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高一英语同步强化培训 词汇和语法 朱翀 Module 1 Europe 重点概括 核心词汇 across off face popular famous influence none sign 核心短语 look like because of ever since in common refer to in terms of on the other hand belong to 重点语法 一般现在时的被动语态和一般过去时的被动语态 主谓一致 补充语法 倍数的表达 核心词汇 across across through over 与 past 教材原文 France is Europe s third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel 教材 P1 释义 词条 词性 含义 用法 例句 经过 跨过 动作在某物体 表面进行 跨 越其范围 He swam across the river prep 在另一边 在 对面 They live just across the road 穿过 从一边 到另一边 The river is more than ten meters across across adv adj 交叉 He was standing with arms across through prep 通过 经过 穿过 动作在某物体 内部穿过 有 时也表跨越 He walked through the crowd and found his mother over prep 跨越 越过 动作从物体上 方跨过 尤其 是浮在正上方 He climbed over the wall and ran 飞过 跳过 飘过等 away past prep 经过 动作从物体旁 边过 强调经 过 经历 He ran past me without greetings It winds its way from west to east across deserts over mountains through valleys till at last it reaches the sea 常见 collocation just across He knew that just across the border lay freedom right across Teachers are expected to teach a range of subjects right across the curriculum right across Someone s parked right across the entrance to the driveway straight across They ran straight across the road come across to meet find or discover someone or something by chance I came across an old diary in her desk I ve never come across anyone quite like her before Practice 1 He suddenly saw Sue the room He pushed his way the crowd of people to get to her A across across B over through C over into D across through 高考真题 1 There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldn t get 06 全国卷 2 A between B through C across D beyond 2 Guess what I came across an old friend at the party last night I m sure you had a wonderful time 2004 辽宁 A Sounds good B Very well C How nice D All right 3 The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common in many parts of the city 2007 安徽 A look B sign C sight D appearance 4 If you really have to leave during the meeting you d better leave the back door 2008 北京 A for B by C across D out 5 If we can our present difficulties then everything should be all right 2007 湖北 A come across B get over C come over D get off 6 I can hardly imagine Peter across the Atlantic Ocean in five days A sail B to sail C sailing D to have sailed architect Origin Greek from archi ARCH tekton builder 拓展 architecture continental 拓展 intercontinental transcontinental face 1 n 脸 表情 a pretty beautiful handsome etc b round oval square c thin narrow d pale dark e sad serious f happy smiling Shelley looked at the children s happy faces g a grinning face He looked down at the boy s grinning face h angry Beth s angry face stared fiercely at her husband i worried anxious My father watched us go with a worried face j puzzled He looked at his son s puzzled face k blank impassive showing no emotion or thoughts What was she really thinking behind that blank face l wrinkled His wrinkled face must once have been handsome m a long face an unhappy expression What s the long face for 2 vt 面对 a face a problem She told me about some of the problems she was facing b face a difficulty The hotel s owners were facing financial difficulties c face a challenge The coal industry faces serious challenges d face a danger He has the courage to face danger in spite of fear e face an uncertain difficult future The company is facing an uncertain future 3 be faced with something 面临 a with a new challenge we have to study harder A Face B Facing C Faced D To face b 句型转换 Facing the difficult situation I decided to ask my parents for advice I decided to ask my parents for advice 4 face up to something phrasal verb 接受现实并面对 处理 They ll never give you another job you should face up to it She had to face up to the fact that he was guilty 5 in the face of competition from somebody something 面临 的 挑战 高考真题 1 The on his face told me that he was angry 06 湖北 A impression B sight C appearance D expression 2 achievement last week s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low though not failing grade 06 湖 南 A In terms of B In case of C As a result of D In face of 3 with so much trouble we failed to complete the task on time 2006年 四川 A Faced B Face C Facing D To face 4 Faced with a bill for 10 000 06陕西 A John has taken an extra job B the boss has given john an extra job C an extra job has been taken D an extra job has been given to John be located in near etc something PLACE to be in a particular position or place SYN be situated 教材原文 Paris is the capital and largest city of France situated on the River Seine 教材 P2 1 situated on the River Seine 为形容词短语作定语 situated 同义 located 形容词短语作定语时 一般后置 相当于一个定语从句 Tom dressed in his favorite clothes went to school happily 2 besituated in on to be located in on to lie in on to 3 形容词作定语一般置于名词前 4 形容词修饰不定代词时要后置 Nothing serious happened 没肴发生严重的事情 5 以 a 开头的表语形容词作定语时要后置 The boy asleep is my younger brother 6 成对的形容词作定语时要后置 She has many pencils blue and red 7 作形容词时 放在名词前后均可 I have enough food I have books enough 高考真题 Ideally for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue the New York Park hotel is a favourite with many guests 上海高考 A locating B being located C having been located D located mountain range a group of mountains or hills usually in a line popular 教材原文 The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower the famous symbol of Paris 教材 P2 用法 1 Jeans are popular among the young adj 受欢迎的 2 I d like to listen to popular music while working Adj 流行 的 3 The prices of houses and goods are issues of popular concern adj 大众的 普遍的 4 It s popularly believed that John is innocent adv 普遍地 5 Her books have grown in popularity recently n 受欢迎的状态 流 行 普及 6 The use of personal computers should be popularized 使受欢迎 使普及 because 教材原文 Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance 近义词解析 词条 含义 位置 闯法 because of 因为 由于 主句前或后 在句中一般用作状语 owing to 由于 因为 主句前或后 作状语 所引导的短语修饰全句 置于主句后 时 严格讲应用逗 号与 主句隔开 due to 由于 主句后 在句中多用作表语或 定语 as a result of 由于 主句前或后 用作状语 on account of 因 的 缘故 由于 主句前或后 用作状语 thanks to 幸亏 多亏 大多位于主句 前 也可位于 主句后 用作状语 可以用于正面含义 谢谢 也可用 于讽刺口吻 1 They had to stay at home because of the heavy rain 2 Owing to my absence they had to put off the class meeting till next week 3 His failure is due to the fact that he lacks of experience 4 As a result of the pilots strike all flights had to be cancelled 5 The train arrived late on account of a heavy snow 6 Thanks to your help I passed the test 7 I ve got confused thanks to your disturbance 高考真题 Jenny nearly missed the flight doing too much shopping 全国高考 A as a result of B on top of C in front of D in need of none 词条 含义 用法 备注 none 没有一 人 没有 个 可接 of 短语 做主语时 口语 或 非正式文体中 谓语 用复 数 正式的书 面语中用单数 可用来回答 how many much 提问 的句子 no one 没有一人 不接 of 短语 谓语 用单数 只指人 nobody 没有人 只指人 不接 of 短 语 用来回答 who 引 导的问句 核心短语 be famous for second largest city ever since in common refer to 重点语法 被动语态 被动语态可以理解为 主语 系动词 主语的状态 属性 其他常见系动词 look sound feel smell taste appear seem go prove become keep 主动表被动 表示开始 结束 运动的词 如 begin start finish open close stop end shut run move This coat dries easily The match won t catch 表示主语的某种属性 特征的动词 如 read write act cut sell wash clean wear open close look eat dry drink catch 等 The books are printing The meat is cooking 少数动词用于进行时 其主动形 式表示被动含义 如 print cook fry hand build make 等 介词 in on under beyond 等 名词 构成介词短语表示被动意义 under treatment under control under repair under construction in print on show beyond belief 主谓一致 1 谓语和谓语基本保持单复数的一致 即 主语是可数名词单数或不可数名 词时 谓语动词用单数形式 如 The computer was a great invention 计算机是个了不起的发明 The water in the glass is very cold 玻璃杯里的水很冷 2 集体名词 如 family class team group row police school 等 做 句子主语时 如果表示整体概念 则谓语用单数形式 如 Class Three is a very good class 三班是好班 如果表示其中的所有成员时 则谓语用复数形式 如 Class Three have a map of China 三 班有张中国地图 3 Chinese Japanese fish sheep people 等表示单个时谓语用单数 表 示许多时 谓语用复数 如 There is a sheep in the yard 院子里有 只绵羊 There are some sheep in the yard 院子里有一些绵羊 4 maths news 等虽然有 s 结尾 但不是复数 因此谓语仍用单数 The news is very exciting 这个消息令人兴奋 5 glasses shoes socks trousers gloves 等名词往往用复数形式 故 谓语用复数 如 The trousers are very cheap and I want to take them 裤子很 便宜 我想买 6 a lot of 后跟名词复数时谓语用复数形式 跟不可数名词时谓语用单数形 式 如 A lot of students are playing baseball now 现在有许 多学生在打垒球 A lot of time was wasted on that work 大量的 时间花在了那个工作上 被动句 7 and 连接两个名词做主语时 谓语原则上用复数 但是两个名词若构成一个 整体事物时 谓语则用单数 如 The teacher and his son are picking apples now 老师和他的儿子在摘苹果 Fish and chips is very famous food 鱼和薯条是一种出名的食品 8 there be 句型中 be 的单复数一般由靠近的名词决定 如 There is a table and four chairs in the room 房间里有一张桌子和四张椅子 9 用 both and 连接两个事物做主语时 谓语一般用复数 如 Both you and I are required to be here tomorrow 你和我明天要求都来 10 主语中含有 with 的短语时 谓语单复数由 with 之前的人物决定 如 A woman with a 7 year old child was standing at the side of the road 一名妇女带着一个七岁的孩子 当时 就站在路边 11 either or 或者 neither nor 连接两个人物做句子主语时 谓语采 用就近原则 如 Either you or he is right 要么是你对 要么是他 对 你和他有一个人是对的 Neither you nor I am going there 你和我都不打算去那里 12 表示一段时间或长度概念的复数名词做主语时 谓语一般用单数 如 Two months is not a short time 两个月不是个短时间 Two thousand kilometers is quite a long distance 距离 两千千米是相当长的一 段距离 13 主语中含有 half of three quarters of all of the 等词语时 谓语的单复数由名词确定 如 Over three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English 因特网上四分之三以上 的信息是用英语写的 A third of the students were playing near the lake 学生的三分之一 当时 正在湖边玩耍 All of the water in these rivers has been polluted 这些河流中的水已经被污染了 被动句 但是 population 一词又有特殊情况 What s the population of China 中国人口是多少 句子用单数 Three quarters of the population in this city are Arabs 阿拉伯人 这个城市四分之三的 人口是阿拉伯人 句子用复数 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries 重点概括 核心词汇 develop income reduce position encourage figure use 核心短语 up to make sure make efforts agree to 重点语法 连词 but however although while 补充语法 完全倒装 with phrase 核心词汇 develop income reduce position encourage figure use 核心短语 up to make sure make efforts agree to 重点语法 动词分类 逻辑连接词 1 用来连接两个并列概念的连接词有 and not only but also neither nor 等 and 所连接的前后分句往往表示先后关系 递进关 系 前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系 若第一个分句是祈使句 那么 第二个分句用将来时 2 表示在两者之间选择一个 常用的连接词有 or otherwise or else either or 等 前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系 若第一个分 句是祈使句 那么第二个分句用将来时 3 表明两个概念彼此有矛盾 相反或者转折 常用的连接词有 but yet still however 等 前后分句时态一致 4 说明原因 用连接词 for 前后分句时态一致 5 表示结果 用连接词 so 前后分句时态一致 补充语法 倒装 谓语的一部分或者全部放在主语之前的句子称为倒装句 1 THERE BE 句型以及以 here there 开头的句子 如 There are a lot of children in the showroom 在展览室里有许多的小孩 Here comes the bus 公交车来了 There goes the bell 铃响了 The door opened and in came Mr Lee 门开了 李先生走了进来 2 用 So Nor Neither 助动词 主语 倒装结构表示第二个人物的情 况与上文的人物情况相同 如 Tom went to the beach last week and so did I Tom 上个星期去了海滩 我也是 Li Mei s bought nothing from the shop Neither has Jim 李梅没有在店里买什么 Jim 也没有买 3 在疑问句中 通常使用在主语之前安放助动词的倒装方法 对主语提问除外 如 How did he find the lost book 他是怎么样找到丢失的书的 Where are they going to spend the summer vacation 他们打算到哪儿 过暑假 4 感叹句中通常将被感叹的部分前移 而将句子的主谓语整体后置 如 What a beautiful flower it is 那是多漂亮的花 5 有引号引用某人的原话时 引号外面的主谓一般采用倒装形式放在句尾 但是 若 主语是代词则不倒装 如 What on earth are you doing up there said the father 父亲说 你在上边到底干什么 What on earth are you doing up there he said 他说 你在上边到底干什么 with 短语 with 复合结构 可以表示伴随情况 方式 原因 时间或条件等 在句中除 作状语外 也可作定语 with 复合结构的构成 with 宾语 宾补 宾补可能是 n adj adv 介词短语 v ing v ed to do 几种复合结构形式 所表示的含义 with n doing 宾语与宾补之间为主动关系 表示正在发生的动怍 with N done 宾语与宾补之间为被动关系 表示动作已经完成 with n to do 常用不定式的主动形式作宾补 表示将来的动作 He died with his son yet a student 他死的时候 他的儿子还是一个学生 I used to sleep with the window open 我过去习惯开着窗子睡觉 He went out with all the lights on 他开着灯就出去了 Our teacher came in with a book in his hand 我们老师进来了 手中拿着一本书 We found her house easily with the little boy leading the way 由这个 小男孩带路 我们很容易地找到了她的家 With all the things she needed bought she went home happily 买了所有 需要的东西后 她高兴地回家了 With so many things to deal with I can t go on holiday 有这么多事 情要处理 我不能去度假 The soldier stood there with a gun in his hand 作状语 那个士兵站 在那里 手中拿着一把枪 The soldier with a gun in his hand is my friend 作定语 手中拿着枪 的那个士兵是我的朋友 The manager was very happy with so many problems settled 作状语 如 此多的问题都已解决 那位经理很高兴 Module 3 The Violence of Nature 重点概括 核心词汇 experience cause travel happen occur destroy furniture average strike 核心短语 find out more than pick up take off leave sb sth by the time end up 重点语法 过去完成时 补充语法 间接引语 核心词汇 experience cause travel happen occur destroy furniture average strike 核心短语 find out more than pick up take off leave sb sth by the time end up 重点语法 过去完成时 过去完成时表示过去某一时间或某一动作发生之前已经完成的动作 简言之 过去完成时所表示的时间是 过去的过去 过去完成时由 助动词 had 动词的过去分词 构成 过去完成时时间状语有 by yesterday by then by the end of last 或者由 when before 等引出状语从句 有时句子中会有 already just once ever never 等词语 也会有 for 或 since 构成的时间状语 如 They had already finished cleaning the classroom when their teacher came 当老师来的时候他们已经打扫完 了教室 The woman had left before he realized she was a cheat 在他发觉那个妇女是个骗子时她已经走掉了 过去完成时常用于宾语从句中 after 引导的从句中 或者从句是 before 引导的主句中 如 After I had put on my shoes and hat I walked into the darkness 我穿上鞋子戴上帽子走进了黑暗之中 He said that he had never seen a kangaroo before 他说他以前从来没 有见过袋鼠 补充语法 直接引语变间接引语 1 直接引语和间接引语 在陈述句中 直接引用说话人原来的语句 称为直接 引语 在书写时 直接引语用引号 用自己的词语来转述表达原来说话人 说的内容 称为间接引语 2 直接引语改变为间接引语 1 直接引语如果是陈述句 变为间接引语时应注意以下各点 不用引号 而用连接词 that 但有时可省略 人称作相应变化 主句里的动词如果是过去时 间接引语中的时态一般应作相应改变 一般现在时变一般过去时 一般将来时变过去将来时 现在进行时变 过去进行时 现在完成时变成过去完成时 一般过去时变成过去完成 时 但一般过去时如与一个具体的过去时间连用 则时态不变 如 He says I am not from the USA He says that he is not from the USA Mr Smith said to his girl friend I haven t seen you for a long time Mr Smith said to his girl friend that he had not seen her for a long time 2 直接引语如果是一般疑问句 变为间接引语时 需用从属连接词 whether 或 if 引导 词序要改变 如 Lin Tao said to Miss Green Is it made in China Lin Tao asked Miss Green if it was made in China this these now ago today this week month etc next week month etc yesterday tomorrow here that those then before that day that week month etc the next week month etc the day before the next following day there 3 直接引语如果是特殊疑问句 变为间接引语时 需用疑问词引导 词序是 连词 主语 谓语 如 Lucy said to me How can I help Lucy asked me how she could help 4 直接引语如是祈使句 变间接引语时 须将祈使句变为动词不定式 并在 动词不定式前用 tell ask order 如 He said to the little boy Come here young man He asked the little boy to go there 5 直接引语变为间接引语时 指示代词以及表示时间和地点的词或词组应 作相应变化 在直接引语中 在间接 引语中 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia 重点概括 核心词汇 cut prevent advise wear major way as survive appear before strength 核心短语 so that be caught in 重点语法 不定式 补充语法 but 不定式 核心词汇 cut prevent advise wear major way as survive appear before strength 核心短语 so that be caught in 重点语法 动词不定式 形式 动词不定式基本形式由 不定式记号 to 动词原形 构成 它的 否定形式只要在 to 前面加上 not 它的疑问形式是 wh 疑问词 to 动词原形 它的被动形式 to be 过去分词 它的完成形式 to have 过去分词 动词不定式具有名词 形容词和副词的特征 即可以在句子中作主语 宾语 定语 状语 表语和宾语补足语 但不定式也保留动词的某些 特征 即不定式后面可以跟宾语 表语和状语 动词不定式加上相关 成分就构成不定式短语 动词不定式可以放在谓语前句子作主语 但是通常将作主语的动词不定 式或不定式短语放在谓语后面 而在主语位置用 it 作形式主语 有 时在不定式的前面还会用 for sb 表示不定式的逻辑主语 如 To help animals is helping people 帮助动物就是帮助人 It is very difficult for us to learn Chinese well 对于我们而言 学好汉语是非常的困难 It took me half an hour to work out this problem 解出这道题花了我一个小时的时间 动词不定式可以作谓语动词 及物动词 的宾语 A 及物动词 不定式一般形式 谓语动词 vt 不定 式 作宾 语 说 明 want 想 try 试图 decide 决定 would like 想要 hope 希望 love 喜爱 learn 学会 afford 提供 agree 同意 fail 失败 未能 mean 意味着 prefer 宁愿 wish 希望 无 help 帮助 to 可以省略 begin 开始 start 开始 hate 憎恨 也可跟动名词 意义变 化不大 forget 忘记 remember 记得 like 总爱 to do 也可跟动名词 意义变 化较大 如 I would like to have a rest at the moment 我现在想休息一 下 They began to search the room for the thief 他们开始在 屋子里搜寻小偷 He liked to have a swim in the pool near his house 他喜爱在靠家的水塘里面游泳 When did you learn to speak English 你什么时候开始学英语的 Don t forget to close the door when you leave 你离开时别忘了关门 比较 He forgot to turn off the light 他忘了关灯 没关 He forgot turning off the light 他忘记关过灯 关了 Please remember to ring me up 记得给我打电话 还没打电话 I remember calling you yesterday but you forgot 我记得昨天给 你打电话了 但是你忘记了 打过电话 B 及物动词 疑问词 不定式 谓语动词 vt wh 疑问词 不定式 作 宾语 说明 tell 告诉 show 显示 know 知道 ask 问 find out 发现 understand 明白 wonder 疑惑 learn 学会 forget 忘记 remember 记 得 teach sb 教某人 discuss 商讨 what where how to do who which 不定式疑 问形式还 可以作句 子的主语 表语等 如 He does not know which one to take 他不知道该选哪个 Tell me how to get to the station 告诉我怎么样去火车站 She asked me what to do for today s homework 她问我今天家 庭作业做什么 Can you teach me how to search the internet 你能教我怎样上网吗 C 不定式作宾语而后面又有宾语补足语时 通常用 it 代替作形式宾 语 而不定式则后置 如 I found it not very easy to learn to ride a bike 我发现学骑车不很容易 动词不定式可以在句子中用作定语 放在名词或代词后面 A 记住下面的一些结构 被修饰部分 不定式 作后置 定语 汉 语 意 思 a key to lock the door 锁门的钥匙 a box to hold these things 装这些东西的箱子 give her a book to read 给她一本书读 Is there any 名 词 代词 to do 有 要 做的 吗 It s time to go 是走的时间了 该走 了 Do you have any work to do 你有工作要做吗 I d like something to eat 我要点儿吃的 I have nothing to say 我没有话要说 Would you like something to drink 你要点儿喝的吗 B 在这种情况下 如果不定式动词是不及物动词 则后面必须加介词 如 They could not find a place to live in 他们找不到住的地方 Please give me a chair to sit on 请给我一张椅子坐坐 He has got a writing brush to write with 他找到了写字的毛笔 动词不定式可以在句子中用作 状语 有下列几种情况 A 放在不及物动词 come go stop finish wait 等词 的后面 如 He came to see her yesterday 他昨天来看望她 表示来 的目的 I stopped to have a rest 我停下来休息一会儿 表 示停下来的目的 B 放在完整的谓语之后 即 谓语 宾语 谓语 宾语 补语 动词 表语 之后 如 We cleaned the room to let him play in it 我们打扫了房间以便让他在里面玩 I opened the window to see more clearly 我打开窗子以便看得更清楚点儿 C 有时表示目的的不定式短语可以放在句首 如 To arrive there on time I got up one hour earlier than usual 为了按时到 达 我们比平时早起了一个小时 表示早起的目的 注意 stop to do 与 stop doing 的不同 如 They stopped to have a look 他们停下来看看 不定式作 停下来 的目的状语 They stopped looking out of the window and began to listen to the teahcher 他们停止向窗外望 开始听老师讲课 动名词作宾语 表示 停止 的内容 动词不定式可以在句子中用作表语 限用于连系动词之后 如 My job is to keep the goal 我的工作就是守住球门 动词不定式可以在句子中用作复合宾语中的宾语补足语 谓 语 动 词 vt 宾语 人 物 不定式 作宾语补足语 ask 请 tell 关照 teach 教 want 想要 would like 想要 get 让 help 帮 invite 邀 请 like 喜欢 warn 警告 sb sth to do make 使得 let 让 hear 听 see 看 feel 感觉 watch 观看 have 使得 help 帮助 sb sth do 如 Mum asked me to help her with the cooking 妈妈叫我帮助她 做饭 I would like you to see my parents 我想要你见见我 的父母 The boss often made the workers work 14 hours a day 老板常让工人们一天工作 14 小时 Now let me hear you play the violin 现在让我来听你拉小提琴 注意 help 之后做宾补的不定式符号 to 可以省略 hear see feel watch 之后的宾补用不定式与现在分词时 含义不同 需特 别注意 参见现在分词部分 试比较 I heard her crying when I walked past 我路过时听到她正在 哭 指当时瞬间的情况 I sat near her and heard her sing the new song 我坐在她 附近听她唱新歌 指整个过程 补充语法 but 不定式 a 动词不定式作介词的宾语 一般用 疑问词 wh 不定式 但在表 除外 的 but except 等少数介词后面 可用带 to 的不定式 Then the cold blooded animals had no choice but to lie down and sleep 然后冷血动物没有别的选择只好躺下睡觉 I have no choice but to go 我别无选择 只有走 b 不定式前如有实义动词 do 的各种形式时 省略不定式符号 to The little girl did nothing but cry 那个小女孩什么也不做只是哭 There is nothing left to do but wait there for help 没有别的可做 只好在那儿等待帮助 c 在 can t but do 只好做 can t help but do 不得不 做 can t choose but do 没有选择 只能做 结构中 不定式 不带 to He can t choose but accept the offer 他别无选择 只能接受提议 I can t help but admire his courage 我不得不佩服他的勇气 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China 重点概括 核心词汇 other all one equal order found sense contribution argument until condition 核心短语 bring up in conclusion 重点语法 限制性定语从句 补充语法 介词 关系代词 定语从句 核心词汇 other all one equal order found sense contribution argument until condition 核心短语 bring up in conclusion 重点语法 限制性定语从句 定语从句 在复合句中作定语用修饰句子中某一名词或代词的从句叫定语 从句 定语从句的位置 放在名词或代词的后面 如 The man who has an umbrella in his hand is my uncle 手上抓了一把雨伞的 人是我的叔叔 语法术语的改变 被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词 引导定语从句 的连接词称为关系词 其中 that which who 称为关系代词 where when how 称为关系副词 关系代词或关系副词的作用 关系代词 who whom 和 whose 指人 分别在从句中作主语 宾语和 定语 which 指物 that 多指物 有时也指人 它们在从句中可以 作主语或宾语 定语从句中关系代词作从句宾语时可以省略 This is the thief that who whom we have been looking for these days 这个就是我们近日一直在找的小偷 Please find a room which is big enough for all of us to live in 请找一间足够大能住下我们全体的房间 关系副词 when 或 where 引导定语从句时 它们在从句中分别作时间 状语和地点状语 如 This is the room where they had a quarrel a week ago 这是一个星期前他们吵架的房间 I can never forget the day when I first saw you 我永远不 会忘记第一次见到你的日子 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句在句中不能 省略 否则主句意思就不完整 非限制性定语从句和主句之间往往 用逗号分开 这种从句是一种附加说明 如果从句子中省去 也不致 于影响主句的意思 如 She spent the whole evening talking about her latest book which none of us had heard of 她 一个晚上都在谈论她最近的书 我们一个人都没有听说过那本书 注解 1 关系代词只能用 that 的情况 当先行词是指事物的不定代词 all anything 等 或先行词部分含有最高级 或含有序数词时 不能用 其他的关系代词 只能用 that 如 All that Lily told me seems untrue Lily 告诉我的话似乎不真实 Can you give me anything that has no sugar inside 能不能给我点里面没 有糖的东西 This is the first two story bus that runs in our city 这是第一辆运行于我市的双层公交车 2 关系代词在从句中作主语时一般用 who 指人 that 指物 而不用 that 指人或用 which 指物 如 Do you know the woman who is weeping in the corner 你


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