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第二届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教案评选NSEC Module 2. Unit 4. ReadingA night that the earth didnt sleep”福建省厦门市新店中学吴腰2011年1月30日第二届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、教案背景1面向学生:中学 2学科:高一英语 3课时:1课时4学生学情分析;厦门市是一个经济发达的城市,本校的学生部分来自城乡结合部,英语水平参差不齐,针对这种情况设计了层层深入的的课堂活动,激发学生积极参与课堂活动,逐步实现各项教学目标。学生课前准备:本单元的中心话题是“地震”,课前引导学生查找有关中国1976年唐山大地震和美国1906年旧金山地震及2008年汶川大地震的相关资料,分小组进行搜集材料和讨论;进一步指导他们用自己喜欢的的方式(如PPT或小报制作等形式)加以展示,通过课前资料搜集,学生对“地震的基本知识及地震中如何自救和救人”有了更直观的认识,从而为本课的学习奠定了基础。5教师课前准备:教学之前用百度在网上搜索与地震相关教学材料,找了一些教案和材料作参考,明确教学的重点和难点,研究课堂教学形式和方法。然后根据课堂教学需要,利用百度引擎搜索关于地震的视频、图片,课堂放给学生观看,加深印象。设计了形式多样的阅读理解题型如表格、判断正误、回答问题等,多角度地引导学生对阅读材料的理解。二、教学课题 Module1Unit4 . Reading. A night that the earth didnt sleep1知识与技能:让学生学会运用略读、寻读、预测等策略,捕捉文章的重要信息,提高对语篇深层次理解及结构分析的能力;掌握阅读微技能,并通过任务拓展训练,达到语言输出地目的,即灵活运用英语进行听、说、读、写。2过程与方法:以任务型语言教学模式完成本节课的阅读教学,以任务环贯穿教学主线,引导学生通过自主学习、合作探究、实践体验,形成有效的学习策略,实现学生学习方式的转变,培养用“语言做事情”的能力。3情感、态度与价值观:通过阅读材料,学生了解地震发生前一些异常现象,如能提前做好准备,就能减少或避免不必要的损失;同时学会在地震中如何自救和救人的知识。三、教材分析1教学内容:本课为人教版高中英语(NSEC)必修模块2Unit 4. Earthquake 的 Reading: A night that the earth didnt sleep本单元的中心话题是“地震”,学生通过讨论和阅读了解有关地震的内容,了解地震发生前一些异常现象学会在地震中如何自救和救人。阅读部分介绍了1976年7月28日凌晨发生在河北唐山的大地震。地震发生前的一些异常现象、地震造成的损失及震后的重建工作。2教材处理:本课结合教材的实际对教材内容、编排顺序等进行了调整、替换、删除和补充,把阅读前、阅读中和阅读后三部分有机地整合起来。(1)导入新颖、激发兴趣。“读前阶段”通过图片、视频导入的形式,激活学生大脑中的图式。同时,结合标题预测,使学生对即将阅读的内容有一定的预期,激发阅读兴趣。(2)循序渐进、创意安排。“读中阶段”设计了略读、寻读、细读等环节,先是引导学生进行语篇的整体感知,了解课文的结构;然后引导学生梳理文章结构、谋篇布局和主题思想;接下来的细节捕捉,以小组合作的形式获取事实细节性信息,培养学生归纳概括的能力。(3)适度拓展、开发思维。“读后阶段”通过开放性话题讨论,拓展学生的发散性思维,引导学生就“地震中如何自救和救人”展开讨论,也是落实情感、态度及价值观目标的有效手段;以写作的形式达到语言输出地目的。使用自我评价表,使学生学会反思学习内容、学习行为与学习效果,从而优化学习方法与学习策略的。3教学重点和难点教学重点(1) 文本的阅读与理解(2) 阅读策略的运用:略读、推断、细读等(3) 通过阅读 掌握在地震中如何自救和救人的知识教学难点:(1) 课文的整体复述(2) 知识的迁移,即由阅读材料到写作的语言输出四、教学方法:(1)任务型语言教学法:以任务环贯穿教学主线,全体学生通过体验、进行自主学习、合作探究、实践体验、展示自我,培养用“语言做事情”的能力。(2)阅读自学法:学生在教师的引导下,通过一系列的阅读训练,掌握正确的略读、寻读、预测、理解文章结构等阅读技巧,培养良好的学习习惯与学习能力。(2)合作交际法:通过合作交际,共同完成课前自学、分组阅读、互助答疑、开放讨论等活动或任务,共同解决问题。五、教学过程Step 1. Pre-reading activities(6 minutes)Activity 1. Lead in(3 mins)1. Have a free talk with students to discuss the following questions.Imagine your home begin to shake and you must leave it right away .You have time to take only one thing .What shall you take? Why?What do you think will happen before an earthquake? 【百度视频】地震前兆http:/video.baidu.com/v?ct=301989888&rn=20&pn=0&db=0&s=7&word=%B5%D8%D5%F0%C7%B0%D5%D7Ask the students to introduce what will happen before an earthquake?T: Lets look at the following video. what do you think happens before an earthquake?S1: Well, I think the earth move a lot.T: Thats what happen during an earthquake. But what happens before it?S2: The animals run around a lot.S3: Fish jump out of their bowls or ponds. T: Well done. 设计意图教师先以百度网站里直观的视频创设话题情景,激活学生头脑中的相关图式,创设真实的语境,能加深学生对地震前兆的了解。为课文的学习打下基础,使学生逐步进入更深层次的学习境界。Activity 2. Predicting(3 mins)1Ask the students to predict the title before reading the text.T: Please look at the title and guess the meaning of “A night that the earth didnt sleep”S1: It means that the earth move a lot.S2: Perhaps its about an earthquake.S3: It is about an earthquake happened during night when people were asleep2. Read fast to verify the predictionT: Is it about an earthquake happen at night?S4: Yes ,its about the earthquake in Tangshan in 1976.T:Very good. But is there anything strange happens before the quake?S5: Yes. Many people saw strange lights in the sky and well water in a village outside Tangshan rose and fell many times a day.S6: But people pay no attention to theseT: Very good. Lets watch a video about what happen before Tangshan earthquake【百度视频】1976年唐山地震前兆 http:/www.56.com/u11/v_NDg1MjQ0NTI.html设计说明通过阅读文章标题,引导学生对课文内容进行预测,调动学生已有的背景知识,使其产生阅读的兴趣,。然后让学生通过快速阅读课文和观赏网站视频“来验证自己的预测. Step 2. While-reading (23 minutes)Activity 3. Skimming(4 mins)Read the passage quickly and match the paragraph with the main idea Strange things were happening in the countryside in the northeast Hebei.(Para ) The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss. (Para ) All hope was not lost. (Para ) 设计意图略读(skimming)旨在培养学生的归纳和概括能力,同时也为下一步确定阅读的框架打好铺垫,它只要求学生快速浏览全文,了解文章的主要信息,本活动是让学生通过阅读清晰地了解文章的结构,从而明确文章的大意。 Activity 4. Understanding the details(6 mins)Read the passage quickly and decide whether the following sentences is true(T)or false(F)1. People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didnt go to bed that night. (F)2. People in Beijing also felt the earthquake. (T)3. More than 400 000 people were killed in the quake. (F)4. Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock. (T)5. People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan. (F)设计意图为培养学生快速阅读与理解能力,设计立足于学生的实际水平,问题比较简单,有利于中下程度的学生树立学习英语的信心,有效地激发了学生的学习热情。Activity 5. Scanning(10 mins)Read carefully and try to get more information to fill in the blanks.1. Individual work.Part 1:Strange thingsthe water in the village wellsrose and fellthe well walls had deep cracks and a smelly gas came outthe chickens and pigswere too nervous to eatmice ran out of the fields, looking for places to hidefishjumped out of the bowls and pondsPart 2:a). Get the students to find some details of this part.Details:1. At 3:42 am, the greatest earthquake of the 20th century began.2. Steam burst from holes in the ground.3. Hard hills of the rock became rivers of dirt.4. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.5. Two dams and most of the bridges fell.6. The railway tracks were now useless pieces of steel.7. Sand now filled the wells instead of water.8. Water, food, and electricity were hard to get.b). Fill in the blanks with the datav 1/3 of the nation felt the earthquake .v A huge crack that was 8 kilometres long and 30 metres wide cut across houses.v In 15 terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. v 2/3 of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.v The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000 .v All of the citys hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.2. Group work Part 3:How were the people helped by the army?*The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.*Miners were rescued from the coal mines.*Shelters were built for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.*Fresh water was taken to the city.Let the groups have a discussion with their partners about more ways to help the people in the earthquake.设计意图细节理解有助于学生明确文章的思想脉络,而以表格呈现文章细节能使语篇内容具体化、简约化和系统化,数字是本篇文章的一个关键,通过填空,有助于培养学生快速查找具体信息的能力。,通过合作学习来完成阅读任务是一种有效的教学策略,它有助于降低学习的难度,集思广益,增强自信心。Activity 6 Summary(3 mins) Read the text again and fill in the blankSeveral days before July 28, 1976, many strange things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the earthquake. At 3:42 am that day, the earth began to shake, which destroyed the city. Later that afternoon, another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or injured and more buildings fell down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. Teams were organized to dig out the trapped and bury the dead设计意图本环节是课堂巩固练习,旨在检测学生是否已掌握了文章的基本内容。通过填词练习,加深学生对重点词汇的印象。Step 3. Post-reading activities(17minutes)Group Work(14mins)Discussions.What shall we do or not do if an earthquake happens?Dos Donts 1. Stay in a small room, such 1. Be close to the outside wall as kitchen or bathroom2. Hide under the table or 2. Stay on the balconybed, if you havent timeto escape , you may stand 3. Jump out of the tall buildingsclose to the inside wall withsome things covering on the 4. Use the lifthead.3. If you stay in the open air ,keep off the tall building, and go to the fields without trees .The students can express their idea by using the following expressionsI think/I don,t thinkAs far as Im concerned Personally, we should/we shouldnt.【百度图片】发生地震时该怎样做http:/image.baidu.com/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word设计意图小组讨论能让不同层次的学生参与其中,教师提示一些句型,使学生更能表达自己的观点,保证活动顺利进行,同时,为下一步的作业作好铺垫。Activity 7. Self-assessment(2 mins)The Things I Can DoEvaluationI have the general idea and outline of the text now54321I know what to do when an earthquake happens54321I have mastered the reading strategies learnt in class.54321I can combine reading with writing.54321I am active and intelligent in class performance.54321I work with my group members well to solve problems.54321I can give my fellow classmates useful help and tips.54321I have made progress and experienced success54321设计说明通过课堂评价表的使用,使学生学会反思本节课学习内容,并通过反思性学习,不断改进自己的学习方法与策略。Activity 8 Homework(1mins) Write an article with the title “What shall we do if an earthquake happens” in 120 words according to what you have discussed. 设计意图作业布置也是教学设计的重要环节,这是对课文教学的落实巩固和课外延伸的重要一环。该任务需要学生就讨论的内容写一篇文章,让学生能把阅读中所学的知识运用到写作中,从而达到语言由输入到输出地过程。六、教学反思本课教学设计的特点和亮点主要体现在以下几方面:1.采用任务型教学。根据学生的实际水平,设计不同的任务,通过问答、判断正误、小组讨论、总结陈述等方法,信息渐进,让全体学生都参与到学习中来。帮助学生理解课文,分解难点,把握重点。2.教学手段直观、形象。借助百度视频与图片展示地震发生的前兆等,再现地震发生时的情况,有利于激发学生学习的兴趣,课前引导学习小组应用百度视频、图片以及文档,完成网上搜索有关话题资料的准备工作,为阅读教学的顺利开展奠定基础;课上大量引入了网上的相关视频和资料,增加语境的真实性。3.根据学生的实际水平的差异,教师注重学习的认知规律,给予适当的支持和引导。在设计中层层深入。在讨论这一环节,给予学生句型提示,是学生能自主参与,发挥学生的主管能动性,加强培养学生综合运用予以按的能力。4.从课内向课外延伸。作业中的写作部分,达到予以按输出的目的。让学生学会用语言做事,同时,学会地震发生时应怎样做。5.自我表现评价表的使用,使学生学会反思学习内容、学习行为与学习效果,从而达到优化学习方法与学习策略的目的。七、教师个人介绍姓名:吴腰 省份:福建省 学校:厦门市新店中学 职称:中学高级教师吴腰,女,44岁,现任厦门市新店中学高中英语教研组长,从事高中英语教学23年来,长期担任高三英语教学。2009年参加福建省高考英语阅卷。是厦门市骨干教师。20072009年主持了国家级课题的研究。2010年获中国基础教育英语教学研究资助金项目科研成果一等奖、三等奖;近3年来多篇论文参加CN级汇编;2010年参加全国教师技能大赛获厦门市三等奖;近3年被评中国基础教育英语教学研究资助金项目优秀实验教师、厦门市高中新课程实验先进个人等。

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