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窗体底端大家印象:高一年级 完 成 句 子 练 习1.Thanks, mum. Actually you_my papers. I can manage it myself. (sort) 谢谢,妈妈。实际上,您不必整理我的试卷,我自己可以做。 2.We_our debt ahead of time, but my husband lost his job last year. (pay) 我们本来能提前还清债务的,但是我丈夫去年失业了。3.Using a washing machine means using _as washing by hand. (much) 机洗时用的水量相当于手洗时的三倍多。4.With_, he sighed a relief and felt much relaxed. (settle) 问题解决了,他松了一口气,感到非常轻松。5.I was just about to go to the airport when_ I had left my passport in the living room. (occur) 我刚要出发去机场,这时我突然想起我把护照落在起居室了。 6.You_him just now. After all, he meant to help by making more suggestions. (glare) 你刚才本不该对他怒目而视,毕竟他是想给我们提更多的建议。7._was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.(proud) 使学校骄傲的是 90%以上的学生被重点大学录取了。8. _was that he ate something that had gone bad.(fall) 他生病的原因是他吃了变质的东西。9. Only by eating a balanced diet and taking enough exercise_.(fit) 只有通过均衡饮食和进行充足锻炼,你才能保持健康。10. Its obvious that nobody enjoys_in public.(trick) 显而易见,没有任何人喜欢在公共场所被人捉弄。11. It is the second time _by that person; i shall never trust him again.(let) 这是那个人第二次让我失望,我再也不会相信他了。12. The media today can draw public attention to situations _.(need) 时下,媒体能够引导公众关注一些需要帮助的情形。13. _is that he is reliable person and you depend on him. (know) 我所了解的是:他是一个可靠的人,你可以依赖他。14. With_books, he didnt look up to see what happened. (bury) 脑袋埋在书里,他没有抬头看究竟发生了什么事情。15. Eventually, we accepted his proposal_.(put) 最终,我们接受了他推迟会议的建议。16._about the book was its vivid language.(impress) 这本书给我们印象最深的是它生动的语言。17. Professor Smith took up scientific research after graduation, _all his life. (devote) 大学毕业之后,史密斯教授就开始从事科研工作,并为此奋斗了一生。18. She_in the dictionary, as she gave me an accurate explanation of this word.(look) 她一定是查字典了,因为, 她给出了这个词的准确解释。19. The impression_me was that he was no more than a reserved young man. (make) 他给我留下的印象是他只不过是一个内敛的年轻人。20. It is not who is right but what is right _ .(importance) 重要的是,不是谁是对的,而是什么是对的。 21. _will be punished in the end.(break) 无论谁违法最终都会受到法律的制裁。22. with_what was left over on the table, he began to tell us his story slowly.(stare) 眼睛盯着桌上吃剩下的东西,他开始慢慢地给我们讲起他的故事。23. _eco-travel, and you will find it beneficial for you to understand the importance of nature.(take) 参加生态旅游,你会发现它能帮你理解大自然的重要性。 24.The scientist stayed in Africa studying animals for 13 years. She_a lot of difficulties.(go) 这位科学家在非洲呆了十三年的时间研究动物。她一定经历了许多困难。25. Only when you apply for it in advance_take up the CET-4 in the first semester. (allow) 只有在你提前申请的情况下,你才被允许在第一学期参加大学英语四级考试。26. You have to know it is your efforts , not your intelligence, _your success. (determine) 你得知道决定你成功的是你的努力而不是你的聪明。27. _is that the thing formed when an element combines with oxygen is called oxide. (know) 众所周知,当一种元素与氧结合时,形成的物质被称为氧化物。28. Weve been waiting for you! You _half an hour earlier.(turn) 我们一直在等你!你应该半小时前就到的。29. It was not until midnight_give up the plan to run away from home. (persuade) 直到半夜我才说服他放弃离家出走的计划。30. _they meet each other again. (be) 三年后他们彼此才能再见面。 31. With_, Joseph went to work on his second one. (achieve) 在实现了第一个目标后,约瑟夫继续努力工作以实现下一个目标。 32. _that my fathers work were displayed at the museum. (thrill) 让我激动的是我爸爸的作品在博物馆展出了。 33. On my way to work, _that I had left my purse at home, so I had to fetch it. (occur) 在上班的路上,我突然想起我把钱包忘在家里了,因此不得不回去拿。 34. Everything _, the environmental problem is worthy of our governments attention. (consideration) 从各方面来考虑,环境问题都是值得我们政府关注的。35. _the model translation in the reference book and you will at once understand where you should improve. (compare) 把你的翻译和参考书上的翻译对比,你马上就会明白你要改进的地方。 36. Bill_the fire, but he was so frightened that he jumped off the high building.(survive) 比尔经历这场火灾本可以生还的,但是他太害怕以至于从高楼上跳下去了。 37. _, the town attracts a large number of tourists each year. (surround) 这个城镇被群山环绕,每年吸引大量的游客。 38. E-mail, as well as QQ and MSN, _in daily communication at present. (play) 目前电子邮件以及 QQ 和 MSN 在日常生活中正发挥着重要作用。 39. In some parts of Edinburgh, missing a bus means_.(wait) 在爱丁堡某些地方,误一趟公汽意味着再等半个小时。 40. _is that he wishes to constantly improve test scores in reading and writing. (impress) 给我印象最深的是他希望不断提高在阅读和写作测验中的分数 41._about the future is probably the most important thing well ever do in our lives.(make) 对未来做出正确的选择或许是我们生活中最重要的事。42.Tong was very unhappy for _to the party.(invite) 汤姆因没有被邀请参加晚会而感到非常不高兴。 43. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area_.(repair) 由于严重的洪水灾害,这个地区三分之二的大楼需要修复。44. With more and more forest being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth_each year. (wash) 随着越来越多的森林被破坏,每年有大量的优质土壤被冲走。45. The minute the bell rang, the students came_. (crowd) 铃声一响,学生们就迅速涌入教室。 46. Modern science has given clear evidence_many diseases. (lead) 现代科学证实,吸烟会导致许多疾病。 47. We were stopped by the security guard and were told that only when we showed our licenses _. (allow) 保安将我拦住,并且说我们只有出示证件后才能进去。 48. During his visit to Shanghai, Obama made a speech to the young students, _Fu Dan University. (belong) 在上海访问期间,奥巴马为年轻学子作了一次演讲,其中大多数来自复旦大学。 49.I regret _; now I ve got into trouble. (follow) 我后悔没有听从你的建议;我现在有麻烦了。50. Dont always blame your own failure on others.Sometimes it is you yourself_. (blame) 不要总把失败归咎于他人。有时真正应该怪的是你自己。 51. Nowadays, more and more supermarkets build up their branches in our town ,_customers. (benefit) 如今,越来越多超市在我们居住的城市里开分店,这极大地方便了我们的顾客。 52. He recommended that a special committee_to look into the incident. (set) 他建议建立一个专门的委员会来调查这个事故。53. No one knows _that the accident happened. (be) 没有人知道这个事故究竟是如何发生的。 54.Global warming has become a serious problem, _more attention. (pay) 全球变暖已成了一个严重的问题,对此我们应多加关注。55. Its reported that a school bus was knocked over,_. (leave) 据报道,一辆校车被撞翻,导致 29 名学生受伤。 56. With so much work_, he was very upset and came to me for help. (deal) 有这么多工作要处理,他非常烦恼,因此他来向我求助。57.Its reported that the USA uses_the whole Europe every year. (much) 据报道,美国每年消耗的能源是整个欧洲的两倍。58.To be honest, a lot of people _becoming rich and famous. (attach) 说实话,很多人把名和利看得很重要。59.The newly broadened square is _the previous one.(size) 新扩建的广场是原来的 4 倍大。 60. Its already 10 oclock. I wonder _that she was 2 hours late on such a short trip. (come) 已经十点钟了。我纳闷这么短的一段路程他怎么会晚了 2 个小时。61._why dinosaurs suddenly disappeared. (remain) 恐龙为什么突然消失了到现在仍然是个谜。62. The combined working group will look into the train rear-end collision, _the cause of the accident officially and punishing some responsible persons concerned. (account) 联合工作组将调查火车追尾事故,正式解释事故的原因并惩罚相关负责人。


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