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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020年初中英语七年级上册期中考试模拟卷一D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选出与划线部分意义相近的一项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)Do you have any good method of remembering English words?You can try to imagine a picture of the word.A . wayB . keyC . problem2. (2分)He woke up and found himself in the hospital. A . stopped sleepingB . kept sleepingC . started sleeping3. (2分)The old man looks very unhappy, because he lives , and he feels very .A . alone; aloneB . lonely; lonelyC . alone; lonelyD . lonely; alone4. (2分)There are two pictures on the wall of your living room, right?No. Theres just a single picture on it.A . only oneB . a bitC . a few5. (2分)Do you know why the meeting was cancelled? The boss was in a hurry to go to Beijing on business.A . switched offB . called offC . taken off6. (2分)Lisa, I think we should make some _ for the old man over there.OK. Please ask him to come here and take my seat.A . groundB . placeC . seatD . room7. (2分)What size do you need?_.A . LittleB . BrownC . 100 yuanD . Large8. (2分)Some people were looking for the missing boy. A . losingB . goneC . lost二、 单选题 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Bananas, apples and oranges are all .A . fruitsB . vegetablesC . drinks10. (2分)The football team played well, but they didnt _the competition. A . scoreB . beatC . succeedD . win11. (2分)Little Tom was in seventh heaven when he got a fashion bicycle for his birthday. A . disappointedB . angryC . upsetD . happy12. (2分)To be_ means to face difficulties with great courage.A . braveB . relaxedC . polite13. (2分)Oh, it _ so nice. What beautiful music it is!A . smellsB . soundsC . tastesD . looks14. (2分)The washed clothes will soon dry up in the wind.A . fly awayB . get wetC . 1ose water15. (2分)Dont worry about me while youre away. I will _ myself. A . take care ofB . take afterC . look forD . look forward to三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) One day, my English teacher asked me to help her save back-up(备份) copies of her work in the computer. I then realized I was able to know the grades of all of her students. I 1her how to copy files(文件) from one disk to another and she thanked me.A few days later, she asked me to help her again, because she 2how to do it. When I showed it to her, some students in my class 3and began to talk among themselves 4.Later that day, at lunch time, several of them came up to me.“Hey, could you help us change our grades? Well 5for it.”I could not believe what I heard. I could get paid for something very 6. “All right. Ill do it.” The next day, my English teacher 7me to help him out again. When he was not paying 8, I changed their grades from Fs to As.I soon became very 9among my friends. They began to treat me like God who could do 10. Word spread quickly and I became very rich.Everything was going fine 11I was called into the headmasters office. When I got there, both of my teacher and the headmaster were very angry. “ I dont want to 12what your teacher said, but I have to. She has too much evidence(证据), the headmaster said. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”“No,” I said finally. I didnt realize how 13my behavior had been. I had disappointed my teacher and the headmaster. And there was no way 14. I had to leave my school. That was a good 15for me.(1)A . said B . urged C . urged D . showed (2)A . lost B . remembered C . reminded D . forgot (3)A . listened B . noticed C . noticed D . checked (4)A . quietly B . luckily C . luckily D . angrily (5)A . pay B . praise C . praise D . explain (6)A . familiar B . easy C . interesting D . pleasant (7)A . challenged B . allowed C . taught D . asked (8)A . money B . work C . attention D . interest (9)A . common B . popular C . popular D . dishonest (10)A . something B . dishonest C . dishonest D . some things (11)A . until B . since C . because D . after (12)A . believe B . reply C . hate D . influence (13)A . hard B . interesting C . serious D . important (14)A . up B . in C . back D . down (15)A . skill B . lesson C . story D . example 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17. (8分)阅读理解 There are more than sixty cool places for kids in Virginia, and here are three of them. Busch Gardens is widely known for its roller coasters(过山车). It has some pretty fantastic rides. You need to be brave enough to enjoy them. Are you ready? The Eastern Shore Hang Gliding Center offers the ride of your life, from 2,500 feet to 1 mile high! Bring your younger brother or sister, too. This ride is good for ages 4 and up. Feel like skiing(滑雪) in spring or summer? Come to Snowflex Center and have fun on the synthetic ski slope(人造滑雪坡) which is the only one in the United States. Cant ski? Dont worry! You can take lessons. We have many excellent teachers!(1)Kids can _in Busch Gardens. A . ride a roller coasterB . go paraglidingC . feed small animalsD . go skiing(2)Kids need to be _to enjoy the rides in Busch Gardens. A . braveB . outgoingC . creativeD . rich(3)Kids _CANNOT enjoy the rides in the Eastern Shore Hang Gliding Center. A . over 14B . from 4 to 14C . under 14D . under 4(4)What can we learn about Snowflex Center? A . People can go there to ski only in winter.B . The skis(滑雪板)there are very expensive.C . We cant find the same ski slope in America.D . If you cant ski, dont go to Snowflex Center.(5)Which can be the best title(标题)? A . Have fun in Busch GardensB . Cool places for kids in VirginiaC . How to spend a great weekendD . Great theme parks for everyone18. (8分) When Ben Franklin was only a boy,he always wanted to know about things. He was always asking his father and brothers “What?”and “How?” and “Why?”They couldnt always tell him what he wanted to knowWhen they couldnt tell him,Ben tried to find out for himselfMany times Ben did find out things that no one knew before. The other boys would say,“That Ben Franklin!Hes always finding out something new!”Ben lived close to the waterHe liked to go there to see the boats. He saw how the wind blew them across the waterOne day Ben said to himself,“Why cant the wind help me float(漂浮)across the water?And Im going to try.” Ben got his big kiteHe took hold of the kite string(线)and ran with itThe wind took the kite up into the air. Then Ben jumped into the waterThe wind blew the kite high into the airBen began to float across the water. Soon he was on the other side,and he had not worked at all One boy shouted,“Look at Ben floating across the water!His kite takes him to the other side without any work!”“Yes,” said another“Hes always finding new ways to do things.”(1)When he was only a child,Ben _A . liked to fly a kite by himselfB . always asked easy questionsC . always liked to play with waterD . always liked to find out how things worked(2)His father and brothers _A . couldnt answer all his questionsB . could answer all his questionsC . tried hard to find out something new for himD . let him answer all the questions himself(3)In the passage,the sentence “and he had not worked at all” means“_”A . he worked hard to cross the waterB . he didnt go to work that dayC . he didnt cross the water at allD . he crossed the water in an easy way19. (8分)Steven Jobs, the designer of Apple Computer, was not clever when he was in school. At that time, he was not a good student and he always made troubles with his schoolmates. When he went into college, he didnt change a lot. Then he dropped out. But he was full of new ideas.After he left college, Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer. He worked there for only several months and then he went to India. He hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and give him a change in life.Steven Jobs lived on a farm in California for a year after he returned from India.In 1975, he began to make a new type of computer. He designed the Apple Computer with his friend in his garage. He chose the name Apple just because it could help him to remember a happy summer he once spent in an apple tree garden.His Apple Computer was such a great success that Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world.(1)Steven Jobs was not a good student in school because he _.A . never did his lessonsB . always made troubles with his schoolmatesC . was full of new ideasD . dropped out(2)Did Steven Jobs finish college?A . No, he didntB . No,he didnt go into college.C . Yes, he did.D . We dont know.(3)Steven Jobs designed his new computer _.A . in IndiaB . with his friendC . in a pear tree gardenD . by himself(4)Steven Jobs is famous for his _ all over the world.A . new ideasB . appleC . video gamesD . Apple Computer(5)From this passage we know _.A . Steven Jobs didnt finish his studies in the college because he hated his schoolmatesB . Steven Jobs liked traveling in India and CaliforniaC . Steven Jobs liked trying new things and making new ideas become trueD . Steven Jobs could only design video games20. (8分) Shopping in Singapore is really a pleasure for tourists. The Great Singapore Sale is held every year, usually during the summer months. Singapores famous shopping stores welcome a great number of visitors from all over the world. Their shopping hours last till midnight. During this time, nice and cheap goods are on sale for tourists to choose from. Tourists can also try delicious foods there and experience the Singaporean nightlife.Certain stores offer discounts of up to 70 percent or even higher if people use their credit(信用)cards. For tourists that hold a special Tourist Card, they can enjoy a lot of benefits(好处), such as discounts on watches, jewellery and cosmetics (化妆品). The card also gives discounts when you visit local attractions such as Singapore Zoo.It is well worth checking out in the different shopping districts of Singapore during this 8-week Shopping Marathon. Orchard Road is surely the best place for shopping in the city. A large number of restaurants and clubs can be found in this area. Marina Bay includes both big department stores(百货商店) as well as small shops, so everything you would want to buy can be found here.Advice for tourists planning to enjoy this festival of shopping: travel light and take a comfortable pair of shoes with you, for you are sure to do a lot of walking and return with your bags much heavier.(1)You will see the Great Singapore Sale if you go to Singapore in _.A . JanuaryB . AugustC . MayD . November(2)We can learn from the passage that _.A . the Great Singapore Sale is held twice a yearB . the Shopping Marathon lasts for more than two monthsC . Orchard Road is Singapores best shopping streetD . Marina Bay is a lonely street with small shops(3)Why are tourists advised to travel light if they want to enjoy the shopping festival?A . They will buy many goods and have to do lots of walking.B . It is not safe for them to take heavy bags with them.C . There is heavy traffic in the shopping districts of Singapore.D . Travelling with too many things is not allowed in Singapore.21. (8分)根据短文内容,完成下列小题。Do you live in a city? Do you know how cities began? Long long ago, the world had only a few thousand people. These people moved from one place to another. They moved over the land, hunting animals for food.No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to move houses any more.They could stay in one place and grow it. People began to live near each other, so the first village grew. Many people came to work in the villages, and these villages became larger and larger.Then people had machines, life in the villages changed again. People built factories. More and more people lived near the factories. So the villages grew into cities. Some of them grew very big.Today, its strange that some people are moving back to small villages. Can you tell me why?(1)How many people were there in the world long long ago? (no more than 5 words)(2)What did the villages grow into after people built factories? (no more than 5 words)(3)Why did people move from place to place long long ago? (no more than 5 words)(4)Who knows when people learned about growing food? (no more than 5 words)(5)Why are some people moving back to small villages?五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Layla and her family were driving to the town park. It was a hot day. She wanted to swim in the lake. As they got out of the car, Layla saw _(she) friends.Lets go into the water! she called. All the kids jumped in _(happy).Layla always has fun at the park. In spring, Laylas dad often takes her fishing in _(冠词) lake. They usually go early in the morning. The lake water is still (平静的). It is different _(介词) the river, which has water that runs byIn summer, _(family) have picnics near the lake. The kids play and swim in the lake.In the morning of autumn, the lake has fog (雾) over it. Laylas dad once_(tell) her something about fog: Hot summer days warm the water, and then cool autumn air _(move) over the lakes warm water. The water vapor(水蒸汽) in the air gets cool. It _(become) small drops of water (水珠). We can see those drops of water hang in the air as fog.Layla loves winter at the park too. The cold _(temperature) turn the water into ice. Many people go skating on the ice.The lake looks different at different times of the year, _(连词) it is always a good place to have fun!六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)请根据以下提示写一篇60词左右的英语短文,谈一谈自己喜欢的和不喜欢的动物及原因。提示:1. What animals do you like? Why?2. Where are they from?3. What animals dont you like? Why not?第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 选出与划线部分意义相近的一项。 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 单选题 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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