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中 北 大 学 信 息 商 务 学 院毕业论文开题报告学 生 姓 名:张婷学 号:09080342X42学 院、系:中北大学信息商务学院、人文社会科学系专 业:英语论 文 题 目: Analysis of the Marriages in Pride and Prejudice简析傲慢与偏见中婚姻观指导教师:高晋芳2013 年 3 月 10 日毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告Literature ReviewThe Marriages in Pride and Prejudice I. Literature ReviewThe writer of Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen was born in southern England, Hampshire, a priest family, she is single still, live with family life together, Austen deliberately portrayed are ordinary people and things, and various social relations in-depth description of her is through the familiar people and that description reveals her age British gentry living landscape, such as property inheritance of family, education, the status of women and the morals and customs, her work is popular with profound fresh and acuity, contains the perspective and the philosophy of human nature.Pride and Prejudice is a very popular novel written by Jane Austen who lived form 1775 to 1817 and it is read widely all over the world. It was written in 1813.Pride and Prejudice is the original The first impression, is the representative work of Austen, through the problem of marriage description shows that British social life , the marriage is the theme and describes the middle-class life scene in township with the satirical techniques, Pride and Prejudice is one of them. The novel was evaluated as the one of the most successful novel masterpieces, describes the four pairs of young men and women in marriage through hero and heroine love entanglement, the description of the characters in the novel are based on my social class; the description of the characters are the women and gentleman, syntax and diction works in the sentence is characteristic, showing the character of the characters and styles in the novels through the dialogue, the development of the novel is ups and downs and the relationship of love and marriage is complex. These are attracting a large number of readers , the most impressive is the marriage of the novel, this paper analyzes the four different ways of marriage, finally draw a conclusion: the character of everyone and background reflect his or her marriage and the different attitudes towards marriage, the four couples show different marriage to us.Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen most successful novel in her writing career, and is most popular novels of all her novels , the novel is peopled with characters of her own social class. Deeply impressed by four different marriages in Pride and Prejudice. That special time decided that people at that time take money much more seriously even on their marriage and one character reflects his or her marriage and their attitudes towards marriage. From the ancient times to the modern times, there are many studies both at home and abroad studying and discussing the novel bout Jane Austen and her some works.In 1826 after the work has been widely read, Sir Walter Scott analyzed Pride and Prejudice from an overall perspective. In his article “The Journal of Sir Walter Scott”, he analyzed the features of Jane Austen and said that “Jane Austen has a talent for describing the feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful that I ever met with.” The background of Pride and Prejudice was reflected in his points that Pride and Prejudice was the description about the life and communication in her familiar country. The author Jane was born in a country clergymans family, She was the first to write novels of realism in the 19th century. She is single all time and having a talent for describing trivial things of ordinary people, in the novels she shows her viewpoints on love and marriage. In the modern society, a lot of people would like to pay more attention to the marriages in Pride and Prejudice. The first Chinese study on the marriage in Pride and Prejudice would be Zhu Aiping, and in her article “Attitude Toward Marriage in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice”, she expressed her thinking that “By the stories we can see, It mainly tells of the love story between a rich, proud young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent woman Elizabeth Bennet.” We can realize that Pride and Prejudice is a story about the love and their search for accomplished husband. At the first, they havent attracted anyones eyes. We all know that at the first time, when Elizabeth asked Darcy to have a dance. He refused. He didnt think that anyone at the village can deserve him. After this, Elizabeth promised not to pay attention to him any more because of his pride. Both Darcy and Elizabeth dare not to have the wild wish of their love. Though later they have cleaned up the misunderstanding between them and understood each other further, there are no good earnest feeling, and contradict each other, no strong desire of living together between them. How hard times of the pair youth to pursue love and happiness. All shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill. With the help of Lady Burgh Darcy and Elizabeth became a happy couple.The author made a further analysis about the four marriages: The most realistic marriage Charlottes marriage, the most ridiculous marriage Lydias marriage, the happy marriage Janes marriage. The most admirable marriage Elizabeths marriage. The novel also reflects the authors marriage view: It is wrong to marry for the property, money and position. She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage, and regards men and womens emotion as the foundation of the marriage .She said that “it is the inevitable result of the marriage, which in that time was based on the economic condition and affected by the family status.”At the same time, another scholar Huang Rong published a paper called “Thought of Marriage in Jane Austen Pride and prejudice”. The paper agreed that in the opening sentence of Pride and Prejudice, there are two important words “fortune” and “want”. “Fortune” is the basis of marriage, while “want” provides the marriage chance for those unmarried women. We can read “fortune” everywhere in the novel, and “money” played an important role in marriage. Because women always want to live with the rich man ,the economic ability and status is important for them , no other than they became ones wife, just had their own status, the seeming preoccupation with money in connection with marriage in Jane Austens work may mislead modern readers. Many girls are vanity, in the novel the Darcy is rich and handsome, I think he is the best choice for the husband, sensible people must devote serious thought to this topic, since it is rather foolhardy to marry without having a more-or-less guaranteed income in advancenot only was marriage for life, but there was no social security, old age pensions, unemployment compensation, health insurance, etc. Latter, a scholar called Xin Shulan from Langfang Teachers College raised an article. The title of the article called “Womens Happiness SecretOn Elizabeths Marriage Choice in Pride and Prejudice”. The author said “a woman who did not marry could generally only look forward to living with her relatives as a “dependant”, so that marriage is the roof to get out from the difficulties, in which case she could face the unpleasant necessity of going to live with employers as a dependant governess or teacher, or hired ladys companion.” A woman with no relations or employer was in danger of slipping off the scale of gentility, becoming an “old maid” was not considered a desirable fate (so when Charlotte Lucas, at age 27, marries Mr. Collins, her brothers are “relieved from their apprehension of Charlottes dying an old maid”, and Lydia says “Jane will be quite an old maid soon, I declare. She is almost three and twenty!”). Because all these, some girls were willing to marry just because marriage was the route to keep security, or to escape an uncongenial family situation. In Pride and Prejudice, the dilemma is expressed most clearly by the character Charlotte Lucas, whose pragmatic views on marrying are voiced several times in the novel: “Without thinking highly either of men or of matrimony, marriage had always been her object; it was the only honorable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune, and however uncertain of giving happiness, must be their pleasantest preservative from want.” She is 27, not especially beautiful, and without an especially large “portion”, and so decides to marry Mr. Collins “from the pure and disinterested desire of an establishment”. Marriage in the Pride and Prejudice were a series of special descriptions; how man look for his wife and how the young women and their mothers choose their future husband refers to many wonderful scenes of the novel. In this study work the writer tries her best to portray many different marriages and love relationships. Although they have entered the marriage siege, the awareness of happiness about marriage is diverse. In Jane Austens work, love is not the main reason for the marriage, instead the money is also closely related. I want to make a further study on this famous work and the four marriages happened in the novel: Elizabeth and Darcy, Jane and Bingley, Lucas and Collins, and Lydia and Wickham. The different people have the different marriage .The different reasons, purposes and backgrounds make the marriage unique; the money or economic status in the marriage at that time and the womens pursuit of marriage freedom and the future development of marriage is important1. The relationship of marriage in the novel1.1Collins and Charlottes MarriageIn pride and prejudice, the first part is the marriage of Charlotte and Collins, their marriage is natural. They get married without any expectation and happy. He had known he was right When he arrived the Longbourn and saw Jane Bennetlovely face. And for the first evening she was his choice ,but the next morning ,after a fifteen minutes conversation with Mrs Bennet ,he had to change his mind, becase the eldest daughter was very likely be soon, Mr Collins had only to change form Jane to Elizabeth .but the Elizabeth refused the Mr Collins twice, finally he gave up. Collins quickly finds comfort from Charlotte who desires to get love from a male and believes marriage is the elegant way for a girl with some education, and then they get married as quickly as the lightning. For the first daughter, she has not got married even until 26 years old. She may be a typical questionable girl. However, there are 5 daughters in the Bennetts, the five daughters are gradually growing up to the age for marriage. Bennetts wife was especially typical; she does not give birth to a boy but five girls. The familys property couldnt be given to a daughter according to the custom at that time, and the family without a son can grant the wealth to the nephew. Thus, one of Bennett nephewCollins can inherit the family wealth. Therefore, Mrs. Bennett has great expectations on her nephew. Though the family is not very rich, he is the final owner of Bonnet familys wealth. With this, Mrs. Bennett felt at ease, and then she has great hope on Collins and likes him. Catherine Collins, with the help of one of his relatives, becomes a priest. And then he goes to the home of his uncle, wanting to be home complement of Bennett. In his mind, if he could be one son-in-low of his uncles, then he could get the property of the family. He stays at home for a long time to repay his uncles heritage and gets sympathy by the family. A mediocre love, a dull marriage has been established effortlessly. Such marriage without love is too practical, so it is a kind of superficial marriage without happiness.1.2 Lydia and Wickhams MarriageThe second marriage is between Bennetts third daughter Lydia and Wickham, the son of the housekeeper. Originally he is well-treated by the family and the friends. However, he comes down in the world because of his misbehavior. He gets into debt. So, he wants to get money and become rich and change his social status through marriage, marriage is also a way to approach the talents, he is a man without any responsibility. He does nothing except assailing a woman with obscenities. In his opinion, love is only recreation. For his purpose, he entices Lydia and gets her love easily, because she is young, innocent and vainglorious, and loves to go ease and hates to work hard, and is spoilt by her mother. Getting love and praise of a boy is her dream. So when Wickham wants to reach his aimgetting wealth by love and exalts her beauty hypocritically, she forgets who she is and feels she is the most beautiful and happiest girl in the world. Their love does not get the permission from the parents, and then they elope. When Elizabeth hears the news, she believes that their love is false, Wickham would not marry Lydia, because she is no charming and has nothing to attract him, He does not love her but the wealth of her family. The marriage is admitted on the condition of Darcys help. Their marriage is considered to be a scandal in Bennett&rsquo. But Mrs. Bennet is not disgraceful to this marriage. When Collins gets the news, of course, he is very angry and reacts to the marriage to revenge his early failure of proposal to her. This marriage is one without love. They dont the real meaning of marriage, they only want to satisfy their aspiration. So we can say this is a kind of impromptu love and marriage without true love and responsibility. Such couple only seek having had the experience but not everlasting and unchanging. 1.3. Jane and Mr. Bingleys MarriageThe third marriage is of the eldest daughter Jane and Mr. Bingley. Bingley is a friend of Darcy. They met on the night of the dance, in that time all eye were on Mr Bingley as he entered the room, he is so good-mannered and agreeable, But Bingleys sister loves Darcy very much. She wants Bingley to get married with Darcys sister Georgiana, because she wants to get love from Darcy by this way, which also reflects the selfishness the sister. The marriage of the able man- Bingley and the beautiful girl-Jane is ideal in most peoples eyes. Of course, the couple meets many setbacks, such as the misunderstanding of Darcy and Bingleys selfish sister. At last, the lovers get married as the misunderstanding between Elizabeth and Darcy has been solved.1.4 Darcy and Elizabeths Marriage.The fourth marriage is the main theme of the works. That is Darcy and Elizabeths marriage. At the beginning, Elizabeth rejects the pursuer-Darcy, because Darcy was proud and disagreeable, and considered himself superior to country people, she does not like him, especially when the Mr Wickham said many bad words to her, the situation was worse and worse, so even looks down upon him though Darcy loves her very much. In Elizabeths eyes, he is arrogant and unreasonable because he is rich and has high social status. Realizing that, Darcy begins to get rid of those bad habits quietly to crate her taste and get good impression and love of her. Because of Darcys perfect behavior and good education, Elizabeth gradually eliminates the bias on Darcy. Then they spontaneously fall in love. So when Darcys second suitor is sent to Elizabeth, Elizabeth readily agree with, and they get married and have happy family lives.2. The meaning of marriage for the real life in pride and PrejudiceThe result of the marriage in Pride and Prejudice makes us inspiration. I think marriage is not to combat in two simple, it will encounter a lot of problems, the impact of the family, the background, wealth and the views of the people around them, a series of problems, but for now, to the younger generation , love is not material, love is great, the marriage is established on the basis of love, is the crystallization of the two people who love feelings. Face of marriage, we need much courage, go to follow your heart, do not need some external conditions bound, if you love go with him, if you love live with him together, two people work together with great efforts Bibliography1Annette, Rubinstein. 1967. 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