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小学英语语法入门(二)名词复数一、规则变化:1. 一般在名词词尾加s,如:a desk two desks an apple three apples2. 以s、x结尾的在名词词尾加es,如:a box four boxes a bus five buses二、名词复数的读音1.加在清辅音后面的s发/s/,如:desk/desk/ desks/desks/ map/mAp/ maps/mAps/2.加在浊辅音后面的s发/z/,如:egg/eg/ egg/egz/ girl/g3:l/ girls/g3:lz/3.加在元音后面的s发/z/,如:car/kB:/ cars/kB:z/ tree/tri:/ trees/tri:z/4.加在s、x后的es发/Iz/,如:bus/bQs/ buses/5bQsIz/ box/b2ks/ boxes/5b2ksIz/5.加在/t/音素后与其合发/ts/,如:cat/kAt/ cats/kAts/6.加在/d/音素后与其合发/dz/,如:bed/bed/ beds/bedz/7.加在/dV/音素后发/Iz/,如:orange/52rIndV/ oranges/52rIndVIz/练习:将下列名词变复数并标注所加的s或es的发音cake desk jeep book map bike clock cup girl lesson apple egg pen pencil eraser boy tree picture ruler car dress fox bus box boat cat friend bird orange 三、不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-micechild-childrenfoot-feet, tooth-teethfish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese代词(一)人称代词主格你我他她它你们我们他(它)们youIhe sheityouwethey人称代词宾格youmehimherityouusthem形容词性物主代词你的我的他的她的它的你们的我们的他(它)们的yourmyhisheritsyourourtheir名词性物主代词yoursminehishersitsyoursourstheirs1.人称代词主格用在动词前,做动作的执行者,在句中作主语。e.g. I look. He can see a bird. They have a good teacher.2. 人称代词宾格用在动词或介词后,做动作的承受者,在句中作宾语。e.g. Look at me, please. I can see her in the bus. Please ask them.3. 形容词性物主代词相当于一个形容词,主要用在名词前修饰、限制名词,但是不可单独使用。e.g. This is my friend. Thats your orange. Her name is Rose. Miss Li is our teacher. Those are their bananas.4. 名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,可用于动词前后,可单独使用。e.g. This is my desk.= This desk is mine. A: Those are their apples. Where are ours? B: Yours are in the box.练习一:完成下表人称代词主格你我她你们youIhe itwe人称代词宾格heryouthem你的他的它的我们的her名词性物主代词yourshisitsyourstheirs练习二:根据汉语提示完成下列各题 1. sing, dance all day. This is life.(我) 2. is English. name is Jack. (他) 3. is Rose and this is desk. That chair is , too. (她) 4. ask me, I ask . (他们) 5. can ride a bike? This is bike. That bike isnt . (你) 6. is a cat. name is Tam. Can you see in the picture? (它) 7. Look at , please. are Chinese. Miss Li is English teacher. (我们)hundred、thousand、million、billion当hundred、thousand、million、billion前面有具体数量词的时候,它们是数量词,没有复数变化,如: a thousand, three thousand, eight million等;当它们前面没有具体的数量词时,则它们是名词,总以复数形式出现,表示数量之多,但不确定,一定要与介词of构成短语之后才能修饰名词, 如:hundreds of boy数百男孩,thousands of birds数千只鸟,millions of people数百万人,If I had billions and billions of dollars(数十亿美元), I will buy you everything you want. but thats impossible. haha.练习:选择正确答案1. There are volunteers in Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.A. ten millions B. ten millions of C. millions of D. million of2. Many_treesshouldbeplantedonthemountains.A. thousandB. thousandofC. thousandsD. thousandsof3. More than five _ people are there.A. thousands B. thousand C. thousands of4.- How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?- Its hard to say. _ people, I think. A. Million of B. Millions of C. Two millions of D. Two million of基数词基数词是表示数量的词,如下:one/wQn /1 two/tu:/2 three/Wri:/3 four/fC:/4 five/faIv/5 six/sIks/6 seven/5sevEn/7 eight/eIt/8 nine/naIn/9 ten/ten/10 eleven/I5levn/11 twelve/twelv/12 thirteen/53:5ti:n/13 fourteen/5fC:5ti:n/14 fifteen/5fIf5ti:n/15 fifty/5fIfti/50 sixteen/5sIks5ti:n/16 seventeen/5 sevEn5ti:n/17 eighteen/5eI5ti:n/18 nineteen /5naIn5ti:n/19 twenty/5twenti/20 thirty/5:ti/30 forty/5fC:ti/40 fifty/5fIfti/50 sixty/5sIksti/60 seventy/5sevEnti/70 eighty/5eIti/80 ninety/5naInti/90 hundred/5hQndrId/百thousand/5aJzEnd/千million/5mIljEn/百万1.几十几用整十加连字符“-”再加几,如:34:thirty-four 98:ninety-eight2.几百几十几用几百and几十几,如:112:a hundred and twelve 375: three hundred and seventy-five序数词1.序数词是表示顺序的词,如下:first/f:st/第一 second/5sekEnd/第二 third/W:d/第三 fourth/fC:W/第四 fifth/fIfW/第五 sixth/sIksW/第六 seventh/5sevEnW/第七 eighth/eItW/第八 ninth/nBInW/第九 tenth/tenW/第十 eleventh/I5levnW/第十一 twelfth/twelfW/第十二 2.基数词变序数词,一般都在基数词词尾加th,其规律如下:一二三要全变,(one first two second three third)其余th加后边,(four fourth fifty-seven fifty-seventh )th变化有特例,(如下)八减t,(eight eighth)九去e,(nine ninth)ty改成tie,(twenty twentieth ninety ninetieth)ve变f再加th。(five fifth twelve twelfth)


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