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新概念英语第三册笔记Lesson 1 Words: 1,spot: pick out, see, recognize, catch sight of e.g. A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd. He has a good eye for spotting mistakes. Spot=see 强调结果,辨别出,看见,识别,Find:强调发现的结果 Find out:查出事实真相Discover :作出重大决定,发现 notice:注意到Observed:观察Watch:观察活动中哦那个的人或画面2,hunt:润after强调追求,追赶 Seek:追寻梦想= pursue Chase:追赶 Hunt for =search 搜寻某处为了找到某物或人3, Corner:名词 :角落At the corner of the street In the corner of the roomOn the corner of the desk e.g. The thief was cornered at last. The problem cornered me. 4, Trail: a trail of blood Vt. Trail =follow e.g. the polce tailed the criminal to the place where he was hiding. 5, cling , clung,过去分词e.g she is always cling to her mother .He clung to the hope that he would succeed. Stick :粘住 信封 stick to坚持 sticky adj. 6. convince: 1)convince sb of sth. 2)和宾语从句that搭配使用主系表结构:be convince7. Somehow: by some means , in someway . for some reason unknown e.g. I got lost somehow. Somewhat: a little 8. Disturb: you disturbed me.Disturbing: 令人不安的 disturbed:感到不安的相似的词组:surprising and surprised exciting and excited 8. at large: 1)逃遁的,没有控制的 2)详细的(in detail) 3)总体来讲 9. 定语从句的引导词:指人:主语who 宾语:who ,whom 定语:whose 表达事物:that(可指人)which 时间状语:when 地点状语:where 原因状语:why 同位语从句:名词作状语,宾语, 等关系从句用that而不是which 时间状语:when 地点状语;where e.g. An idea came to her tat she might do the experiment in another way. I have no idea what has happened to him. 定语从句中没有what这个关系词, 但是它可以引导同位语从句10 Take sth seriously : 草率的处理某事As :随着 Given by :过分作定语Claim to have done sth :声称曾做过某事I still remember the school where I studied English. Confirm : be sure , be certain . Leave behind :把某物留在后面英文的表达方式在于突出客观事实, 中文则善于运用动作的执行者Complain of /about :抱怨on+名词:强调动作正在进行On the increase, on the watch, on the match, on holiday.Fully=completely, entirely In the position of sb= in sbs position归某人所有(被动)In position of sth : 拥有某物(主动)Take possession of :拥有句型;it is disturbing to think that


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