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商务谈判中各个环节的一般英语用语一提到商务英语谈判,大家肯定都觉得很难,而难也就难在英语口语不行,专业知识不行。商务谈判真的有那么难吗?其实也不见得。只要你掌握了商务谈判的一般用语,再给自己补充一些基本的专业知识,进行谈判也就变的比较容易了。为了大家提供一些学习的方便,我们准备了关于商务英语谈判的一般用语,以及一些试题。这些基本用语,对从事或准备从事外贸工作的人员很是适用,大家甚至可以把它作为外贸英语口语教材。根据商务谈判的各个环节和场景,我们把内容分为13项。商务谈判中开始会谈的一般用语Now that we are all here, lets begin the talk, shall we?现在人都到了,咱们开始,怎么样?What do you think if we begin now?我们现在开始,好吗?If you dont mind, I think wed better begin right away.你要是不介意,我们就开始吧。Suppose we get down to business now?现在我们开始怎么样?Lets get straight down to business now?我们直截了当谈问题吧。Well, I know youre all extremely busy, so why dont we get started?我知道你们都特别忙,那就赶紧开始吧。As we are familiar with each other, lets come straight to the point.大家都是熟人,我们就开门见山吧。Weve gone too far off the point. Lets return to the topic under discussion.咱们离题太远了,还是回到正题上来吧。Lets have a word about delivery, OK?咱们谈谈交货问题,好吗?Lets have a talk over the question of payment terms, if you dont mind.你要是不反对,我们就谈谈付款条件。Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?谈到付款方式,能否告诉我,你们这方面通常怎么做?单词词组解析:right away: 立刻get down to: 开始认真考虑。在本文的句子中是指立刻开始讨论吧。还可以加入一些其他的形容词,比如:get straight down to. 更突出了直截了当的意思。off the point: 离题,跑题。delivery: 递送,交送,交货。在贸易交流中,这个词的意思是交货。payment terms: 付款方式。在商务合同中还有很多其他条款,比如:检验条款,包装条款等等。商务英语会谈中如何介绍谈话轮廓无论是什么谈话,在开始时总要大概介绍一下谈话的轮廓,就象作文的主题纲要一样,本文就教给大家一些商务英语会谈时可以参考的谈话轮廓用语。1. Before I begin, lets make it clear that its only a non-formal talk. 2. To begin with, Id like to make a brief introduction of the current market situation. 3. Id like to begin by telling you about the latest development of the market. 4. First, let me outline the current problems we are facing. 5. First of all, we have to settle our disputes about the quality of your supplied goods. 6. Secondly, Id like to look at the causes of the damage. 7. Thirdly, well see if our solution is workable. 8. I will then go on to describe the main features. 9. After that, well try to find out the ways to solve these problems. 10. Following that, well go into details of these accidents. 11. Following on from there, Ill suggest some possible solutions. 12. Next, Ill spend a few minutes looking at the other methods available now. 13. Finally, Id like to conclude by recommending a few changes in packaging. 14. Last but not least, well discuss how to carry out the contract smoothly. 中文参考:1. 在开始前,我先说明一下,这只是个非正式会谈。2. 一开始,我想简单介绍一下当前市场情况。3. 我想先向大家谈谈市场的最新发展情况。4. 首先,我来大概介绍一下当前面临的问题。5. 首先,我们要解决双方关于供货品质的分歧意见。6. 其次,我想分析一下造成货损的原因。7. 再次,我们来看看解决问题的方法是否可行。8. 而后,我将阐述其主要特征。9. 这以后,我们将设法寻找解决这些问题的方法。10. 再往下,我们将对这些事故进行深入研究。11. 继而,我将提出一些可能的解决方法。12. 而后,我要花点时间探讨其他可采用的方法。13. 最后,我想对包装材料变更提出一些建议,并以此结束我的发言。14. 最后单并非最不重要的是,我们将讨论如何顺利执行合同。 商务谈判一般用语:转入下一个议题Now lets move on to the next issue, which is how to compensate for the loss. If youll allow me, let me go on to the question of improving sales performance. Now that the problem of payment terms has been dealt with, Im eager to know if you can effect shipment in May?Im glad we have arrived at a complete agreement on the clauses discussed so far. There remains only the question of packing. What shall we discuss next? I suggest we have a word about insurance. Next, wed like to hear the comments by everyone present at the meeting. Now Id like to turn to the possible solutions. 参考翻译:现在我们转到下一个议题:如何赔偿损失。如果允许的话,我想接着谈谈改善销售的问题。现在付款方式问题解决了,我很想知道你能否5月份装运。很高兴我们各项条款讨论取得完全一致意见,剩下就只是包装问题了。我们接下来讨论什么呢?我建议谈谈保险问题。下面我想听取出席会议每位先生的意见。现在我想把话题转向能够采用的解决问题的方法。商务谈判中如何提及前面谈过的话题I think I have made it very clear that D/A is absolutely impossible.我想我已经说的很明白了,承兑交单绝对不行。You said just now that competition could be very sharp.你刚刚说竞争可能是极其激烈的。Earlier, you mentioned that this kind of products is in great demand on the international market.先前你提到这种产品在国际市场上需求量很大。Did you propose a change in the material of packaging?刚刚你建议改换包装材料,是吗?Correct me if I am wrong, but werent you suggesting that we put these words down in the contract as a separate clause?如果我说的不对请指正,不过你刚刚是否在说建议这些文字在合同中另列条款?A moment ago, you mentioned something about the design of the packing. Will you detail it a bit?刚才你提到包装设计的问题,能否详细谈谈?As I said just now, any money spent now would give you greater savings in the long run.就象我刚才说的那样,从长远看,今天花费的钱会为你以后节省更多的钱。单词解析:sharp: 锋利。在此是指竞争激烈。packaging: 包装。还有一词packing,也是包装的意思,如果写在合同中,则是指包装条款。clause: 条款的意思。还有term也表示条款。 商务谈判中如何请求对方重复或解释在进行商务谈判的时候,要认真听对方说的每一句话,如果没有听明白就一定要问清楚,如何请求对方重复或解释呢?Will you repeat it, please?请再说一遍,好吗?Would you mind saying it again?请再说一遍。I beg your pardon?请再说一遍。Im sorry I didnt catch your meaning. Will you say it again?对不起,我没明白你的意思。您再说一遍吧。I dont understand what you say.我不明白你说什么。Im sorry I dont follow you.对不起,我不懂你的话。Will you speak a little more slowly?请说慢一点。Will you slow down a bit? I cant follow you.请再说慢一点吧。我没明白。Will you explain what you mean?请解释一下你的意思吧。Could you be more specific?能否再具体一些。商务交谈中如何礼貌地打断别人的话在商务谈话中,有时会对别人的看法有不同意见,而打断别人的话是很不礼貌的,怎么才能礼貌地打断别人的话呢?1. Sorry to interrupt you, but will you first let us know your idea of annual sales? 2. May I interrupt you a moment? 3. Excuse me for interrupting you. I hope you will explain yourself in more detail. 4. If you dont mind, may I say one word here? 5. Just a moment, please. Allow me to say something here. 中文参考:1. 对不起打断您的话,不过请先谈谈您对年销售量的看法。 2. 打断您一会儿,可以吗? 3. 对不起打断您的话,希望你能解释更详细点。 4. 请别介意,我可以插一句话吗? 5. 请稍停一下,允许我插几句话。 商务交谈中征求别人的建议句型商务交谈中想要征求对方或者别人的建议可以直截了当地询问,有以下句型:What do you think of it?你认为怎样?Whats your opinion on this matter?你对这个问题有什么看法?Please tell me frankly your opinion.请坦率直言你的意见。How do you see things like this?你对这类事情怎么看?How did you find / like / enjoy the performance?你认为演出怎么样?How do you like changing the color to light blue?把颜色改为淡蓝色你觉得怎么样?What do you say to (making) transshipment at Hong Kong?在香港转船,你意下如何?How would you like it to be?你希望是什么样?Do you agree to this change? Id like to hear your opinion about it.你同意这样的改变吗?我想听听你的意见。We are old friends. Please dont hesitate to speak out your mind.都是老朋友了,有什么就说什么,不用顾虑。Will you let me know your comments on our new design?请把你对我们新设计的意见告诉我。Your comments and criticisms are always welcome.欢迎评论和批评。We welcome all sorts of criticism.我们欢迎各种批评。Wed like you to give us your suggestions.希望把您的建议告诉我。商务谈判中如何表示同意AgreementGood idea! I totally agree with you. 好主意!我完全同意你的意见。 We are all for your suggestion as to how to render better service. 我们完全同意你关于提供更好服务的建议。 I think you are right. 我认为你是对的。 Excellent! Thats exactly what I think. 好极了!那恰恰是我所想的。 That sounds reasonable. We need to get the best possible deal. 听上去有道理。我们应该获得更好的交易条件。 I share your views. 我同意你的意见。 I support your opinion. 我支持你的意见。 Ive no objection. 我没反对意见。 Im in favor of your proposal. 我赞成你的意见。 Suits me fine. 这对我合适(我同意)。 商务交流中如何表示不同意对方意见在商务往来的交流中很多时候都会达不成共识,如果要表达不同意对方的意见有以下表达:Im sorry, I disagree with you there. I dont think thats the way with it.对不起,我不同意你的看法。我认为那不是办法。This works against common sense. I dont go along with it for one minute.这有悖常理,我一点也不同意。Im totally against the proposal of making transshipment at Hong Kong.我完全反对在香港转船的建议。I wouldnt say that. I think its only a matter of time.我不认为如此,我认为这只是个时间问题。I dont like the idea of substituting Type No. 15 for the portion undelivered.我不同意未交货部分改用15型代替。Its absolutely impossible. I really cant accept the idea.这完全不可能。我实在不能接受这个主意。商务往来中如何劝说客户购买产品商务往来中最关键的问题就是把自己的产品推销出去,你可以用以下句型来试试却说客户购买产品:If I were you, I would book a small order as a trial.如果我是你,我会小量试订一批。If I were in your position, I would allow partial shipment.如果我处在你的位置,就会同意分批装运。Why not buy a small lot and put them on trial?干嘛不小量买一批试试呢?Why dont you look at it this way? Its more expensive, but much better value for money?为什么不这么看呢:它是贵了一点儿,但它物有所值啊。Id advise you to look into the matter immediately.我建议你立即调查这一事件。I think youd better weigh up the advantages carefully before rejecting our offer.我认为,拒绝我方报盘前,您最好先慎重权衡其有利条件。I dont think you should miss this opportunity to update your equipment.我认为你不应该错过这个更新设备的机会。After you have tried it out, Im sure youll agree that this is a very good product.我相信您试用过后一定会认为这是个好产品。I cant force you to make a deal, but I can assure you that our product has the edge on the competition.我不能强迫您买,但是我可以想您保证我们产品是很具有竞争力的。Youre right to be cautious, buy owing to the limited supply available at present, we suggest you act quickly.谨慎当然不错,但是目前可供数量有限,建议您及早采取行动。I dont want to sound pushy, but youll have to decide soon.我不想让您认为我在催您,不过你确实要快点下决定。Do you understand that this offer is only open for three days?你要知道本报盘有效期仅为三天。I understand your concerns, but remember that the offer ends next week.我理解您的担忧之处,但是别忘了下周报盘失效。You may trust me that any money spent now will bring you big profits in future.请您相信我,今天投入的资金以后会为您带来巨大的利润。Could you think about our proposal again?您能否再考虑以下我们的建议呢?Could you reconsider the matter in some other light / from a different angle?能否从其他角度重新考虑这个问题呢?Isnt there any way to change your decision?有没有办法改变您的决定呢?商务谈判中如何回避明确地答复在商务谈判中,有些时候不能给对方一个确切的答案,但是又不能一口否定,那么要使谈判有回旋的余地就得回避明确地答复。 Im afraid I cant give you a definite reply now. 恐怕我现在无法给你一个明确的答复。 I cant make a decision right now. 我现在无法作出决定。 I just need some time to think it over. 我需要时间考虑考虑。 We are still a little unsure about the prospect, though. 不过,我们对于前景还是有点不能确定。 There are certain points that Ill have to consider very carefully. 有些问题我得慎重考虑。 That may well be so. Im not sure. 很可能是这样的。我不敢确定。 It all depends. 这得看情况而定。 交流如何表达提请别人注意的问题商务往来中为了避免矛盾纠纷,有很多需要强调的问题要提请别人注意,相关的英语表达有:I must stress that goods were strictly inspected before shipment with your representative on the spot.我必须强调,货物装船前经过严格检验,而且你方代表也在场。Let me emphasize how necessary it is to abide by the contract.我要强调,遵守合约是十分必要的。I cant stress enough the disastrous consequences of breach of contract.、我必须强调,违约会带来严重后果。I must call your attention to the distinction between these two samples.我要提请您注意两个样品之间的差异。单词解析:inspected;abide by;consequences这三个词(组)在商务谈判中,尤其是涉及到商务合同的时候都是非常实用的。inspect通常是指对货物的检验;abide by是指对合约,合同的遵守;consequence通常是指出现某种情况的后果。商务会议中如何结束当前的讨论商务会议要结束了,该怎么给这个会议做一个圆满的结束语呢,来看下面的句型:Im afraid our time is up. Lets call it a day.时间到了。我们今天到此为止。We have to close todays discussion now.今天讨论到此结束。Lets stop here. Well go on with the talk this afternoon.我们到此结束。下午再接着讨论。Lets discuss it in more detail tomorrow.我们明天再详细讨论。


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