沪教版2020年七年级下学期英语期末考试试卷 B卷.doc

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沪教版2020年七年级下学期英语期末考试试卷 B卷一、 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 (共10题;共28分)1. (2分)What hasnt Tim got for his hiking?A . Food.B . A map.C . A mobile phone.2. (10分)听长对话, 根据对话内容选择正确答案。 (1)Was there a heavy rain in some places in the south? A . No, there wasnt.B . Yes, there was.C . I dont know.(2)How long was it raining hard? A . For a week.B . For two weeks.C . For several days.(3)Where did the rainwater flood into? A . Many trees.B . Many houses.C . Many animals.(4)Who could not run away from their habitations? A . Volunteers.B . Many workers.C . Quite a few families.(5)Who arrived in time and saved the people? A . Fire companies.B . FarmersC . Students.3. (2分)When did Amy make the paper cuttings? A . Last week.B . Last night.C . The day before yesterday.D . Yesterday.4. (2分)Which lesson was Kate taking at three yesterday afternoon? A . The piano lessonB . The guitar lessonC . The violin lesson5. (2分)Who is Ginas father? A . Paul Brown.B . Mike Brown.C . Jack Brown.6. (2分)What is Bobs phone number? A . 289-9312.B . 289-3921.C . 298-9321.7. (2分)How does Alices grandpa go to the park? A . By bus.B . By bike.C . On foot.8. (2分)Who is Bob writing to? A . His pen friend.B . His father.C . His teacher.9. (2分)Why didnt Lily hand in her homework? A . She left it at home.B . She didnt finish it.C . She couldnt find it.10. (2分)How does Linda want to go to Shanghai? A . By bus.B . By train.C . By air.二、 听下面1段对话和2篇短文。对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中所给 (共3题;共30分)11. (10分)听长对话,选择最佳答案 (1)What was wrong with that old woman? 。 A . She had a stomachacheB . She had a sore backC . She had a heart problem(2)What does Jennys brother do? A . He is a doctorB . He is an engineerC . He is a policeman(3)When did Jennys brother become a volunteer? A . Five years agoB . Four years agoC . Three years ago(4)What time did Jennys brother get home last night? A . At 9:20B . At 9:40C . At 10:20(5)What was Jenny doing when her brother got home? A . She was drinking teaB . She was watching TVC . She was doing her homework12. (10分)听材料,选择最佳答案 (1)How many kinds of animals are there in the zoo? A . 2,000.B . 300.C . 200.(2)Where are the tigers from? A . India.B . China.C . Africa.(3)Why do children feed the animals? A . Because it is very interesting.B . Because the animals are hungry.C . Because they dont like the food.(4)What was wrong with the little monkey last week? A . It ran away from the zoo.B . It hurt one child in the zoo.C . It was ill because of too much food.(5)Which is NOT Helens advice? A . Taking some photos.B . Keeping the zoo clean.C . Giving food to the animals.13. (10分)听短文,选择最佳选项 (1)Where did the old man live? A . In a small town.B . In a city.C . In a village.(2)Why did the young man come to the old man? A . Because he was happy.B . Because he was hungry.C . We dont know.(3)What did the old man give to the young man? A . Some food.B . Some bread.C . Some water.(4)Did the young man say thank you to the old man at first? A . Yes, he did.B . No, he didnt.C . We dont know.(5)What did the old man want? A . Thank you.B . Money.C . Food.三、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)14. (2分)Mom, I cant find my ruler.It may be on your desk. Your room is in mess ,you tidy it up.A . aB . anC . theD . /15. (2分)Which is the right sound of the word “this”? A . / i:s /B . / i:z /C . / s /D . / z /16. (2分)How will we sell more products?We need to come up with more _ ideas.A . awfulB . creativeC . meaninglessD . embarrassing17. (2分)Sam always goes to the Reading Club _ five every afternoon, but his twin brother goes there only _ Sunday morning.A . in; onB . in; inC . at; onD . at; in18. (2分)Alice is a volunteer in the community. She always _ to do some voluntary work. Now I know why I seldom see her at home on weekends.A . offersB . tellsC . forgets19. (2分)This is _room. Its very bright. A . Toms and TimsB . Toms and TimC . Tom and TimsD . Tom and Tim20. (2分)The boy doesnt speak his sister, but his written work is very good. A . as well asB . so good asC . much better thanD . much worse than21. (2分)Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival(桃花节)?Yes. The flowers were beautiful. Bees were flying them.A . inB . amongC . betweenD . through22. (2分)Did you finish the work in time?Yes. We worked _ and finally made it.A . from time to timeB . now and thenC . all day and all night23. (2分)The children finally got out of the forest and arrived at our camp safely._!A . Look outB . Come onC . Thank goodness24. (2分)_ weather! Its always raining!A . What a badB . How a badC . What badD . How bad25. (2分)Must you go?yes, Im afraid I really_.A . mayB . shouldC . mustD . can26. (2分)Where is Mrs Smith?She the libraryShe there two hours agoA . has gone to;has beenB . has been to;wentC . has gone to;wentD . has been to;has been27. (2分) I have _ to tell you. Are you free now? Yes, _ is it?A . important anything; WhenB . important something; WhatC . anything important; WhenD . something important; What28. (2分)Simon, you look cool in the red T-shirt! _.A . No, I am very oldB . Yes, I amC . Thank youD . Thats OK四、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)完形填空 Today is my birthday. Im 12 years old. I 1a birthday party at home. Some of my friends come to my home, and they 2some presents for me. I am 3to see them,At six, my friends come to my house. At the party, we play games. We all have 4. My friends sing(唱歌) Happy Birthday to You to me, Then we 5my birthday cake and ice cream. After that, my friends, 6s me to open my presents. They are interested(感兴趣的) in 7. All the presents are 8, I really like them, I say thank you9my friends.I really have a good 10at my birthday party.(1)A . think B . go C . have D . ask (2)A . give B . buy C . sell D . see (3)A . happy B . fun C . busy D . easy (4)A . name B . food C . sports D . fun (5)A . eat B . get C . find D . want (6)A . bring B . need C . want D . let (7)A . mine B . me C . they D . them (8)A . small B . happy C . big D . nice (9)A . to B . with C . at D . for (10)A . dinner B . day C . time D . thing 五、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)30. (8分)阅读理解 A recent study from a team of South Korean researchers suggests that eating alone often may lead to poor eating habits and poor food choices. Specifically, the study found that men who ate alone more than twice a week had a greater risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.For children, eating with their families is not only about preventing bad outcomes (结果)it is also about developing good ones.In 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) looked at data from nearly three-quarters of the worlds countries. Among its findings was the fact that students who shared a main meal with their families were less likely to skip school. Children who eat a main meal with their families are also less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol (吸毒酗酒).In the report, titled The Importance of Family Dinners () researchers say that teens who have frequent family dinners are more likely to say their parents know a lot about whats going on in their lives. They also claim that when teens say they feel closer to their parents, they are less likely to use drugs and alcohol.Another study from the University of Montreal found that children who ate with their families experience long-term physical and mental health benefits(利益). These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks. These children also seemed to have better social skills and they were less aggressive(好斗).Professor Linda Pagani says that mealtimes shared with parents likely provide young children with first-hand social interactions, discussions of social issue (事件) and day-to-day concerns. She adds that they may likely help the child have better communication skills with others.(1)What can be the best title for the text? A . Benefits of eating together.B . Advantages of eating alone.C . Ways of developing social skills.D . Risks of using drugs and alcohol.(2)Children eating with their families are more likely to _. A . drink more sugary soft drinksB . do well in their studies at schoolC . be more socially active and aggressiveD . have a closer relationship with their parents(3)Why is Professor Pagani mentioned in the last paragraph? A . To introduce her.B . To add a new point.C . To explain further.D . To provide background information.(4)From which is the text probably taken? A . A travel guide.B . A biology textbook.C . A cooking instruction.D . A science magazine.31. (10分) It is Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a shop.“What does your shop sell?” Mary asks, “A lot of things.” The girl in the shop says. “You can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too.”Mary and her mother go in. There are many people in the shop. Mary looks at a nice white skirt.“How much is the skirt?” Mary asks the girl in the shop.“Its eighty yuan.”“Thats too dear.”“What about the green one? It looks nice. And its only thirty yuan.”“OK, thanks a lot.”“You are welcome.”After that, Mary buys some school things, too. Here mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish. They get home very late.(1)Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother on _.A . Saturday afternoonB . Saturday morningC . Sunday morningD . Sunday afternoon(2)Mary wants to buy a new skirt and _.A . some foodB . some drinksC . come clothesD . some school things(3)The white skirt is _.A . ¥30B . ¥110C . ¥80D . ¥100(4)Mary buys a _ skirt.A . whiteB . greenC . redD . dear(5)The green skirt is _.A . nice and cheapB . nice but dearC . not nice but cheapD . not nice or cheap六、 阅读表达 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分)任务型阅读New rules and behaviour standards(行为规范) for middle school students came out in March. Middle schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students wont only have high grades. The following are some of the new rules.Tell the truth. Have you ever cheated(作弊) in an exam? Dont do it again! Thats not something honest students should do.Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird loving Month in ChinaIs your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should join! In that way,you can learn more about animals and how to protect them.Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought people could live on the moon? Maybe youll find another earth in space in the future. Everyones new ideas are important.Protect yourself. Has a thief ever taken money from one of your classmates? Dont let it happen to you. If you have to go back home late, you should let your parents know.Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your study. But some things on the Internet arent for kids, so try to look at the good web pages. You can use the web pages for fun or homework.(1)When did the new rules come out? (no more than 2 words)_(2)Should the students cheat in an exam? (no more than 3 words)_(3)What should you do if you have to go back home late? (no more than 6 words)_(4)How do the top students like new ideas? (no more than 3 words)_(5)What can the children use the good web pages for? ( no more than 4 words)_七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分)阅读下列短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯、意思完整。(E)Whats your favorite sweet? Perhaps there is nothing like chocolate. It is popular all over the world.Chocolate comes from a civilization (文明) called the Maya. They had a special food called cocoa. _About five hundred years ago, the Europeans found the Mayans. They used cocoa to make chocolate._For centuries, only the rich could enjoy chocolate. _All this changed when European companies started to make chocolate bars in the 19th century._White, dark and milk chocolate are what people often eat. The biggest chocolate bar ever was made in Italy in 2011. It weighed almost 6 tons ! Thats as big as an elephant._People often take them as holiday gifts. Chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on Easter, chocolate coins are common on Christmas, and chocolate hearts are great gifts for Valentines Day. In certain parties and wedding ceremonies (结婚典礼), chocolate fountains (喷泉) always surprise people.Not necessarily so! Scientists now say it is good for peoples heart and can make people feel good. But dont eat too much of it.A. Chocolate comes in different colors and sizes.B. There are also different shapes of chocolate.C. The word cocoa means gift from God.D. Lots of people say chocolate is bad for your health.E. Normal people could not get hold of it.八、 词汇运用 (共2题;共15分)34. (10分)根据汉语或音标提示完成句子。(1)Dogs and cats are _(日常的) pets.(2)All pets _their owners _love and comfort in their lives. (为提供)(3)He doesnt mind _the fruits and vegetables are good _. (是否)(4)I often _my pets out _. (带去散步)35. (5分)语法填空 用词的适当形式填空。(1)Shenzhen, a(n) _ (know) fishing village many years ago, has turned into a modern city. (2)Mary always has more difficulty than Lily _ (work) out Maths problems. (3)The two _ (Canada) have lived in China for over 10 years. (4)After the teacher shared the moving story with the students, the whole classroom was in _(silent). (5)On her_(twenty) birthday, Annie received an iPhone 7 from her mother as a present. She was so excited. 九、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)36. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Nowadays, camping has been popular among young people. Its a great way to be outside and enjoy the nature. Whether you _(更喜欢) to be in the woods, mountains, or by the river, you are sure to have a wonderful experience when you go camping. Here is some advice _(为了) camping.Fire may be _(危险的) , so just use fire out when you must. Make sure to put the fire out when you dont use it.When you are talking, keep your _(说话声) down. If you talk loudly, you may disturb (打扰) other people and you will _(也) miss the chance to see wild animals outside.It is necessary to put up your tent only in safe areas. If you put up your tent in other areas, you may get into trouble. Remember to do it for your _(安全).Dont forget to take your camera so that you wont miss the wonderful natural wonders. Later, youll understand _(多么) nice they are. Make sure your camera has enough power.People often get _(丢失)in the forest . Its a good way to take a map that _(帮助) you to get the right _(方向). Now, people usually take GPS with them. Maps and GPS can help you find the way easily.十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)37. (5分)节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。请你以Low-carbon Life为题,写一篇短文,提倡如何做到低碳生活。参考词汇: walk, ride a bike, turn off, electricity, tap, plastic bags, both sides of注意:必须包含关键词中所有内容,并做适当发挥;词数80左右(文章的开头己给出,不计入词数);不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。Low-carbon LifeThe environment is becoming worse and worse.第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 (共10题;共28分)1-1、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 听下面1段对话和2篇短文。对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中所给 (共3题;共30分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、三、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、四、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)29-1、五、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、六、 阅读表达 (共1题;共5分)32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)33-1、八、 词汇运用 (共2题;共15分)34-1、34-2、34-3、34-4、35-1、35-2、35-3、35-4、35-5、九、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)36-1、十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)37-1、

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