7-小学-different ways to go to school-逐字稿

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7-小学-different ways to go to school-逐字稿_第1页
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7-小学-different ways to go to school-逐字稿_第3页
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Different ways to go to school1.Greeting and warming upGood morning, guys! How are you today?You are fine? You are ok? You are just so so? Ok, Im so glad to be here! Whats the weather like today? Is it cold? Ok, show me your hands ! lets sing a song and have a relax. Lets go. Oh, you like it. Most of you are interested in it. 2. Pre-readingOK, now boys and girls,Tomorrow is Sunday, do you want to have a trip? Today well travel around the world. Look at the picture .Where is it ?Yeah,Haha ,here,our school.How do your come to school ?S1: By bus S2: By car. S3: By bike.Wow, there are many traffic tools. Hey, guys, do you remember traffic rules? You are so cool! There are all kinds of transportation in our life in the world. Please look at this picture first:“Robin and grandpa ”Q1:Who is he ?How is he?(Hes WuYifans grandpa. Hes ill.)Q2:What does Robin want to do ?(He wants to read a text to grandpa)Q3:Whats the text about ? Thats our topic today.Read the topic together“Different ways to go to school.”Do you want to know ?I think its a very interesting text .3.While-readingTurn your book to P18 .Read silently and underline the answer .Q:How many countries can you find ?But before reading, can you remember the reading skills we have learned before? Wow, Maria, you please. Do you agree with her? Yes, perfect good. When we read a passage, there are some words, phrases or sentences you dont know. It doesnt matter. Dont focus on them. You can pass them or guess the meaning from the passage. Maria, thank you , you have a good memory. Now, guys, lets read quickly with the skills. Begin. Times up. Oliver, you please.Oh,You can find four countries .They are Germany, USA, Scotland and China. Have you underlined? Yes, you are a good reader! I have so many beautiful pictures about these countries .Now lets learn the new words about it .The first one, Munich , where is it? Its in Germany. Read after me :Munich Germany The next, Alaska, where is it? Its in USA, right? Read after me: Alaska The USA.Good job. Hey, everybody, look at the PPT ! There are 2 questionsQ1:How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? Underline them.Q2: Does everyone in the text go to school?Read the dialogue carefully and finish the questions. This time you can focus on the details. Lets begin. Three minutes later, I will choose some of you to share your answer. Lets start. Have you got the answer? Wow, so many hands. Who should I choose? How about “ Hot potato game?” pay attention to the potato is very hot. Please pass it quickly one by one. Lets go! Tom, you are so lucky. Can you give me the answer? Yes, Tom. You are so clever! “Four” “ on foot, by sled, by ferry, by plane” Do you know sled? When it snows, may be we can go to school by sled! Look at me, “ sled” can you do the actions just like me? “ By sled, by sled” There is a map of China and here is JiangXi. JiangXi is very beautiful .There are many mountains and rivers in front of peoples house .How do the children go to school ? Which one? Jack, you please. “ by ferry” you are so cool! Do you know ferry! Yeah, I think its an interesting way to go to school. What about Papa Westray Scotland? By ferry ,too? The girl in yellowYou havent got the answer. It doesnt matter. Now, please read the passage carefully again and find the answer. Lets go. Boys and girl, have you got the answer. Yes, you got it. Oliver, you please. Wonderful! “ The children go to school by ferry, too. But in 2009 , they went to school by plane because the ferry didnt work” Have you got the sentence. Do you want to go to school by plane ?Maybe one day we can go to school or work by plane. How about the students in the Munich?Yes, they go to school on foot! Good. Hey, guys.In the passage, the writer told us different places have different ways. Look at the question 2, who can tell me? What about you Jack? “ No. Robin doesnt go to school” Why? Who can try? David? Enh, Grandpa is ill ,right? Now, look at the text.Lets listen to the tape carefully! Ready? Go!4.Post-readingBefore practicing, I will divide you into 2 groups: G1 and G2. you are G1 and you are G2. Hello, G1! Hello, G2! Well have a PK! The better group will get the magic box.Task 1: reading and imitatePlease work in pair and read your favorite paragraph.If you like to go to school on foot , Please read this paragraph .If you like go to school by ferry ,You can read here. I will choose several pairs to show us. 5 minutes for you . Lets go. OK, times up! Which pair want to show? Lucy and your partner please. Wow, perfect, good acting. But pay attention to the word “sled”, yeah, this time is better. You are in G2, so G2 get 1 point. Lily and Jane, how about you? Wow, wonderful, boy and girls, give them a big hands.The G1 get 1 point. Now, boys and girls, which way do you like? I think you have different opinions .Lets make a survey and make a survey in your group. 5 minutes later, the group leader can give a report. OK? OK. Lets go. Have you finish it? Yes, Eric, you please. Ok, Eric, from your report, we know the members who like by ferry and who like by plane. Very clear. Let me see, you are in G1 right? So G 1 get 1 point. Lets do some writing . Take out your paper and fill in the blanks. 3 minutes for you. Here we go! Have you finish it? Mike? Perfect! You are good reader! Content:In Munich Germany .Some children go to school In Alaska, some students go to school by sled. In Jiang Xi , Some children go to school by ferry. yeah, you are in G1 so G1 get one point. 5.Summary and homeworkHow time flies. Who can sum up what we have learned today? Susan, you please. Yes the differences ways to go to school. Children are in poor areas and mountains areas .They are difficult to walk to go to school . Think about ourselves, from kindergarten to primary school .We go to school with our father 、mother and partners .We harvest the family love and friendship . We are lucky and happy .Please enjoy your ways to school. Who is the winner? G1 ? right? Clap hands for them!Now, boys and girls, here comes todays homework: (1) Retell the text.and know the meaning.(2)Tell your parents what we have learned before.6. Blackboard design Different ways to go to schoolMunick Germany on foot G1 G2Alaska USA sled Jiangxi China by ferry Papa Westray Scotland by ferry /by plane


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