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Unit 2 The natrual worldPrimary English for ChinaBook11Unit2 教材版本: Book11课题名称: Unit 2 The natrual world 年级: Grade 6教学时间: 5课时 学习者分析深圳小学6年级的学生,已经有一定的口头和笔头表达能力。但是,6年级学生不像低年级的学生上课活泼爱动,他们在课堂上的普遍表现稍稍稳健一点,不怎么主动开口讲英语。为了力求营造轻松活泼的课堂气氛,并让学生在轻松的活动中轻松地学英语,我们在注重学生口语训练的同时,慢慢渗透语法规律。通过看、听、说、玩、唱等一系列教学活动,对学生进行听、说、读、写的基本训练,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动机,培养学生良好的学习习惯,使学生获得一些英语的感性知识,打下较好的语音基础,学习一定量的词汇,接触一定量的日常交际用语,从而具有一听说能力为主的初步交际能力。教材分析本单元是深圳小学英语第十一册Unit2,教材以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生完成有实际目的的语言任务。目的是培养学习的兴趣,使用英语的能力,发挥学生的主动性。教材尤其重视培养学生对语境的理解能力和运用英语交际的能力。本单元主要学习形容词的最高级以及运用比较级对人或事物进行描述,就语法点来说,在第一单元已接触了比较级,在此基础上学最高级相对简单,生动,有趣的。本单元中都包括了色彩鲜明的彩图,图文并茂,内容贴近学生,教材内容贴近学生的学习、生活,是喜闻乐见的内容。并在此基础上将教学内容进行适当的扩展和延伸,培养学生实际运用语言的能力,激发学生更加热爱自己的身体。知识目标学习并掌握句型:1.The longest river in China is the Changjiang River.2. What is the highest mountain in the world?3.Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.4. Enjoy yourself.学习并掌握短语:Black Mountain Candle Lake Rain Island Snowy River get some rest good for youSplendid China The Great Wall Potala Palace Mount QOmolangma能力目标1.能听、说、读、写本节课的新单词和短语2.同学之间能熟练地描述中国之最和世界之最等。3. 能用最高级进行比较。情感目标1. 激发学生的英语学习兴趣,培养学生的合作精神以及对祖国山河的热爱.2. 培养学生利用所学的语言知识解决实际问题、进行交际的能力教学重点和难点重点1本课主要学相关的地名和形容词long,high,large,big,hot young的最高级及其用法。2. 学会用最高级来描述名胜古迹和事物的外形特征。难点形容词的最高级的构成及运用单元教学安排第一课时:A +E 单词教学课 第二课时:B1+ G+H 巩固课第三课时:B2+B3+ F 巩固课第四课时:C+D 巩固课第五课时:I+J阅读课教学方式任务型教学法、TPR教学法和情景教学是教授本单元必不可少的教学方法。学生主要采取合作学习和自主探究的学习方法教学用具1多媒体课件、课文CD、图片2学生课前准备收集好相关数据的纸条。The First Period 一、教学目标1能听、说、读、写短语Black Mountain Candle Lake Rain Island Snowy River,the sea 及运用2能用句型:Which country has this flag? Its. Whats the name of this place?Thats.进行交际运用。二、教学重难点能正确读出短语Black Mountain Candle Lake Rain Island Snowy River,the sea及描述地点。三、课前准备1.单词和名胜古迹的图片。2.学生课前上网查找名胜古迹的图片。3.多媒体课件、课文CD。三、教学过程 步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step1. Warming-upStep2. Leading-in A story Step3. Presentationand practice1.Learn the sentence patterns:2.Play a game: 3.Pair workStep4. Consolidation Learn Part AStep5 Summary and advaceStep5.Homework1.Copy the new words and patterns.2Collect some famouse places in China or the world 借助生动活泼的FLASH歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,让学生进入上课的状态,同时通过歌曲又复习了数字,为新课的教学做好了铺垫。数字的巩固练习对学生能否掌握本课的知识点起到关键的作用通过介绍一位热爱旅游的朋友为切入口,激发学生的求知欲,巧妙地导入新课内容,使课堂气氛轻松活泼。通过图片学生很快的可以掌握短语: Black Mountain /Candle Lake/ Rain Island/ Snowy River/the sea运用抢答竞赛游戏,学习和操练句子:Which country has this flag?Whats the name of this palce?同时操练音标this thinkExpand more places further巩固运用单词短语和和句子,从单词过度到句子,层层递进。开展对话练习熟悉掌握难点降低了学习的难度。学生乐于参与。回归课本的学习,进一步巩固所学的短语和句型。检测学生对单词的掌握情况培养学生的综合语言运用能力 让学生自己小结本节课的学习内容,使学生进一步了解本课的重点,加深印象,培养学生自主学习的能力。课外作业是对课堂的有效拓展,是学生课外学习和运用英语的主要手段,为下一节课做好准备。1.Sing a song-Go around the mountain2. Free talkT:Today I am going to introduce my friend to you.His name is Adam. He likes travelling.He goes to many places. Do you know these places? Lets look at this map?show the pictures ant teach the places.T Which country has this flag?T:Thats good.Whats the name of this place?引导学生读出完整的句子.T: Do you think these places are beautiful? Whats your favourite place?Which country do you want to go?Show them some pictures with different places. Ask the class how they look like and “Which country is this ?Which country has this flag? Is this China?.etc.T: Please ask and anwer in pairs with the pictures you bring.T: Listen and anwerT: Listen and repeat T: Pactice in pairs 布置作业.1. Follow the flash and sing the song together.2. Try to answer the teachers questions.Ss: Yes.S: Its New ZealandS: Thats Black Mountain.Ss:I like.S1: I like.S2: 学生互相介绍收集的图片学生进行听、说、读的操练 First the whole class read after teacher, then read one by one, and read by groups, boys or girls.Act Part A out in groups.记作业 Flash 动画课件呈现用图片卡和地图 利用图片 播放媒体软件用课件呈现 Board writingUnit 2 The natural worldBlack Mountain high Which country has this flag? thingSnowy River long Its New Zealand.Candle Lake Whats the name of this place?Rain Island Thats Black Mountain.The Second Period一、教学目标与要求1. New words: longest, highest, largest, LhasaNew phrases: the Changjiang River, Mount Qomolangma,get some rest 2. New patterns: The longest river in China is the Changjiang River. What is the highest mountain in the world? Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.3. Use superaratives to talk about the famous places.二、教学重点和难点Use superaratives to talk about the famous places correctly.三、课前准备1多媒体课件、课文CD、中国地图及名胜古迹2学生准备好中国之最的资料。教学过程步骤目 的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step1. Warming-up1Sing a song2. Listen and chant of Part G. Finsh Part H2.Play a competition game. Revise the phrases and patterns of Part A .Step2. Lead-inListen to the storyStep3. Presentation and practice1.Learn new patterns2. Play a gameWho knows?3.Learn longest, largest, highest.Step 4.Practise1. Our clss2. Make sentences by using the superaratives. 3.Show transparency and listen to B1.Read the conversation and repeat after the tape.Step5. Summary and advaceWhat do we learn today?Step5. Homework1. Write as many adjectives as you can and their superaratives.2. Read Part B1 for 20 minutes.整合教材,达到复习单词的目的,竞赛游戏可激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,并复习A部分的内容,为学习B1做好铺垫.延续A部分的故事,我的朋友Adam想到中国旅游,请同学们给他介绍中国的名胜古迹,大家有什么好的建议,自然而然地引出本课的新内容.设疑:以Adam的问题要学生回答激发学生的兴趣和积极性。学习句型,引出最高级及重点句型用你对中国知多少?竞赛游戏操练最高级和句子。让学生自主发现和掌握形容词最高级的构成方式及读音,通过细致入微的观察与比较等思维活动,激发了学生的求知欲和自主学习的意识。用说说班级之最的活动进行操练形容词的最高级。 让学生学以致用,锻炼学生运用语言进行交际,从而突破本课的重点教学。通过用最高级造句检测学生对本节课所学内容掌握情况在讨论的过程中孩子们逐步熟悉并掌握课文的内容,同时采用分角色朗读和表演的方法巩固课文内容。 检测学生对比较级读音及运用的掌握情况借由作业进一步巩固所学内容1.Sing a song-Go around the mountain T: Lets play a game.T: My friend Adam wants to come to China. Can you give him some ideas?T:Now Adam wants to ask you some questions.Can you answer? Adam: Whats the longest river in China?Whats the largest city in China?Whats the highest city in China? T: Who knows more about China?Write these sentences on the board.teach:longest,highest largest tallest, fastesslowest,shorteststrongestT: Who is the tallest in our class?Write the sentences on the board: Kevin is the strongest in our class.Lucy is the weakest in our clas.Get the pupils read the sentences on the board. Encourage them to find out the feature of the superaratives: “the 形容词+est”板书:Longer-longer-longest,high-higher-highest,large-larger-largest,fastfaster-fastest, strong-stronger-strongest, slow-slower-slowest, weak-weaker-weakest Tell the pupils that thesuperaratives are used when we talk about an increase or decrease in size, quality, degree etc.布置作业Enjoy the songListen and chant(G)Talk about HLook and say.Ss: OK.S: Answer the questionsS1: The Changjiang River.S2: ChongqingS3: Lhasa.在老师的示范引导下边做动作边说S1: The longest river in China is the Changjiang River.S2: Chongqing is the largest city in China.S3: Lhasa is the highest city in China.Ss: long-longer-longestHigh-higher-highestLarge-larger=largest学生归纳出形容词最高级的构成方法及它的用法Talk about themselves or their friends.学生造句完后同桌交流,检查并说出许多精彩的句子。如: The elephant is the heaviest on land.Discussing these questions with their partners and show their answers.2.role-play the dialogue学生读出下面最高级:longest,highest,largest tallest, shortest,strongest, weakest, fastest, slowest, heaviest, lightest 记作业播放Flash 动画课件呈现现场资源师生互动师生互动学生展示图片让学生利用已有学习经验来认读生词生生互动现场资源课件呈现生生互动老师和学生生生对话课件呈现作业内容Board writingUnit 2 The natrual Worldlong longer longest The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.large larger largest Chongqing is the the largest city in China.high higher highest Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. The third period一、教学目标与要求1. New phrases: the hottest day of the year, put on the biggest hat, the youngest surfer2. New patterns:Today is the hottest day of the year. She is the youngest surfer in the country.3. Use superaratives to talk about holiday.二、教学重点和难点Use superaratives to talk about holiday correctly.三、课前准备1多媒体课件、课文CD、postcard2学生准备好假期图片。教学过程步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step 1. Warming-up1 Lets chant.2. Enjoy readingStep2. Lead-inListen and answerStep3. Presentation and practice1.Learn hottest, biggest youngest2. Learn B2Step 4 Consolidation & Extension1. Listen and fill in the blankFinish Part F2. Read the sentences.Step5. Homework1.write back to Adam(给Adam写回信,介绍深圳之最)2.Listen and finish B3激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,并复习与本节课内容相关的形容词的比较级和最高级反馈上节课的教学,培养学生按时完成作业的好习惯,让学生学会倾听别人的发言和分享别人的果实 从Adam的故事入手,Adam非常感谢同学们的旅游建议,给我们寄来一张明信片,让我们看看他去了什么地方?从而引入B2的内容,自然而然,水到渠成。采用故意停顿,引导和启发学生的思维活动,让学生自主发现和掌握形容词的构成方式。 回归课本学习,进一步巩固所学的内容。 进行“你对深圳知多少”的听力大比拼,让学生带着问题听录音 有助于集中学生听的注意力,提高课堂的实效。同时对学生进行情感渗透,激发学生对深圳的热爱. 教师巧设情景,给学生增加了说英语的机会,锻炼了学生的口头表达能力。通过听、写、读,检测学生对本节课所学内容掌握情况,也是为课后作业做铺垫。及时进行课堂评价,增加学生的信心。课后作业延伸课堂学习任务,帮助学生巩固所学的语言知识。 T: look at the screen. Lets play a game. Lets say:tall, taller, tallest, giraff is the tallest. Heavy. Heavier, blue whale is the heaviest. 教师边说做动作 教师叫部分学生在全班宣读自己的小文章My class(班级之最), T: Adam wanted to thank you for your good ideas.Here is a postcard. Do you want to know his holiday . Lets look at the postcard. Then answer the questions: What was the weather like? Where did he go? What did he see?T: Can you answer the questions?让学生用英语读出本课的重点句子 T: Listen and repeat.教师用课件呈现s深圳之最的信息,让学生听、填词后,朗读这些句子。T: The biggest lake in Shenzhen is Xili lake.The highest mountain is Wutong Mountain.Ss: 学生模仿老师的话语和动作学生欣赏同学的朗读,然后问答老师提出的问题Ss: Ok学生带着问题听S1: It was hot. It is the hottest day.S2: The beach. S3: The youngest surfer.S1: Today is the hottest day of the year. I put on my biggest hat and went to the beach. Ss Listen and repeat.Reading the letter by themselves.Ss:学生听和写。 学生同桌交流课件呈现检查学生上节课的作业课件呈现课件呈现让学生利用已有学习经验来认读生词生生互动课件呈现师生互动 说话比赛课件呈现Board writingUnit 2 The natural worldhot hotter hottest the hottest day of the yearbig bigger bigeest put on the biggest hatlong longer longest the longest beach in the provinceyoung younger youngest the youngest surfer in the countryThe fourth period一、教学目标与要求1. New phrases: the Splendid China, the Great Wall, take a photo Chinas Folk Culture village enjoy yourself2. Understand the passage.二、教学重点和难点Understand and repeat the passage.三、课前准备1多媒体课件、课文CD、postcard2学生准备好深圳旅游图片。教学过程:步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段教学过程Step 1. Warmingup1、热身活动:说歌谣 2、Play a gameI say you guess. Step2. Leading-in用Adam Adam 要来深圳了故事导入学习课文第一部分自学第二部分阅读原文回答问题。Step3 Practise and consolidate1. Listen and repeat2. Read in pairs3. Ask and aswer4. Retell the textStep 4: Sum up Step5 HomeworkMake a post for Shenzhen 教师与学生边说歌谣边复习B1,让学生集中注意力,自然进入英语课的学习状态。通过用“我说句子你猜深圳地名”的游戏,进行作业的反馈,同时激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,并复习与本节课内容相关的形容词的最高级,为学习C部分做好铺垫。延续故事,Adam 要来深圳了,我们能否用以英语向他介绍一下为他选几个最具特色地点呢?通过图片直观的呈现故事,图文并茂,让学生了解整节课的重要内容,简单的问题,有利启发帮助学生观察图片和理解故事情节, 学生参与学习的积极性会更高。让学生带着问题阅读课文能让学生增强思维能力,帮助理解课文。 回到课文学习,加强语音语调的培养同伴合作 给学生关键词进行课文填空,加强记忆。让学生自己归纳今天学习内容,复习巩固。让学生编写深圳的手抄报,发挥想象和创造思维。培养了学生的综合语言运用能力和发散性思维,为学生创造了运用英语的机会,进一步提高了学生学习英语的积极性。课后作业延伸课堂学习任务,给足学生发展的空间T: Hello, children.T: Lets chant.T: long, longer, longest, Changjiang River is the longest. High, higher, highest, Mount Qomolangma is the highest T: Lets play a game: I say you guess. Its the highest mountain in Shenzhen. What is it?老师做示范后,让学生说,另一位学生猜。S: Its the biggest lake in Shenzhen. What is it?T:Adam is coming to Shenzhen. Can you tell him something about Shenzhen?Show the pupils pictures about the passage, and use simple languages to tell the spassage for the pupils.T: Look at the pictures, children. How is Splendid China?What can we do in Splendid China?2.带着问题看课文Question1:What can we enjoy in Chinas Folk Culture Villige?Question2: On summer day, What can we do?同伴操练同桌一起朗读课文,互相纠正发音 互问互答T: Can you say fill in the blank?T: Can you say something about the text.Ss: Hello, Miss XiaoSs: OK.学生围坐在老师旁学生跟着老师说:long, longer, longest, Changjiang River is the longest. High, higher, highest, Mount Qomolangma is the highestS1: Its Wutong mountain.S2 Its Xili Lake.学生描述风景地点,鼓励用形容词最高级。学生饶有兴趣地观看图片,并随着老师的简单提问回答问题回答问题学生之间进行自由问答:学生进行短文接龙课后小组合作完成 课件呈现学生举手发言播放CD 阅读课文课件呈现课本资源,学生资源可写,可画 Board writingUnit 2 The natural world(C &D)Splendid China- the biggest model park famous for-buildings and placeseThe Great Wall-the longest wall- much smaller than the real onePotala Palacethe highest palacenot need a plane to get thereChinas Folk Culture Villagesdancing and singing Enjoy yoursel!The fifth period一、教学目标与要求1. Understand the passage of part I2. Check language points of this unit.二、教学重点和难点Understand and repeat the passage.三、课前准备多媒体课件、课文CD、postcard教学过程:步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段教学过程Step 1. Warmingup1、热身活动:说歌谣 2、Play a gameI say you guess. Step2. Leading-in设疑:How do the places get their names?Check the answer with the pupils.Step3 Practise and consolidate1. Listen and repeat2. Read in pairs3. Ask and aswer4. Translate some key sentencesStep 4: Do the exercises of Part J. Step5 HomeworkReview the lessons of this unit.Get ready for the test.教师与学生边说歌谣边复习A-C 的内容,让学生集中注意力,自然进入英语课的学习状态。通过用“我说句子你猜深圳地名”的游戏,进行作业的反馈,同时激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,进一步巩固本单元的重点知识。让学生带着问题阅读课文能让学生增强思维能力,帮助理解课文。 回到课文学习,加强语音语调的培养同伴合作 给学生中文翻译句子,加强记忆。让学生完成J部分的习题,检查学生对本单元的知识掌握情况。复习课文T: Hello, children.T: Lets chant.T: long, longer, longest, Changjiang River is the longest. High, higher, highest, Mount Qomolangma is the highest T: Lets play a game: I say you guess. Its the highest mountain in Shenzhen. What is it?老师做示范后,让学生说,另一位学生猜。S: Its the biggest lake in Shenzhen. What is it?T:Each place has a name. How do the places get their names? Do you know?Show the pupils pictures about the passage, and use simple languages to tell the spassage for the pupils.T: lets check the answers.T: Listen to the tape and repeat.同伴操练同桌一起朗读课文,互相纠正发音 互问互答T: Can you say Translate some key sentencesT: Please do the exercises of Part JSs: Hello, Miss XiaoSs: OK.学生跟着老师说:long, longer, longest, Changjiang River is the longest. High, higher, highest, Mount Qomolangma is the highestS1: Its Wutong mountain.S2 Its Xili Lake.学生饶有兴趣阅读短文,并随着老师的简单提问回答问题回答问题听、读、模仿学生自由问答:学生进行短文接龙课后小组合作完成 课件呈现学生举手发言播放CD 课件呈现 Board writingUnit 2 The natural world(I & J)for example the Yellow River (yellow sand)the Dead sea (to much saltnothing can live in it)Greenlandnot greenwants others to live there

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