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Unit 5 A Lets learn学案一、学习目标1、能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:flying,jumping,walking,running,swimming。2、能够听说认读句子:Look at the tiger! Its jumping! The rabbit is running.二、学习过程(一)复习题。1、英汉互译draw pictures( ) cook dinner( )listen to music( ) clean the room( )看书( ) 接电话( )写信( ) 写电子邮件( )2、写出下列动词ing形式。draw( ) cook( ) read( )answer( ) listen( ) clean( )write( ) do( ) wash( )(二)尝试学习题。1、结合课本图和单词表理解Lets learn的单词和句子的意思2、结合单词音标读单词。3、师生读单词和句子。 (三)巩固练习题。1、默写单词flyflying,jumpjumping,walkwalking,runrunning,swimswimming。2、读背Lets learn。(四)总结归纳:Run和swim的ing形式是双写n加ing,。三、当堂检测:英汉互译jump( ) run( ) swim( ) 走( ) 飞( )找出不同类的一项。( ) A. running B. walking C. fly D. cleaning( ) A. milk B. water C. cake D. swim( ) A. writing B. looking C. jumping D . read3.选择所给单词将句子补充完整,并将序号填在括号里。( ) What you doing ?A. am B. is C. are D. has( ) It running.A. her B. his C. she D. himUnit 5 A Lets talk学案一、学习目标能够听懂、会说“What is she/it doing? She/Its running/”。二、学习过程(一)复习题。1、写出下列的动词ing形式。fly( ) walk( ) run( ) jump( ) swim( )2、选择题。( )Look the tiger!A. at B. on C. in( )The rabbit jumping.A. am B. is C. are(二)尝试学习题。1、读课文,回答下面的问题。(1)What is the mother elephant doing?(2)What is the baby elephant doing?2、教师教读。3、分角色读。(三)巩固练习题。1、读背课文。2、翻译下列句子:What is she doing? Shes walking. What about the baby elephant? Its running.(四)总结归纳:当主语是第三人称单数形式时现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式及其回答。三、当堂检测:1、找不同类的单词。( )1.A.cat B. monkey C. zoo D. panda( )2.A.fly B. jump C. walk D. banana( )3.A.tofu B. cabbage C. trunk D. eggplant2、选择题。( ) What it doing ?A. am B. is C. are D. has( ) What is doing ?A. her B. his C. she D. him3.判断题 What is she doing ? ( ) What is it doing. ( )4.情景题当你想说它正在做什么时应说:( )A.What is it doing? B. What it is doing?Unit 5 B Lets learn 学案 一、学习目标1、能够听、说、读、写动词和动词短语的ing形式:sleeping,,climbing,fighting, swinging,drinking water。2、能够听懂、认读句子:What are the elephants doing? Theyre drinking.二、学习过程(一)复习题。1、选择题。( ) What it doing?A. am B. is C. are( ) It drinking water.A. am B. is C. are( ) What she doing?A. am B. is C. are( )She jumping.A. am B. is C. are2、情景题。( )当你想说兔子正在跑时说:A.The rabbit is jumping. B. The elephant is walking. C. The bird is flying.( )当你想问大象正在做什么时说:A. What is the elephant doing?B. What is the panda doing?C. What is the monkey doing?(二)尝试学习题。1、结合课本图和单词表理解Lets learn的单词和句子的意思。2、结合单词音标读单词。3、师生读单词和句子。(三)巩固练习题。1、默写单词sleepsleeping,,climbclimbing,fightfighting, swingswinging,drink waterdrinking water。2、读背Lets learn 。(四)总结归纳:Swing的ing形式是直接加ing.三、当堂检测:英汉互译drink water( ) climb( ) fight( )荡秋千( ) 睡觉( )找出不同类的单词。( ) A. climb B. fight C. sleep D. tiger( ) A. old B. look C. see D. watch( ) A. tiger B. pig C. water D. elephant选择所给单词将句子补充完整,并将序号填在括号里。 ( ) What they doing ?A. am B. is C. are D. had( ) are drinking water.A. It B. they C. They D. Is Unit 5 B Lets talk学案一、学习目标1、能听懂、会说What are they doing? They are.二、学习过程(一)复习题。1、写出下列动词的ing 形式。sleep( ) climb( ) fight( ) swing( ) drink( )2、连词成句。elephants are doing the what(?) are drinking they (.) doing they what are (?) swinging they are (.) (二)尝试学习题。1、根据Lets talk回答下面的问题。a. What does John see?b. What are the elephants doing?c. What are the monkeys doing?2、教师教读。(三)巩固练习题。2、默写句型:What are they doing? They are swimming. They are swimming. They are climbing trees.(四)归纳总结当主语是they时现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式及其回答。三、当堂检测:1、选择题,( )What are the doing?A. panda B. kangaroos C. tiger( ) you see the monkeys?A. can B. Can C. Are( )What you see?A.do B. are C. about2、用am is are 填空。I drawing pictures.This Zhang Peng.What you doing?The rabbit jumping.Monkeys eating bananas. the elephant drinking water?Unit 6 A Lets learn 学案一、学习目标1、能够听、说、读、写本课动词短语的ing形式:taking pictures,watching insects, picking up leaves,doing an experiment, catching butterflies。2、能够听、说、认读Whats Mike doing? Hes watching insects.二、学习过程(一)复习题1、英汉互译:draw pictures( ) clean the room( ) write an e-mail( ) listen to music( )做饭( ) 看书( )写信( ) 接电话( )2、找不同类单词:( )A. fly B. jump C. walk D. music( )A. young B. swing C. fight D. drink( )A. run B. sleep C. study D. climber(二)尝试学习题。1、结合课本图和单词表理解Lets learn的单词和句子的意思2、结合单词音标读单词。3、师生读单词和句子。(三)巩固练习题。1、读背Lets learn .2、默写本课动词短语的ing形式:taking pictures,watching insects, picking up leaves,doing an experiment, catching butterflies。(4)归纳总结:Take的ing形式要去e加ing.三、当堂检测:英汉互译take pictures( ) do an experiment( )watch insects( ) 捉蝴蝶( )采摘树叶( )找出不同类的单词。( ) A. picture B. insect C. butterfly D. watch( ) A. honey B. catch C. watch D. take( ) A. take pictures B. watch insects C. pick up leaves D. catching butterflies将句子补充完整,并将选择所给单词序号填在括号里。( ) What Mike doing ?A. am B. is C. are ( ) Hes insects. A. watch B. watching C. watched Unit 6 A Lets talk学案一、学习目标Are they.?Yes, they are/No, they arent.二、学习过程(一)复习题1、英汉互译。do an experiment( ) pick up leaves( )catch butterflies( )照相( ) 观察昆虫( )2、选择。( )What Mike doing?A. am B. is C. are( )He watching insects.A. am B. is C. are(二)尝试学习题。1、读Lets talk,回答下面的问题。a. What is John doing? b. Where are Johns classmates?c. Are they catching butterflies?d. What are they doing?2、教师教读,师生理解课文。3、学生齐读,分角色读。 (三)巩固练习题。1、熟读课文。2、翻译句子:Are they catching butterflies? No ,they arent. They are picking up leaves.(4)归纳总结:当主语是they时现在进行时的一般疑问句形式及其肯定回答和否定回答。三、当堂检测:选择题。( ) they playing chess ?A. Are B. are C. is D. am( ) Are they catching butterflies ?(作肯定回答)A. Yes, they arent. B. No, they arent. C. Yes, they are. D. No, they are.选择正确的答语并将序号填在括号里。( ) Are they catching butterflies. A. Im catching insects.( ) Where are they ? B. Yes, they are.( ) What are you doing ? C. They are in the woods.判断题 What are you doing ? ( ) Are they drinking water. ( )Unit 6 B Lets learn 学案一、学习目标1、能够听、说、读、写短语:counting insects,collecting leaves, writing a report,playing chess,having a picnic。2、能听、说、认读句子What is John doing? Hes playing chess.二、学习过程(一)复习题1、写出下列动词的ing形式take( ) watch( ) pick( ) do( ) catch( ) 2、找出下列各组词中不同类别的单词。( ) A. take B. play C. chess( ) A. bee B. insect C. butterfly( ) A. him B. he C. her( ) A. doing B. count C. picking( ) A. sleep B. honey C. run(二)尝试学习题。1、结合课本图和单词表理解Lets learn的单词和句子的意思2、结合单词音标读单词。3、师生读单词和句子。 (三)巩固练习题。1、背诵Lets learn 2、默写短语:counting insects,collecting leaves, writing a report,,playing chess,having a picnic。(4)总结归纳Have和write的ing形式要去e 加ing.三、当堂检测:英汉互译have a picnic( ) count insects( )write a report( ) 收集树叶( ) 下棋( )找出不同类的单词。( ) A. picnic B. insect C. chess D. write( ) A. have a picnic B. play chess C. writing D. collect leaves( ) A. have B. count C. play D. collecting判断题 What is John do ? ( ) he is writing. ( )Unit 6 B Lets talk 学案一、学习目标Is he taking pictures? No, he isnt./Yes, he is.二、学习过程(一)复习题根据汉语提示,写出所缺单词。 Is Jim?(吉姆在哪里?)He is in the .(他在树林中。)Is she writing a ?(她在写报告吗?)Hes chess.(他正在下棋。)Thats .(那真有趣。)(二)尝试学习题。1、读完Lets talk回答下面问题。a. Where is Zhang Peng?b. Is Zhang Peng taking pictures?c. Is John playing chess?2教师教读,帮助学生理解课文。3、学生齐读,分角色读。 (三)巩固练习题。1、熟读Lets talk.2、默写句子Is he taking pictures? No, he isnt.(四)归纳总结当主语是第三人称单数形式时现在进行时的一般疑问句形式及其肯定回答和否定回答。三、当堂检测:将句子补充完整,并将选择所给单词序号填在括号里。( ) she counting insects ?A. is B. Are C. Is D. are( ) Is she writing a report ?(做肯定回答)A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she isnt D. No, she is.( ) is Mike ?A. Her B. Where C. She D. Have选择正确的答语并将序号填在括号里。( ) Is she counting insects ? A. Shes in the bedroom.( ) Is he playing chess ? B. Yes, she is. ( ) Where is Amy ? C. No, he isnt.判断题 Is he take pictures? ( ) They is playing together. ( ) What are John doing? ( ) Hes playing chess. ( ) Where am Zhan


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