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Unit7 Ihaveaheadache feelbad 难受 不舒服 gotothehospital seeadoctor havea toothache havea headache havea stomachache haveacold haveacough haveafever Ihaveatoothache What swrongwithyou Let sact What swrongwithyou Ihave Stayinbedandgotothehospital 1 2 3 Readandanswer 1 DoesColinfeelwell 2 What swrongwithColin No hedoesn t Hehasaheadache Listenandread Colin Mom Ifeelverybadtoday Mom What swrongwithyou Colin Ihaveaheadache Mom Oh youlookill JuststayinbedandIwillcallthedoctor Colin Whataboutmylessons Mom Don tworryaboutthem Iwillcallyourteacherandtellheraboutit Colin Thankyou Mom worryaboutsth sb担心某事或某人 课文重难 难点 疑点 feel在这里是连系动词后跟形容词 意为 感觉 如 Ifeelverywell 我感觉很好 类似系动词有 smell 尝起来 look 看起来 become 变得 如 Helooksill 他看起来生病了 Thisbooklooksnice 这本书看来很漂亮 What swrongwithyou 你怎么了 该句型也可用What sthematterwithyou 你怎么了 代替 haveaheadache 头痛 类似短语还有 haveatoothache 牙痛haveastomachache 肚子痛haveafever 发烧 练习句型 Ifeel Ihave e g Ifeelverybad verybad happy tired hungryIhaveaheadache aheadache atoothache astomachace 拿出你的练习本 写下来 What swrong what swrong what swrongwithyou Headache headache Ihaveaheadache What swrong what swrong what swrongwithyou Toothache toothache Ihaveatoothache What swrong what swrong what swrongwithyou Stomachache stomachache Ihaveastomachache Let schant haveastomachache haveatoothache haveaheadache haveacough haveafever haveacold 单词大归位 A What swrong B Ifeelvery I headache A Oh youlookill Just inbedandI llcallthe B Thankyouverymuch A That sallright stay have a bad today doctor A What swrong B I verybad I stomachache A Oh you ill you better thehospital B Ithinkso Thankyou goto look feel havea me us you him her it Revision What swrongwithhim Hehasatoothache What swrongwithhim Hehasaheadache What swrongwithher Shehasastomachache What swrongwithhim her He Shehas Let slearnmore 1 Hello Thisis 打电话时的自我介绍 2 I msorrytohearthat 我很遗憾听到这个消息 当听到别人的坏消息时表达的同情和安慰 3 You dbettertakehimtoseeadoctor 你最好带他去看医生 4 Pleasetellhimnottoworryabouthislessonsandhaveagoodrest haveagoodrest好好休息 Anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway 一天一苹果 医生远离我


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