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languagepoints 1 升升降降2 难闻的气味3 从裂缝里冒出4 紧张得吃不下5 水管6 对 不以为然7 照常8 爆裂开来9 睡着 asmellygas comeoutofthecracks toonervoustoeat waterpipes thinklittleof asusual riseandfall fallasleep beasleep crackandburst 11 全国三分之一12 8公里长13 严重受损的14 受伤15 数千的16 被毁坏17 吹走 刮走18 无法安全行驶19 煤矿 onethirdofthenation eightkilometerslong inruins be getinjured thousandsof bedestroyed blowaway benotsafefortraveling coalmines 20 被震惊21 下午晚些时候22 救援人员23 被困在废墟下面24 掘出25 埋葬死者26 城市北边 beshocked laterthatafternoon therescueworkers betrappedundertheruins digout burythedead tothenorthofthecity rise rose risen 升起 上升 上涨 站起 起床 thesun waterlevel temperature price raise raised raised vt 举起 使升起 提高 提出 饲养 养育 aquestion ananimal ababy sth one svoice 1 Forthreedaysthewaterinthevillagewellsroseandfell roseandfell vi 不带宾语 不用于被动语态 vt 带宾语 可用于被动语态 1 Everyoneknowsthesun intheeast 2 Thepeople slivingstandardhasgreatlybeen 3 Hertemperatureisstill 4 Herjobis chickens 5 Thepriceofbreadhas Filltheblankswith rise raise rises raised rising raising risen too adj adv todo表示否定 太 而不能 他太老了而不能工作 Heis old work Heis old he work Heis young work too to so that can t not enough to 2 Eventhepigsweretoonervoustoeat too to 结构之前带有only but never not 时 是强调肯定的表示法 译作 非常 十分 实在 真是太 等 Iamonlytoohappytoteachyou 我非常高兴教你们 Heisbuttoogladtodoso 他非常喜欢这样做 Youcanneverbetoooldtoenjoyasong 我们绝对不会老得不能获得歌曲带来的欢乐 Too to 结构中带有表示心情或描绘性的adj advEgready eager satisfied kind willing anxiousetc Sheistooreadytohelpother 他乐于助人 Iamtooeagertohaveaworldtrip 我很想去环球旅行 3 Inthecity thewaterpipesinsomebuildingscrackedandburst Burst vi 爆炸 爆发 突然闯入n 突发 爆发 burstinto n突然爆发burstoutdoing表突发性动作burstintotears burstoutcrying突然哭起来burstintolaughter burstoutlaughing突然笑起来 burstin into 闯进 突然破门而入 即学即练 1 Whenhewasriding thetyre burst 2 She 突然大哭起来 3 He 闯进了房子 withoutknocking burstintotearsburstoutcrying burstintothehouse burst 4 Itseemedasiftheworldwasatanend para2 line1 beatanend结束cometoanend结束put bringsthtoanend结束某事翻译 1 战争结束了 Thewarwasatanend Thewarcametoanend 2 他们结束了战争 Theyputthewartoanend 词语辨析 atanendattheendofbytheendofintheend 结束在 的尽头 末尾到 末为止 一般与完成时连用最后 终于 不与of连用 Infifteenterriblesecondsalargecitylayinruins e g Tina underthetree tohermotherthatacock eggs A lying lied layB lain lied laidC lying lied laidD lain lied lay damagev n 指部分 损坏 损害 或指使用价值有所降低 可修复 destroyv 指彻底破坏 以致不可能修复 常作 破坏 毁灭 解 ruin则表示破坏严重 以致不能修复 但这种破坏不像destroy那样毁灭某物 而是在一定的过程中逐渐被毁掉 v 使毁灭 使崩溃 n 常作复数 废墟 遗址inruins夷为废墟 破败不堪 Compare ruindestroydamage 5 Infifteenterriblesecondsalargecitylayinruins 6 Two thirdsofthepeoplediedorwereinjuredduringtheearthquake Morethan61 ofthesurfaceoftheearth coveredbywater Seventypercentoftheworkersinthisfactory young is are 以百分数作为主语的 谓语动词是单数还是复数取决于百分数后面跟的名词是可数还是不可数的 分数表达法 分子用基数 one two 分母用序数词 first second 当分子超过1时 分母的词尾加s 2 3 1 4 1 5 3 5 1 2 twothirds onefourth a onequarter onefifth threefifths ahalf或onehalf 请根据提示完成下列句子 1 三分之一 ofthestudentsinourclass be girls 2 五分之三 ofthesoil wash awaybythefloodlastnight 3 一半 ofthedesksinthisschool make inhiscompany 4 大部分的 ofthelecturehemadeyesterday be interesting One third are Three fifths waswashed Half aremade Most was 数以万计的 tensofthousandsof 数百万的 millionsof 表笼统数目时 数字用复数形式 后面加of 一千 onethousand 两千 twothousand 表具体数目时 数字不用复数形式 也不加of Tensofthousandsofcowsnevergivemilkagain数以万计的奶牛再也不产奶了 tensofthousandsof数以万计的hundredsandhundredsof成百上千的hundredsofthousands数以十万计的thousandsof数千计的millionsof数百万计的scoresof许许多多的dozensof许多 大量 5 数万 people dance inthebigsquarenow 6 Therewere 一万 studentstakingpartintheexamyesterday 7 百分之九十 ofthemountain cover bytrees iscovered Tensofthousandsof aredancing tenthousand 90 90percent 辨析 injure一般指由于意外或事故而受伤 hurt受伤的一般用语 常指心灵的伤害 也可指身体的受伤或疼痛 wound指战场上的刀伤或枪伤 harm 伤害 损害 主要用于有生命的东西 常指伤及一个人或其健康 权利 事业等 7 Two thirdsofthepeoplediedorwereinjuredduringtheearthquake Smokingseriously hishealth Hiswords myfeelings Whereisthe soldier luckily heonlygothisleg intheaccident harmed hurt wounded injured 8 Allhopewasnotlost 不是所有的希望都破灭了 all not notall 一些 但不是全部 并非所有的 not all not not both not not every not not everything not not everybody not 是部分否定 如果要表示全部否定 要分别用none neither no nothing nobody Allofthemarenotright Noneofthemareright Noteveryboylikesfootball Noboysinthatarealikefootball 并非他们所有人都是错的 他们所有人都是错的 不是所有男孩子都喜欢足球 那个地区的男孩子都不喜欢足球 seenthefilm soeverybodywantstoseeit Allthestudentshaven tAnystudentshaven tC AsnobodyhasD Noneofushas 1 thinkmuch alot agreatdealof 2 thinkhighlyof 3 thinkbadly illof 10 thinklittleof轻视 不加思索 重视 对 高度评价 不屑一顾 几乎不考虑 4 thinknothingof 对 评价低 糟糕 10 Peoplewereshocked shockv n使震惊 震惊 打击 beshockedat by doing sthbeshockedtodosth be ashocktosb Weareallshockedatthenewsofhisdeath Wewereallshockedtohearthathehadresigned Thenewsofhisdeathisagreatshocktous 11 Trap阅读下列句子 注意trap的意思及用法 1 Theelevatorbrokedownandweweretrappedinside it 2 theirkindnesswasdesignedtotrapmeintogivinginformation 3 Ifwe relucky thethiefwillfallrightintoourtrap 4 Tobreakoutofthetraptheyneedhelpfromthegovernment v 使陷入困境 n 陷阱 n 困境 trapsb intodoingsth 使中计 使陷入圈套 诱使 即学即练 根据括号内的提示完成句子 1 Iknewperfectlywell 这是一个陷阱 2 Bycleverquestioning they 诱使他 makinganagreement itwasatrap trappedhiminto 12 Thearmyorganizedteamstodigoutthosewhoaretrappedandtoburythedead 军队组成救援队挖掘那些受困的人们并埋葬死者 digout掘出 发现 todiginformationoutofbooks从书本挖掘知识todigouttruth寻求真理 buryvt 1 埋葬eg Hewasburiedwithhiswife 2 掩埋隐藏 Ourdogburiesitsbonesinthegarden Sheburiedherfaceinherhandsandwept 她双手掩面哭了起来 3 短语 buryoneselfinsth埋头于某事物 专心致志于某事 buryoneselfin beburiedin smelly smell y adj smelln v smelt smelled Theywereallhungryandthefood good Ican somethingburninginthekitchen Pleasethrowthe fishaway smelt smell smelly 13 A gascame thecracks smelly out of bloodysunnyrainyfoggytastywindymuddydreamyfattycloudyicy 选择题 3 Thedeathofhiswifewasaterrible tohim A knockB shockC surprisingD experience 2 He hisvoicesothateveryonecouldhearhim A liftedB roseC heldD raised Theworkmustbedone A rightawayB immediatelyC atonceD alltheabove 5 ofpeoplecametothemeetingfromalloverthecountry A ManyB AnumberC ThenumberD Aplentyof 4 Theytriedtopreventtheircowsfrom injuryB injuringC beinginjuredD hurting 7 Therewasastrangemanatthegate somethingtothelittlegirl A saidB saysC tosayD saying 6 Iwillgoshoppingwithher mymother insteadofB insteadC infactD insteadwith 8 weresenttohospitalandthe wereburied A Theinjury thedeathB Theinjuring thedyingC Theinjured thedeadD Theinjured thedied9 About oftheworkersinthatsteelworks youngpeople A thirdfifths areB threefifths areC threefifths isD threefifth are goodbye


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