everything that happened, exactly as I remember.stand by sb = support sb = take sbs side 支持某人stand for 代表,表示,象征,容忍,支持/拥护,为的候选人stand out 突出,显眼stand up 起立,站起来stand still = stay still 站着不动例如:CPC stands for the Communist Party of China.Stand still, and let me take a picture of you.(24)take短语:take after 与某人相像take along 带领,携带take apart = separate 把分开 take away 拿走,拿去,使离开take away from 从带拿走take back 退回,拿回,收回take down 拿下,记下,记录take for 当作,误以为是take in 吸收,接纳,上当take off (飞机)起飞,脱掉(衣帽/鞋),成名,成功,很快上升,开始流行/畅销 take on 呈现 take out 拿出,取出take over 继承,接管,接替take up 从事,开始,专注于,占去(时间、空间、地位等)take a bank loan 向银行贷款take a bath 洗澡take a chance / chances 碰运气,冒险take a critical attitude towards 对持批判态度take a few deep breaths 深呼吸 take / have a degree in 取得学位take a hands-on approach to education 通过动手实践的方式来进行接受教育take a message (to sb) (给某人)捎个口信比较:leave a message (to sb) (给某人)留个口信take a photo (of ) (给)照相,拍()照片take a risk / risks 冒险 take a shower 沐浴,洗澡take a sip 呡一小口take a taxi to. = go to .by taxi 乘出租车 take a walk / ride / holiday 散步兜风休假take (an) interest in 对感兴趣(比较:be into = be interested in 对感兴趣have / show interest in 对感兴趣)take advantage of 对加以利用take by surprise 对突然袭击,出乎意料take care 小心, 注意 take care of 照顾,照看 take effect 生效,奏效take exercise 运动,活动take for example 以为例 take / get / catch hold of 握住,抓住take it easy 放心好了,别着急,从容,不紧张take . into consideration 顾及,考虑到,体谅(比较:under consideration 在考虑中,在研究中)take lessons 上课take notes 做笔记,做记录take notice of 注意 take ones seat 就座,坐在自己位子上(转义为就职)take ones time 从容,不急,慢慢行动 比较:take time 花费(时间)take part 参加 (比较:take part in = join in = participate in 参加 take an active part in 积极参加)take place 发生,出现,举行比较:take the place of = take sbs place 取代,代替(某人的位置)take pride in = be proud of 对感到自豪take responsibility for = be responsible for 对负起责任take sb in the arms 拥抱,搂抱take / hold / keep sb prisoner 囚禁/俘虏某人(比较:sb be taken / held / kept prisoner 某人被囚禁/俘虏)take sb seriously 看重某人take sb some time to do sth 花费某人时间去做某事take sbs temperature 给某人量体温 take sth along with sb 随身携带某物take shelter 躲避 take sides with sb in sth 在某事上支持/偏袒某人take steps / measures / action to do sth 采取措施做某事,采取(的)行动take turns to do sth / in doing sth 轮流做某事例如:Im sorry. Ill take back what I said.Take care! The car is coming.My plane takes off at 11:00 sharp.We cant have such a big table in this small room. It takes up too much room.(25)think短语:think about 思考,考虑(是否去做)think of 想到,想起,认为,对有看法/想法think out 想出think over 仔细考虑 think through 思考直到得出结论think up 提出,想出,设计出think twice 再三考虑,仔细考虑think highly / well of = speak highly of = sing high praise for 对高度评价例如:Im sorry. I cant think out your name. When I was in the States, I often thought of my friend Li Hua.Think it over, and youll find a way.(26)turn短语:turn against 转而反对,背叛turn around / round 转身,转过来turn away 赶走,辞退,把打发走turn on 打开(灯,气,水,电器等)turn off 关掉(灯,气,水,电器等) turn up 把音量开大,卷起,翻起,发生,出现,到达turn down 关小/调低(音量热度),拒绝turn over 把翻过来,翻动,犁翻(土地),细想turn in 交进,上缴,归还turn into 变成turninto 把变成,转变成turn to 转向,向求助,查阅turn out 结果是,生产 turn out to be 被证明是, 结果是turn right / left 向右/向左拐turn writer = become a writer 成为作家例如:Those who were once for him have turned against him.Turn in everything captured(缴获的).Im going to turn my garage into a playroom for the children.Be sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room.Shall I turn on the bath water for you?He turned the meat over in the pan(平底锅).They always turn to me when they are in trouble.His attention turned to the pretty young girl.Turn the radio down a little. I can scarcely hear the program.He turned the coat collar(衣领)up because of the wind.Something will turn up to get you out of the difficulty.2以介词或副词为中心的动词短语(便于强化记忆)(l)动词+about speaktalk about 谈论 think about 思考 care about 关心,对有兴趣 bring about 引起,使发生set about 着手,开始come about 发生 hear about 听说 worry about 为担心 (2)动词+at aim at 向瞄准,旨在run at 冲向,向攻击call at 拜访(地点)tear at 用力撕look at 看,注视 work at 干活动(研究)come at 向袭击shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷 stare at 凝视glare at 怒视 glance at 匆匆一瞥laugh at 嘲笑 knock at 敲(门、窗等)point at 指向 smile at 冲(某人)笑strike at 向打击 shoot at 向射击 wonder at 惊讶(3)动词+away die away 逐渐消失 put away 收拾起来,存起来 pass away 去世wash away 冲走take away 拿走give away 背弃,泄漏 send away 让走开turn away 把打发走 wear away 磨掉,消耗throw away 扔掉blow away 吹走carry away 拿走,使入迷clear away 清除掉,消散 break away 摆脱 (4)动词+back keep back 隐瞒,忍住hold back 控制住give back 归还 call back 回电话take back 拿回,收回 look back(on) 回顾 (5)动词+down cut down 削减,砍倒put down 记下,写下,镇压 take down 记下,记录turn down 调小,拒绝 slow down 慢下来pass down 传下来calm down 平静下来 burn down 烧毁tear down 拆毁,拆除 come down 下落,传下 break down 坏了,垮了,分解 bring down 使降低,使倒下 settle down 安家(6)动词+from die from 因而死hear from 收到来信learn from 向学习differ from 与不同suffer from 受苦 result from 由于 separatefrom 把分离开keepstoppreventfrom 不让做date from=date back to 始于时期,追溯到 (7)动词+forrun for 竞选 ask for 要求得到 beg for 乞求 wait for 等候 look for 寻找 call for 需要,要求hunt for 寻找 long for 渴望care for 关心,喜欢seek for 寻找come for 来拿,来取 apply for 申请 stand for 代表,表示 search for 查找changefor 用换chargefor 收费,要价 takefor 误以为是 hope/wish for 希望得到 (8)动词十inget in 收获,进入 fill in 填写cut in 插入 join in 参加look in 来访,参观hand in 上交drop in 拜访give in 让步take in 接纳,吸收call in 召集,来访bring in 引进,使得到收入break in 强制进入,插话result in 导致succeed in 在获成功persist in 坚持 (9)动词十intorun into 碰到look into 研究,调查,往里面看 burst into 闯入,进发turn into 变成changeinto 把变成divideinto 把分成puttranslateinto 把译成 (l0)动词+ofdie of 死于 talk of 谈到hear of 听说 think of 想到 dream of 梦到 speak of 谈到 consist of 由组成approve of 赞成complain of 抱怨become of 发生情况,怎么啦(l1)动词+outgo out 熄灭set out 出发,着手try out 试用,试验put out 扑灭run out 用完let out 泄漏,发出(声音)pick out 选出hold out 坚持下去wear out 穿破,使疲劳make out 理解,看清楚keep out(of) 使不进入,挡住find out 查出,弄明白work out 算出,想出办法等send out 发出,派遣give out 散发,分发,用完look out 当心,提防hand out 散发,分发help out 救助turn out 结果是,生产come out 出版,出来cross out 划掉burst out 进发carry out 执行break out 爆发point out 指出figure out 算出bring out 阐明,使表现出leave out 省略,删掉speak out 大胆讲出(l2)动词+overgo over 审阅,检查,研究get over 克服run over 压死,看一遍take over 接管,接替turn over 翻倒,细想fall over 跌倒,摔倒roll over 翻滚look over 翻阅,检查think over 仔细考虑watch over 看守,照看(l3)动词十toadd to 增添 get to 到达see to 处理,料理 turn to 向求助,查阅come to 共计,苏醒lead to 导致,通向reply to 答复 refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅bring to 使苏醒agree to 同意 object to 反对point to 指向write to 写信给relate to 理解,同情,涉及,(与)有关attend to 处理belong to 属于supplyto 为提供devoteto 贡献给stickholdkeep to 坚持,忠于compareto 与相比,把比作(l4)三词以上的短语动词do well in 在干得好make up for 弥补look down on / upon 轻视break away from 摆脱keep away from 避开,别靠近 do away with 废除put up with 忍受catch up with = keep up with 赶上fill up with 用装满go on with 继续get on / along with 和相处look forward to 盼望look up to 仰望,尊敬add up to 总计live up to 依据行事;做到;不辜负(期望)get close to 接近get down to 认真开始set fire to 放火烧pay attention to 注意pay a visit to 访问take / get / catch hold of 握住run out of 用完get out of 逃避,避免take notice of 注意take a photo of 拍照片take the place of 取代set an example to 为树立榜样3、其他常用短语(按字母表顺序)(1)Aaa balance diet 均衡饮食 a best-seller 畅销书a bit = a little = a little bit 少许,一点儿,有点儿,稍微a bit of 一点,少量(修饰不可数名词) 比较:a few 一些,少量(修饰可数名词)a great deal of 许多(修饰不可数名词) a great / good many = scores of 许多,大量(修饰可数名词)a handful of 一把,少量的,少数(修饰可数或不可数名词)a large / great amount of = large amounts of 许多(修饰不可数名词) a large quantity of = large quantities of 许多(修饰可数或不可数名词)a lot of = lots of 许多(修饰可数或不可数名词)a mass of = masses of 大量,许多(修饰可数或不可数名词)a (large / great) number of = large / huge numbers of 大量的,许多(修饰可数名词)plenty of 大量的,很多,足够的(修饰可数或不可数名词)a bunch of flowers 一束花a cloud of 一团a couple of 一对/双,两三个,一些,几个a couple of days / weeks 两三天/周a cup of 一杯a day or two = one or two days 一两天a deserted island 荒岛a healthy diet = a diet of healthy food(s) 健康的饮食a highly-developed country 高度发达的国家 a kind of 一种,一类a laid-off worker 下岗工人a large sum of money 一大笔钱a length of 长a list of 一张的清单a live concert 现场直播的音乐会a natural disaster 自然灾害a packet of 一盒,一捆,一包a pair of 一双,一副a piece of 一件,一块,一张a row of 一排,一行 a series of 一系列的,一连串,一套a set of 一套,一副a shortage of teachers 教师资源的缺乏 a third of = one third of 三分之一a total failure 一个彻底的失败者a total of 总数(量)为a two-day trip 一次两天的旅行a variety of = varieties of = various 种种的,种类繁多的a waste of (time) 白费(时间),浪费(时间)a man of name 知名人士 a world of magic and wonders 充满魔力和神奇的世界after all 毕竟,终究 after a short while 不久以后,没多久after a time 一段时间以后after class / work / school 下课/下班/放学之后all alone = all by oneself 独自,独立all at once = all of a sudden 突然,忽然all day = all day long 全天,终日all in all 总共,总的来说all kinds / sorts of 各种各样的all night long 整夜,通宵all ones life 终身,一生all over 到处,遍及,结束all over the world / country = throughout the world / country 整个世界/全国 all right 好吧,行了,(病)好了all the best 祝一切顺利,万事如意all the same 一样,同样的all the time 一直all the way 一路上,一直all together 一起,总共all (the) year round = all through the year= throughout the year 一年四季,一年到头an invitation to 一张的请柬/请贴an expert on 方面的专家as a consequence / result 结果,因此as a consequence / result of 作为(的)结果,由于的结果as a whole 普遍来说,作为整体as as 像,如同as as possible = asas one can 尽可能地as far as (表示程度,范围)就/尽(=so far as),远至 as far as I know 就我所知,据我所知as follows如下(用以列举事项)as if = as though 好像,似乎,仿佛(比较:even if = even though 虽然,即使,尽管)as long as 只要(= so long as引导条件状语从句),长达 as much / many as 多达as soon as 一就as soon as possible 尽快,尽可能早地as to / for 至于,关于,就而言as usual 像往常一样as well 也/还有(= too),同样地,例外 as well as = together with = and 也,以及,和,还,而且as with . 也一样,就像at all 根本(否定句),到底(疑问句),竟然(条件从句)at a loss 茫然,不知所措at an early age 年轻时at any moment / time 随时 比较:after a moment = after a while / minute 过了一会儿 a moment ago = just now 刚才,不久以前a moment later 片刻之后at the moment = at the time 此刻,现在,在那时 at the very moment 就在那一刹那 for a moment = for a while / minute 一会儿 for the moment = for the time being 暂时,目前in a moment = in a while /minute / second 过一会儿,立刻,马上the moment / minute (that) . 一就 at any risk 不顾一切 比较:at risk 处于危险中 at the risk of (doing sth) 冒着(可能做某事)的危险 take / run a risk / risks 冒险 risk ones life (to do sth) 冒着生命危险(做某事) risk doing sth 冒险做某事)at birth 出生时,一生下来就at breakfast 在吃早饭at hand 近在手边,在附近at home 在家(at) home and abroad 在国内外at last 终于,最后at length 最后,终于,详细地at midnight 在半夜at night 在夜里,天黑时at noon 在中午at once = right away = right now 马上,立即at one go 一口气at present = at the present time 现在, 目前at sea 在海上,航海中,茫然(比较:by sea 乘船 by the sea 在海边 in the sea 在海里 on the sea 在海面上)at stake 在危险中at such a great height 在如此高的高度at table 在吃饭(比较:at the table 在桌前) at times 偶尔,有时(比较:at that time 那时at the same time = meanwhile 同时at the correct / wrong / best time of year 在一年里合适/不合适/最佳时候)at various academic levels 不同的学术层次at war 处于战争/交战状态at work 忙于工作 at the age of . 在岁的时候at the art festival 在艺术节上,在艺术节期间at the base 在底部at the (very) beginning of . 在开始时,在之初at the bottom of 在下端/底部at the cost of 以为代价at the end of 在末端,到结束时at the foot of 在的脚下at the front desk 在前台,在服务台at the head of 在最前面at a high /low price 以高/低价at the latest 最迟at (the) least 至少 比较:at (the) most 最多at the mercy of 任由摆布/控制,在的掌握中at the opening /closing (ceremony) of . 在开/闭幕式上at the rate of 以的比率at the side of 在的旁边at the speed of 以速度 (比较:at full / high speed 高速)at the top of ones voice 大声地at the weekend 在周末accept as 认为是,承认是,把当作比较:regard as 认为是 treat as把 当作 recognize as 认为是 view / see / know as 认为是 consider as / consider (to be) 认为是 look on as 视为 refer to as 把视为think of as / think (to be) 认为是accept sbs apology 接受某人的道歉 accuse sb of sth / doing sth 指控某人为/ 做某事achieve ones goal 达到目的achieve success 获得成功act as 担任,充当adapt to (改变以)适应adapt oneself to 使自己适应于 adapt to the new environment 适应新环境add to 增加,添加 add to 把加到上add up 加起来 add up to 总计达到adjust to (调整以)适应adjust to these extreme conditions 适应极限条件admire sb as 钦佩某人是admire sb for 钦佩某人的,因钦佩某人advance the deadline 提前最后期限advance towards 朝前进advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事agree with sb / sbs opinion / sbs idea 同意某人(意见,看法),与某人看法一致 比较:agree on sth 对达成共识agree to (the plan) 同意(计划等)aim at 向瞄准,旨在,针对allow for 顾及,为做准备answer for 对负责apologize to sb (for sth) = make an apology to sb (for sth) (因某事)向某人道歉appeal to 有吸引力,呼吁,上诉appeal to their emotions 投合他们的喜好apply for 申请,请求apply to 应用,适用appoint sb as 任命某人当approve of 赞成argue about 争论某事argue with sb about sth 因某事和某人争执/争论arrive in / at 到达某地ask after sb 问候某人 ask for 要求得到 ask for a day off 请一天假ask for a leave 请假associatewith 把与联系起来attach to 加在之上,使喜爱,使依恋,参加,附着attempt to do sth 试图做某事attend school / university 上学/上大学attend the meeting 出席会议attend to 处理,照顾,关照,倾听 attract / draw / call sbs attention 吸引某人注意above all 首要的是,尤其是according to 根据action film / movie 动作片advanced mathematics 高等数学again and again 一次又一次,一再,反复against the wall 靠着墙ahead of 优于,超过,比早,在的前面alarm clock 闹钟along with 和一起and so on 等等 and things like that 之类的东西another day 改天any more 再,又apart from 除都,除以外around the corner 在拐角处,即将来临(比较:on the way = in store 即将来临draw near 即将来临,就要来临,逼近 )(2)Bb be after 寻找,追踪,追求be /act against 违背,违反,反对be from 从来,是人be next to 在隔壁,紧挨着be off / leaving 离开be out (灯火)熄灭,(人)外出be out of 没有,用完be up 起床be up against 面对be up to sb 由某人决定be up to sth 忙于某事,从事于be upon 逼近,临近be anxious about 为而忧虑/着急/担心(比较:be anxious for 渴望,非常希望be concerned about / for 为而忧虑/着急/担心 be concerned about / with 对关切/关注/感兴趣)be careful about / of / with sth 注意,留意,当心比较:be careful (not) to do sth 小心(不)做某事be clear about 对清楚 be crazy about 对着迷be curious about = have the curiosity about 对感到好奇 be excited about 对 感到兴奋be particular about 对挑剔be amazed at 为感到惊讶be experienced at 对有经验be present at 出席be shocked at 对感到震惊be common for 对来说是很普通的be eager for = long for = be dying for 渴望得到(比较:be eager to do sth 急着想做某事)be famous for 因而闻名,由于而出名(比较:be famous as 作为


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