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初中语法必备300句第一级:1Best wishes for Teachers Day ! 教师节快乐!2September 10th is Teachers Day in China。 9月10号是中国的教师节。3What nice weather it is today ! 今天天气真好!4I am lucky today 我今天很幸运。5She is a friend of mine 她是我的一个朋友。6Now we go to school from Monday to Friday. 现在,我们从星期一到星期五上学。7Im sorry to trouble you 对不起,打扰你了。8Thats very nice of you 你真是太好了。9No hurry! Take your time 别着急!慢慢来。10Dont leave without me 别丢下我走掉。_11Im busy with my work nowPlease call me later 我现在工作很忙。请稍后再给我打电话。12Tom is not as old as john 汤姆的年龄比约翰小。13Tom does well in Chinese【=Tom is good at Chinese】汤姆中文很好。14He is a helpful person 他是个乐于助人的人。15His father is a doctor 他的父亲是一名医生。16I hope to see you again soon 我希望能很快再见到你。17I am glad to see you again 很高兴再次见到你。18I want to go to an action movie 我想去看动作片。19Id like you to meet my parents 我希望你和我父母见个面。20They are twinsBut one is a boy,the other is a girl. 他们是双胞胎,但一个是男孩,另一个是女孩。_21They enjoy living in China 他们喜欢在中国生活。22We have friends all over the world 我们的朋友遍及世界。23The Great Wall is well-known in the world 长城举世闻名。24The Chinese people are hard-working people 中华民族是一个勤劳的民族。25She teaches English in Guangzhou 她在广州教英语。26She teaches me English and I teach her Chinese 她教我英文,我教她中文。27We should learn from each other 我们应该互相学习。28Thank you for your helpful advice 谢谢你有益的建议。29My parents often take me to the park on Sundays. 星期天我的父母经常带我去公园。30They are in danger 他们有危险。_31Both of us are very tired 我们俩都非常累了。32Each of the three boys is interested in basketball这三个男孩中每一个人都对篮球感兴趣。33The woman in the red coat is my mother 穿红色外套的那位女士是我妈妈。34Can you speak Japanese? 你会说日语吗?35Is Canada an English speaking country? 加拿大是说英语的国家吗?36Are there any people in the park? 公园里有人吗?37Does anyone speak English here? 这里有人会说英语吗?38Do you have anything else to say? 你还有什么要说的吗?39Do you go to school by bus or on foot? 你是坐公共汽车还是走路上学?40Did you lend your bike to Tom? 你把自行车借给汤姆了吗?41How much do you spend on food each week? 你每个星期花多少钱买食物?42How do you stay healthy? 你是如何保持健康的?43HOW much does this pair of shoes cost? 这双鞋多少钱?44What color is it? 它是什么颜色?45What are you doing? 你在干什么?46Whats that sound? 那是什么声音啊?47What are you listening to now? 你现在在听什么啊?48What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢什么样的音乐?49What did you do last week? 上周你干什么了?50What club do you want to join? 你想参加哪个俱乐部?51What do you usually have for dinner? 晚饭你通常吃什么?52Why was the old man so angry? 那个老人为什么这么生气?53Why didnt Nick come to school yesterday? 尼克昨天为什么没来上课?54Which of the books do you like? 你喜欢哪本书?55Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友是哪里人?56Could you do something for me,please? 你能帮我做点事吗?57Would you like to say it in English? 你愿意用英文来说吗?58Would you like something to drink? 想喝点什么吗?59Parents are always worried about their children. 父母总是担心他们的孩子。60Im so worried about my test tomorrow 我很担心明天的考试。61Look at the cloudsIt is going to rain 看那乌云。要下雨了。62I was born on the 19th of May 我出生于5月19号。63He arrived in Shanghai at noon 他中午抵达上海。64Mom asked me not to be afraid 妈妈告诉我不要怕。65She took out a newspaper and began to read 她拿出一张报纸开始读。66I met an old friend of mine last night 我昨晚碰到了我的一个老朋友。67Its time to have lunch 到吃午饭的时间了。68It didnt take her 1ong time to get on the bus没花多长时间她就上了公交车。69They talked on and on.【=They kept on talking】他们不停地谈话。70Tom brought some flowers to me 汤姆给我带了一些花。71We had a good time in the park yesterday evening我们昨天晚上在公园里玩得很开心。72I spent the whole afternoon looking for my lost dog我整个下午都在找我那条走丢的狗。73He spent twenty years on the book 他花了20年的时间写这本书。74The beautiful bag cost me 15 yuan 这个漂亮的包花了我15块钱。75That happened on a cold winter morning 那件事发生在一个寒冬的早晨。76He came in and took off his coat 他走进来,脱下外套。77She told him not to laugh at her 她叫他不要嘲笑她。78Someone called you just now 刚才有人给你打电话。79My mother asked me to go Shopping with her妈妈叫我和她一起去购物。80My father brought several friends home for dinner. 我爸爸带了几位朋友回家吃饭。81Heres a piece of good news for you 有个好消息要告诉你。82There isnt much to read in todays paper今天的报纸没有什么好看的。83There is a school at the end of the road 在这条路的尽头有一所学校。84There is a big market at the corner of the street. 在街道的拐角处有个大市场。85There is something wrong with my head 我的头有点不舒服。86The bus is coming 车来了。87The Greens are busy getting ready for the party. 格林一家正忙着为聚会做准备。88Everything is ready now for the trip 外出旅游的一切都已准备妥当。89We are leaving tomorrow 我们明天就动身。90We are going to buy some vegetables 我们要去买一些蔬菜。91They are going to America next week 他们下周去美国。92My uncle is going to America for a vacation我叔叔将要去美国度假。【英国人用“holiday】93。We must wash our hands before eating 我们吃东西之前一定要先洗手。94Lets go to that new French restaurant for dinner我们去那家新开的法国餐厅吃晚饭吧。95Pass me two pieces of bread,please ! 请递给我两片面包!96Dont play with fireIts very dangerous 别玩火,很危险。97Please go to the teachers office after school放学后请到老师办公室。98Remember,its just between you and meDont tell others记住,只有你和我知道。不要告诉别人。99Help yourself to some chicken,please 请随意吃点鸡肉吧。100You are always welcome hereTake it as your second home.在这儿你永远受欢迎。把这儿当作你的第二个家吧二级101I prefer English to math 相比数学,我更喜欢英语。 【=I like English better than math】102Something is better than nothing 有总比没有好。103Your school is much bigger than mine 你们的学校比我们的大多了。104Shes much thinner than last year 她比去年瘦多了。105Beijing is much more beautiful than last year北京比去年漂亮多了。106Health is much more important to me than money对我来说。健康比金钱更重要。107You do your homework much more carefully than before你做作业比以前仔细多了。108Guangzhou is developing much faster than Shenzhen广州比深圳发展得快。109Guilin is one of the most popular cities for tourists to visit in China桂林是中国最受游客欢迎的城市之一。110Shanghai is among the largest cities in the world上海是世界上最大的城市之一。_111Your plan sounds good to me 我同意你的计划。112Li Yang speaks English exactly like an American李阳说英语完全就像美国人一样。113Li Yang often teaches his American friends to speak Chinese. 李阳经常教他的美国朋友讲中文。l14Do you often hear from your friends in Austraila? 你澳大利亚的朋友们经常给你写信吗?115This is my second visit to Hong Kong这是我第二次游览香港。1i6Tom is on a visit to China 汤姆在中国参观访问。117More and more foreigners come to China every year到中国来的外国人一年比一年多。118I hope you can come to my birthday party next Sunday我希望你下星期天能来参加我的生日聚会119You are welcome to bring a friend to the party欢迎你带你的朋友来参加聚会。120I used to eat candy all the time 以前我总是吃糖。_121Ill take you there in my car 我会开车送你去那儿。122It。s my pleasure to help you 能帮上你的忙我很荣幸。123She is an old friend of my fathers 她是我父亲的一个老朋友。124I have a piece of advice for You 我给你一个忠告。125The young scientist has over twenty inventions那位年轻的科学家已经有了20多项发明。126The water is too hot to drink 水太烫了不能喝。127Im too tired to walk any farther我太累了。走不远了。128The question is too difficult for me to answer这个问题对于我来说太难回答了。129The room isnt big enough to hold so many people这个房间不够大,不能容纳这么多人。130We have a few minutes left 我们只剩下几分钟了。_131Take your timeThe show doesnt start for another half hour. 再过半小时表演才会开始。【英国人用half an hour表示“半小时”】132I thought you were discussing the project with Sandy我以为你和桑迪在讨论这个课题。133Are you good at speaking in public? 你擅长发表演讲吗?134That little baby looks lovely 那个小孩子看起来很可爱135Why dont you talk to him about it? 你为什么不跟他谈谈?136How often do they exercise? 他们多久锻炼一次?137How far is it from here to that School? 从这儿去那所学校有多远?138How long did it take you to finish the work? 你花了多长时间去完成这项工作?139Whats the meaning of the word“difficult”? “difficult”这个单词是什么意思?140You look very worried about somethingIs everything OK? 你看上去在担心什么事。一切都好吧?_141。My cousin and I both enjoy speaking English 我表哥和我都爱讲英语。142All of them were surprised to hear the news 听到这个消息他们都很吃惊。143My father may leave either today or tomorrow我的父亲不是今天走就是明天走。144Neither Tom nor Mike knows it 汤姆和迈克都不知道。145Neither of his parents speaks English 他父母都不会讲英语。i46Linda often helps her mother with the housework on weekends琳达经常在周末的时候帮母亲干家务活。147Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?148I think I can get to the train station at about half past five我想我大概能在5:30到达火车站。149Could you please take out the trash? 请把垃圾拿出去好吗?150There was so much food that we couldnt eat it all. 食物太多了,我们吃不完151Would you mind saying it a little slower? 你介不介意说慢一点?152Should we have a picnic? 我们去野餐吧?153I dont know what I should say 我不知道我应该说什么154We should try to help people in trouble我们应该设法帮助有困难的人。155Where should we go on vacation this summer? 今年夏天我们上哪儿去度假?156Your classroom must be cleaned every day 你们必须天天打扫教室。157We must stop him from doing that我们必须阻止他那样做。158You must be here at six tomorrow morning你必须明天早上6点到这儿。159Dont make so much noise;we shouldnt wake up the baby. 不要太吵了,我们不能吵醒婴儿160You neednt come to the meeting if youre too busy如果你太忙的话,就不必来开会._161I was excited to see MrLi Yang in person能见到李阳先生本人,我很激动。162He did it all alone 这事是他一个人干的。163I saw her go out a few minutes ago 几分钟前我看见她出去了。164We had an exam two days ago。 两天前我们举行了一次考试。165He did his homework until 10 oclock 他做作业一直做到10点钟。166They arrived in London on the night of August 3他们于8月3日的晚上到达伦敦。167She waited hour after hour for her mother at the airport她在机场等她母亲,等了好几个小时。168MrLin invited you and me to have lunch with him林先生邀请你和我跟他一起吃午餐。169Have you been to Shanghai? 你去过上海吗?170My father has been to Shanghai twice 我爸爸去过两次纽约。_171Will you fly to Beijing next month? 下个月你要飞去北京吗?172What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气会怎样呢?173When will you arrive in America? 你将会在什么时候到达美国?174。Im sorry,I will try not to make the same mistake again. 对不起,我将尽量不再犯同样的错误。175I think you will have to pay for the lost book我觉得你得赔那本你弄丢的书。176What do you think life will be like in 100 years? 你觉的100年后生活将会是什么样?177Wholl teach us English next term? 下学期谁教我们英语?178I wi1l try to practice English as much as possible我将尽可能多地操练英文。179My uncle is coming to see meHell be here soon我叔叔要来看我,不久他就会到。180Do you know where Jim“lives? Im going to see him你知道吉姆住在哪吗?我想去看看他。_181Jenny and her patents are going to visit the Palace Museum tomorrow珍妮和她的父母明天要去故宫博物馆参观182What are you going to be when you grow up? 你长大想做什么?183We wont go to the Great Wall if it rains tomorrow如果明天下雨,我们就不去长城了184Ill ask her when she comes她来这里时我问问她。18SWhen he called me yesterday evening,I was watching TV他昨晚给我打电话的时候我正在看电视186It took me three days to finish reading the book读完这本书花了我三天时间。187Its a lot of fun to speak English with foreigners和外国人说英语很有意思。188Take this medicine and youll be better soon吃这种药,你很快会好的。189The text is very easy for youThere are few new words in it这篇课文对你来说很容易,没什么生词。190We had to stay at home because of the heavy rain因为外面下着大雨,所以我只能在家呆着。191His life changed because he changed his ideas因为他改变了主意。所以他的生活也改变了。192She is terribly illsickShe cant come to school today. 她病得非常严重。她今天不能来上课。193He fell off the bikeLuckily,he wasnt hurt too badly他从自行车上摔下来了,幸运的是他摔得并不严重。194I usually get up early,but yesterday I got up very late. 我通常很早就起床了,但昨天我起床晚了。195Mother was tired,but she still went on working妈妈很累。但她仍然继续工作。196The country is very rich,though its very small这个国家虽然小,却非常富有。197Though it was late,we decided to go虽然已经晚了,我们还是决定动身。198Though it was raining,he went out to exercise虽然当时正下着雨,他还是出去锻炼了。199I will try it,though I may fail. 即使我可能失败,但我也要试一下。200MrLi is not only my teacher but also my good friend李先生不仅仅是我的老师也是我的好朋友。三级201Why dont we go out for a walk in such good weather? 天气这么好,我们不如出去散个步吧?202Id rather walk than take a bus 我宁愿走也不愿坐车。203The museum is open every day except Mondays博物馆每天开放,除了星期一。204I can answer all of the questions except for the last two每个问题我都答得出来,除了最后两个。205You neednt finish the work todayYou may finish it tomorrow. 你不必今天完成,你可以明天完成。206Ancient buildings should be carefully looked after古建筑物应当得到精心保护。207He ought to be criticized for his mistake他应该为他的错误受到批评。208As students,we should listen to our teachers carefully in class.作为学生,我们应该在课堂上认真听老师讲课。209You may go swimming when your homework is done你做完了作业就可以去游泳。210We must try our best to build China into a strong and modem country我们要全力以赴把中国建设成为一个现代化的强国。_211You have the right to voice your opinion 你有权说出你的观点。212Traffic in Guangzhou is really a problem,dont you think so? 广州的交通真是个问题,你们说是吗?213A plane is flying over the river and a ship is going under the bridge飞机在河上飞,船从桥下走。214Young people in China are getting more and more interested in English中国的年轻人对英语的兴趣越来越浓厚了215Now people are doing their best to keep healthy如今人们想尽办法保持身体健康。216The Earth is our homeWe must keep the land,air and water clean地球是我们的家园,我们必须维持土地、空气和水的干净。217There is hardly any milk in the bottle,is there? 瓶子里没什么牛奶了,是吧?218,Im totally worn out todayI need a good sleep我今天太累了,我需要好好的睡一觉。219My shoes are worn outIll have to buy a new pair我的鞋坏了,我要买一双新的。220My computer is brokenI hope you can fix it我的电脑坏了。我希望你能把它修好。221My watch doesnt workI have to get it repaired我的手表坏了。我得拿去修理。222My mobile phone isnt workingI need to buy a new one我的手机坏了。我要买一部新的。223Tonight well have some important news to listen to今晚我们要听一些重要的新闻。224I will let you know about it as soon as I get the news我得到消息之后就马上通知你。225Please come back at once,Or we will be late for the movie. 请马上回来,要不然我们看电影就要迟到了。226Dont worry,Mom! NO news is good newsIm sure Daddy will come back very soon别担心,妈妈!没消息就是好消息。我相信爸爸很快就会回来。227Do you know what time the train is leaving tonight? 你知道今晚火车几点开吗?228This bridge is going to be completed in December这座桥将在12月完工。229Soccer is played all over the world 世界各地都有人踢足球。230My money was stolen on the bus 我的钱在公交车上被偷了。231He doesnt feel 1onely when he is left alone他一个人的时候并不感到孤独。232Printing was introduced to Europe by China 印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。233Most business letters around the world are written in English世界上大部分的商业信函都是用英文写的。234My goal is to speak English well this year我今年的目标是说好英语。235He was late because there was a lot of traffic因为交通堵塞,所以他迟到了。236I arrived at the airport five minutes lateI missed my plane我晚了五分钟到达机场,错过了航班。237I didnt go to see that movie yesterday because I had seen it twice我昨天没有去看那部电影,因为我看过两次了。238The heavy rain stopped us from going out for a walk yesterday. 昨天下大雨,我们没有出去散步。239Where did you put my dictionary? I cant find it anywhere你把我的字典放哪儿了?我到处都找不到。240I have told you everything 我已经把一切都告诉你了。_241Have you forgotten anything? 你有没有忘记什么东西?242He has gone to AmericaHe will come back in a month他去美国了,一个月后回来。243How many times have you been to Beijing? 你去过北京几次?244Where did you go during your stay in Beijing? 在北京那段时间你去哪里玩了?245He has been sick for three daysHe coughs day and night他病了三天了。整天咳嗽。246She has made a lot of friends since she came to China她来中国之后交了很多朋友。247She hasnt heard from her son for a long time她很久没收到她儿子的信了。248It has gone out of styleNobody uses it anymore这种说法已经过时,没有人用它了。249Be quiet,Ive got something to say请安静,我有话要说。250His grandma died two years agoShe has been dead for two years他奶奶两年前过世了。她去世两年了。251How long has it been since you last spoke English? 你有多长时间没说英语了?252It has been two years since they left 他们离开已经两年了。 【=They have been away for two years】253We have known each other since we were young我们年轻时就认识了。254I have been Studying English since I was six years old我六岁的时候就开始学英语。255The meeting has been put off until tomorrow会议延期到明天举行。256These questions have been talked about a lot recently这些问题最近被讨论得很多。257More and more modern buildings have been built in the last five years在过去的五年中修建了越来越多的高楼大厦。258To give is better than to receive给予比授予好。259Its not good to keep the windows closed at the time总是关着窗户不好。260Its dangerous to push others when you get off the bus. 下车时推挤他人是很危险的261It is impossible to defeat a person who never gives up打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的。262It seemed that he had something interesting to say他似乎有些有趣的事要说。263Usually it takes fifty minutes to get to the train station from Miss Lis school从李老师的学校到火车站通常要50分钟。264That was my first time to speak English with a foreigner那是我第一次跟外国人讲英语。26SI find it hard to study in a noisy place我发现在吵闹的环境中很难学习。266Jim finds it difficult to talk with Chinese people吉姆发现与中国人交谈很难。267It is such an easy math problem that I can work it out这道数学题很容易,我能做出来。268Would you please speak slowly so that we can hear you clearly? 你能讲慢点好让我们听清楚吗?269The story is so interesting that all of us are interested in it这个故事太有趣了,我们大家都对它很感兴趣。270I was so tired that I fell asleep in class yesterday我昨天太累了,上课的时候我都睡着了。_271When I first ate in a western restaurant,I didnt know what I was supposed to do 当我第一次在西餐厅用餐时,我不知道该怎么做。272Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem,so it must be very diffi


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