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王先生 您好吗 请问你什么时候来雅加达 我必须告诉你关于印刷电路板的环保许可已经通过 因此 请执行下面的几个指令 1 您必须给我发送一份以您公司名下的环保许可的原件复印件 而不是以其他公司的名义 2 您必须附加一份加工厂的生产流程表或者简表 最好能附带图片 3 您必须制定一份以印尼公司 提供印刷电路板废品的公司 和中国公司 购买和接受印 刷电路板废品的公司 为两方的合同 4 然后我们会取得印尼的出口许可 例如 公司出口印刷电路板废品的限制 出口配额 出口印刷电路板废品的环保许可 所有这些总花费为 95 000 000 九千五百万 印尼盾 大约 为人民币 71 000 元 5 有关锡泥土 我至今还不知何时能得到许可 我必须再回到 BANGKA 印尼的一个岛 去 询问出口许可的事 我们等待您尽早的答复 我们必须坦白地告诉您 如果您晚于 2008 年 9 月 20 日给答 复 那么您就得放弃这个项目 第二件事 您答应了别人买古董和石木化石这件事让我备受困扰 因为他们一直都在问 我您什么时候过来和您是否真的要买这些东西 JONNY 黄凯军 写道 主题 Re Fw Fw 黄凯军 收 Dear Mr David Wong How are you and when you are coming to Jakarta I have to tell you that your environment permit for PCB waste is OK Therefore you have to follow as below instructions 1 You have to send me a copy from the original permit which under your company name not from others 2 You have to attach the diagram or flow chart of the processing plant we prefer to have pictures which usually your government will asked you during applying the environment permit 3 You have to make a letter of contract between the Indonesian company who will be providing the PCB waste and the China company who will be buying and recieving the PCB waste 4 Then we will make the Indonesian export permit such as company export registrartion for PCB waste export quota and environemnt permit for exporting PCB waste The total cost will be Rp 95 000 000 Ninety five million Rupiah which will be approx RMB 71 000 5 For the Tin Sn sludge I do not have any data for the permit I have to go to Bangka again to ask the permit for export We will await for your reply as soon as possible Frankly I would like to tell you if your decision late than 20 September 2008 please just give up this project Secondly I have been trouble for your matters in promising people such as in buying antiques and wooden stone fossil people keep asking me when you are coming and are you really want to buy Yours Jonny Jonny Suwirjo 铅 锌矿石交货合同 产品原产地 印度尼西亚 日期 2008 年 8 月 22 日 合同编号 KIM080822 卖方 公司 KUALA INTI MINERAL CV 地址 Jl Raya Tugu No 28 Plumpang Semper Jakarta Utara Indonesia 电话 62 21 691 0707 传真 62 21 691 9081 电邮地址 kuala im 以下简称为卖方 买方 公司 ShenZhen Walonwail Import 及 装船的实际毛重 凈重 b 叁份已签的商业发票正本 发票必需有商品描述 单位价格 总金额和货物的重量 c 叁份包装清单的正本 d 由商会或产品原产地政府部门颁发的产地證 正本一份和副本一份 e 由 INTERTEK CALLEB BRETT ITS PT CITRA BUANA INDOLOKA 或 SUCOFINDO 在 装货港遵照合同规范颁发的数量及重量證书 正本一份和副本叁份 f 卖方向信用状申请人在上述提单日期五 5 天内送交的出货通知 说明以下船 舶的详情 i 船名 ii 提单编号和日期 iii 说明商品的全部细节 毛重 净重和预计抵达时间 第 7 条 付款方式 a 买方必须於这项合同签署日期后十天内开出发票金额 100 不可撤销 不可转让 见票 即付及以卖方为受益人的信用状 若买方在截止日期前未能满足此条件成功申请信用 状 卖方有权取消此已签订的合同 b 信用状将由主要银行发出 并于卖方提出全套合同货物相关文件後 100 见票即付 c 与信用状提付相关的全套合同货物文件将是在 6 b 条款里列出的所有文件 d 当合同签订后和卖方收到买方指定开证公司开出信用证预告通知书后 卖方应立即开 具货物总价值百分之二 不可撤销的履约保函 该保函以买方指定开票公司为受益人 有效期保持至本合同执行和结算完毕为止 如卖方不能按合同条款履行协议 买方则 有权没收履约保证金 第 8 条 银行资料 卖方银行 银行名称 BANK GANESHA 地址 Jl Hayam Wuruk No 28 Jakarta 10120 国家 Indonesia 电话 62 21 385 5345 传真 62 21 345 4880 电报 67108 GNS IA SWIFT 代码 GNESIDJA 帐户名称 CV KUALA INTI MINERAL 帐户号码 0001 2 026883 买方银行 银行名称 SHENZHEN PING AN BANK 地址 Shenzhen Ping An Bank Building 1099 Shennan Rd C Shenzhen 518031 China SWIFT 代码 SZCBCNBS 第 9 条 保险 买方应按付运金额的 110 购买一切险和战争险的保险 以他作为唯一受益人并负责所需保险费 用 第 10 条 不可抗因素 这条款是海洋合同里的标准条款 豁免任何一方可於当发生他们无法控制的 如地震 洪水或 战争时可不履行其於这合同里的义务 卖买双方同意银行资料应被视为是高度机密及必须作这样的处理 在没有任何一方事先的指示 或同意下任何形式沟通银行资料是不被允许的 沟通形式必须在银行与银行的基础上或其他银 行协议的方式下进行 第 11 条 有约束力的仲裁 如缔约双方未能於二十 20 天内就任何关於这合同条款的纠纷达成友好协议 争端将由印 度尼西亚国际经济贸易仲裁委员会裁决 委员会所作出的裁决应被接纳及对双方有最终的约束 力的 仲裁费用将由败诉一方支付 除非委员会另作批示 第 12 条 所有权和风险 货物的所有权和风险在货物装到船上後由卖方转移至买方 第 13 条 合同的修订 任何对本合同的修改或修正应以书面形式提出 并须缔约各方以书面形式确认和接受 第 14 条 通知 任何有关本合同的通知或通讯应当以书面形式提出 它应用挂号空邮及 或电报 或通过电子邮 件发送至列在这协议里的地址 第 15 条 整个合同 本合同乃缔约各方协议所达订立并构成唯一的条款和条件 在其他地方所载的其他的条款及条 件应对缔约各方没有任何约束力 所有在缔结本合同前所作出 如有的话 的建议 谈判和交 涉都已合并在本合同里 任何对本合同的修改或修正 如没遵照以上第 14 条款以书面形式提出 及同意的话将被视为无效 第 16 条 其他条款 a 卖方在作伪证的严格刑罚下保証全數拥有對在本合同裡提供出售的鉛矿石及锌矿石和 沒有受任何形式的扣押 费用或障碍约束 並拥有充分的法律权力向买方转移所有权 卖方亦申明他们拥有出口国和制造商所在国所有必要的 执照和许可证 b 买方应获得必要的进口许可证和其他在进口国规定的正式许可 c 买方有权将所有载于本协议內的利益 责任和权利转让至第三方 d 本合同的期限应自签署之日起直至所有贸易完成之日为止 e 如预运的货物由于质量差而不被认为是令人满意的话 卖方同意买方有权取消合同中 剩余的货物数量而不会索取任何赔偿 f 本合同的扫描至电子邮件版本在直至本合同缔约各方收到原本为止会被认为是原本 g 买卖双方应保留一份经正式签字的协议原件 h 本合同与其重复版本是在 2008 年 8 月 日这一天由卖买双方正式授权的代表签署 以昭信守 i 本合同在卖方签署的八个银行工作天内有效 j 卖买双方俱保留二份己签署的副本 k 买家只有这样才自付在装载港监督货物的费用 买方代表 卖方代表 KE HONG HUA GUNAWAN SAPUTRA 国际经理 总经理 CONTRACT FOR DELIVERY OF LEAD ZINC ORE PRODUCT OF INDONESIA ORIGIN Date 22 August 2008 Contract Number KIM080822 THE SELLER Company KUALA INTI MINERAL CV Address Jl Raya Tugu No 28 Plumpang Semper Jakarta Utara Indonesia Phone 62 21 691 0707 Fax 62 21 691 9081 e mail kuala im Hereinafter referred to as the Seller THE BUYER Company ShenZhen Walonwail Import and showing total gross net weight shipped h Signed commercial invoice 3 originals with description of goods unit price total amount and weight of goods i Packing list of 3 originals j Certificate of Origin 1 one originals and 1 one copies issued by the Chamber of and Industry Original Country k Certificate of quality and weight complying with the specification in contract issued by INTERTEK CALLEB BRETT ITS PT CITRA BUANA INDOLOKA or SUCOFINDO in the loading port One origin and three copies l Seller s shipping advice sent to the applicant within five 5 days from the date of the said Bill of Lading stating the following shipping details i the Vessel s name ii the Bill of Lading number and date iii stating full details of goods gross and net weights and ETA Article 7 METHOD OF PAYMENT e Buyer must open an Irrevocable Non Transferable Letter of Credit 100 at sight in favour of the seller no later than 10 working days after the date of signing this contract In condition that Buyer fails to meet the deadline of issuing L C Seller has full rights and authority to cancel this signed contract f The Letter of Credit will be issued by top prime bank and payable 100 at Sight Against full set of shipping documents g The payment of LC for delivered will be the documentation mentioned in Article 6 b h After the signing of the contract and the Seller received the Notice of L C issued from the Buyer s designated issuing third party the Seller should immediately issue an Irrevocable Letter of Guarantees on agreement completion valued at 2 0 of the total value of the goods The Letter should be issued to the Buyer s designated beneficiaries and the validity of the Letter should be until the end of the delivery and billing under this agreement If the Seller can not fulfill the terms of this agreement the Buyer reserves the rights to confiscate the amount denoted on the Letter of Guarantees Article 8 BANKING INFORMATION SELLER S BANK Bank Name BANK GANESHA Address Jl Hayam Wuruk No 28 Jakarta 10120 Country Indonesia Tel 62 21 385 5345 Fax 62 21 345 4880 Telex 67108 GNS IA Swift Code GNESIDJA Account name CV KUALA INTI MINERAL Account number 0001 2 026883 BUYER S BANK Bank Name SHENZHEN PING AN BANK Address Shenzhen Ping An Bank Building 1099 Shennan Rd C Shenzhen 518031 China Swift Code SZCBCNBS Article 9 INSURANCE The Buyer shall buy All Risks and War Risks insurance at his sole expense and responsibility for 110 the value of the shipment and appointed to the Buyer as the Beneficiary Article 10 FORCE MAJEURE The title is standard clause found in marine contracts exempting the parties for non fulfilment of their obligations by reason of occurrence beyond their control such as earthquakes floods or war Seller and Buyer agree that banking information is considered highly confidential and must be treated as such No communication is permitted without prior instructions or consent either from the Buyer or from the Seller Communication must be on a bank to bank basis or other bank protocol Article 11 BINDING ARBITRATION In case of dispute and if the contracting parties cannot reach an amicable agreement for any claim concerning this Contract within twenty 20 days from its occurrence the dispute will be settled by the Indonesian International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission The decision made by the commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties The fee for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the commission Article 12 TITLE AND RISK The title to the goods and risks shall pass from seller to the buyer when the goods are loaded into the Ship Article 13 AMENDMENT OF THE CONTRACT Any amendment or modification of the contract shall be made in writing and subject to confirmation and acceptance in writing by the contracting parties Article 14 NOTICE Notice or communications referred to in this contract shall be in writing It shall be send by registered air mail and or by telex cable or by email to the address stated in this agreement Article 15 ENTIRETY OF THE CONTRACT This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and the terms and conditions set forth herein constitute the sole terms and conditions No other terms and conditions contained elsewhere shall be binding upon both the Parties All proposals negotiations and representations if any made prior to the date hereof are merged herein and no modifications shall be effective unless agreed to in writing and accepted as stated in clause 14 of this agreement Article 16 OTHER CONDITIONS l The sellers affirms under strict penalty of perjury that the Lead Ore the SELLER is the legal distributor or beneficial owner of the commodity under this Agreement 双方各自明确表达 买方有能力并愿意购买合同中规定的产品 卖方是合同规定的产品的 合法经销商或所有者 3 The SELLER agrees to sell Manganese Ore to the BUYER and the BUYER agrees to buy Manganese Ore from the SELLER under the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement 在本合同条款下 卖方同意销售 买方同意购买锰矿 THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS 双方同意以下条款 1 Definition of Terms 条件定义 In this CONTRACT the following terms shall unless otherwise specifically defined have the following meanings 在本合同中 除非有其它明确的定义 以下定义为准 A Ore means Manganese Ore of Indonesia Origin 矿 指印度尼西亚产锰矿 B U S Currency means the CURRENCY of the United States of America freely transferable from and payable to an external account 美元 可自由流通的 可付给国外账户的美国货币 C Metric Tone means A Tone equivalent to 1 000 Kilograms 公吨 等于 1000 千克 D Wet Basis means Ore in its natural wet state 湿基 指矿在自然湿度情况下 E Dry Basis means Ore dried at 105 degrees centigrade 干基 指矿在 105 摄氏度下的湿度 F Trim means seaworthy trim 整齐的 指经得起海运的整齐 G Suitable Vessel means vessel which is suitable for entering and leaving when loaded the loading port always safely afloat and for discharging ore at the discharging port 合适的船只 指适合进出装货港 安全停泊在卸货港卸货的船只 H Quality Inspectors persons assigned by the Buyer to Inspect the Cargo 质量检验人员 指由买方指定的验货人员 I FOB has the meaning given to such term in the ICC International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade terms Incomers 2000 FOB 符合 Incomers2000 项下 ICC 国际规定 2 Commodity 产品 2 1 Specifications 规格 Manganes Lumpy Ores hereinafter called Cargo 块状锰矿 以下简称 产品 The Cargo supplied by the SELLER shall be at the blend of its ores obtained from the ore deposits located in Indonesia de Oro province 卖方提供的货物是由印度尼西亚矿区开采的矿的混合 The chemical analysis of the cargo dry basis and its physical characteristic shall conform to the following 矿 干基 的化学成份与物理特性须符合以下特性 Element Compound 成份 Percentage by weight 重量比例 MANGANESE 锰 Typical 42 but 35 Min Si02 二氧化硅 6 5 MAX FE 铁 3 5 MAX AI203 三氧化二铝 2 69 MAX SULPHUR 硫 0 04 MAX POSPOROUSE 磷 0 04 MAX MOISTURE 湿度 5 0 MAX 2 2 Sizes Physical on natural basis size 5mm to 300mm max 物理尺寸 5mm 到 300mm 2 3 Country of Origin 产地 Indonesia 印度尼西亚 2 4 Rejection of Goods 拒收货 Buyer shall have the right to reject the Cargo on the following conditions i Manganese content is below 35 and or ii Any impurity is in excess of Sulphur up to or above 0 1 or Posporouse up to or above 0 1 or SiO2 up to or above 8 or Fe up to or above 5 or Al2O3 up to or above 5 当出现下列情况之一时 买方有权拒收货物 1 锰含量低于 35 2 任杂质含量严重超标 硫 大于等于 0 1 或者 磷 大于等于 0 1 或者 二氧化硅 大于等于 8 或者 铁 大于等于 5 或者 三氧化二铝 大于等于 5 全部或者其中一项超标 3 Quantity and Shipment Time 数量和装运时间 First trial shipment 500DMT in Aug 2008 then 1 000 DMT per month from Oct 2008 to Sep 2009 10 long or short allowed Seller s option 2008 年 8 月试单 500 公吨 自 2008 年 10 月至 2009 年 9 月每月 1 000 公吨 允许溢短装 10 卖方决定 4 Packing and Shipment 包装与运输 In bulk in containers 散装入柜 集装箱运输 5 Delivery 发运 5 1 Port of Loading 装运港 Jakarta Banjarmasin Surabaya or Makassar Port containerize Seller s option 椰加达 马辰 泗水 或 锡江 港 集装箱码头 卖方选择 5 2 Port of Discharge 卸货港 Fang Cheng or other Chinese port decided by Buyer 防城港 或买家指定的其它中国港口 5 3 Seller shall deliver the first shipment at minimum of 500DMT 10 within 30 days after Seller received the Letter of Credit Partial shipments allowed but each shipment cannot be short to 200 DMT 卖方收到信用证日起 30 天内发运第一批货物 500 公吨矿 10 允许分批装运 但每批不低于 200 干吨 5 4 Supervising before Shipment 装船前检查 Sell shall inform Buyer the readiness of cargo preparation and the stockpile of the cargo at least 10 days before the estimated time for the cargo to be loaded into containers And Buyer shall have the right to supervise the cargo preparation and take samples from the stockpile guided by Seller 装箱 10 天以前 卖方通知买方备货情况和仓库地点 买方有权在装船前检查卖方备货情况 和在仓库抽样 卖方有义务协助完成 6 Price 价格 The price per dry metric ton of the cargo shall be the value of the Mn Metal Payment less the Deductions specified below 单位干吨价格为锰金属付款减去扣减 具体规定如下 6 1 Mn Metal Payment 锰金属付款 6 1 1 Base Price for Manganes 锰的基准价格 In case that Mn content is up to or above 40 when Mn content is equal to 42 the base price shall be i FOB Jakarta or Surabaya or Makassar USD6 00 per 1 metal Mn content per Dry Metric Ton and the unit price is USD252 per DMT ii FOB Banjarmasin USD5 75 per 1 metal Mn content per Dry Metric Ton and the unit price is USD241 5 per DMT 锰含量大于等于 40 当锰含量等于 42 时 基准价格为 1 FOB 椰加达 泗水或锡江 每吨度锰含量 6 00 美元 单位价格 252 美元 干吨 2 FOB 北辰 每吨度锰含量 5 75 美元 单位价格 241 5 美元 干吨 This base price shall be negotiated by both parties every three month 双方每 3 个月议定一次基准价 6 1 2 Base Price Adjustments 调价 i In case that Mn content is below 40 but above 38 the base price shall be adjusted to USD5 70 per 1 metal Mn content per Dry Metric Ton FOB Jakarta or Surabaya or Makassar or USD5 45 per 1 metal Mn content per Dry Metric Ton FOB Banjarmasin 1 如果锰的含量低于 40 但高于 38 基准价调整为 FOB 椰加达 泗水或锡江每吨度锰 含量 5 70 美元 FOB 北辰每吨度锰含量 5 45 美元 ii In case that Mn content is below 38 but above 35 the base price shall be adjusted to USD5 40 per 1 metal Mn content per Dry Metric Ton FOB Jakarta or Surabaya or Makassar or USD5 15 per 1 metal Mn content per Dry Metric Ton FOB Banjarmasin 2 如果锰的含量低于 38 但高于 35 基准价调整为 FOB 椰加达 泗水或锡江每吨度锰 含量 5 40 美元 FOB 北辰每吨度锰含量 5 15 美元 iii Rejection of goods is permitted according to Clause 2 However the Buyer has the option to buy the ores based on negotiated price with the Seller when the quantity of the cargo is found not conforming to the requirements on Clause 2 before loaded into containers The assay of ores are to be performed at the stockpile area before the cargo loaded into the containers 3 合同第二条规定 货物品质不达标准时买方有权拒收货物 但是 装箱前如 果出现货物品质不达标的情况 若买方同意 可与卖方协商一个新的价格购 买 化验的样品应在装货前从堆场提取 6 2 Deduction 扣减 Base Price is subjeted to adjustment based on assay results as follows 价格根据检验结果调整 6 2 1 IF SULPHUR CONTENT IS OVER 0 04 THERE WILL BE A PENALTY OF USD1 0 PER DRY METRIC TON FOR EACH 0 01 OF SULPHUR IN EXCESS OF 0 04 OR FRACTION PRO RATA REJECTION UP 0 1 如果硫 SULPHUR 含量高于 0 04 高于 0 04 的每 0 01 每干吨的罚款 为 1 0 美元 实际罚款按此比例计算 超过 0 1 拒收 6 2 2 IF POSPOROUSE CONTENT IS OVER 0 04 THERE WILL BE A PENALTY OF USD 2 0 PER DRY METRIC TON FOR EACH 0 01 OF POSPOROUSE IN EXCESS OF 0 04 OR FRACTION PRO RATA REJECTION UP 0 1 如果磷 POSPOROUSE 含量高于 0 04 高于 0 04 的每 0 01 每干吨的 罚款为 2 0 美元 实际罚款按此比例计算 超过 0 1 拒收 6 2 3 IF SIO2 CONTENT IS OVER 6 5 THERE WILL BE A PENALTY OF USD 1 0 PER DRY METRIC TON FOR EACH 1 OF SIO2 IN EXCESS OF 6 5 OR FRACTION PRO RATA REJECTION UP 8 0 如果磷 SIO2 含量高于 6 5 高于 6 5 的每 1 每干吨的罚款为 1 0 美元 实际罚款按此比例计算 超过 8 拒收 6 2 4 IF FE CONTENT IS OVER 3 5 THERE WILL BE A PENALTY OF USD 0 5 PER DRY METRIC TON FOR EACH 1 OF FE IN EXCESS OF 3 5 OR FRACTION PRO RATA REJECTION UP 5 如果 FE 含量高于 3 5 高于 3 5 的每 1 每干吨的罚款为 1 0 美元 实际罚款按此比例 计算 超过 5 拒收 6 2 5 IF AL2O3 CONTENT IS OVER 2 7 THERE WILL BE A PENALTY OF USD 0 5 PER DRY METRIC TON FOR EACH 1 OF AL2O3 IN EXCESS OF 2 7 OR FRACTION PRO RATA REJECTION UP 5 如果 AL2O3 含量高于 2 7 高于 2 7 的每 1 每干吨的罚款为 0 5 美元 实际罚款按此比例计算 超过 5 拒收 6 2 6 If the Inherent Moisture content is under 5 the price shall not be changed If the moisture content is more than 5 the price shall be less 1 of unit price for each 1 in excess of 5 水分在 5 以内价格不动 超出此标准 每超出一个百分点货物价格单价降 低 1 7 Weighing Sampling Moisture Determination Institute Strikes Clauses Cargo Institute War Clauses Cargo 每批发货买方都将按发票金额百分之一百一十 买方为受益人购买从装货港到用 户冶炼厂的海上运输保险 险别包括 协会货物运输险 罢工险 货 战争险 货 9 Terms of Payment 付款 9 1 Currency 货币 All invoices or credit notes shall be in US Dollars and Cents and all payments shall be made in Dollars and Cents 任何发票或帐单均以美元标示 所有付款以美元支付 9 2 Letter of Credit L C 信用证 Within 15 working days after this contract signed on the condition that Buyer has checked and agreed with the materials at the loading port the Buyer shall issue a 60 days at sight irrevocable transferable documentary letter of Credit covering 100 of the contracted value opening the letter of credit And within 5 working days after the Seller received the letter of credit the seller will issue an irrevocable Performance Bond in favour of Buyer covering 2 of 100 cargo value 2 PB 签约后 15 个工作日内 买方在装港现场看货并确认后 买方开出合同货值 100 的不可撤 销 可转让的 60 天期 及其押汇信用证 卖方收到买方开出之信用证后 5 天内 应开出 2 合 同金额的履约保证金 All associated banking Fees inside China shall be at Buyer s account All banking fees outside of China shall be at Seller s account 中国境内银行费用买方支付 中国境外银行费用卖方支付 9 3 Provisinal Payment 临时付款 The Letter of Credit shall allow a first provisional payment of 90 of the estimated FOB value based on the Bill of Lading wet weight provisional moisture provisional assays set out by SGS before shipment at the loading port to be paid against the presentation of the following documents 依据 SGS 在货物装船前在装港测定的提单湿重 临时水份 临时品质制定的临 时货值 90 的货款允许凭以下单证在信用证项下支付 3 3 Original clean on board ocean bills of lading made out to order blank endorsed and marked freight collect and indicating the container numbers and their sealed numbers and notifying the applicant 全套 3 3 正本清洁提单 空白抬头 空白背书 标注 运费待付 写明柜号及 其铅封号 Seller s provisional invoice in triplicate 卖方临时发票正本一式三份 Seller s packing list in triplicate 装箱单正本一式三份 Provisional weight and moisture certificate by SGS one original and two copies SGS 出具的临时重量 水份证正本一份副本二份 Provisional assay certificate issued by SGS one original and two copies marked container number and their sealed number SGS 出具的临时品质证正本一份副本二份 注明柜号及其铅封号 Insurance certificate in duplicate 保险单正本二份 Original certificate in duplicate issued by Seller 卖方出具的原产地证正本二份 9 4 Final Payment Balance 最终付款 Seller shall prepaire and forward to Buyer a final invoice or credit note based on final weights and the agreed assays as determined under Clause 7 Final payment balance shall be made under the Letter of Credit against presentation of the final invoice confirmed by Buyer 卖方根据第 7 条规定得出的最终数据制定最终发票并将最终发票传给买方确 认 最终付款在信用证下凭买方确认后的最终发票议付 In case Seller is indebted to Buyer by reason of having received provisional payment in excess of the amount of the final invoice this difference shall be re paid by Seller to Buyer by telegraphic transfer within 5 five Banking days of final weights final assays being known 如果卖方收到的临时付款已超出最终发票价值造成卖方对买方欠款 这部分欠款将在最终 重量 最终品质知道后的 5 个银行工作日内由卖方电汇给买方 10 Performance Bond or Cash Deposit 履约保函或保证金 For the first trial 500DMT order within 5 working days after receiving the buyer s letter of credit the seller will issue an irrevocable Performance Bond covering 2 of 100 cargo value 2 PB in favor of Buyer and the Seller can t cancel the PB until the finish of the contract directly to the Buyer s bank 首批 500 公吨 卖方收到买方信用证后 5 日内必须开具总货物 100 价值 2 的不可撤消 的履约保函 该履约保函以买方公司为受益人并保持有效期直到本合同执行和结算完毕 If the seller does not perform the loading as per this contract the buyer has the right to forfeit the PB or the cash deposit and cash it as a penalty 如果卖方不能按照合同履约货物装货 则买方有权没收履约保证金并兑现 12 Taxes and Duties 税收与关税 All taxes duties charges and commissions on the part of the SELLER will be on SELLER S account Similarly all tax


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