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第九讲 非谓语动词要点扫描适用学科初中英语适用年级初三教材版本通用课时时长(分钟)90知识点动词不定式做状语,动名词做主语,过去分词做后置定语教学目标掌握非谓语的基本做题要领,重点了解动词不定式的用法,动名词的主语和宾语的用法。教学重点动词不定式的用法,动名词的主语和宾语的用法。教学难点掌握非谓语的基本做题要领教学过程一、复习预习Try your best to do it!1. quality n _ 2.harmful adj _3 .serious adj_ 4.pollution n _5 .topic n_ 6.arouse vt_7. attention n_ 8.appear vi_9. increasing adj_ 10.frequently adv_11. whole adj_ 12.cover v/n_13. poisonous adj_ 14.breathe vi_15. cause v/n_ 16.problem n_17 .effect n_ 18,environment n_19. rather adv_ 20.expect v_ 21. as we know_ 22.worse and worse_ 23. is harmful to _ 24.in the last few years_ 25. because of_ 26.rather than _ 27. in our daily lives_ 28.take effective measures_29. from now on._ 30.in my opinion_31. make contribution to_ 32.for example_33. the number of _ 34.call on_35.in this way_ 二、知识讲解考点易错点1、谓语动词和非谓语动词的区分: 谓语与非谓语的区分,非谓语形式、特点及其用法。动词如果做句子的谓语,可称为谓语动词。有时候动词形式进行一些变化,便可以不做句子谓语,这时它几乎可以做除谓语之外的任何一个句子成分,我们便称之为非谓语动词。动词做句子谓语时,为了体现不同的时态语态,会有形式变化,常见的有:do/does/did/have done/have been done/will do/had done/was doing/is doing等非谓语动词基本形式有三种:1, 2, 3,非谓语具体形式见下表。(大家会看到,所有非谓语动词要么以to开头,要么以ing形式开头,要么就是过去分词单独做非谓语。当然它如果和和某些词连用,又可以做谓语了。比如和have连用,构成have done便是现在完成时的谓语结构了。)动词不定式形式、特点及用法动词ing形式、特点及用法过去分词形式、特点及用法用法: 其中蓝体字部分是初中阶段我们要重点学习的内容考点易错点2、动词不定式1.动词不定式的句法功能1)动词不定式作主语。如:_.2)动词不定式作表语。如:_.3)动词不定式作宾语。如:_4)动词不定式作宾语补足语。如:_.5)动词不定式作定语。如:_.6)动词不定式作状语。如:_.2.动词不定式的时态和语态1)一般式:to do表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之后,或同时发生。如:_.2)完成式:to have done 表示不定式的动作发生在谓语的动作之前。如:_.3)进行式:to be doing 表示不定式的动作与谓语的动作同时进行。如:_.4)被动语态:to be done 表示被动关系。如:_.3.动词不定式的重点与难点 1)疑问句 + to + 动词原形 该句型可与宾语从句互换 I dont know what to do. = _ 疑问句在不定式中充当成分时,疑问代词作宾语,疑问副词作状语。 I dont know what to do. (疑问代词what作宾语) I dont know how to do it. (疑问副词how作状语) 2)动词不定式作定语 动词不定式要放在所修饰的名词、代词之后。 如:_. (定语)动词不定式与所修饰的名词、代词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,因此若不定式的动词是不及物动词或者 不定时所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面就要加上相应的介词。如:_. 3) 动词不定式作状语当动词不定式修饰表语形容词作状语时,它和主语构成动宾关系。同样,如果不定式中的动词是不 及物动词时要加相应的介词。如:_.4使用不定式的注意事项 1)有些动词的不定式省略to.祈使动词如make, let , have如:_.感官动词如hear, see, notice如:_.用于被动语态时,被省略的to需要还原如:_.*不定式省略to的口诀有些动词跟不定式作宾语补足语时省去了to,其口诀是:一感二听三让四观看。一感:feel二听:hear, listen to三让:let, have, make四观看:observe, see, watch, look at2)动词不定式的否定需在to前加not。如:_. 3)作简略回答或为避免不必要的重复时,不定式常可省略to后面的动词,只保留to。动词 make, let, see, hear. 后面的词可全部省略。A: Did you go to see the Great Wall.B: Yes, I went to.A: Did Mary go there with you.B: No, her mother didnt let her.4) 接不定式作宾语的动词有want, wish, hope, decide等。5) 接带to的不定式作宾补的动词有ask, tell, get, wish, want, like, teach等。6) 接不带to的不定式作宾补的动词有let, make, have, see, watch, feel, listen to等。7) 接不定式状语的形容词有happy, sorry, afraid, able, sure等。8) 带to的不定式作主语等,常用形式主语it代替,其作表语的形容词有important, easy, difficult, hard, good, bad, right等。如:_. 9) 既可接不定式,又可接动词-ing形式的动词有like, love, hate, start, begin, need和stop, remember, forget, go on, try等,前者意义没有多大的区别,后者区别比较大。10) 带to的不定式和疑问词连用,相当于一个名词作宾语或宾补,这种句式可以把不定式转换为复合 句,这类动词有know, decide, tell, ask, find, hear, learn ,thinks等。11) 带to的不定式作定语的动词有have,there be。 I have a few letters to write.12) 不定式to在一些情态动词或助动词及一些表“意愿”的动词之后代替上文提到的动词。这类动词有 have, be able, be going, hope, like, love, try等。A: Would you like to go with me.B: Yes,Id like to.*只接不定式作宾语的一些常用特殊谓语动词。want想要 hope希望wish想做(某事)agree同意decide决定 manage设法做成refuse拒绝 pretend 假装5. 动词不定式的几个重要句型1) .疑问句 + 动词不定式 My teacher didnt tell me what to do next.2 ) tooto/enough toThey are too shy to speak English. Its too dark for him to see anything in the room.3). it is/was + 形容词 + of sb. to do sth.(形容词只能修饰sb.和to do sth.)It is/was + 形容词 + for sb. to do sth. (形容词只能修饰to do sth.)It was very clever of him to do it like that. It was hard for him to say goodbye.*tooto与sothat 的转换The box is too heavy for him to lift.= the box is so heavy that he cant lift it.*of sb. 句型可以转换成一个不定式作状语的句子,而for sb. 句型则不可以。It is very kind of you to help me. - You are very kind to help me.补充:形容词/副词 + enough to do sth. 与sothatcan do sth.的转换:He runs fast enough to get there first. He runs so fast that he can get there first.4) .why(not) do?A: lets go out to eat tonight. B: Yes, why not?5) .There be to doThere are some clothes to wash. There is a room to clean.6) .be about to do sth.I was about to go to bed when the policeman knocked at the door.7) .had better do sth.had better not do sth. You had better not eat too much.So as to He got up early so as to meet his parents at the airport.考点易错点3:动词ing形式 动词-ing形式是动词的另一种非限定形式,包括现在分词和动名词两种,有动词原型加-ing构成。动词-ing形式可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语、定语、状语等,下面将一一介绍动词-ing形式的这些用法。1.动词-ing形式作主语的情况动词-ing形式作主语,有时也可以用it作形式主语,而把动词-ing形式放在后面。Reading poetry brings people from different places and different times together.Its useless arguing with him.2 .动词-ing形式作动词宾语在下面这些词后常接动词-ing形式作宾语。mind 介意finish 完成consider考虑miss 错过enjoy 喜欢practice训练keep坚持appreciate欣赏如:_.如:_.如:_.如:_.如:_.下列动词和词组只能用动词-ing形式作宾语Enjoy 喜欢Consider考虑Escape逃脱Give up放弃Risk 冒险deny 否认Object to反对Imagine想象Delay耽误Put off 推迟Advise建议Allow允许Admit 承认Permit允许Finish完成Suggest建议Practice联系Avoid避免Mind 介意 Keep(on)继续miss 错过3 .动词-ing形式放在系动词后作表语如:_.4.动词-ing形式在一些动词后作宾语补足语动词-ing形式在listen to, hear, watch, notice, feel, find, leave, look at, have等动词后作宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行。如:_.如:_.如:_.如:_.5.动词-ing形式作定语的两类情况1)我们常说的动名词作定语,用来修饰无生命的名词,且只能前置;这类定语不能改为名词从句。A teaching building 教学楼 A walking stick 拐杖A swimming pool 游泳池 A sleeping bag 睡袋A smiling face 笑脸 A reading room 阅览室2) 我们常说的现在分词作定语,多用来修饰有生命的名词(有时也可以用来修饰无生命的名词)。这类定语,如果动词-ing形式是单独修饰名词,常前置;如果动词-ing短语修饰名词,则常后置,它们都可以被改为定语从句。The dancing girl (The girl who is dancing) is my classmate.The new hospital being built (which is being built) is just near our school.6.动词-ing形式作状语这类结构常用来表示时间、原因、条件、结构。它相当于一个状语从句,其逻辑主语就是主语的主语;也可置于句尾,表示伴随、补充说明。1) 动词-ing形式作状语表示时间Hearing the good news (= When they heard the good news), the students were wild with joy.Having watered the vegetables ( = After they had watered the vegetables), they went back home for breakfast.2) 动词-ing形式作状语表示条件Standing on the top of the tower (= If we stand on the top of the tower), we can see as far as the Yangtze River.3) 动词-ing形式作状语表示自然而然的结果Her husband died in 1942, leaving five children with her(= and left five children with her).4) 动词-ing形式作状语表示伴随或补充说明Every evening they sat on the sofa watching TV(= and watched TV).考点易错点4:过去分词过去分词的基本形式是“动词+ed”,但也有不规则的形式。动词的不规则过去分词需要逐一记忆。过 去分词可以作定语、表语、宾语补足语、状语,等。1. 过去分词作前置定语单个的过去分词或带副词的单个过去分词作定语时,放在所修饰词的前面,为前置定语,具有形容词的特点。A broken window A recently-built houseA newly-married couple2. 过去分词作后置定语有时为了强调,过去分词作定语时要置于被修饰的名词之后,作后置定语,此时过去分词既有形容词的特征,又有动词的特征。He is a man loved and respected by all.3. 过去分词作定语与定语从句的关系及物动词的过去分词可以改为动词为被动形式的定语从句;部分不及物动词的过去分词作定语时,可改为动词为完成式或动词为表示状态的定语从句。A returned scholar = a scholar who has returnedThe first textbooks written for teaching English ( = which were written for teaching English) as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.The computer center opened last year(= which was opened last year)is very popular among the students in the school.4. 过去分词作表语表示主语所处的状态He was terrified at seeing this scene.The door remained unlocked.5. 过去分词作表语与被动状态的区别1 过去分词作表语表示主语的特点或所处的状态,被动语态则表示一个被动的动作。The cup is broken. (过去分词表状态)The cup was broken by my brother.(过去分词表动作)2过去分词作表语除用于系动词后面外,还可用于get, become, grow, turn等词后面,而被动语态没有此种用法。(R)We became/got excited.(R)We were excited by the news.(W)We became/got excited by the news.6. 过去分词作宾语补足语的基本用法过去分词作宾语补足语,宾语与过去分词之间为被动关系,表示被动意义和完成意义。1) 使役动词keep, leave,get, make的宾语后面经常带过去分词作宾语补足语,表示“使处于某种状态”,分词和宾语之间是被动关系,而“have/get + 宾语 + 过去分词”表示“让别人作某事”或“遭遇到某种情况”。如:_.如:_.如:_.如:_.如:_.2) 表示感觉的动词所带的宾语后面都可以接过去分词作宾语补足语。及物动词作宾语补足语通常表示被动和完成,不及物动词一般只表示完成。如:_.如:_.3) 动词want, wish, like, expect 及介词with 后面可用过去分词作宾语补足语。如:_.如:_.7. 过去分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件及伴随情况等1) 过去分词的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语保持一致,并且必须是被动关系,通常可以转换成相应的状 语从句(过去分词表示伴随情况时可以将其转换成并列句)。 Asked (= When he was asked) how he broke into the room, he made no answer.(表示时间) Deeply moved ( = As we were deeply moved) by the film, we could have done the work better.(表示条件) The teacher sat there, ( = and was ) surrounded by his students.(表示伴随情况)2) “连词+分词”作状语是状语从句的一种省略形式。当状语从句中过去分词的逻辑主语和主语的主语一 致,并且有动词be时,常将逻辑主语和动词本省略。When completed ( = When the museum is completed), the museum will be open to the public next year.The research is so designed that once begun (= once the research is begun) nothing can be done to change it.三、例题精析【例题1】 【题干】1. The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A. having written B. to be writtenC. being written D. written【例题2】 【题干】2. You were brave enough to raise objection at the meeting.Well, now I regret _ that.A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done【例题3】 【题干】3. We agreed _ here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met【例题4】 【题干】4. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _.A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not do【例题5】 【题干】5. Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard.A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning【例题6】 【题干】6. _ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lost【例题7】 【题干】7. The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation.A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating【例题8】 【题干】8. The Olympic Games, _ in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912.A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing 四、同步训练【基础】1. Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the music.A. making herself hear B. to make herself hearC. making herself heard D. to make herself heard 2. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes.A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed3. The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding4. The old man, _ abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.A. to work B. working C. to have worked D. having worked5. You were silly not _ your car.A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked6. Dont leave the water _ while you brush your teeth.A. run B. running C. being run D. to run7. When flint _ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced8. “We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob, _ out of the window.A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked9. My advisor encouraged _ a summer course to improve my writing skills.A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take10. _ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited【巩固】11. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.” A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading12. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _ it more difficult. A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make13. Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to studyC. to be studying D. to have been studying14. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year. A. carried out B. carrying out C. carry out D. to carry out15. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. SufferingC. To suffer D. Suffered16. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen17. The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun【答案】D。“连词+分词”作状语,依然由句子主语与分词的关系来确定,主动关系用现在分词,被动关系用 过去分词。the research 与 begin 是被动关系,用过去分词 begun。18. It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows _. A. it what to do withB. what to do it withC. what to do with it D. to do what with it19. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen. A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked20. She looks forward every spring to _ the flower-lined garden. A. visit B. paying a visit C. walk in D. walking inD。look forward to 中 to 是介词,后接动词要用动名词。若选 B,应在其后加 to 才行。【拔高】21. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person _. A. to send B. for sending it C. to send it to D. for sending it to22. What do you think made Mary so upset? _ her new bike. A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing23. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _. A. 20 dollars remained B. 20 dollars to remain C. remained 20 dollars D. remaining 20 dollars24. There are five pairs _, but Im at a loss which to choose. A. to be chosen B. to choose fromC. to choose D. for choosing25. _ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Being founded B. It was foundedC. Founded D. Founding课后作业【基础】 1. Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong.A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit2. Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _ some schools for poor children.A. set up B. setting up C. have set up D. having set up3. _ late in the afternoon, Bob turned off the alarm.A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having4. With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A. settled B. setting C. to settle D. being settled5. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour.A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting6. In order to make our city green, _.A. it is necessary to have planted more trees B. many more trees need to plantC. our city needs more trees D. we must plant more trees7. How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers.A. to solving, making B. to solving, madeC. to solve, making D. to solve, made8. The teacher asked us _ so much noise.A. dont make B. not make C. not making D. not to make9. _ time, hell make a first-class tennis player.A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given10. He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting【巩固】11. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M.A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known12. Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you cant have time to _ before the party.A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change13. _ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to stay another two days off the farm.A. Attracting B. Attracted C. To be attracted D. Having attracted 14. I dont know whether you happen _ , but Im going to study in the U. S. A. this September.A. to be heard B. to be hearing C. to hear D. to have heard 15. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _ the film stars had left.A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told 16. Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time _ the exam.A. pass B. to pass C. passed D. passing 17. _ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all.A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared 18. _ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.A. Not completing


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