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Module1HowtolearnEnglish Unit1Let strytospeakEnglishasmuchaspossible Learninggoals 1 Masterthenewwordsandphrases 2 TalkabouttheimportanceoflearningEnglish 3 Understandandmasterpronunciationandspeaking Newwords 1 pairn 相关的 两个人 一对2 correctv 改正 纠正adj 正确的 对的3 spellingn 拼写4 wordn 词 单词 字5 practisev 练习6 matchv 找到与 相配之物 使相配7 meaningn 意义pletev 把 填完整 使完整9 sentencen 句子10 dictionaryn 词典 字典11 grammarn 语法 12 lettern 字母13 lookup查 查找14 mistaken 错误 过错15 makeamistake犯错误16 understand understood v 理解 明白17 advicen 建议 意见18 shouldv aux 应该19 possibleadj可能的20 writedown写下 记下21 notebookn 笔记本22 forget forgot v 忘记23 Pronouncev 发 的音 24 aloudadv 大声地 出声地25 radion 电台 广播26 pronunciationn 发音27 keyadj 关键性的 非常重要的28 mainadj 主要的 最大的29 excellentadj 极好的 优秀的30 agreev 赞同31 agreewithsb 同意某人 Englisharoundus 7 newspaper magazine internet WherecanweseeEnglishinourdailylife 报纸 nju zpeip 杂志 互联网 8 radio AustralianBroad castingCompany BritishBroadca stingCompany 电台 澳洲广播电台 英国国家广播公司 re di 9 ChinaRadioInternational VoiceofAmerica CRI 美国之音 SpecialEnglish StandardEnglish 特别英语 标准英语 10 TVstation 电视台 11 radio TVset camera 照相机 电视机 收音机 12 computer mobilephone telephone 手机 电话 电脑 13 VCD calculator andsoon 计算器 等等 14 现在全世界共有50多个国家和地区把英文作为官方语言 Peoplefrommorethan50countriesspeakEnglish WhichcountriesisEnglishspokenin 15 theUK 这些国家和地区曾经是英国殖民地 英国 16 Canada NewYork 北美洲 纽约 加拿大 USA 17 大洋洲 Australia NewZealand 澳大利亚 新西兰 18 HongKong 亚洲 Singapore 香港 新加坡 19 Philippines Malaysia 马来西亚 菲律宾 20 India Pakistan 印度 巴基斯坦 21 Ireland 爱尔兰 欧洲 22 andsoon 非洲 SouthAfrica 南非 1 DoyoulikeEnglish 2 HowdoyoulearnEnglish 3 Doyouthinkit sdifficulttolearnEnglish Why 4 What sthemostdifficultthingsinlearningEnglish Englishisveryimportantanduseful English s ing l ing r ing w ing isten ead peak rit HowdopeopleusuallylearnEnglish English letter s ing l ing r ing w ing isten ead peak rit TostudyEnglish whatwilltheylearnatfirst English sentence vocabulary pronunciation letter grammar punctuation s ing l ing r ing w ing isten ead peak rit Whatelsedotheyneedtolearn Part1 readtheinstructionsandcheck theonesyouunderstand 1 Workinpairs Askandanswerthequestions 2 Correctthespelling 3 Listenandcheckthewordsyouhear 4 Practisesayingthewords 5 Matchthewordswiththeirmeanings 6 Completethesentenceswiththewordsinthebox Part2listenandanswerthequestions Usethewordsandexpressionsinthebox dictionarygrammarletterlookupmakeamistakeunderstand 1 WhichworddidDamingnotunderstand 2 WhatmistakedidLinglingmake 3 HowdoesDmingusuallycheckthespellingofaword 4 WhywasitdifficultforDamingtocheckthespellingofcinema ReadandtrytotellhowtolearnEnglishwellaccordingtothedialogue Whatadvicecanyouhear Whatadvicecanyouhear 1 YoushouldalwaysspeakEnglishinclass 2 Youshouldwritedownyourmistakesinyournotebooks Whatadvicecanyouhear 3 Whydon tyouwritedownthecorrectspellingandgrammarnexttothemistakes Whatadvicecanyouhear 4 It sagoodideatocheckyourvocabularynotebookeveryday Whatadvicecanyouhear 5 HowaboutlisteningtotheradioorreadinganewspaperinEnglish Buttrynottotranslateeveryword Whatadvicecanyouhear 6 Ithinkeveryoneshouldhaveapenfriendandwriteemailmessagestoeachother Readandfillintheblanks J You alwaysspeakEnglishinclass Andyou writedownyourmistakesinyournotebooks And youwritedownthecorrectspellingandgrammarnexttothemistakes Whatelse L It s tocheckyourvocabularynotebookeveryday J That sagoodidea Thanksalot Lingling listeningtotheradioorreadinganewspaperinEnglish But totranslateeveryword L Ithinkeveryone haveapenfriendandwriteemailmessagestoeachother I mgoingtomeetmypenfriendinBeijingthisterm should should whydon t agoodidea Howabout trynot should Nowlet sdosomeexercise 1 YoushouldalwaysspeakEnglishinclass advice 建议 不可数n should 动词原型 应该做某事 Eg Heshouldcomehereearly shouldn t shouldnot Eg Weshouldn twatchTValot Let spractice Heoftengetsuplate He upearly shouldget IwatchTVallthetime You TVallthetime shouldn twatch 一直 Hehadanaccident He morecareful shouldbe MrLidrivestoofast He toofast shouldn tdrive He slowly shoulddrive TaoTaoplayscomputergameseveryday He computergameseveryday shouldn tplay B should speakEnglish inclass 1 You Tryto ShouldspeakEnglishinclass 2 TrytospeakEnglishinclass 3 speakChineseinclass Trynotto A should Listentotheteachercarefully Youshould listentotheteachercarefully Tryto Trytolistentotheteachercarefully Trytodosth尽力去做某事 Trynottodosth尽量不要去做某事 2 Whydon tyouwriteitdown advice Whydon tyou 动词原型 为什么不 Eg Whydon tyougotoschool Whynotgotoschool Whynot 动词原型 写下来 Ican tgetanyfish Whynotgotothemarket Whydon twewatchafilm Let sgoforawalk Idon tknowtheway Whynotfollowme I mthirsty Whydon tyou I mfeelingbad baby Whynotseeadoctor Whydon twewatchafilm That sagoodidea 表示提建议的句型有 How Whatabout Wouldyoulike Let s Whydon tyou Whynot Youshould shouldn t It sagoodideatodo doingsth todosth dosth 常用的回答是 That sagood greatidea OK Allright Dosomeexercises 1 Fillintheblanks 1 Sheshould go toschoolearly go 2 Whydon tyou play basketball play 3 Howabout eat noodles eating 4 Therearefive mistake inyourhomework 5 Sheisgoingto help hisfather 6 It sagoodideato get upearly 7 He play footballverywell 8 Mymotherhassix penfriend mistakes help get plays penfriends 1 A DoyoulikeEnglish B Yes why A listentoanEnglishsongafterclass B 2 A Whatareyougoingtodothisevening B IthinkIwillstayathome A watchanEnglishfilmwithme B 3 A ThisEnglisharticleisdifficult B chooseaneasierone Choosethewordstocompletethedialogue Goodidea Whydon tyou Whatelse Let sWhynotHowabout practicespeaking OK Excellent Allright Let s Goodidea OK Excellent Allright Whydon tyou Whynot Goodidea OK Excellent Allright Whydon tyou Whynot 4 A HowcanIspeakEnglishwell B Youshouldoften English5 A writedownthecorrectwordsnexttothemistakes B 6 A Mum Ihavesweptthefloor shouldIdo B That sOK Thankyou 7 A talkingtoourforeignteacher B 8 A I mnotgoodatEnglish B speakmoreEnglishinclassandlistentotheteachercarefully A Iwill practicespeaking Whydon tyou Whynot Goodidea OK Excellent Allright Whatelse Whatabout Howabout Goodidea OK Excellent Allright Whydon tyou Whynot OK Allright Listenandrepeat 1 Followthetapetoreadthesentences 1 Whydon tyouwriteitdown 2 Whatelse 3 That sagoodidea 4 Thanksalot 2 Inpairs readthedialogueloudly Homework 1 copyandlearnthenewwordsbyheart 2 WritefivenewadviceaboutlearningEnglishwell 3 WriteashortpassageabouthowtolearnEnglishwellinyourexercisebook


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