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Unit 1 Wu Wei is a born artist, said his best friend. Hes quiet and doesnt like to talk much, but his work shouts! Wu Wei, the young artist, has impressed the whole country with his creative work. His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square have won high praise from the art community. I want to share the best art with people, so Im always searching for something better or different. This in itself is great fun, he said. Su Ning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago and started to work for the sales department in a big company. “ Im active and energetic, and I love working with people. However, in my last job, I could only work with numbers day after day. That made me unhappy. Su Ning is now the general manager of the company. Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind. Im ready to take on new challenges any time,” she said. Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin. To us, a miss is as good as a mile. We cant afford to make any mistakes, said Mr Liu. All of us know that its necessary to pay attention to every detail. Hes serious and well organized, one of his team members said. He always works to high standards, but hes modest and easy to work with. Fang Yuan, head of Sunshine Hospital and a pioneer heart surgeon, is kind and patient. As a doctor, you cant be too careful, she said. Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients. Shes always willing to work extra hours, said another doctor. In fact, Doctor Fang often does operations for about ten hours a day. She has devoted most of her time to her work. All the people in the town respect her. Unit 2Colours and moods Some people believe that colours can influence our moods. You may wonder whether it is true. In fact, colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. This article explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent.Calm colours Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed ? It could be because the walls were painted blue. Blue is a calm colour. It brings peace to our mind and body. Blue can also represent sadness, so you may say “Im feeling blue” when you are feeling sad. White is another calm colour. It is also the colour of purity. Many women like to wear white on their wedding day.Warm colours Some colours , such as orange and yellow, can make you feel warm. People in cold areas prefer warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling. Orange represents joy. It can cheer you up when you are feeling sad. Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm and sunny day. Yellow is also the colour of wisdom. Some people prefer this colour when they hope for success.Energetic colours When you feel tired or weak, you should wear energetic colours like green. Green can give you energy, as it is the colour of nature and represents new life. However, it is also the colour of envy, so we may say someone is “green with envy”.Strong colours If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you. Red is the colour of heat. It represents power and strong feelings. Wearing red can also make it easier to take action. This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.

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