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See the breeze,Teasing the tree,Weaving the leaves,And shaking them free.长元音 i: 上下唇微开,上下齿分开,舌尖稍微抵住下齿,嘴角尽量往两边拉伸,像微笑的样子,然后振动声带。ee - see ;tree ea- eat ;seatie-piece; field e- secret; shei- police, ski ey-keySilly Billy! Silly Billy! Silly Billy loves Lily.Why is silly Billy silly? Why does silly Billy love Lily? Silly Billy isnt silly.短元音 i 要短促而轻快,上下唇及上下齿要更开一些,嘴角肌肉略微放松。i- sit, bit y- city ,systeme- pretty, blanket ey- money monkeyu- busy, business ay- Friday, Saturdayui- quick, guitar a- village, privateWhen the murmur and chirp of the early bird is first heard by the earthworm, it squirms in the earth nervously.长元音 : 口形自然张开,舌头放平,舌尖抵下齿,发音时舌后部略抬高。or- world, worm ir- bird, thirder- serve, her ur- hurt, furear- learn, early our-Journal, courteousThe bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bucket bottom. “The bun is better buttered” Buffy muttered.短元音 在口腔中部完成。舌身放平,中部略隆起,双唇扁平。ure- picture ar- sugara- about , machine e-seven, happeno- occasion, collect er- govern , sisteror- forget, doctorThere are artful artists and awful artists. Although there are a lot of artful artists, awful artists occur often.长元音 a: 嘴巴尽量长大,舌后略为太高,舌身放平向后缩,舌尖离开下齿,双唇自然张开,口腔肌肉绷紧,发长音。 a- last , glass ar- far , smartal- calf , behalf er- clerkau- aunt ear- heartDucks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark.短元音 上下唇及上齿微张,脸部肌肉放松,舌头自然垂放,舌尖轻轻抵住下齿龈,然后振动声带。u-cut, uglyo-become, monkeyou-rough, countryoo-flood ,blood Tall Paul ate some awful corn sauce.长元音: 开口度略大于半开,接近一指半;舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿;双唇收圆突出,肌肉紧张发长音。a-almost, also or-north , shortau-war, quarter aw-paw, lawoor-floor, door our-four, sourceoar-aboard, boar augh-caught, daughterough-bought, fought al - ball wall Bob took a hot pot , but he overturned the pot and the hot water spattered on the floor.短元音上下唇与齿自然张开,舌头自然垂放,双唇略圆,但不突出,肌肉松弛,发音短促而有力。o-hot, dog,longa-quality, quarrel,watchGive two true tools to the troops.长元音u:上下齿微分,舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿,双唇突出且收圆,肌肉紧张,发出长音。u-rule, June o- tomb, proveoo- pool , school ou- soup, groupui- juice , fruit ew- drew, grewUnderwood would read book if Underwood knew where his book was. Underwoods book was in Derwoods woods. Underwood went into Derwoods woods and got his book.短元音u与u:相似,但发短音,嘴部不要撅得太圆u-sugar, push o-wolf, womanoo-foot, look ou- could, wouldA mad man says that Amanda has captured a fat panda.短元音 口型要比e时更开。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,嘴角尽量向脸颊两侧拉伸紧绷,上下齿之间的距离约能容纳食指和中指。需振动声带。a-cat, fat, bagEddies enemies envied Eddies energy,But Eddie never envied his enemiesenergy.短元音 e 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,口型稍扁,上下齿之间的距离月能容纳一个食指。需要振动声带。要注意这个音是短音,要发的短促。e- egg, pen ea-bread, readya-many ,any ie-friendThere is pie in my eye. Will I cry? Will I die? Though I am shy. I will not lie. It might cause a sty, but I deny that I will die or cry from the pie in my eye.双元音 ai i-kite bike nice tiger write knifey-style,type ie-tie,pie uy-buy igh- sight, lightThe rain in Spain is mainly on the plain.双元音 ei a- place, sameai- rain train waitay- day, todayeigh- weight, eight The spoiled boy lost his toy and made a lot of noise.双元音 i oy-toy, enjoyoi- avoid, voiceI shed tears for he shears my dear toy deers ear.双元音 i e-hero, series ea-area, ideaear-hear, fear eer- beer, peerere-here, mereBeware! Thats a bear lair. I would not go in there on a dare. In there is where a bear scared Pierre. Pierre was not aware of the bear in the lair. Until the bear gave a glare and Pierre ran from there.双元音 a-parent, vary are-dare, compareair-hair, fair ear-pear, wearHe lured the poor to lure the poorer.双元音 u ure- sure, assureoor- poor, boorour- tour, detourThe loudest hound in town bow wowed at a mouse.双元音 au ou-sound, groundow- powder, towelThe oboe and cello sat alone, echoing tone for tone.双元音 u o- nose rose poem overoa- boat coat soap goatow- show window snow bowl


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