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上海新世纪版2020届九年级英语专题练习:连词A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:连词 (共41题;共82分)1. (2分)I still keep taking exercise every day I am busy with so many subjects. A . untilB . unlessC . becauseD . though2. (2分)_ my daughter is only ten years old, she knows a lot. What a clever girl!A . BecauseB . SoC . ThoughD . Whether3. (2分)We lost the game, _we didnt lose hope or confidence in ourselves. A . andB . soC . butD . or4. (2分)Would you like to go for a walk with me, Allen? Id love to, _ you dont want to go alone.A . ifB . beforeC . untilD . after5. (2分)You will succeed finally you give up halfway. A . ifB . unlessC . even though6. (2分)Whats the secret of success Dr. Know? More time and effort, _ youll make it some day.A . yetB . orC . andD . but7. (2分)Tomorrow he _ a kite in the open air first and then _ boating in the park. A . will fly; goB . will fly; goesC . is going to fly; goes8. (2分)China is getting more and more independent of western technology, _ it is leading in many fields, such as the self-driving car industry. A . /B . orC . butD . and9. (2分)A big ship was sailing on the sea _ the accident happened. A . whileB . asC . when10. (2分)WeChat(微信) is widely used. _ the young_the old are interested in it. A . Either; orB . Neither; norC . Not only; but alsoD . Not; but11. (2分)My grandmas hobby is _ cooking _ watching TV. Its square dancing.A . not only, but alsoB . neither, norC . both, andD . either, or12. (2分)Tom is only four years old, _ he can draw beautiful pictures.A . butB . soC . orD . if13. (2分)has known the man well.A . Not only you but also heB . Neither he nor youC . Both you and heD . Either you or they14. (2分)- What do you like doing after class?- I like not only reading painting.A . andB . but alsoC . orD . for15. (2分)Do you want to have rice noodles for lunch?Rice,A . andB . butC . orD . so16. (2分)Its hot this summer. _, it was _ hotter last summer.A . However; veryB . Although; veryC . However, evenD . Although; even17. (2分)- What about going to see Captain America: Civil War (美国队长3)this Tuesday?- Id love to, but Im very busy on weekdays. _, I can go only on weekends.A . For exampleB . Since thenC . That is18. (2分)Rules are helpful to us, we have to follow them. A . soB . butC . orD . because19. (2分)Do you like the movie Front of the Class?Yes, its wonderful. my friends all like it.A . AndB . ButC . OrD . Then20. (2分)Tony never spends money on buying books he doesnt like reading.A . butB . becauseC . thoughD . until21. (2分)Hello, who can go to the Palace Museum with me tomorrow?Oh, sorry. _ Jim _ I can go with you; we have to take a test tomorrow.A . Neither; norB . Both; andC . Either; orD . Not only; but also22. (2分)“Show me your ticket, _ I wont let you in.”the guard(保安) said angrily.A . soB . orC . butD . and23. (2分)It was raining heavily, _ we decided to stay at home and watch TV.A . butB . orC . becauseD . so24. (2分)I _ a great sports collection _ I dont play sports.A . have; andB . have; butC . has; andD . has; but25. (2分)My parents want me to get further study to be _ an engineer _ a scientist, _ I would like to be a famous surgeon doctor.A . neither; nor; andB . either; or; butC . not only; but; soD . both; and; or26. (2分)Have sports training every day, _you wont be healthy in the future.A . becauseB . orC . unlessD . since27. (2分)_ ways to get on well with your classmates, or you will make yourself very lonely.A . To findB . FindC . FindingD . Found28. (2分)The house _ Lu Xun used to live in is now the museum. A . whichB . whereC . whenD . what29. (2分)This is the bike my mother bought yesterday. A . thatB . whoC . whomD . what30. (2分)Hold on to your dreams, _ they will come true some day.A . butB . orC . andD . though31. (2分)Jim is an American, he can speak Chinese very well A . ifB . soC . butD . because32. (2分)Study hard, _ youre sure to have a good mark in the exam.A . butB . andC . or33. (2分)Hamburgers are nice, _ I don t eat them often. A . becauseB . SoC . butD . or34. (2分)Wang Tao _ makes large pieces of metal art_ makes smaller pieces for the home.A . neither, norB . not only, but alsoC . either, orD . would rather, than35. (2分)Playing computer games too much influences our study does harm to our health. A . not only; but alsoB . both; andC . either ; orD . neither; nor36. (2分)My nose is small, my eyes are big.A . andB . fromC . butD . to37. (2分)Peter likes pop music, but _ his father _ his mother likes it.A . both, andB . not only; but alsoC . neither; norD . either, or38. (2分)He never _ hamburger _ sweets. A . eats, andB . eat, orC . eats, orD . eat, and39. (2分)I stayed at home. I _ went to the park _ to the cinema.A . neither; norB . either; orC . both; andD . between; and40. (2分) What do you think of the film? Fantastic. _ the children _ their father likes to see it.A . Both; andB . Either; orC . Not only; but alsoD . Neither; nor41. (2分)Toms father was cleaning the car _ his mother was doing housework. A . althoughB . asC . sinceD . while第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:连词 (共41题;共82分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、

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