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综合训练 新生代英语基础教程 Unit1 1 Iwasso thatIcouldn tgetupearly 2 Wearelooking tonewopportunities 3 Theyare withpreparationsfortheirwedding 4 I ll youinthefrontoftherestaurantlater 5 Itooka n atthebar andorderedadrink forwardseattiredinstructorhurryinterviewfamiliarengineerbusymeet tired forward busy meet seat 6 Shewrotetheletterinagreat 7 Maryworksasa n inalocalhighschool Sheteachesmusic 8 Myclassmatewillhavea n nextweek 9 Myfatherisa n inacompany 10 YourmajorisSoftwareDesign Areyou withthiskindofsoftware forwardseattiredinstructorhurryinterviewfamiliarengineerbusymeet hurry instructor interview engineer familiar 1 YoucanclimbMountFujiin A IrelandB SwedenC Japan2 Kellyisa n inarestaurant Shetakespeople sordersandcleanstables A instructorB waitressC classmate3 Shelooks IthinkIhavemetherbefore A familiarB engineerC student4 MynameisKevin My isKev A nicknameB lastnameC firstname5 Ihavegota n forajobasanengineer A schoolB collegeC interview C B A A C 6 Angelajustgotanewphone newphoneiswhite A HisB HeC Her7 Ihaveadog dog snameis Cooper A MyB IC It8 MaryandIlovetoeattogether favoritefoodispasta A YourB OurC Their9 Jackhasashirt shirtisblue A HisB HerC Their10 MynameisStevie What s name A youB yourC she C A B A B Unit2 1 Cropsweredamagedbythe 2 Itis forhimtogototheofficeonfoot 3 You lllikeTom he sreally 4 Idon t washingthedishes 5 I withmyfatheraboutmostthing mindusualcancelstormwaterproofrainingofficialfunnyterribleagree storm usual funny mind agree 6 Itis heavilyallday 7 Spanishisthecountry s language 8 IthinkIwillhaveto thedinner Iamnotfeelingwell 9 A n stormhittheislandlastnight 10 Jennyhasgota n watch sosheevenwearsitwhileswimming mindusualcancelstormwaterproofrainingofficialfunnyterribleagree raining official cancel terrible waterproof 1 Whatareyou atthemoment A doB doingC done2 Theschoolagreed thestudentsonthecourse A withsendingB sendingC tosend3 Therain comingdowninbuckets 倾盆而下 A areB isC am4 Listen Someoneis thedoorbell A ringingB rangC rung5 Thereisa tireinthetrunk 后备箱 ofthecar A mindB stormC spare B C B A C 6 Spring Wewillhavewarmweatherinthenextfewmonths A iscomingB arecomingC iscome7 Kevinusuallyeatsnoodlesforlunch buthe sushi 寿司 rightnow A areeatingB iseatingC eats8 Atthemoment SallyandI togetmarried A amplanningB areplanningC plans9 Shh I tostudy A amtryB aretryingC amtrying10 Jerry thetouraftersufferingabaddisease A canceledB setC agreed A B B C A Unit3 1 Mostofushaveneverseenelephants 2 Theylivealifeofabsolute 3 Alltheingredientsweusearetotally 4 Thereareplentyofoptions 选择 forvegetarians 素食者 onour 5 I dliketo thesalmon please naturalmenuorderdessertthirstyinthewildrichinluxurycontainfreefrom inthewild luxury natural menu order 6 I mreally CouldIhaveaglassofwater 7 Vegetables alotoffibers 8 The isservedafterthemainpartofameal 9 Ourcompanyaimstogrowvegetables pesticides 10 Soybeansare protein 蛋白质 thirsty contain dessert freefrom richin naturalmenuorderdessertthirstyinthewildrichinluxurycontainfreefrom 1 Iorderedapizzafordinner pizzawasverynice A aB C the2 InItaly peoplelovetoeat pasta A aB C the3 Graylovesfruit Hehas appleeveryday A aB theC an4 Canyoupleasepourme glassofjuice A aB C an5 Mikelovesvegetables Heisespeciallycrazyabout carrots A B anC the C B C A A 6 I dliketohave eggsandwichforlunch A B theC an7 Iheardthenewson radio A aB theC 8 It ssohottoday IthinkI llhave icecream A anB aC the9 JohnandValentinoarehaving noodlesfordinner A aB C the10 Fabioalwayshas cupofcoffeewithhisbreakfast A anB aC the C B A B B Unit4 salesclerkdiscountpantsperbargainingtipsnormallydependscashbuyers Maybewe llgotothebeach It ontheweather 2 It sachancetotrythingsyouwouldn t beabletodo 3 Doyouwanttopaybycreditcardorin 4 I mgoingtoaskthe ifIcantrythison 5 Theseshoesareonsale Theyhavea25 depends normally cash salesclerk discount 6 Lowerpricesshouldattractmore 7 Howmucharethese 8 Heispaid 10 hourforthejob 9 Sheisreallygoodat Shebuysmanyclothesatlowprices 10 Herearesomeuseful forsupermarketshopping salesclerkdiscountpantsperbargainingtipsnormallydependscashbuyers buyers pants per bargaining tips 1 Thathouris thanmyhouse A bigerB morebigC bigger2 Amandaisa runnerthanChris A fasterB fastterC fastest3 ThisTVisthe oneofthethree A largerB mostlargeC largest4 Miguelis thanStevieatthegame A gooderB betterC moregood5 Lindaisthe girlinherclass A tallB tallerC tallest C A C B C 6 Joycelovesthatdress Itmakesherlook A thinerB thinnerC thinnier7 Itisthe shirtinthestore A expensiverB expensiveC mostexpensive8 Thiswinter theweatherwasmuch thanlastwinter A badB badderC worse9 CanIpleasehavesome timetothinkaboutthis A moreB manyC much10 Jerry snewboatismuch thanhisoldone A morebeautifulB beautifulC beatuifuller B C C A A


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