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unit 1 1. What is your favourite subject ?你最喜爱什么学科?2. My favourite subject is Chinese .我嘴喜欢的科目是语文。3. What is your favourite color ?你最喜爱什么颜色?4. What is your favourite sport?你最喜爱什么运动?5. What is your favourite season?你最喜爱什么季节?6. What subjects do you like ? 你喜欢什么学科?7. What is your favourite fruit?你最喜爱什么水果?8. I really like robots and computers.我很喜欢机器人和计算机。9. I am a member of the school science club.我是学校科学俱乐部的一名成员。10. she really likes new language.她喜欢新的语言。11. I practise English in the English club.我在英语俱乐部练习英语。12. They are members of the math club.他们是数学俱乐部的成员。13. She is a first-year student她是一年级的学生。.14. I am glad to meet you.见到你很高兴。15. What do you play?你玩什么?16. I play basketball.我打篮球。17. I play soccer in the afternoon.我下午踢足球。18. How about joining the English club.加入英语俱乐部怎么样。19. I dont have dinner. I am hungry.我没吃饭。我饿了。20. Which school are you in?你在哪个学校?21. I am in No.1 Middle School.我在第一中学。22. You study numbers in math. 23. Li Jun likes languages very much.李军很喜欢语言。24. What subjects does your brother like?你的哥哥喜欢什么学科。25. I play the piano every day.我每天弹钢琴。26. Chocolate is delicious.巧克力很好吃。27. I really like computers.我真的喜欢计算机。28. Do you like baseball?你喜欢棒球吗?29. Im a first-year student in No.8 Middle School.我是第八中学一年级的学生。30. He doesnt like play the violin.他不喜欢拉小提琴。31. Susan doesnt like soccer.苏姗不喜欢足球。32. What book do you like?你喜欢什么书?33. What do you want to do this afternoon.你想做什么下午?34. Do you want to skate with me? 你想和我一起滑雪吗?unit 21. What do you love?你喜欢什么?2. What do they like?他们喜欢什么?3. Do you play the piano?你弹钢琴吗?4. Are you on a baseball team?你是棒球队员吗?5. I eat with a fork.我用叉子吃。6. My dad has strong arms.我的爸爸有很强壮的胳膊。7. Can you use a computer?你会用电脑吗?8. He is good at sports.他擅长运动。9. Monday is the day before Tuesday.星期一在星期二之前。10. Wednesday is the day after Tuesday.星期三在星期二之后。11. What does L iu Chang do after school. 放学后刘昌做什么?12. I listen to piano music.我听钢琴曲。13. I can also play the piano.我也会弹钢琴。14. Are you good at the piano.你擅长钢琴吗?15. I only use my right hand in table tennis.我只用我的右手玩乒乓球。16. I play table tennis after school.放学后我玩乒乓球。17. How about go to the zoo?去动物园怎么样?18. Are your fingers strong from the piano?19. How about eating some dumplings?吃饺子怎么样?20. What is his favorite subject?他最喜爱的学科是什么?21. He likes science best.他最喜欢科学。22. What do you do at school?你在学校做什么?23. I like to listen to piano music.我喜欢听钢琴曲。24. What are you good at?你擅长什么?25. I practice speaking English in class.我在课堂上练习英语。26. When do you play soccer?你什么时候踢足球。27. The dog has four legs.狗有条腿。28. Li Jun takes piano lessons every Sunday.李军每周天上钢琴课。29. We have two arms and ten fingers.我们有两支胳膊和十个手指。30. Li lei is strong, he can carry the box.李雷很强壮,他能拿动这个箱子。31. Liu Chang practice English in the English club.刘昌在英语俱乐部练习英语。32. Friday is two days after Tuesday.33. They listen to violin music with us.他们和我们一起听小提琴曲。34. We all like soccer.我们都喜欢足球。35. We can play after school.放学后我们能玩。unit 31. My younger sister rides fast. 我的小妹妹骑的快。2. My older brother likes bugs. 我的哥哥喜欢小昆虫。3. He is funny. 他很有趣。4. She likes jokes. 她喜欢笑话。5. I walk in the park. 我在公园里散步。6. I watch bugs. 我观察昆虫。7. Do you have a brother or a sister? 你有哥哥还是姐姐?8. He is younger than I am. 他比我小。9. She is older than I am. 她比我大。10. He doesnt talk much. 他说的不多。11. She is kind, but a little shy. 她很善良,但是有一点害羞。12. She often helps me with the computer. 她经常帮我学电脑。13. She studies hard every day. 她每天努力学习。14. I am not like my sisters. 我不象我的妹妹。 15. Every Sunday we go to the park and play games. 每星期天我们去公园做游戏。16. Mikes younger sister is shy. 迈克的小妹妹很害羞。17. What are you like? 你怎么样?18. I am a little shy. 我有一点害羞。19. I am better than my mom at using computers. 我比我的妈妈用电脑用的好。20. I am better in science than my brother is. 我比哥哥科学学的好。21. We do one thing together. 我们一起做事。22. He has two basketballs. 他有两个篮球。23. Butterflies are more beautiful than ants. 蝴蝶比蚂蚁漂亮。24. Wendy goes to school earlier than Lisa does. 剜蒂比利萨上学来的早。25. My best friend is funnier than me. 我最好的朋友比我有趣。26. Dogs are smarter than cats. 狗比猫聪明。27. Chocolate is more delicious than pizza. 巧克力比意大利饼好吃。28. What is he like? 他怎么样?29. What does he like? 他喜欢什么?30. She is a little hungry. 她有点饿。31. My old sister likes watching bugs. 我的姐姐喜欢观察昆虫。32. Does liu Chang play with you. 刘昌和你一起玩吗?33. Do you have a sister or a brother? 你有一个妹妹还是一个弟弟?34. She often helps me with science. 她经常帮助我学科学。35. Can you help me with my English. 你能帮助我学英语吗?unit41. I am a member of the volleyball club. 我是排球俱乐部的一名成员。2. He likes his Chinese teacher. 他喜欢他的语文老师。3. She is smart. 她很聪明。4. She knows three languages. 她懂三种语言。5. Chinese and English are very different. 汉语和英语不同。6. I study for my lesson. 我为我的功课学习。7. Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗?8. What sport do you play? 你做什么运动?9. I play soccer. 我踢足球。10. Are you shy? 你害羞吗?11. What do you do after school? 放学后你做什么?12. I play table tennis. 我打乒乓球。13. I have a younger sister. 我有一个小妹妹。14. His name is Tom. 他的名字是汤母。15. Mike plays the violin. 迈克拉小提琴。16. The piano is easier than the violin. 钢琴比小提琴容易。17. I cant play either of them. 我一个也不会玩。18. I only use the computer. 我只用电脑。19. Zhang Wei practices the piano every day. 张微每天都弹钢琴。20. Computer is more interesting than the piano. 电脑比钢琴有趣。21. Computers are easier for me than math. 对我来说电脑比数学简单。22. We are in the science club. 我们在科学俱乐部。23. He can lift many things. 他能举起许多东西。24. She is on a volleyball team. 她在排球队。25. I play soccer. 我踢足球。26. My favorite subject is math. 我最喜爱的 学科是数学。27. I listen to music after school. 放学后我听音乐。28. I like jokes. 我喜欢笑话。29. What school do you go to ? 你去哪所学校上学?30. What club are you a member of? 你是什么俱乐部的成员?31. She helps me a lot. 她帮了许多。32. What sport do you play? 你做什么运动?33. When do you take piano lessons? 你什么时候上钢琴课?34. What sport is he good at? 你擅长什么运动?35. My fingers strong from the piano. 我的手指通过弹钢琴而变得强壮。unit51. What does Li Jun do during the day?李军每天做什么?2. Sometimes, I play volleyball in the afternoon.有时我下午打排球。3. I often do my homework in the evening.我晚上做作业。4. I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning.我经常七点起床。5. I always have breakfast.我总是吃早饭。6. She often does homework in the evening.她经常晚上做作业。7. He never has piano lessons in the morning.早上他从来不上钢琴课。8. When do you get up?你什么时候起床?9. What do you do in the afternoon?下午你做什么?10. How often do you watch television?你多久看一次电视?11. How do you get ready for bed? 你怎么准备上床睡觉?12. I brush my teeth and take a bath.我刷牙并且洗澡。13. Dont forget to brush your teeth after dinner.晚饭后不要忘记刷牙。14. We give our dog a bath.我们给狗洗澡。15. Dont fall asleep in class.不要在课堂上睡觉。16. What does Susan usually do after dinner?晚饭后苏姗经常做什么?17. I get dressed and comb my hair.我梳妆打扮梳我的头发。18. I usually have bread, milk, and an egg.我经常吃面包,牛奶和鸡蛋。19. I hurry to school.我匆忙去学校。20. I never forget to review my lessons.我从来不会忘记复习我的功课。21. I always get dressed after I take a shower.我总是在我沐浴后打扮。22. I always help my mom.我总帮助我的妈妈。23. Tim studies science.题姆学习科学。24. I often watch movies on Saturday.我经常星期六看电影。25. How often do you play games?你多久做游戏?26. I also practice the drums.我练习敲鼓。27. What do you usually do after school?放学后你经常做什么?28. We read English stories.我们读英语故事。29. Sometimes I play with my friends.有时我和我的朋友一起玩。30. Susan often does her homework.苏姗经常做作业。31. She always swims after school.放学后她总是游泳。32. She never plays the piano.她从来不弹钢琴。33. What time do you usually get up?你经常几点起床?34. School finishes at 4:30 p.m.学校四点半放学。35. I put on my clothes and comb my hair.我穿上衣服,然后梳头发。unit61. Who are the people in the photo?照片上那个人是谁?2. My youger sister is beside my father.我的小妹妹在我的爸爸旁边。3. There are three people in Mikes family.迈克家里有三口人。4. Mikes father is in the picture.迈克的爸爸在照片里。5. How many people are there in your family?你家有几口人?6. Do you have any brothers or sisters?你有哥哥还是姐姐?7. We all live with my grandmother and grandfather.我们和爷爷奶奶住在一起。8. What does your father do?你爸爸是做什么的?9. She is an only child.她是独生子。10. I put my money in a bank.我把钱存到了银行。11. She has a lot of candy in her bag.她的书包里有许多糖。12. We sleep in a hotel during a trip.旅行时我们在旅店里睡觉。13. What does Susans sister do?苏姗姐姐是做什么的?14. You can see him at our school.在我们学校你能看见他。15. Susans mother works at a hotel.苏姗的妈妈在旅店工作。16. His father is a bank clerk.他的爸爸是银行职员。17. Susan doesnt eat dinner with them.苏姗不和他们一起吃饭。18. His brother works at a store.他的哥哥在商店工作。19. Susan talks about Li Juns family.苏姗谈论李军的家庭。20. My father is a high school teacher.我的爸爸是中学的老师。21. Her backpack is blue.她的背包是兰色的。22. My mother works at a shoe store.我的妈妈在鞋店工作。23. What does your mother do?你的妈妈是做什么?24. His mother works at home.他的妈妈在家工作。25. His father usually drivers her to school.他的爸爸经常开车送他去上学。26. Can I go now?我现在能走吗?27. Can you tell us a story?你能给我们讲个故事吗?28. There is a pen and two pencils on the desk.桌子上有一个钢笔和两只铅笔。29. There is a lot of money in the bank.银行里有许多钱。30. She always takes four classes in the morning.早上她上四节课。31. His grandfather is not in the picture.他的外公不在照片里。32. We play basketball with them.我和他们一起打篮球。33. He is a high school student.他是中学生。34. This is Li Juns family.这是李军的家。35. What do they do?他们做什么?unit 71. Where is everyone?大家在哪?2. I am in the kitchen.我在厨房里。3. She is under the bed.她在床下面。4. Where is your bag?你的书包?5. Where is your mother now?你的妈妈现在在哪里?6. He is in the bathroom.他在浴室里。7. I am on the sofa.我在沙发上。8. Where are you?你在哪里?9. I am in the living room.我在起居室。10. This is my bedroom.这是我的卧室。11. My sister and I always study here.我的妹妹和我在这学习。12. There are usually many books on my sisters desk.我的姐姐桌子上有许多书。13. My dog usually sleeps under my chair.我的狗经常在我的椅子下面。14. Where are people and things in your house?你房间里的人和东西在哪里?15. The microwave is beside the fridge.微波炉在冰箱的旁边。16. We often sit on the sofa and watch television here.我们经常做在沙发上看电视。17. There is a family photograph on the wall above the piano.钢琴上面的墙上有张照片。18. What does Susan do in the kitchen?苏姗在厨房里做什么?19. She tells him about each room.她告诉他关于每一个房间。20. The stove is slow.炉子很慢。21. Susan shows Li Ming her house.苏姗告诉李明她的家。22. Susans father and mother often cook together.苏姗的爸爸妈妈经常在一起做饭。23. Where do these things go?24. My computer is on my desk.我的电脑在我的桌子上。25. The cat is above the table.小猫在桌子的上面。26. The milk is in the fridge.牛奶在冰箱里。27. The sink is next to the fridge.洗涤槽在冰箱旁边。28. There is a piano in the living room.卧室里有一个钢琴。29. There is a rug on the floor.地板上有个地毯。30. There are four bananas and an orange on the table.桌子上有四个香蕉和一个橘子。31. They are cute.他们很聪明。32. Where do you read?你在哪里读书。33. What room is it?这是什么房间。34. Who is in the room?谁在房间里?35. Do you have a television in the room?你房间里有电视吗?unit 81. I usually eat lunch at school.我经常在学校吃午饭。2. I often stand on the balcony.我经常站在阳台。3. The bowl is in the cupboard.碗在器皿柜里。4. He always studies at night.他总是在晚上学习。5. What do you usually do after dinner?晚饭后你经常做什么?6. I usually wash the dishes.我经常洗盘子。7. Where are you?你在哪里?8. I eat in the restaurant.我在餐厅吃饭。9. Is there a stove in the kitchen?厨房里有个炉子。10. What time do you get ready? 你什么时候能准备好。11. I get ready at six thirty.我六点半能准备好。12. Is there a sofa in the living room?起居室里有沙发吗?13. My mother always takes a shower in the evening.我妈妈总是在晚上淋浴。14. I am late for school.我上学迟到了。15. I like my math teacher.我喜欢我的数学老师。16. I sometimes help her after school.我有时候放学后帮助她。17. Where is your small desk?你的小桌子在哪里?18. What do you do in the evening ?晚上你做什么?19. When does your father finish work?你的爸爸什么时候能完成工作?20. What do they play?他们玩什么?21. What do you do with a camera?你用照相机做什么?22. How often do you play basketball?你多长时间打篮球。23. Sometimes he meets me at school.有时他在学校能看见我。24. We go home together.我们一起回家。25. How often do you have juice?你多长时间喝饮料。26. What do you do in the evening?晚上你做什么?27. Who do you study with?你和谁一起学习?28. What is your favorite room?你最喜欢的房间是什么?29. My father is a bus driver.我的爸爸是公共汽车司机。30. He likes his job.他喜欢他的工作。31. He usually goes to work after breakfast.我经常早饭后去上班。32. We go home together.我们一起回家。33. I am in a classroom.我在教室里。34. How many people are there in your family?你家里有几口人?35. I have a desk, a bed, a light, and a small table in my room.在卧室里我有一个书桌子,一个床,一盏灯和一个小桌子。unit 91. We need to practice for track and field.我们需要为田径运动练习。2. We need to practice for the team contest.我们需要为团对比赛练习。3. We are watching basketball practice.我们正在观看篮球练习。4. They are all going to the field.他们正在去场地。5. She is on the basketball team.她在篮球队。6. What are you doing now?你在干什么?7. What is your teacher doing now?你的老师在干什么?8. Do you play volleyball or basketball?你打排球还是打篮球?9. It is a sports day at No. 8 Middle School. 今天是第八中学的运动日。10. I am looking at the sports day poster.我正在看运动日的海报。11. What events are you in ?你有什么比赛项目?12. Come and cheer for me at 3:00.三点来为我加油。13. He is running in the 1,000 meter race.他正在一千米赛跑中跑。14. Cheer for your favorite team.为你最喜爱的对加油。15. He is the best player on his volleyball team.他是排球对最好的队员。16. I always cheer for my friends soccer team.我总是为我朋友的足球对加油。17. Students are enjoying the events.学生们从比赛项目中或得了乐趣。18. He is eating lunch.他正在吃午饭。19. I am learning English.我正在学英语。20. We are winning the contest.我们赢了比赛项目。21. She is drawing pictures.她正在画画。22. He is jumping up and down.他正上上下下的跳。23. I am listening to music.我正在听音乐。24. Are you writing a letter?你正在写作业吗?25. What is that girl doing ?那个女孩在干什么?26. What are you watching ?你在看什么?27. Lets play volleyball.让我们打排球吧。28. She is playing tennis.她正在打乒乓球。29. I need to practice for track and field.我需要为田径运动做练习。30. You are making a poster.你正在做海报。31. Is she drawing a picture?她正在画画吗?32. Sports day ends with the “tug of war.”运动日以拔河比赛结束了。33. Watch the best two teams of the school.观看学校最好的队。34. She is on the volleyball team.她在排球队。35. The school high jump record is two meters.学校的跳高记录是两米。unit 101. My math class is easy.我的数学课很容易。2. I have a lot of homework.我有许多作业。3. My history is hard.我的历史很难。4. Wang Wei hopes she can get a good mark in English.王微希望她能在英语上获得一个好分数。5. Her science class is fun.她的科学课很有趣。6. All her classes are interesting.她所有的课都很有趣。7. My favorite class is English.我最喜爱的课是英语。8. Which class is hard?哪个课难?9. Which class is interesting?哪个课有趣?10. What is your favorite class?你最喜爱的课是什么?11. Can you explain this math problem to me?你能给我解释一下这个数学问题吗?12. She explains the answer clearly.她很清楚地解释这个问题了。13. I feel nervous.我感到很紧张。14. My sister is smart.我的妹妹很聪明。15. A computer is useful.电脑很有用。16. Do you have math class?你有数学课吗?17. I have math class after art class.艺术课以后我有数学课。18. We are learning a lot of useful things.我们能学到很多有用的东西。19. I write my answers on the blackboard.我在黑板上写答案。20. What is your math class like?你的数学课怎么样?21. What about your other classes?你其它的课怎么样?22. Who is your math teacher?谁是你的数学老师?23. I enjoy his class.我喜欢他的课。24. Her favorite number is ten.她最喜爱的数字是10。25. What is your favorite number?你最喜爱的数字是什么?26. What is his favorite number?他最喜欢的数字是什么?27. My favorite class is English.我最喜爱的课是英语。28. I like my science teacher.我喜欢我的科学老师。29. What is your favorite class?你最喜欢的课是什么?30. He likes it because it is interesting and easy.他喜欢它因为它很有趣容易。31. His teacher explains things well.他的老师解释的很好。32. The teacher is in front of the desk.老师在桌子的前面。33. Wang Dandan says her class is easy.王丹丹说她的课很容易。34. I hope I can get a good mark.我希望我能得个好的分数。35. Tim talks about his math class.蹄姆谈论他的数学课。unit 111. What do you turn on ?你打开了什么?2. What do you open?你开了什么?3. Close the door.关上门。4. Dont turn on the light.不要开灯。5. Dont tell him I am here.不要告诉他我在这。6. What do you turn off in your bedroom?在你的卧室里你关了什么?7. Are you healthy?你健康吗?8. There is no sound.没有声音。9. I only eat fresh fruit.我只吃新鲜的水果。10. I exercise and eat good food.我锻炼吃好的食物。11. I get up early in the morning.我早上起床很早。12. You are all studying very hard.你们都在努力学习。13. Here are some ideas for you.这有一些意见给你。14. Eat good food like apples and bananas.吃些好的食物象苹果和香蕉。15. Do not eat candy.不要吃糖。16. It is not good for you.对你来说不好。17. Study a little every day.每天学一点。18. Do not study too much at one time.不要学的太多。19. Turn off the television.关掉电视。20. Put a lamp on your desk.在你的桌子上放一盏灯。21. Go to bed early.早点上床睡觉。22. You can not think when you are sleepy.当你睡觉时你不能想。23. Open the window and get fresh air.打开窗户,得到新鲜的空气。24. Do not watch TV.不要看电视。25. Put it in the fridge.把它放在冰箱里。26. Raise your hand.举起你的手。27. Dont chew gum in class.在课上不要嚼口香糖。28. I cant study well.我不能好好学习。29. Do you have any ideas?你有一些想法吗?30. Do you have more ideas?你还有更有更多的意见吗?31. Turn off the music.关掉音乐。32. It is a good idea to be in a quiet place.呆在一个安静的地方这是一个好主意。33. Practice these ideas and feel healthier!练习这些建议,你会感到很健康。34. He likes to spend time with his friends.他喜欢和他的朋友在一起消闲。35. The air in the park is clean and fresh.公园里的空气很干净和新鲜。unit 121. Write it on the blackboard.在黑板上写。2. She is very nervous.她很紧张。3. This book is very useful.这本书很有用。4. That food is healthy.那个食物很健康。5. I can not finish this.我不能完成这个。6. What are you doing now?你在做什么?7. I am studying.我在学习。8. Whose bag is this?这是谁的书包?9. Its hers.是她的。10. What do you enjoy?你喜欢什么?11. I enjoy reading.我喜欢读书。12. What is your favorite food?你最喜爱的食物是什么?13. My favorite food is hamburgers.我最喜爱的食物是汉堡。14. Close your eyes.闭上眼睛。15. Sit on the sofa.坐在沙发上。16. It is not far from here.离这不远。17. She showed me how to make ice cream.她告诉我如何做冰淇淋。18. Put on some chocolate.放一些巧克力。19. Add some banana.加一些香蕉。20. No one makes better.没有做的好一点。21. What is your father doing now?你的爸爸在做什么?22. What time is the soccer game?几点足球比赛?23. Who is teaching now?谁在教你?24. What do I do first?首先我做什么?25. Where is a good place to study?哪里是学习的好地方?26. Do you usually cook dinner?你经常做饭吗?27. My mother has a restaurant.我的妈妈有一个餐馆。28. She is working now.她正在工作。29. What is your favorite subject ?你最喜爱的科目是什么?30. What is your favorite sports?你最喜爱的运动是什么?31. My favorite sport is soccer.我最喜爱的运动是足球。32. My favorite subject is math.我最喜爱的科目是数学。33. Whose food is this?这是谁的食物?34. It is theirs.它是他们的。35. She is playing tennis.她正在打乒乓球。Unit One1让我们一起找吧。2大多数学生打篮球。3你在空闲时间做什么?450 个学生都有一个或两个嗜好。5你能看到多少个昆虫?6我正在抓昆虫。7三个学生玩电脑游戏。8这是一个非常流行的嗜好。9刘畅有不同的嗜好。10在公园里你能看到什么?11我经常写故事。12他们特别喜爱的运动是排球和足球。13它至少有5米长。14你还有其他的嗜好吗?15我和我的家人一起徒步旅行。16我有两个苹果。一个红的,一个绿的。17班级里的许多学生在业余时间画画。18学生的数目是30。19他们中的一些喜欢运动。20我们中的一些在英语俱乐部。Unit Two1 他穿着白色的衬衫。2 你有许多兰色的衣服吗?3 我有一副手套。4 这些鞋不舒服。5 你最喜欢什么衣服?6 你想和我一起去公园吗?7 你穿红色衣服看上去不错。8 你为什么不穿兰色的毛衣?9 今天是我的生日舞会。10 他们正在谈论他们的衣服。11 苏杉和刘畅正在一起散步。12 黄色是我最喜欢的颜色。13 今天是个特殊的日子。14 在我生日那天我妈妈做了特殊的晚餐。15 我有一个红色的背包。16 他经常穿牛仔裤。17 他们有一双运动鞋。18 你的裙子非常漂亮。19 你擅长什么?20 我喜欢粉红色的衣服。Unit Three


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