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冀教版2020届九年级上学期英语分班考试试卷C卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Lucy is a worker. She works in the factory and we all like her.A . well; wellB . good; goodC . good; wellD . well; good2. (2分) _? Its 885-5281.A . Is this your telephoneB . Whats thisC . What color is your phoneD . Whats your phone number3. (2分)Not all advertisements can tell the .So we cant believe in ads. But we cant escape _ ads.A . true, anything, inB . truly, something, fromC . truth, everything, from4. (2分) takes me half an hour to school A . That;walkingB . It;walkingC . That;to walkD . It;to walk5. (2分)Though it was very dangerous, _hesitated when entering the burning lab. A . everybodyB . nobodyC . anybodyD . somebody6. (2分)Max and his online friend had fun_ on the Internet last night.A . talkingB . to talkC . talkD . to talking7. (2分)So far, we _ English for three years.A . have learntB . learnC . learntD . had learnt8. (2分) Good morning. Can I help you? Id like to have this package .A . to weighB . to be weighedC . weighD . weighed9. (2分)This is the most beautiful park I have _ visited. A . everB . yetC . neverD . already10. (2分)Its raining hard outside. Tell Betty the window.A . openB . openingC . not to open11. (2分)I dont like history because its _.A . interestingB . tiredC . excitingD . boring12. (2分)The new Childrens Hospital in Hexi promised to the public with the best medical care. A . preventB . produceC . protectD . provide13. (2分)I hurried to school without _ breakfast.A . hadB . havingC . haveD . has14. (2分)How long _he _this book?For two monthsA . does, keepB . has , borrowedC . has, keptD . does, borrow15. (2分)一How is Linda going to Paris?一She is going to a plane there A . haveB . takeC . byD . make二、 阅读理解 (共5题;共61分)16. (6分)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。WantedAre you hard-working? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is Yes; then we have a job for you as a waiter. Call AL Hotel at 5564779!Summer JobDo you like to talk with people? Do you like to write Stories? If you want to work for our magic as a reporter, please call Karen at 5583366.Help WantedDo you like babies? Can you look after a baby for two days? If you are sure to take good care of it, call Mr. Green at 7665898. $80 or more. Today! Be quickCleaner wantedCan you make a large house clean and tidy? If you hope to get paid $20 once, call us this evening from 18:00 to 20:00. Our telephone number is 6338001.(1)If you want to be a, you can call AL Hotel.A . waiterB . reporterC . cleanerD . driver(2)If you work as a cleaner every weekday, and once a day, how much will you be paid every week?A . $100.B . $150.C . $200.D . $240.(3)What is NOT mentioned in the ads?A . Jobs you can choose from.B . Email addresses.C . Telephone numbersD . Time when you are supposed to work.17. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Hi, I m Peter. This is the photo of my family. My grandfather is with glasses. He has little hair. The one standing next to him is my father. He is wearing a cap. My grandmother has gray hair. She is a kind woman. She is holding my younger sister. She has short curly hair. The woman standing behind me is my mom. She has straight( 笔直的 ) brown hair. There is a little boy sitting on the table. His name is Paul. He is my brother. He is wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of green socks. Its his favorite color. Which one is my uncle? Well, he is wearing glasses, too. He is in brown shorts and brown shoes. His name is Sam. Now, do you know where he is?(1)Where is Peter in the photo? A . Hes next to his father.B . Hes in front of his mother.C . Hes on the table.D . Hes behind his mother.(2)What is Pauls favorite color? A . Green.B . Black.C . Yellow.D . White.(3)How many children do Peters parents have? A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four(4)Who is wearing glasses? A . Peter and his father.B . Peter and his brother.C . Peters grandpa and uncle.D . Peters grandpa and father.(5)Which is NOT true? A . Peter has one uncle in the picture.B . Peters younger sister has long curly hair.C . Peters grandfather doesnt have much hair.D . Peters brother wears a green T-shirt.18. (10分)阅读理解April 29th, 2017Dear Sir,I am writing to express my views on the article No End to World Hunger in the City Times on April 28th.To begin with, I do not agree with the writers claim(断言) that the worlds population will grow to ten billion by 2050. Studies have shown that families in wealthy countries have fewer children. The worlds population is unlikely to grow so much because countries around the world are becoming richer.Secondly, it is said that we could have too little food in the future, I do not think so. With new farming technology, we might be able to grow other kinds crops. We already have new kinds of rice and cereals (谷物) that can grow more quickly and feed more people. At the same time, some scientists say that we have more than enough food in the world it is just not shared evenly(平均地). I think that this may be true and, if it is, hunger is a problem that can be solved.Finally, I do not think it is helpful to claim that there will be “no end to hunger”. We might not be able to solve the problem of the world hunger quickly, but there are many things that we can do. Cutting down on food waste and raising money to feed the hungry is easy enough to do.Generally speaking, I strongly believe there can be an end to world hunger. However, we must be ready to take actions now.Yours faithfully,Luks Ng(1)What is the right order of the letter? A . date senders name reason for writing arguments(辩论) conclusion(结论)closing greetingB . date greeting reason for writing arguments conclusion closing senders nameC . date greeting arguments reason for writing conclusion closing senders nameD . senders name greeting conclusion reason for writing arguments closing date(2)Why does the writer write the letter? A . Because he is against world hunger.B . Because he thinks food will be enough.C . Because he wants to argue with the editor.D . Because he wants to express his views.(3)What does the underlined word “unlikely” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese? A . 喜欢的B . 不喜欢的C . 可能的D . 不可能的(4)What can we learn about the article No End to World Hunger? A . It is in the Times.B . It is written by Luks Ng.C . Its writer thinks there will be little food in the future.D . Its writer thinks the worlds population will become small.(5)Which of the following is NOT the writers views? A . There will be no world hunger.B . Families have fewer children in wealthy countries.C . We can do something to solve the problem of world hunger.D . We can grow more crops with new farming technology.19. (10分)阅读理解On April 2, we said goodbye to Tiangong I, Chinas first space lab. According to the China Manned Space Agency (中国载人航天), Tiangong I re-entered the Earths atmosphere (大气层) and some of its debris (碎片) fell into the South Pacific Ocean.There are many spacecraft (宇宙飞船) that are still in orbit(轨道) above the Earth. After finishing their trips, they will all re-enter the Earths atmosphere like Tiangong I.There are two types of re-entries: controlled re-entry and uncontrolled re-entry.Some satellites and manned spacecraft come back to the Earth in a controlled re-entry. Experts calculate (计算) the path of the falling spacecraft and its speed. Thy can guide the spacecraft to fall in a chosen area.Some spacecraft may have problems while in space after a certain amount of time. These spacecraft come back in an uncontrolled re-entry. It is hard to tell when and where these spacecraft will fall until the last few hours. The US space station Skylab came back partially uncontrolled in 1979. Parts of the station fell in western Australia, but no one was hurt.During re-entry, most of the spacecraft will burn up while passing through the Earths atmosphere. Only a small amount of the debris will reach the ground. The debris typically ends up falling into the ocean, China Daily reported.(1)The debris from Tiangong I . A . fell into the South Pacific OceanB . fell in western AustraliaC . fell in the central part of the USD . fell into the North Pacific Ocean(2)When the spacecraft finishes its trip, it will . A . burn up and disappearB . speed up and fly back to the EarthC . enter another orbit and stay in spaceD . re-enter the Earths atmosphere(3)From the passage, we know there are types of re-entries. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(4)Which of the following is TRUE about the US space station Skylab? A . It came back in a controlled re-entry.B . Some people were hurt by its debris.C . Parts of it fell in western Australia.D . It was directed to fall into the ocean.(5)This story most probably comes from . A . a story bookB . a movie reviewC . a science magazineD . a government report20. (25分)根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题:How do you spend your time at school? Do you know how students in other countries study every day? Here are the studying ways in some western schools.American StudentsAmerican students spend seven hours in their schools every day. And the day is divided(划分) into classes of about 40 to 50 minutes. Students study English, history, math, science, art and foreign languages. They go to listen to different lessons taught by different teachers in different classrooms. After class they learn job skills. Sometimes they study by working in an office, a hospital or other places one day a week.German StudentsGerman students love practicing. Lots of schools have lessons for only half a day. They spend most time practicing. Teachers give students enough freedom. Students may try all kinds of ideas they have. They begin to plan what they will do in the future and work hard at a young age.French StudentsFrench students like independence(独立) and freedom. Their school life is very relaxing and interesting. When they have tests, they may have snacks. For example, they can put a few desks together, and put some peanuts (花生)or candies on them.(1)How many hours do American students spend at school every day? (2)Where can American students study besides in the classrooms? (3)What do German students like? (4)How long do lots of schools have lessons in Germany? (5)How is French students school life? 三、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(1)Our teacher wears a s_today, and he looks smart.(2)I r_many postcards from my students on Teachers Day.(3)The young man has enough e_and he works late every night.(4)My p_to study hard is that I can enter a famous university.(5)I visited many of my old friends during the p_in Beijing.四、 短文填空 (共1题;共7分)22. (7分)任务型阅读When I spent the summer with my grandmother, she always sent me to a store with a long shopping list. How could I hope to find all these things? In the store, there was a tall lady with black glasses on her nose. There wasnt a smile on her face.“Excuse me,” I said. She looked down and said, “Im Miss Bee.”“I need to get these.” I said, holding up my list. “So? Go to get them. ” Miss Bee pointed to some shelves. “Theres no one here, only you and me, so get yourself a basket and get all these things yourself.”That summer I visited Miss Bee twice a week. Sometimes she gave me wrong change. One afternoon I corrected her, “That bag of beans is only twenty-nine cents!”She just looked at me over her glasses and changed the price. Going to the store was more like going into battle. I got into the store just like General Patton getting into North Africa.Soon I learned how to find the product on the shelf At the end of the summer, the shopping trip only took me 15 minutes. Before I left, I stopped in the store to get some candy.“All right, little girl,” she said. “What did you learn this summer?” Before I could answer. Miss Bee laughed and said, “I know what you think of me. Well, I dont care! My job is to teach every child some life lessons. When you get older youll be glad you ever met Miss Bee. Haha!.”I didnt think of her words. Years passed, one day my daughter came to me with her homework. “Its too hard,” she said. “Could you finish my math problems for me?”“If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself?” I said. Suddenly, I was back at that store and I knew what I learned from the old lady that summer.(1)What did the writers grandmother always ask her to do during her summer vacation? _ A . Make lists for her shopping.B . Buy something in a store.C . Send lists to the lady in a store.D . Go to see the lady in a store.(2)How did the writer first shop in the store? _ A . She got all the things herself.B . Miss Bee helped her a lot.C . She asked someone for help.D . She shopped with her grandmother.(3)By telling the writer to shop herself, Miss Bee wanted her to know_. A . helping others is helping herselfB . theres no free lunch in the worldC . she can ask for help when she needsD . she cant always get help from others(4)What do you think of Miss Bee? Why?_五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)上周你去了深圳野生动物园(Shenzhen Safari Park),请根据你的所观所感,写一篇短文,词数80左右。 要点:1)有很多游客,可以开车进入动物园,并且可以和马、大象一起玩,它们很友好;2)看到了大熊猫,它们黑白相间,性情温和,看起来像熊,喜欢吃竹子;3)老虎很孤独,也许它们想回到森林里;4野生动物变得越来越少,保护野生动物很重要。要求:要点全部表达清楚,可适当拓展,语法正确、语句通顺。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解 (共5题;共61分)16-1、16-2、16-3、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、三、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、四、 短文填空 (共1题;共7分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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