2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》课件4 人教PEP版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》课件4 人教PEP版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》课件4 人教PEP版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》课件4 人教PEP版.ppt_第3页
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UnitFour Thenandnow PartALet stryLet stalkLet slearnPartBLet stryLet stalkLet slearnReadandwriteLet swrapitup Let stry Today thereisaguestvisitingtheschool Listenandtickorcross 返回首页 A Wow alibrary Therewasnolibraryinmyoldschool B Tellusaboutyourschool please A Therewasonlyonesmallbuildingonahill C Couldyouseestarsatnight A Yes Ilikethestars B Metoo OnedayI mgoingtovisitthemoon C TheAmericanstookaboutfivedaystogettherein1969 B Howdoyouknowthat C Easy IlookeditupontheInternet A Ah TherewerenocomputersorInternetinmytime Let stalk 返回首页 WhatwasGrandpa sschoollike 返回首页 返回首页 Whatwasyourschoollikefiveyearsago Whatisitlikenow Drawandtalk 5yeasago Therewas Therewere Now Thereis Thereare Therebe句型的过去时我们已经学过了therebe句型的一般现在时 当therebe遇到过去的时间 我们只需要将be动词换成相应的过去式形式就可以了 例如 Thereisacatintheroom Therewasacatintheroom Therearesomebirdsinthetree Thereweresomebirdsinthetree 返回首页 跟 我 学 Therewas Therewere Oneyearago 看图说一说 看看冬冬的房间一年前后的变化 返回首页 Thereis Thereare Now 返回首页 返回首页 dininghall gym grass Let slearn 饭厅 yearsago monthsagolastyearlastmonth grss 返回首页 i o a g 补全单词 dninghall ym ag 返回首页 Therewasnogyminmyschooltenyearsago Nowthere sanewoneinourschool 1 Whatarttheytalkingabout A Mike shobby B Mike soldphotos 2 WhatgradewasMikein A Grade1 B Grade5 Mike sfriendsarevisitinghishome Listenandcircle 返回首页 Let stry Let stalk A John comeandlookatMike soldphotos B That sfunny Mike You rewearingapinkT shirt C Yes butIdon tlikepinknow A Wearealldifferentnow C Right Before Iwasquiet Now I mveryactiveinclass Howaboutyou B Well Iwasshort soIcouldn tridemybikewell Now Igocyclingeveryday Ilikeitverymuch A That sgoodexercise 返回首页 Talkaboutyourfriendsorfamilymembers Howdidtheychange 返回首页 wasn ttall hadlong hairdidn twearglasses didn tlikemaths didn tlikecats didn tlikeeggs 跟 我 学 返回首页 Before Now 来对比同学们若想对比他人或自己以前和现在的变化 不妨用 before now 例如迈克在文中提到 Before Iwasquiet Now I mveryactiveinclass 返回首页 看一看 说一说 大显身手 Before Now gocycling ice skate playbadminton 返回首页 Let slearn WuYifan Ididn tlikewinterbefore Ithoughtitwastoocold andIcouldn tgocycling Mike Howaboutnow WuYifan NowIlovetoiceskateandplayinthesnow 返回首页 Tellyourpartner 1 Whatanimalcanrunveryfast 2 Whatmakesyoufeelworried 返回首页 Readandwrite Whatadream WuYifanhadaracewithhisfatherandMax thereweremanypeoplethere Hisfatherranveryfast butWuYifancouldnot Therewasnothinghecoulddo Hewassoworried Icouldrunfastatschool hethought WhyamIsoslownow ThenRobinsaid Drinkthis andgaveWuYifansomewater WuYifandrankitandsuddenlyhefeltgood Hecouldrunfastagain Therewasasecondrace Thereweremanyanimalsinthatrace WuYifanranlikeacheetah Hecouldwintherace Butsuddenlyhetrippedandfell Thenhewokeup Hewasinbed Itwasalladream 返回首页 一 你能找出文中单词的过去式吗 二 下列单词过去式的原形形式你知道吗 feltthoughtwoketripped 返回首页 WuYifan Mum I aninterestingdreamlastnight Mum Whatdidyoudreamabout WuYifan IhadaracewithDadandMax ButI Mum Whathappenedthen WuYifan Robin mesomewater I itandthencouldrunveryfast SuddenlyItrippedandfell ThenIwokeup Mum Whatadream WuYifanistellinghismotheraboutthedream Listenandfillintheblank 返回首页 couldn t had run fast gave drank Ihadadreamlastnight Inmydream I Whatadream Didyouhaveaninterestingdream Tellyourdreamtoyourpartner Thenwriteseveralsentencesaboutit 返回首页 Let swrapitup Changesareallaroundus Talkaboutthechangesbelow 返回首页 Itwasraining Now Insummer thetreewasgreen Now Therewasabuildingbefore Now 爱护草坪人人有责 返回首页 Itwasanegg Now ChenJiewasshort Nowsheis1 5metrestall Thecatwasonthechair Now 1 5米 一 看图说短语 课 后 练 习 返回首页 gocycling ice skate playbadminton 二 看图说一说 返回首页 Threeyearsago Now


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