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沧源民族中学 高一英语(必修5 Unit 1)教学设计 供第一周使用 2020年3月16日星期一 第 5 页 共 5 页Unit 1 Great scientists(范本)主备:胡公文第二、三课时 泛读课(初步了解课文) 一、教学内容及其分析本节课要学的内容是课本第十页的阅读课文, 它是一篇记述文,介绍英国著名的医学科学家John Snow、他的科研方法和巨大贡献。本节课的核心一是了解John Snow、他的科研方法及成就;二是课文的文体、文章大意、文章结构。学生已经学过描写人物的一些形容词并对科研方法有所了解。本节课就是在此基础上进一步了解英国著名的医学科学家John Snow、他的科研方法和他取得的科研成果。本节课在整个单元中属于精读课中的泛读课,由于它与第一课时“热身”有联系,还与第三课时精读课 (进一步理解课文)有联系,并有承前启后的作用,是本单元的重要内容。教学的重点是从整体上把握文章的文体、大意和结构,解决重点的关键是使用恰当的阅读方法与技能,如跳读、寻读、细读、猜测词义、释义和归纳,来把握课文的内容并获取信息、处理信息。(说明:本部分要说明教学内容,并分析该节课的核心内容,该节课的前后之间的知识联系以及其在本单元中所占的地位,甚至在本学科中处于什么样的地位。)二、教学目标及其分析目标定位:1、了解英国著名的医学科学家John Snow、他的科研方法和他取得的科研成果。2、进一步养成在拿到一篇文章后首先要从整体上把握文章的文体、大意和结构的习惯。3、进一步学习使用恰当的阅读方法与技能,来把握课文的内容并获取信息、处理信息。目标解析:1、了解英国著名的医学科学家John Snow、他的科研方法和他取得的科研成果指的是知道他的生平、科研方法、科研成果以及他的科研成果对世界的巨大影响。2、进一步养成在拿到一篇文章后首先要从整体上把握文章的文体、大意和结构的习惯指的是通过读标题,读第一段和最后一段以及每段的第一句和最后一句再参看图片(如有)来了解文章的大意及文体。3、进一步学习使用恰当的阅读方法与技能,来把握课文的内容并获取信息、处理信息指的是培养学生学会针对不同的阅读任务使用不同的阅读方法,如跳读、寻读、细读、猜测词义、释义和归纳的能力。 (说明:有几个目标,相应的就有几个目标解析)三、问题诊断及其分析 在本节课的教学中,学生可能会遇到的问题是回答第三页练习三的问题有困难。困难产生的原因是学生缺乏对文章结构内在逻辑联系的把握,在处理给文章写摘要这类问题时,要引导学生把握文脉。本篇文章是记述文(传记),是按照事件发生发展的先后顺序来展开的,因此以时间为线索来解剖文章结构是解决问题的关键。此外,搞科研是要遵循一套严谨科学的程序的(发现问题 提出问题 搜集资料-问题后果 分析后果 思考解决问题的方法 找到支持证据以证明方法的可行性 得出结论),只有把握了以上两点,写摘要就不难了。(说明:本本部分要预测课堂上学生可能会遇到的问题是,分析困难产生的原因是,解决这一问题关键是)四、教学条件支持及其分析利用多媒体,黑板展示本节课内容,让学生有更直观的感觉。五、教学过程问题和题例步骤一 Greeeting & dictation听写听写任务表中的TASK 1,全部收上来或抽查两组。步骤二 检查作业Check if the ss have done the homework correctly.问题一: 了解文体及文章大意及细节Find the answers to the following questions by skimming1/Whats the main idea of the reading passage?(MI: The reading is abt. a British physician named John Snow and how he did his research into cholera.)2/ Whats the writing style(文体) of the reading passage?(narrative writing)3/ Look at Ex. 1 on p3 and finish doing it by scanning the text. 2-1-3-7-4-8-5-64/Read the passage again and answer the three questions of Ex.2 on p3. Key to 1st question:As to Idea 2, refer to L12. He finally proved it by drawing a map showing the the buildings,deaths,the roads and the pump. He also got supporting evidence from other two deaths in another part of London.Key to 2nd question: the answer may vary from person to person.Key to 3rd question: the answer may vary from person to person.5/ 教师选择两组学生,展示他们对袁隆平教授的描述。设计意图:养成在拿到一篇文章后首先要从整体上把握文章的文体、大意和结构然后再进一步把握细节的习惯。(说明:为了解决大问题需要用一系列的小问题串来搭脚手架, 所有的小问题解决了,大问题也就迎刃而解)问题二: 疏通课文1. Play the tape para. by para. and let the ss find out the MI(=main idea) of each para.Para.1: John Snow, a famous private doctor of Queen Victora in London, was determined to help the ordinary peop who suffered from the deadly illness of cholera. Para.2: He showed interest in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people. Para.3: John Snow belived that the second theory was probably correct but he needed evidence.Para.4: He did his research by drawing a detailed map of two streets where there were many deaths caused by cholera.Para.5: He did his research by looking into the source of the drinking water for these two streets.Para.6: With the extra evidence in another part of London, He drew a conlusion that the polluted water carried the virus.Para.7: “King Cholera” was finally defeated. 2. 讲解词汇。学生经过两遍阅读,对文章的基本意思已经了解,但还不能学会或明白其中的生词(黑体字)。学生凭借已有的构词法知识能够猜出某些词的词义,如neibourhood, foreseen, 等。如果学生的构词法知识有限,教师也可以先把这些词写在黑板上,考察学生是否能够猜出,给与适当的点拨。本节课应重点讲解一些动词,如suspect, defeat, blame, absorb, link等。教师呈现这些词的英语释义后,提醒学生在课文里寻找这些动词或动词词组,并注意其在课文语境中的使用是否具有相同的意义。本部分可结合第四页练习一来做。Reference: victim/physician/suspect/defeat/challenge/enqiry/pump/absorb/ link 设计意图:通过这次阅读活动,学生训练了查读信息的能力。在掌握了文章的段落信息以后,让学生体会本篇文章的文脉(逻辑关系),这样既可以训练学生的思辨能力,也可以拓展学生的写作思路。生词讲解为学生理解课文扫清了语言障碍,用英语来解释英语有利于培养语感。问题三: What do you think of John Snow? Do you like the way John Snow did his research? Why or why not?1. 小组合作学习。全班分成8组,讨论问题。2. 让学生整理并展示本小组的讨论结果。3. 教师再提出问题,引导学生发表自己的观 点。 设计意图:培养学生的交际能力,回顾所学的知识,开展学生的世界观教育。六、 课堂小结What have we learnt in this class? (可以让学生自己做) MAIN IDEAWRITING STYLEDetailed information HOW TO UNDDER-STAND THE TITLEKEY WORDS七、 目标检测1/Whats the main idea of the reading passage? 2/ Whats the writing style(文体) of the reading passage? 八、 配餐练习 见学案Keys:A组题:Para.1: John Snow, a famous private doctor of Queen Victora in London, was determined to help the ordinary peop who suffered from the deadly illness of cholera. Para.2: He showed interest in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people.Para.3: John Snow belived that the second theory was probably correct but he needed evidence.Para.4: He did his research by drawing a detailed map of two streets where there were many deaths caused by cholera.B组题: 根据课文请完成下列表格WhoWhenWhatHowResultJohn Snow1854helping ordinary people exposed to choleraExamining the source of all water supplies and finding new methods of dealing with polluted water“King Cholera” was defeated C组题: Fill in the following blanks by skimming the text.Tips: First, look through the whole text to get the main idea(MI); Secondly, read the text sentence by sentence and fill in the blanks at the same time.Finally, check your answers by re-reading the whole passage.John Snow was a well-known _ in London in the _ century. He wanted to find the _ of cholera in order to _it. In 1854 when a cholera _ out, he began to gather information. He _ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the _ died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _ of all water supply be _ and new methods of _ with the polluted water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was _.答案: doctor /19th/ cause/ defeat/ broke/ marked/ pump/ source /examined /dealing /defeated九、课后反思第 5 页 共 5 页


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