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直接引语(The Direct Speech)与间接引语(The Indirect Speech)引述别人的话时,一般采用两种方式:一是引用别人的原话,把它放在引号内,称为直接引语;二是用自己的话加以转述,被转述的话不放在引号内,称为间接引语。间接引语在大多数情况下是一个宾语从语。直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意以下几点:人称变化、时态变化、宾语从句要用陈述句语序。1.直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,由连词that 引导。例如:She said, I am very happy to help you.She said that she was very happy to help you.2. 直接引语是一般(选择/反意)疑问句,变成间接引语时,由连词whether或if 引导。例如:He asked me, Do you like playing football?He asked me if/whether I liked playing football.注意:大多数情况下,if和whether 可以互换,但后有or not,或在动词不定式前,或放在介词后作连接词时,一般只用whether。例如:She asked me whether he could do it or not.He hesitated about whether to drive or take the train.3. 直接引语是特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时,由相应的疑问词who, whom, whose, how, when, why, where 等引导。例如:My sister asked me, How do you like the film?My sister asked me how I liked the film.4. 直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语时,把动词原形变成动词不定式,并在动词不定前加tell, ask, order 等的宾语。例如:The captain ordered, Be quiet.The captain ordered us to be quiet.注意:此种情况的否定句,在动词不定式前加not。My teacher asked me, Dont laugh.My teacher asked me not to laugh.5. 一些注意事项(1)直接引语是客观事实、普遍真理等,变成间接引语时,时态不变。例如:They told their son,The earth goes round the sun.They told their son that the earth goes round the sun.(2)直接引语变间接引语时, 指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要作相应的变化。如:this/that these/those, nowthen, todaythat day, yesterdaythe day before, last yearthe year before, agobefore, herethere等。例如:He said, I havent seen her today.He said that he hadnt seen her that day.注意:如果转述时就在原来的地方,就在说话的当天,就不必改变指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等。(3)间接引语一般要用陈述句的语序,即主、谓、宾的顺序。例如: He asked Lucy, Where did you go?He asked Lucy where she went.Tom said, What do you want, Ann?Tom asked Ann what she wanted.直接引语(The Direct Speech)与间接引语(The Indirect Speech)的错误在英语里,我们可以用两种方法转述人的话语。第一种是直接引语(The Direct Speech);第二种是间接引语(The Indirect Speech),也可叫“The Reported Speech”)。 从直接引语转变为间接引语是一种表达行式的改变,不影响原意。例如: a. He said, I am working now. b. He said that he was working then. a. She asked me, Do you like to sing? b. She asked me if I liked to sing. a. Go out! the man said to the boy. b. The man ordered the boy to go out. b, b, b是间接引语,其形式和a, a, a不同。 间接引语是种常见的句法,用得很多。正因为用得多,出错的机会也多。下面便是些例子: He said that he would come tomorrow. 这里的副词“tomorrow”要变成“the next day”。理由是:间接引语里的时间副词或短语, 一般上要把其中的时间向前推,如: tomorrow: the next day; today: that day; last night: the night before; now: then; ago: before that time 等。 I asked what is wrong with him. 这里的“is”要变成“was”。须知:主句“I asked”和分句 “what is wrong with him”的动词时态必须配合。既然主句的动词 “asked”是过去时态,分句的动词也要过去时态“was”。此外,动词时态一般上也要推前,因此简单过去时态(Simple Past Tense)要变成过去完成时态(Past Perfect Tense),如:went : had gone; left : had left. John told her dont do that again. 这里的“dont do”要变成“not to do”才对。理由是:祈使句变成间接引语时的形式是不定式动词:“to + verb / not to + verb”,如:to come / not to come; to do / not to do. She asked me where was I going. 这里的“was I”词序不对, 要变成“I was”才是,因为间接疑问句(indirect question)里的词序和叙述句一样,是正常词序,不是倒装法,如: He wanted to know who that girl was. John asked Helen if she was free. She asked me whether I could help her. 如果词序是倒装形式,就错了: *.who was that girl. *.if was she free. *.whether could I help her. 关于间接疑问句,还有一点必须注意的是,直接疑问句里的疑问词要照用, 如例的“who”。如果没有疑问词,就要借重连接词“ if”或“ whether”之助,如例和便是。 顺便提一提怎样把表示惊叹或愿望的直接引语转成间接引语。 11. He said, Alas! I am undone. 12. Bravo! You have done a good job, Mary, said the teacher. 13. Good Heaven! Tom cried, Ill never lie again. 把11-13,转变为14-16时, 可以用恰当的动词把深层的意思反映出来,甚至加些原文没有的字眼,也无所谓: 14. He exclaimed that he was undone. 15. The teacher praised Mary, saying that she had done a good job. 16. Tom called upon Heaven to witness his determination not to lie again间接引语练习及分析(一) 高考试题题选与分析11985 Can you tell me_? A. who is that gentleman B.thas gentleman is who C.who that gentleman D.whom is that gentleman2.1986 Can you tell me _the railway station ? A. how I can get to B.how can I get to C. where I can get to D.where can I get to 3.1998 I asked my lawyer _say in court. A.what I should B.what should I C. how I should D. how should I 题析:这三题的答案分别是:C、A、A。这三题的选项部分(即间接引语部分)都是含有疑问的意思,本来应是特殊疑问句形式,但当疑问句改为间接引语时,须将疑问句的语序改为陈述句的语序。归纳:(1)用自己的话转述别人的话,叫做间接引语。间接引语一般都构成宾语从句。 (2)特殊疑问句变间接引语,首先把疑问句语序变为陈述句语序,去掉问号,然后用原句的wh疑问词引导。 (3)陈述句由直接引语转换为间接引语,首先将陈述句转换为由不得that引导的宾语从句。引语动词常用say,tell等。 Eg.直接引语:“I enjoy playing chess” 间接引语:she said that she enjoyed playing chess. (4)一般疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,首先将疑问句词序变为陈述句词序,去掉问号,然后在句子前面加whether或if。引语动词可用ask , wonder,want to know,dont know ,be not sure , be puzzled 等,但不能用say,tell。 Eg.直接引语:“Are you feeling tired?” 间接引语:The teacher asked me whether I was feeling tired .4.1988 They want to know _do to help us . A.what can they B.what they can C.how they can D.how can they 5.1991 No one can be sure _in a nullion years. A.what man will look like B.what will man look like . C.man will look like what D.what look will man like 6.1987 They have no idea at all_.A.where he has gone . B. where did he go C.which place he has gone D.where has he gone.题析:(1) 第4题选B。首先要选择间接引语部分是陈述词序的选项;第二要考虑疑问词的正确使用,从句子结构来看,间接引语部分的谓语do缺少了宾语,因此应选择连接词what充当do的宾语。(2) 第5题选A。第一个原因与上题一样;第二点关于疑问词的考虑,因为间接引语部分的谓语will look like 的like是介词,而介词必须带有宾语,因此使用连接词what充当介词like 的宾语。(3) 第6题选A。第一个原因与第4题一样;至于疑问词的选择,因为go是一个不及物动词,如果要表示“去哪里”,就要用“go+副词”或“go+介词+名词/代词”结构,因此如果选C的话,gone后应加介词to。故使用连接词where。归纳: (5)在做单项选择题时,除了考虑间接引语部分需用陈述词序外,还应考虑如何选择正确的连接词。用哪一个连接词要取决于句子表达的意思以及间接引语部分所缺少的成分。71990 Can you make sure _the gold ring ? A.where Alice had put B.where had Alice put C.where Alice has put D.where has Alice put 题析:这题的答案选C。第一点考虑的是间接引语部分需使用陈述词序,故排除B和D。第二考虑的是时态问题。因为主句使用了一般现在时,如果选择A,使用过去完成时,在这个句子并没有过去时间作参照点,因此不能使用过去完成时。归纳: (6)间接引语部分的时态必须与主句的时态相协调。(7)如果直接引语所在的句中的谓语动词是现在时或将来时态,改为间接引语时,时态不变。 Eg. He says “I didnt go to school today .” He says that he didnt go to school that day . (8)如果直接引语讲述的是客观真理现象,改为间接引语时,其一般现在时不变。 Eg. The teacher said ,“The earth is round .” The teacher said that the earth is round . (9)如果说话时间与引述时间不同,即引述某人过去说过的话,则动词时态要作相应变化,即动词时态一律向过去推移一步。 Eg. A. 直接引语:“its snowing.” 间接引语:He told me that it was snowing. B. 直接引语:“I have studied English for ten years.” 间接引语:He said that he had studied English for ten years.C.直接引语:“I am looking forward to seeing Tom.”间接引语: He told me he was looking forward to seeing Tom.D.直接引语:“We will wiss the bas .”间接引语:She was afraid they wonld wiss the bas . (10)直接引语中的虚似语气,时态保持不变。 Eg. “I suggest that the meeting be put off till next week.”he sdid .He suggested that the meeting be put off till the next week . (11)当直接引语中有确定的过去时间状语时,谓语动词的一般过去时不必变为过去完成时,因为在这种情况下,“过去的过去”已经不言而明。Eg. “I was born in 1950”. He said was born in 1950.8.1996 The patient was warned _oily food after the poeration. A.to eat not B.eating not C.not to eat D.not eating 题析: 这一题的答案选C。这句话是间接引语的另一种形式,即祈使句的间接引语。祈使句改为间接引语时,把祈使句中的动词原形改为动词不定式,如果是否定祈使句,就在动词不定式前加not,因此选择C。归纳:*(12)直接引语如果是祈使句,变间接引语时,要使用“谓+宾+不定式”结构,引述动词常用ask , tell ,warn , advise, order 等。如果该祈使句的说话者采用的动词为said, 就将其改为told , asked 或 ordered等,如果祈使句中有please 一词,改为间接引语时,要将please去掉。祈使句的直接引语变间接引语初中阶段我们学习了陈述句和疑问句的直接引语变间接引语的用法,这里主要讲解祈使句的直接引语变间接引语的用法。先看两个句子: 1. “Put your coat in the closet,”the landlord said to him. The landlord asked him to put his coat in the closet. 2. The father said to his children,“Dont move!”The father told his children not to move. 从以上两个句子可以看出:例句1是表示“请求”的口气;例句2是表示“命令”的口气。 由此看来,当我们转述祈使句时,通常将原句中的动词变为动词不定式,并在不定式的前面加上ask, order, tell等转述动词,形成三种结构: 表示邀请、请求某人做某事时用ask sb. to do sth.; 表示叫、吩咐某人做某事时用tell sb. to do sth.; 表示命令某人做某事时用order sb. (not) to do sth.。例如: She said to us, “Please have a rest.” She asked us to have a rest. The old man said, “Dont smoke in the hall.”The old man told me not to smoke in the hall. The officer said, “Go away.” The officer ordered us to go away. 注意:当祈使句的直接引语变为间接引语时,因为祈使句表示“请求”、“命令”等口气,所以祈使句直接引语变为间接引语时不存在时态的变化。但是人称、指示代词、时间、地点状语等的变化还应根据陈述句直接引语变间接引语的方法进行相应的改变。例如: One of the doctors said, “Let me go on with the operation, Dr. Bethune.” One of the doctors asked Dr. Bethune to let him go on with the operation. 不知道同学们注意到没有,该句直接引语中有个称呼语Dr. Bethune,一般把它当作宾语用。再如: “Go and wash your face, Tom,” Mother said.Mother told Tom to go and wash his face. 顺便提一下,祈使句的间接引语变直接引语也应该遵循陈述句间接引语变直接引语的方法。例如: Wei Fang asked him to give it to her. “Give it to me, please,” Wei Fang said to him. 只要同学们认真记住以上三种祈使句直接引语变间接引语的基本结构,相信同学们一定能学会祈使句的直接引语变间接引语。 小试牛刀:A)变下列直接引语为间接引语。 1.“Stop talking!”the monitor said to the class. _ 2. “Repeat it three times,” the teacher said to her. _ 3. “Will you buy some bread for me?” he said to her. _ 4.“Dont take off your coat,” she said to her sister. _ 5. “Stay here!” the officer said to the soldier. _ B)填空完成间接引语,每空一词。 6. “Dont forget to give the message to my wife,” he said to Li Ping. He _ Li Ping _ _ forget to give the message to _ wife. 7. “Mum, please help me find my shirt,” he said. He _ his mother _ help _ find _ shirt. 8. “Use your knife to cut the boots open,” the officer said to the guard. The officer _ the guard _ _ _ knife to cut the boots open. 9. “Dont spend too much time on football!” Mother said to me. Mother _ me _ _ _ too much time on football. 10. “Will you sleep and get up early, children?” Father said. Father _ the children _ _ and _ up early. C)单项选择。 11. “Dont worry about me,” she _ her sister. A. said to B. referred to C. thanked to D. spoke 12. “ _ help me with my English?”she said. A. Shall we B. Do you C. Could you D. Might you 13. She told me _ a noise in the hall. A. dont make B. not to make C. make not to D. to make not 14. Martin _ his dog to lie down under the big tree. A. made B. had C. promised D. ordered 15. His father asked the boy, “ _ are doing this for?” A. What; you B. Which; you C. Where; we D. Why; we Key: A) 1. The monitor told the class to stop talking. 2. The teacher asked her to repeat it three times. 3. He asked her to buy some bread for him. 4. She asked her sister not to take off her coat. 5. The officer ordered the soldier to stay there. B) 6. told; not to; his 7. asked; to; him; his 8. ordered; to use his 9. told; not to spend 10. asked; to sleep; get C)1115 ACBDA“题外话”归纳:(13)感叹句的间接引语语序不变。Eg. “How wonderful the design and colors are !”He told the Empertr how wonderful the desigh and the colors were .(14) 有些疑问句形式上是疑问句,内容却是陈述句,表示建议、提议等。Eg .“shall we get the tickets first ?”He suggested getting the tickets first .(He suggested that they get the tickets first .)(15) 直接引语变成间接引语有“四变,一注意”:变句型、变时态、变人称和变其他;一注意:引语动词;(16)直接引语变间接引语时,如说话时间变了,则谓语动词时态和时间状语需要改变。如today that day , this morning that morning.(17)如果说话地点变了,则地点状语和指示代词也要变,如here there.,this that总之变化的趋势是由“近”变“远”。(18)如说话人或听话人变了,则人称代词也需要变化。Eg . Teacher: Jane , you must finish your honework on time .(说话人老师,听话人Jane.)A. John(把老师的话转告别人)The teacher told Jane that she must finish her homework on time .B. John (把老师的话转告Jane)The teacher said that you must finish your homework on time .C. Jane (向别转述老师的话)The teacher said that I must finish my homework on time .D. Teacher (向约翰复述自己的话)I told you that you must finish your homework on time .(二) 练习。1 My father suggested _ a jo6 in a hospital. A.that I get B. that I got C. me to get . D.that my getting 2.Can you tell me _the 28th Olynypic Games_? A.when will , be held . B.when , will be held C.when will be , held D.when ,will hold 3.Mr Brown is said _a new noved . A.to write B.to have been written C.to be written D.to have written.4.He demanded that every student _there at once.A.went B.must go C.goes D. go 5. That man insisted that he _ there .A. should send B. would be sent C. be sent D. sent 6. I want to know _.A. what city does she come from B. from what city does she come .C. from which city does whe come .D. what city she comes from .7.“Were you able to borrow Helens camera ?” “No, she said _lend it to anyone .”A. shell rather not . B.she wouldnt ratherC.shed rather not D.she doesnt rather 8. I wonder if she _us , but I think if she _us we will be able to complete the take ahead of time .A. helps ; helps B. will help ; has helped .C.helps ; will help D. will help ; helps 9. He said that he _there for three years .A.has studied B.had studied c. studied D. was studying 10.Can you tell me _ ? I havent seen you for years .A.where have you gone B. where have you been C. where you have been D. where you have gone 11.Ask him how much _.A.did it cost B. cost it c.it cost D.it costed 12.“Do me a favour,please.” The teacher said .The teacher asked us to _.A . do him a favour B. do me a favour C. do a favour to her D. do a favour for me .13.“Dont be late again ”,the teacher said to me .The teacher asked me _ . A.not to be late again B. no to be late again C. not to be late more D. not to be late any longer.14. I asked her _me the book .A.to give B.giving C. be given D. gave 15.“Make sure the door is locked ” Mother said .Mother told me _. A . make sure the door is locked .B. make sure the door was locked .C. to make sure the door is locked .D. to make sure the door was locked. 答案: 1、A 2、 B 3、D 4、D 5、C 6、D 7、C 8、D 9、B 10、C 11、 C 12、A 13、A 14、A 15、D。


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