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模拟练习题(一)1、判断 甲比乙多2/3米,乙就比甲少2/3米。 ( )2、判断 如果五月二日是星期三,那么十月一日就是星期四。 ( )3、两个数的和是252,他们的最大公因数是28,这样的两个数共有3组。 ( ) 4、A coat factory is going to make 4800 shirts, It has finished 40% in 6 days, In this way, how long will it take to finish the whole work ? Which are right ?(多选)A 640% B 4800(640%) C 6(140%) D 4800(480040%6)5、某人在计算, , ,四个分数的平均值时,误将其中一个分数看成了它的倒数,则他计算出的平均值与正确的平均值最多相差多少? A B C D6、Which one of the following is right? A =67108864 B =67108865 C =67108862 D =671088667、Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang left home at the same time for school ,Xiao Fang walked 5km/hr for half of the time ,and 4km/hr for the other half ,Xiao Ming walked 5km/hr for half of the distance ,and 4km/hr for the other half ,Which one of the following is right? A Xiao Fang got to school first B Xiao Ming got to school first C They got to school in the same time D Not sure8、将0.1mm厚的纸对折,再对折,这样折四次之后的厚度是( )9、太原外国语学校共有学生2700名,若每名学生每天上8节课,每名老师每天上四节课,每节课45名学生,1名老师,据此计算此学校共有老师多少名?10、有三批货物共值304万元,三批货物的重量比是2:4:3,单价比是6:5:2,那么第二批货物价值( )万元。11、According to the chart ,the numbers are the sums of the signs in each line or row ,“?”=( )。12、一个大正方体有若干个小正方体组成,在大正方体的表面涂色,一面涂色的小正方体的个数为384个,那么这个大正方体由( )个小正方体组成。13、已知一个六边形由九个正三角形组成,已知其中最小的正三角形边长为2厘米,求六边形边长为多少?14、水果店运进苹果、香蕉、梨、橘子四种水果,已知苹果、香蕉、梨三种水果的平均重量是33.5kg,香蕉、梨和橘子三种水果的平均重量是46kg,香蕉和梨的总重量是运进水果总重量的,那么水果店共运进水果多少千克?15、According to the picture ,the second number in Row 50 is ( )16、甲乙两个圆柱体容积,底面积之比为3:2,甲容器已有水深10厘米,乙容器已有水深5厘米,再往这两个容器中注入同样多的水,使得两个容器的水深相等,这时水深( )厘米。17、Xiao Ming is going to see the film at 7:00 in the afternoon .When he leaves ,he gets the time 5:36 in the mirror ,as it is shown in the upper picture ,if it takes him 25 minutes to get to the cinema ,can he arrive on time ?18、Look at the picture ,In ( ),the rate of the profit of the factory is highest.19、Please look at the calendar of March 2007,If we use to circle any five numbers ,the sums of these numbers can not be ( ) A 45 B 60 C 90 D 11020、There are 20 math problems in the test ,For each right answer ,you got 5points ,For no answer ,you got 0,For each wrong answer ,you lose 2 points instead of getting points ,If Lucy get a mark(分数),which is a prime number(质数) ,The largest number of math problems she works out is ( ) A 13 B 15 C 16 D 17


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