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人教版中考英语真题(完形填空)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共8题;共120分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳 选项。Thanksgiving Day was coming. Miss Green asked her students to do special 1as homework. Please draw a picture to show your 2.said Miss Green.Then everyone began to draw pictures. Most of the class drew a turkey or other traditional things, but Douglas, a shy boy, drew a 3thing. He only drew one hand. Miss Green was very4.Whose hand is it? Miss Green asked Douglas. His classmates were also surprised at his picture. One child said, It must be a farmers hand, because farmers5turkeys. Others guessed it was his fathers hand because Douglass family was very6and his father had to work day and night for money.Its7hand. answered Douglas.Mine? Why do you draw my hand? said Miss Green.You often8my hand to play outside. And you teach me how to hold my pencil. Your hands are very9to me. The teachers eyes become10. Oh, the boy was showing his thanks to his teacher.(1)A . questions B . gifts C . work D . toys (2)A . thanks B . wishes C . asks D . shouts (3)A . lovely B . difficult C . beautiful D . different (4)A . excited B . unhappy C . sick D . surprised (5)A . eat B . buy C . keep D . kill (6)A . poor B . happy C . rich D . clean (7)A . her B . your C . my D . our (8)A . draw B . give C . take D . reach (9)A . kind B . warm C . cute D . strange (10)A . wet B . weak C . wide D . pretty 2. (15分) Mike didnt do his English homework. The teacher asked him 1. “Im sorry, I2.” “But why did you forget?”It didnt seem3or important,”said Mike. Are you going to punish (惩罚)me?”asked Mike. “4. The punishment is for me. I didnt teach you well,” said the teacher.“Thank you,”said Mike. You are the best 5in the world. I can never know as much as you , but you taught me a lot.”How can I be a good teacher if the students do not know more than me? I will not succeed until that happens,”6the teacher.Mikes7teacher was a strict(严厉的) man. Every day Mike played the same piece of music,and the teacher said it was not good and he must practise8. After two years of hard work, Mike left and felt sad.9when he played it in public, everyone said it was perfect, and he found he could play other pieces of music easily.What do you think of these two10?(1)A . how B . what C . why D . when (2)A . forgot B . forgets C . forget D . was forgetting (3)A . interest B . to interest C . interested D . interesting (4)A . Yes B . No C . Of course D . OK (5)A . student B . doctor C . scientist D . teacher (6)A . asked B . said C . cried D . laughed (7)A . Maths B . music C . Chinese D . PE (8)A . more B . a little C . many D . a lot of (9)A . And B . So C . Or D . But (10)A . students B . doctors C . teachers D . artistst 3. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项 Alex was a giraffe who lived in a zoo with his mum, dad and other giraffe friends. As Alex grew, he1his neck was much shorter than the others. He began to get2. But his mother told him to relax. She said it did not matter how short or long his neck was.Alex tried not to think3his short neck. But as his friends grew taller and taller, his neck4short. Sometimes the other giraffes5him, but his parents said that he should be happy with himself the way he was. He tried, but he could not even play in some giraffe sports6his height.One day, one of the zoo workers came and took Alex away. Alex was frightened. The zoo worker calmed Alex down and gave him some food. He felt7. Then he led Alex into another area of the zoo. There was a small door between the two areas. Alex was the only giraffe that could fit8it.Soon Alexs parents came to see him and said. “The zoo has made a place just for you because so many people want to see how9you are!” They were right. Visitors pointed to him and screamed10. They looked happy to see something so different at the zoo.(1)A . wondered B . found C . agreed (2)A . pleased B . interested C . worried (3)A . back B . aloud C . about (4)A . stayed B . turned C . became (5)A . cared for B . laughed at C . heard of (6)A . according to B . because of C . instead of (7)A . worse B . best C . better (8)A . through B . across C . past (9)A . joyful B . difficult C . unusual (10)A . excitedly B . sadly C . angrily 4. (15分)完形填空There was a bridge crossing a big river from west to east. It1a man five minutes 2it. There was a pavilion(凉亭)3the middle of the bridge with a soldier4. He came out5three minutes.6he saw somebody crossing the bridge, he would tell him to go7, not permitting(限制)him to cross. A clever man thought of a8idea, and crossed the9at last. What10did the clever man think of to cross the bridge?(1)A . take B . took C . taking (2)A . walking B . to walk C . to cross (3)A . in B . to C . on (4)A . nearly B . inside C . outside (5)A . every B . very C . of (6)A . As B . If C . After (7)A . right B . left C . back (8)A . great B . kind C . well (9)A . river B . bridge C . man (10)A . road B . thing C . idea 5. (15分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案,使短文完整、通顺。The other evening we had a knock at the door. It was a new 1who introduced himself and his boys to us. He also 2us to a block party as a way to know the people in the neighborhood as well as celebrate his familys coming to live here.Weve lived here almost six years and 3has ever come to introduce themselves. I suppose we should have introduced ourselves to people moving in,but we havent. In my opinion, it took the initiative (首创) of a young man and his sons to show me how I could 4better attention to my own community. I have many local friends but I have to say that I havent usually been the one to develop the 5in my own neighborhood.This experience 6me of one of my favorite sayings : “When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was 7to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldnt change the nation, I began to focus on(集中精力) my town. I couldnt change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my 8. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and 9I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an influence on my family and even on my town. The influence could have changed the nation and I could have changed the world.”For those of us who want to make a(n) 10in the world, its important we remember what Bucky Fuller said, “Think globally(全球的), but act locally” For me, Im going to make it a point to meet more of my neighborsstarting now.(1)A . stranger B . classmate C . partner D . neighbor (2)A . invited B . complained C . prepared D . encouraged (3)A . anyone B . someone C . everyone D . no one (4)A . draw B . lose C . pay D . offer (5)A . trouble B . friendship C . care D . business (6)A . reminded B . told C . warned D . completed (7)A . difficult B . easy C . Interesting D . right (8)A . state B . family C . town D . mind (9)A . happily B . suddenly C . actually D . luckily (10)A . decision B . difference C . affect D . mistake 6. (15分) Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and 1are creative. Hobbies can develop your interests and help you learn new skills.David Smith is a student. His hobby is writing. 2the summer of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp. As well as the usual activities, such as sailing, climbing and mounting biking, there was a writing workshop with a profession3. “She asked us to imagine that we were in a story. Then we wrote about our4at the camp.”In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life, and it 5 as a book in 2003. Many teenagers love his book, and as a result, David has become a 6 young writer.David has been very lucky 7his hobby has brought him enjoyment and success. But he is 8interested in many other things. “I like playing volleyball, too.” says David. “I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. 9Ill write more books in the future, but Im not sure.”Its something difficult 10 that we shouldnt spend all our time on our favourite hobby. There are many other interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do something new or different.(1)A . otherB . others C . the other D . another (2)A . DuringB . At C . For D . On (3)A . managerB . doctor C . singer D . writer (4)A . experiences B . examples C . excuses D . experiments (5)A . took outB . tried out C . came out D . went out (6)A . successfulB . normal C . polite D . lonely (7)A . orB . but C . because D . though (8)A . tooB . also C . only D . either (9)A . Usually B . Immediately C . Maybe D . Once (10)A . rememberB . remembers C . remembered D . to remember 7. (15分)完形填空 Good afternoon, everyone! I am 1English girl.2name is Nancy. Im eight, 3is the girl? She is my sister. My sisters name is 4. Ella and 5are students. My mother 6a teacher. 7is a Chinese teacher. My brothers name is 8. Hes five .My 9isnt in England. He is in Shanghai. He is a Chinese teacher, 10. Do you want to make friends(做朋友) with me? Write to me, please.(1)A . a B . an C . the D . / (2)A . I B . Me C . My D . Mine (3)A . What B . How C . who D . What color (4)A . Jack B . Gina C . Linda D . Ella (5)A . I B . my C . mine D . me (6)A . be B . is C . am D . are (7)A . Her B . Hers C . Shes D . She (8)A . Mary B . Sally C . Paul D . Jane (9)A . father B . aunt C . grandmother D . daughter (10)A . too B . to C . two D . of 8. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 One night a man came to my house. He told me. There is a family with eight 1. They dont have anything to eat. After I asked him where the family was. I took some 2with me and left.When I finally got to that family, I 3those little children were so hungry that they could not 4anything. There was no sadness in their eyes, just the deep pain of hunger. I gave the food to the mother. She took half of it, and then went out. When she 5, I asked her, Where did you go? She gave me this simple 6, To my neighbours. They are also 7!I was not surprised that she gave the food to others, because poor people are always very 8. But I was surprised that she knew her 9were hungry when she was also in need of food. Usually, when we are in trouble or in danger, we always 10ourselves first, and we have no time for others.(1)A . children B . boys C . girls (2)A . flowers B . water C . food (3)A . found B . asked C . showed (4)A . write B . buy C . say (5)A . left B . returned C . visited (6)A . question B . answer C . reason (7)A . ill B . unhappy C . hungry (8)A . stupid B . brave C . kind (9)A . children B . neighbours C . family (10)A . think of B . talk about C . look for 第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共8题;共120分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、

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