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八年级英语口语训练材料一、根据所给提示用英语进行交谈1 Asking the Way提示:假如有人问你附近有没有旅馆,你说附近没有,最近的旅馆离这儿约两公里,最好乘20路或35路公共汽车前往,车站就在街道右边。A: Excuse me, is there a hotel near here?B: No, there isnt.A: How far is the nearest hotel?B: Its about two kilometers away.A: How can I get there?B: Youd better take a bus.A: Which bus should I take?B: The No. 20 bus or the No. 35 bus.A: Wheres the bus stop?B: Its over there on the right.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.2 Taking about Zhalong提示:假如有人询问有关扎龙的情况,你回答说,扎龙在东北黑龙江省,它是一个自然保护区,每年有许多旅游者去那里观鸟。扎龙给各种不同鸟类提供食物和栖息地,其中包括一些濒临灭绝的鸟类。鸟儿在那里以蠕虫、小鱼、植物为食。A: Would you please tell me where Zhalong is?B: Its in Heilongjiang Province in North-East China.A: Why do a lot of tourists go to Zhalong every year?B: Because its a nature reserve. They go there for birdwatching.A: What kind of birds live there?B: Many different kinds of birds live there, including some endangered ones.A: What does the reserve provide for the birds?B: It provides food and shelter for them.A: What do the birds eat there?B: They eat worms, small fish and plants.A: Thank you for telling me so much about Zhalong.3 At the Doctors提示:假如你感到不舒服,去看病。你告诉医生自上星期四以来你一直头痛,但在过去的几天里仍每天照样上学,今天早晨你不想吃东西,也没有吃过药。A: Whats your trouble?B: Ive got a headache.A: How long have you been like this?B: Since last Thursday.A: Did you go to school in the past few days?B: Yes, I did. I went to school as usual every day.A: Did you eat something for breakfast?B: No, I didnt feel like eating anything.A: Have you taken any medicine?B: No, I havent.A: Let me have a look. Oh, youd better take some medicine and have a rest.4 Taking about a Favourite Pet提示:假如你的朋友和你在谈论宠物,你说你最喜欢扇尾金鱼,因为这种金鱼易于照料,价格不贵。你还说,与一般金鱼稍有区别是扇尾金鱼都长着长而漂亮的鳍。你也喜欢鹦鹦,但不喜欢狗,因为狗发出吠声,养狗需要悉心照料。A: Whats your favourite pet?B: Fantail fish, I think.A: Are they different from other goldfish?B: Yes. They look a little different. They have long and beautiful fins.A: Why do you like fantail fish so much?B: Because theyre easy to look after and they arent expensive to buy.A: What other pets do you care for?B: I like parrots too, but I dont like dogs.A: Why not?B: Theyre noisy and need a lot of care.A: But I like my dog because I can play with him in the park.5 Making a Telephone Call提示:假如海伦打电话来找你的同学李明,李明不在。你在电话中询问对方是谁,并告诉对方李明刚去书店买书,不知他何时返回,只知道他中午肯定回校吃饭。有事可代为转告。A: Hello! Could I speak to Li Ming, please?B: Im afraid hes out at the moment. Whos calling, please?A: This is Helen speaking. May I know when hell be back?B: Sorry, I dont know.A: Where has he gone?B: He has just gone to the bookshop to buy some books.A: Will he have lunch at school?B: Yes, he will be back for lunch.A: Can I leave a message?B: Sure.A: Please ask him to give me a ring as soon as he comes back.6 Talking about the Weather提示:假如你的朋友出差在外,来电询问家乡的天气情况,你说在下雨,气温为摄氏22至29度。你还说这场雨是从星期三下午开始下的,但雨天不会持续太久,因为收音机里说雨随后就会停。A: Whats the weather like in our home town now?B: Its raining.A: Whats todays temperature?B: Its 22 to 29.A: When did it begin to rain?B: Last Wednesday afternoon.A: Will the bad weather last long?B: No, it wont. Itll get better soon.A: How do you know that?B: The radio says the rain will stop later on.A: Really? I think you can go out for a walk then.7 Shopping提示:假如你去商店买东西,你告诉营业员你要两双26码的短袜,一双是棕色的,另一双是白色的,不要其他东西。A: What can I do for you?B: Im looking for socks.A: What size are you wearing?B: Size 26.A: How many pairs do you want?B: Two pairs.A: What colour would you like?B: One brown pair, and one white pair.A: Is there anything else I can do for you?B: No, nothing else. Thanks.A: OK, here you are.8 Talking about New Years Day提示:假如你们将在元旦举行英语晚会,你没有确定给英语老师什么节日礼物,你的同学建议送一张自制贺卡,你认为很好,并说要在贺卡上用英语写上“新年快乐!”A: What are you going to do on New Years Day?B: Were going to have an English evening party.A: What are you going to give our English teacher for the special day?B: Im not sure.A: Why not make a card for him?B: Thats a good idea.A: What will you write on it?B: Ill write “Happy New Year!”A: Will you write the words in English?B: Yes, I will.A: OK. Ill give him a card, too.二、根据所给话题和内容介绍情况。1 个人介绍例一 要点 1、我叫李雷,15岁。2、初中七年级学生,学习努力;今夏毕业。3、喜欢阅读和听音乐,是校足球队队员;4、父母来自上海;我在上海出生,但现在我们住在南京。 My name is Li Lei. Im fifteen years old. Im a secondary school student. Im in Grade Seven. I study hard. This summer, Ill graduate from my school. I love reading and listening to music as well. Im on the school football team. My parents come from Shanghai. I was born there but we live in Nanjing now.例二 要点:1、李雷是初中七年级学生,数学很好;喜欢玩计算游戏,喜欢游泳,今夏毕业;2、礼貌,乐于助人,老师、同学都喜欢他;3、1991年出生于上海,全家现在住在南京。Li Lei is a secondary school student. Hes in Grade Seven. Hes very clever at Maths. Li Lei enjoys playing computer games. He loves swimming. This summer hell graduate from school. Li Lei is polite and helpful. Both his teachers and his classmates like him very much. Li Lei was born in Shanghai in 1991. Now his family lives in Nanjing.2 学校生活例一 要点:1、约翰在伦敦附近的林地学校8年级读书;该校是个男女生在一起学习的混合学校;2、最喜欢的学科是家政课,喜欢学烹饪;上这所学校之前,不知道自己怎样做事,现在会做健康美味的饭菜;3、学校每年有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到学校图书馆的任何一本书。他很喜欢他的学校。John is in Year 8 at Woodland School near London. It is a mixed school, where boys and girls have lessons together. His favourite subject is Home Economics. He likes learning how to cook. John did not know how to do things for himself before he came to the school. But now, he can cook healthy and tasty meals. His school has a Reading Week every year. John and his classmates love it. They can read any books from the school library. John loves his school very much.例二要点:1、南希14岁,在洛基山学校9年级读书;2、放学后打垒球,每周两次;喜欢这项运动,花很多时间练习;3、每周一,去“同伴俱乐部”,在那里,她和其他学生给新生讲学校生活情况;很喜欢这个;同伴朱莉,12年级学生,曾帮助她全面了解新学校情况,帮助她完成课外作业,听她讲她关心的事;朱莉是她的好朋友。Nancy is 14 years old. Shes in the 9th grade at Rocky Mountain School. Twice a week, she plays softball after school. She loves this game and spends a lot of time practicing. Every Monday, Nancy goes to a Buddy Club, where she and other students talk to new students about school life. Nancy enjoys this a lot. Her buddy is Julie, who is a student in the 12th grade. Julie used to help Nancy learn all about her new school. She helped Nancy with her homework and listened to her concerns. Julie is her good friend.3 饮食与生活例一 要点:1、为了健康,我改变了饮食;2、以前,很少吃水果、蔬菜,却吃许多甜的零食,喜欢糕点、糖果、可乐;3、我知道甜的零食对我没有好处;现在,早餐时总吃个苹果,常喝牛奶;正餐时,通常吃肉和蔬菜;不再吃甜的零食。4、身体越来越健康,学习情况也大大改善了。 I changed my diet because I want to be healthier. Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables. I ate a lot of sweet snacks between meals. I liked cakes, sweets and Coke. I know that sweet snacks are not good for me. Now, I always eat an apple for breakfast, and I often drink some milk. I usually eat meat and vegetables for dinner. I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more. Im now becoming healthier and healthier. Because of this, my studies have been greatly improved.例二要点:1、以前,李雷喜欢糕点和汉堡包;午餐时,总吃汉堡包,很少吃水果和蔬菜,吃很多甜的零食;2、现在,因为要健康,他已改变了饮食;不再吃快餐食品;早餐时,通常喝果汁吃面包;正餐时,通常吃鱼和蔬菜;3、李雷健康多了,知道改变饮食很重要,对学习也有好处。Before, Li Lei loved cake and hamburgers. He always ate hamburgers for lunch. He seldom ate fruit and vegetables, but he ate a lot of sweet snacks. Now, he has changed his diet because he wants to be healthier. He doesnt eat fast food any more. For breakfast, he usually has some juice and bread. He usually has fish and vegetables for dinner. Li Lei is much healthier now. He knows its important to change ones diet. It does good to his studies as well.4 野生动物 要点:1、人们都喜欢大熊猫,它们只生活在中国;大熊猫黑白相间,貌似熊,平静而安祥,吃竹笋、竹叶;2、现仅存一千只左右,数目越来越少;3、熊猫生活的地方正在变在农田,人们在取其毛皮而猎捕它们;如此下去,世界上很快将再无熊猫。All people like giant pandas, which only live in China. Giant pandas are beautiful black-and-white animals. They look like bears. They are quiet and peaceful. They eat bamboo shoots and leaves. Now, there are only about a thousand pandas in the world. Their number is getting smaller and smaller, because their living areas are becoming farmlands. Also, people hunt them for their fur. If this continues, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world.例二要点:1、熊猫宝宝名叫“希望”,出生时重约100克,每天喝母奶长达14个小时;4个月时重约10千克;6个月时,开始吃竹笋和竹叶;2、可悲的是,熊猫在野外很难存活;猎人一旦抓住它,就会杀害他们以取其毛皮;农夫一旦砍掉树和森林,熊猫将无生存之处。3、我们应当尽力保护它们。The baby panda is called Xi Wang. It means “hope”. When she was born she weighed about 100 grams. She drank her mothers milk for up to 14 hours a day. At four months, she weighed about 10 kilograms. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves. Sadly, it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur. If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. We should try our best to protect the giant pandas.5 最好的朋友例一要点:1、我想告诉你关于我最好的朋友马克斯的一 些情况:他很高,几乎有1.75米;因为夜晚在电脑上做太多的工作,视力很差,戴一副小而圆的眼镜,显得很精神;2、很久以来,我们一直是最好的朋友;为人慷慨,愿意与朋友们分享他的东西;任何时候都乐于助人,常帮助我做课外作业,在公共汽车上总将座位让给需要的人。I want to tell you about my best friend, Max. He is very tall-almost 1.75 metres. He has poor eyesight because of too much computer work at night. He wears small, round glasses and they make him look smart. We have been best friends for a long time. Max is generous. He is willing to share things with his friends. He is also ready to help people any time. He often helps me with my homework. When on the bus, he always gives his seat to people in need.例二要点:1、凯特是我最好的朋友,她住在我家隔壁,我们做朋友已经快10年了;2、她高而苗条,一头长发;非常聪明,乐于助;有幽默感,常讲笑话逗我笑;3、长大后想当个歌手,周游世界;我们可能不会经常见面,但我们将永远是最好的朋友。Kate is my best friend. She lives next door and we have been friends for almost 10 years. Kate is tall and slim. She has long hair. She is a very clever girl. She likes to help people. She has a good sense of humour. She often tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. Kate wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grows up. If she succeeds, we may not get to see each other often but we will always be best friends.6 自然灾难例一要点:1、地震开始时我正在购物中心;2、起先,我感到一阵轻微的摇动穿过体内;然后,听到地下像炸弹爆炸一样的巨响,地开始摇晃;3、人们四处逃散,我拼命跑到街上;玻璃碎片和砖头砸了下来,墙也开始坍塌;4、最后,响声和摇动都停了下来;周围一片漆黑,我甚至不知身在何处。I was in a shopping centre when the earthquake started. At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body. Then I heard a big noise like bombs below the ground. The earth started to shake. People ran in all directions. I tried my best to run out to the street. Pieces of glass and bricks fell down, and the walls began to come down too! Finally, the noise and shaking ended. It was dark around me. I did not even know where I was.例二要点:1、昨天,暴风雪袭击北京,下午情况更为严重;2、放学后,贝蒂和她的妹妹米莉合撑一把伞,向汽车站走去;3、天气坏极了,狂风在她们四周呼啸;大雪继续下着,突然,一阵大风从身后刮来,卷走了她们的伞,姐妹俩几乎跌到,只能在暴风雪中慢慢地走向汽车站;4、最后,她们上了汽车,回家了。A snowstorm hit Beijing yesterday. It got worse in the afternoon. After school, Betty shared an umbrella with her sister, Millie, and they walked to the bus stop. The weather was really terrible. The wind howled around them. Snow continued to fall around them. Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind. They lost their umbrella in the wind and nearly fell over. They could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm. At last, they got on a bus and went home.


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