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新编实用英语第一册第八单元练习答案2009信息公布栏 2010-03-04 15:14:18 阅读816 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 P127 -11)matter 2) very well 3) have a look 4) worry 5) some medicine 6) stop the pain 7) take the tablets 8) several times a day P127-2 1) whats wrong ? / whats the matter / are you all right ? you look very pale 2)oh , your leg is bleeding , you d better lie down , how are you feeling now ?3)i have the first -aid kit here , lets stop the bleeding first 4) You should go to see a doctor immediately , want me to accompany you to the hospital ?P127-31) very soon , are you sure you are all right ? / are you ok ? You dont look well .2)oh , thats too bad . You d better take a rest now , Have you had / taken any medicine .?3) Look , this is medicine oil , you might want to rub some on your temple .4) But youd better go to see a doctor , i ll accompany you to the clinic as soon as we return to the hotel .128-1 1) d 2) b 3)c 128-21) No , Jack does not look quite himself / not look very well 2) He is feeling awful , He is suffering from a bad headache .3) Yes , he took some asprin .4)Li suggests that Jack go to see a doctor immediately 5) Yes , he needs Lis help because he cant think straight at the moment .6)He has got a terrible headache , a sore throat and his whole body hurts badly .7) He says Dont worry , i think youve got a bad cold .8) He asks Jack to take an X-ray first .9) Jack may have got a bad cold .P129 -3 1) Nowadays , 2)skin 3) your skin 4) all the difference 5) hav a good rest 6) at least eight 7)on a fine day 8) breaths 9) upwards and outwards .10) twice a week .P130-4 1F 2T 3T 4T 5T 6F 7F 8TP130-51. skin 2. rest 3. dry 4. within 5. walk 6. breath 7,minerals , 8, vegetables 9. outwards 10. young .P132-11. They may suffer from different kinds of illness .2. They may suffer from heat stroke , an injury , skin and stomach trouble ,air- sickness , car -sickness or sea-sickness .3. Because it may help to cure or prevent the illness he / she may suffer from during travelling .4.Diarrhea 5. Because they are proved to be effictive and safe to reliveve certain health problems .6. It is good for headache , insect bites and other sickness .7. Medicated oil and Yunnan White Medicine spray .8. (Open )P132-21d 2c 3c 4a P133-31. such as 2. caused by 3. first-aid 4. traditional 5. helpful for 6. acclimatized 7. for instance 8. introduced to 9. soothes 10. satisfying effect 11. suggested 12. reluctiant P133-31. These friends from abroad have visited such cities in China as Xian , Guilin, and Dalian .2. This skin problems is a trouble , it will cause a big trouble .3. Dont worry , you are just not acclimatized to the new place .4. This herb pillow will greatly reduce the pain of a stiff neck .5. This method is indeed effective , i do appreciate your help .6. Although the ads sounds very convincing , she is still reluctant to order the new product .P134- 51. We may be fooled by certain tricks such as sweet words and overstating . She may be touched by certain actions such a hug and a kiss 2. You will get too disappointed or have a bad temper with such a poor service . She may get too far behind or have an accident with such an old bicycle .3. Other pets may exibit bad behavior if they can not adopt to a new environment Other students may have emotional problems if they are not accustomed to the competition .4. Message is also effective for a stiff neck . Taijiquan Exercise is also good for cancer patients .5. In some cases , precaution is of the biggest necessity In any case , keeping calmis of the biggest importance .6. They will not only like your performance ,but also like the lively atmosphere . We will not only remember your friendship , but also appreciate the help from other collegues .P136-61F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8TP136-81. 但由于没有进行心脏移植,她的生命还随时处于危险中。2. 找到一个和玛利亚血型和体型相配的捐赠心脏可能得耗费上好几年。3. 她对捐献坦言无忌,并且在驾驶执照上与此相关的一栏里签上了“愿意”。4. 在检查了有关数据之后,医生告诉弗兰克,简直是奇迹,他妻子的心脏恰是卡门母亲的捐赠体。5.是的,绮瑞尔那颗博爱的心将会继续跳动在另一位充满爱的母亲的胸膛中。P137-1 此种喷雾剂可使你口气清新甜爽,亦可作为顽固性口臭的辅助治疗。需要时尽可直接喷入口内。每瓶可供喷200次。因内含易燃物质,请避开火源及火星,吸烟时请勿使用。P137-2 玛丽. 史密斯 医学博士家庭诊所美国:加利福尼亚州本文包含保险附件患者姓名:约翰.米勒 年龄35住址:松树街12号 日期:06.10.15处方:布洛芬胶囊用量:每日4次,每次1粒;饭后服用 连服3天配给量12 粒 续配次数:3联邦药品管理局执照号码:LV345712-16玛丽. 史密斯P138-2 成分:含多种不同的消炎和止痛成分。 功能:防止感染,缓解疼痛。 用法:喷于患处,每日3至5次。 注意事项:只能外用,勿喷入眼、鼻、口中。 储存:避开光照与火源。 有效期:1年。P138-3口腔科美国:德克萨斯州医疗中心本文包含保险复件患者姓名:艾米. 贝克 年龄20住址:德克萨斯州休斯顿市1625号 日期:06.6.16处方:强力霉素100毫克/胶囊配用量:14粒用法:每日两次每次一粒 饭后服用 连服7天续配次数:0联邦药品实施管理局执照号码:LV336612-12 提姆. 沃特斯P138-41.Your nose is bleeding , so youd better lie down immediately .2. Bob got the prescription and then he went to a drugstore .3. Jack speaks a little Chinese , but he cant write in it .4.The patient could not decide what to do , so he asked the doctor foradvice .5. i have to take a sleeing pill , or /otherwise i cant fall asleep easily .6. It must have rained yesterday , for the ground is wet .7. He works as hard as others although he is in poor health .8. We discussed the report in small groups after we had listened to it .9.Tom has made great progress in his Chinese because he works veryhard .10. As you know the rules of grammar , you will be able to write correctly .P139-61. The man has had a bad cough recently , so he has to give up smoking .2. Because your eyes are tired , you should close them for a while . Your eyes are tired , so you should close them for a while .3.That the old woman doesnt go out to do morning exercise seems very very strange to her old friends .4. Im not quite sure whether you should take the medicine twice or three times a day .5. Although he hates TV , he still watches the program every day . He hates TV , but he still watches the program every day .6. This is my room , where i can do what i want to do .7. The old couple moved to the country so that their grandchildren would have a garden where they could play / in which they could play .8.My sister doesnt like the material . Nor / Neither do i .9. He doent speak or write French .10. They always jog around the campus unless it rains . P139-61. The doctor went into the clinic and began to work .2. Have a good rest , and you will recover soon .3. She looks very strong , but actually she is rather weak .4. Put on your overcoat , or you will catch a cold .5. The nurse is very young , but she is responsible .6. You may do the face massage by yourself , or you may ask your sister to do it for you .7.I had a day off , for i wasnt feeling very well .8.He must have come down with a badcold , for he has got a sore throat .9. All the drugstores are closed , so i cant fill this prescription .10. Your cough is very bad today , so youd better drink more water .P140-7Have you ever seen someone get burnt by accident ? This is the case where the first -aid kit is needed .Sometimes , knowing what to do for an injured person before a doctor gets to the scene can make all the difference between life and death in an emergency . If the person is burnt seriously , try to protect the burnt parts from being infected . If mild , with skin unbroken , put the burnt area into ice water until the pain stops . while applying first aid , send for an ambulance as soon as possible .新编实用英语第1册第8单元课文参考译文 旅游健康指南 在日程安排得满满的观光旅行中,游客会患上这样或那样的毛病。如果天气太热,他们可能会疲劳过度或中暑,还可能在蹦极和登山活动中受伤。有些游客会由于对某些植物、昆虫或海鲜过敏而引起皮肤过敏症。如果不适应当地的水土和食物,一些游客还会出现肠胃不适。晕机,晕车或晕船等病症对一些游客来说也是个烦心事。 显然,如果出去旅行,装备一个小小的急救包是绝对有必要的。急救包内应该装一些必备药、防晒油、驱虫剂、和邦迪等。除此之外,宽松的装束,长衣长裙,将裤脚和袖口扎紧的长裤和长袖衬衫等对长途旅行都是必要的。别忘了,一些昆虫能透过贴身衣裤叮到皮肤,而且有些昆虫传播的疾病甚至会很危险。 任何时候个人卫生都是极其重要的。入厕之后和备餐、进食之前一定要洗手。20%-50%的游客会因不同类型的细菌或病毒的感染而引起腹泻。 如果是带外国朋友在中国旅行,你也可以向他们推荐一些当地的中草药产品。许多传统的中医药疗法已被证明能安全有效地治疗某些病痛。假设你的外国朋友不愿试用怎么办呢?事实是最有说服力的广告。同西药一样,一些中草药的疗效很令人满意,同时又没有任何风险和副作用。举例来说,风油精是治头痛和昆虫叮咬的好药。它对其它疾病也有辅助疗效。中草药茶可以缓解肠胃功能紊乱和轻度中暑。云南白药喷雾剂能大大减轻落枕和腿脚骨折的痛苦。所有这些都已在中国之外的许多国家得到广泛的认可。 那就在你的急救包里带上一些中草药产品吧,并在你带外国友人在中国旅行时推荐给他们使用。你的朋友们不仅会感激你的热情,他们还会因此开始了解中药的神奇功效。 爱心永恒 卡门的母亲玛利亚刚刚从一次严重的心脏病发作中幸免遇难。但由于没有进行心脏移植,她的生命还随时处在危险之中。 母亲和女儿都明白希望小的可怜:要找到一颗与玛利亚血型和体型相配的捐赠心脏可能得费好几年时间。但卡门下定决心要拯救母亲的生命。这个年轻女子不断地与全国各地的医院联络。她还在自己的汽车上别了一张卡,上面写着:如果我出了交通事故,请务必把我的心脏捐赠给我的母亲,她在中央医院三楼住院。 时光一天天,一周周,一月月地过去了。到圣诞节时,玛利亚从房间这头走到另一头都已经相当困难了。卡门绝望了。她依偎在医院的一个角落里哭起来。 “你没事吧”?一个男人问。“不,”她抬头看了看而后说:“我的妈妈要死了”。 卡门边啜泣边向那个陌生人讲述她的故事。这个举止文雅的中年男子叫弗兰克。她的妻子绮瑞尔,一位四个可爱孩子的温柔尽心的母亲,因大脑病变已入院治疗,医生曾经估计她一周内就可以出院了。 然而,事情的发展并不像预期的一样。奇瑞而进入深度昏迷状态。弗兰克被告知她康复的可能已经微乎其微。两天之后,显然绮瑞尔再也熬不过那个夜晚了。这次是卡门看见弗兰克倚靠在墙边流泪:“她要离开我们了。她永远也不会醒来了”。 突然,一个想法闪过他的大脑。他知道绮瑞尔以前总希望能捐赠自己的器官。她对此事坦然无忌,并且在驾驶执照的相关栏里选取了“愿意”一项。她的心脏是不是可以捐给卡门的母亲呢? 在检验了有关数据之后,医生告诉弗兰克,简直是个奇迹,他妻子的心脏恰是卡门母亲的完美捐赠体。她们可以进行移植手术。 那天夜里,当绮瑞尔被宣告故去之后,弗兰克敲开了玛利亚的房门。当是她正坐在床上为弗兰克一家祈祷,近来她每天都在这样做。虽然玛利亚以前从来没有见过弗兰克,但当他们相拥而泣时,两个人都感到身体里有一股神奇的亲情引力。卡门站在旁边低声啜泣:“我怎么报答你啊”。她的声音被热泪哽住了。 除夕夜,在绮瑞尔的葬礼上,卡门与弗兰克一家人站在一起唱起他们最喜爱的一只歌:“我心永恒”。一天之后,在新年这一天,玛利亚带着绮瑞尔的心脏苏醒过来。是的,绮瑞尔那颗博爱的心将会继续跳动在另一位充满爱的母亲的胸膛中。


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