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一般现在时 一般现在时 1 表示现在的状态 e g He stwelve She satwork 2 表经常或习惯性的动作 e g Igetupat6 30everyday HereadsEnglisheverymorning 3 表主语具备的性格和能力等 e g Shelikesnoodles TheyspeakEnglish 4 普遍真理和自然规律 e g Twoplusfourissix Themoongoesaroundtheearth 1 be动词的一般现在时的句式 肯定句 主语 be 其他 e g Heisaworker Youarethirteen Theyareintheclassroom 否定句 主语 be not 其他 e g Heisnotaworker Youaren tthirteen Theyaren tintheclassroom 一般疑问句 Be 主语 其他 e g Isheaworker Yes heis No heisn t Areyouthirteen Aretheyintheclassroom Yes theyare No theyaren t 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 be 主语 e g Whatishe Whatcolouristhatbird Howoldareyou Wherearethey 2 实义动词的一般现在时句式 肯定句 主语 I We You They 实义动词 其他e g IstayathomeonSaturdays 主语 He She It 实义动词三单现形式 其他e g HestaysathomeonSaturdays 否定句 主语 I We You They do not 动词原形 其他e g Theydon thavesportseveryday 主语 He She It does not 动词原形 其他e g Lucydoesn thavesportseveryday 一般疑问句 Do 主语 I we you they 动词原形 其他 e g DoyoustayathomeonSaturdays Dotheyhavesportseveryday Does 主语 he she it 动词原形 其他 e g DoeshestayathomeonSaturdays DoesLucyhavesportseveryday 特殊疑问句 疑问词 do does 主语 动词原形 其他 e g Whatdoyouwant Whatdoesshewant Whattimedoyouhavelunch Whattimedoesshehavelunch HowdoyoulikeChinesefood HowdoeshelikeChinesefood Howmanytomatoesdoyouwant Howmanytomatoesdoeshewant Howdoyougotowork Howdoesyourfathergotowork 当主语是第三人称单数时 动词需变化1 直接 s 如 take takes 2 sh ch o s结尾 es 如 teach teaches 3 以辅音 y结尾 变y为i es 如 fly flies 根据图画利用所学的一般现在时造句 JimplayscomputergameseveryMonday JimPlaycomputergameseveryMonday mymotherreadbookseverymorning Mymotherreadsbookseverymorning MarysingsongseveryThursday MarysingssongseveryThursday heplaybasketballeverySaturday HeplaysbasketballeverySaturday TheygoshoppingeverySunday theygoshoppingeverySunday TheboyplayfootballWednesday TheboyplaysfootballonWednesday myfatherandIgoswimmingeverySunday MyfatherandIgoswimmingeverySunday 一 用动词的适当形式填空 1She get upat6 30everymorning 2Hisfather ride abiketogotoworkeveryday 3Jim go shoppingonSundays 4There be somebreadonthetable 二翻译句子 1他每天七点上学 2每周五下午 他们去游泳 3她每天都写作业吗 4你周日都经常做什么 5你有词典吗 Hegoestoschoolat7 00everymorning Doesshedoherhomeworkeveryday TheygoswimmingeveryFridayafternoon WhatdoyouusuallydoeverySunday Doyouhaveadictionary Be动词用法口诀 Be动词包括is am are我是am 你是are 他 她 它 是is 们是are 单数is 复数are 变否定真容易be后not为标记变问句be提前 句尾问号要配全 应用时多注意缩写形式要牢记 I m Iamyou re youarehe s heisshe s sheisit s itiswe re weareyou re youarethey re theyare Be动词第一套题 一 用be动词的适当形式填空 1 I anEnglishteachernow 2 They gladtoseeeachother 3 HelenandNancy goodfriends 4 Thelittledog twoyearsoldthisyear 5 Look there lotsofgrapeshere 6 There asignonthechaironMonday 7 Today thesecondofJune It Children sDay Allthestudents veryexcited 8 Theskyblue 9 Iaboy 10 There be somewaterinthebottle 二 用恰当的be动词填空 1 I aboy youaboy No I not 2 Thegirl Jack ssister 3 Thedog tallandfat 4 Themanwithbigeyes ateacher 5 yourbrotherintheclassroom 6 Where yourmother She athome 7 How yourfather 8 MikeandLiuTao atschool 9 Whosedress this 10 Whosesocks they 11 That myredskirt 12 Who I 13 Thejeans onthedesk 14 Here ascarfforyou 15 Here somesweatersforyou 16 Theblackgloves forSuYang 17 Thispairofgloves forYangLing 18 Thetwocupsofmilk forme 19 Sometea intheglass 20 Gaoshan sshirt overthere 21 Mysister sname Nancy 22 This notWangFang spencil 23 DavidandHelenfromEngland 24 There agirlintheroom 25 There someapplesonthetree 26 thereanykitesintheclassroom 27 thereanyapplejuiceinthebottle 28 There somebreadontheplate 29 There aboy twogirls threemenandtenwomeninthepark 30 You heandI fromChina 二 句型转换 1 Theyaredoinghousework 分别改成一般疑问句和否定句 2 Thestudentsarecleaningtheclassroom 改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答 3 Tomisunderthetree 变为否定句 4 Themouse steetharesharp 变一般疑问句并作肯定回答 5 Theskateboardsareblack 改成否定句 6 Itsbranchesarelong 意思不变 改否定句 7 Sheisalwaysagoodstudent 改为一般疑问句 作否定回答 Be动词第二套题 be动词用法练习题1 选择正确的be动词填空 1 I astudent 2 We friends 3 He agoodboy 4 She ismysister 5 They playingfootball 6 You myfriend 2 be的练习 1 I aboy youaboy No I not 2 Thegirl Kangkang ssister 3 yourbrotherintheclassroom 4 Who I 5 Thebooks onthedesk 6 Mysister sname Jane 7 There agirlintheroom 8 There someapplesonthetree 9 There aboy twogirls threemenandtenwomeninthepark 3 句型转换 1 将下列句子分别转换成否定句和疑问句 1 Iamdrawingapicture 2 Theyareplayingfootball 3 Hisfatherisateacher 4 Wearehavingamusicclass 5 Sheisasinger 4 句型转换 1 Iamateacher 转换成为一般疑问句并回答 2 Theyarereadingabook 转换成为一般疑问句并回答 3 Heisplayingcomputergames 转换成为一般疑问句并回答 4 WearehavinganEnglishclass 转换成为一般疑问句并回答 5 Sheisdancing 转换成为一般疑问句并回答 Be动词第三套练习题 在下面的短文中填上恰当be动词 I agirl Myname Mary I inClass2 Grade7 I 12yearsold Here myfamilyphoto Look These myparentsandthose mygrandparents Thisboy mybrother He 15yearsoldnow That mycat Mimi It verylovely 二 用am is are填空 1 I astudent 2 You adoctor 3 shefromJinan 4 youAmerican 5 He inClass4 Grade1 6 It acar 7 They cars8 yourmotherinChina 9 yourfriendsinNewYork 10 What hername 11 These buses 12 Those oranges 13 Where hermother 14 Howold yourteacher 15 Whatclass youin 三 用am is are填空 1 I aboy youaboy No I not 2 Thegirl Jack ssister 3 Thedog tallandfat 4 Themanwithbigeyes ateacher 5 yourbrotherintheclassroom6 Where yourmother She athome 7 How yourfather 三 用am is are填空 8 MikeandLiuTao atschool 9 Whosedress this 10 Whosesocks they 11 That myredskirt 12 Who I 13 Thejeans onthedesk 14 Here ascarfforyou 15 Here somesweatersforyou 16 Theblackgloves forSuYang 17 Thispairofgloves forYangLing 五 模仿 Eg Thatisabook 否定句 Thatisnotabook 疑问句 Isthatabook 回答 Yes itis No itisn t 1 Thisisacoat 否定句 疑问句 回答 2 Iamastudent 否定句 疑问句 回答 3 Youareastar 否定句 疑问句 回答 4 Theseareapples 否定句 疑问句 回答 一般现在时第一套练习题 一 一 写出下列动词的第三人称数 talk forget hope stop perform play say buy worry fly study like make take love recite become come drive shine leave wake ride Write hike give See swim stop Shop plan get sit let cut run forget begin wash watch finish teach fish reach go do 二 二 用括号内动词的适当形式填空 1 Heoften have dinnerathome 2 DanielandTommy be inClassOne 3 We notwatch TVonMonday 4 Nick notgo tothezooonSunday 5 they like theWorldCup 6 What theyoften do onSaturdays 二 用括号内动词的适当形式填空 7 yourparents read newspaperseveryday 8 Thegirl teach usEnglishonSundays 9 SheandI take awalktogethereveryevening 10 There be somewaterinthebottle 11 Mike like cooking 13 Myaunt look afterherbabycarefully 14 Youalways do yourhomeworkwell 15 I be ill I mstayinginbed 16 She go toschoolfromMondaytoFriday 17 LiuTao do notlikePE 18 Thechildoften watch TVintheevening 19 SuHaiandSuYang have eightlessonsthisterm 20 Whatday be ittoday It sSaturday 21Weoften play intheplayground 22 He get upatsixo clock 23 you brush yourteetheverymorning 24 What do heusually do afterschool 25 Danny study English Chinese math scienceandartatschool 26 Mikesometimes go totheparkwithhissister 27 Ateightatnight she watch TVwithherparents 28 Mike read Englisheveryday 29 Howmanylessons yourclassmate have onMonday 30 Whattime hismother do thehousework 三 按照要求改写句子 1 DanielwatchesTVeveryevening 改为否定句 2 Idomyhomeworkeveryday 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 3 Shelikesmilk 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 三 按照要求改写句子 4 Amylikesplayingcomputergames 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 5 Wegotoschooleverymorning 改为否定句 6 HespeaksEnglishverywell 改为否定句 三 按照要求改写句子 7 Iliketakingphotosinthepark 对划线部分提问 8 JohncomesfromCanada 对划线部分提问 9 Sheisalwaysagoodstudent 改为一般疑问句 作否定回答 三 按照要求改写句子 10 SimonandDaniellikegoingskating 改为否定句 11 Doyouoftenplayfootballafterschool 肯定回答 12 Ihavemanybooks 改为否定句 13 GaoShan ssisterlikesplayingtabletennis 改为否定句 14 ShelivesinasmalltownnearNewYork 改为一般疑问句 15 IwatchTVeveryday 改为一般疑问句 16 Davidhasgotagoal 改为一般疑问句 17 Wehavefourlessons 改为否定句 18 Nancydoesn trunfast 改为肯定句 19 Mydogrunsfast 否定句一般疑问句 20 Mikehastwolettersforhim 一般疑问句 否定句 21 IusuallyplayfootballonFridayafternoon 否定句 一般疑问句 22 SunYangusuallywashessomeclothesonSaturday 否定句 一般疑问句 四 改错 划出错误的地方 将正确的写在横线上 1 IsyourbrotherspeakEnglish 2 Doeshelikesgoingfishing 3 Helikesplaygamesafterclass 4 Mr WuteachsusEnglish 5 Shedon tdoherhomeworkonSundays 一般现在时第二套题 一 按照要求改写句子 1 DanielwatchesTVeveryevening 改为否定句 2 Idomyhomeworkeveryday 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 3 Shelikesmilk 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 4 Amylikesplayingcomputergames 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 5 Wegotoschooleverymorning 改为否定句 6 HespeaksEnglishverywell 改为否定句 7 Sheisalwaysagoodstudent 改为一般疑问句 作否定回答 8 SimonandDaniellikegoingskating 改为否定句 9 Doyouoftenplayfootballafterschool 肯定回答 10 Ihavemanybooks 改为否定句 11 GaoShan ssisterlikesplayingtabletennis 改为否定句 12 ShelivesinasmalltownnearNewYork 改为一般疑问句 13 IwatchTVeveryday 改为一般疑问句 14 Davidhasgotagoal 改为一般疑问句 15 Wehavefourlessons 改为否定句 16 Nancydoesn trunfast 改为肯定句 17 Mydogrunsfast 否定句 一般疑问句 18 Mikehastwolettersforhim 一般疑问句 否定句 19 IusuallyplayfootballonFridayafternoon 否定句 一般疑问句 20 SunYangusuallywashessomeclothesonSaturday 否定句 一般疑问句 21 Mingmingusuallywaterstheflowerseveryday 否定句 一般疑问句 22 Tomdoeshishomeworkathome 否定句 一般疑问句 一般现在时第三套题 一写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式 drink go stay make look have pass carry come watch plant fly study brush do teach 一 用动词的适当形式填空 1 Weoften play intheplaygound 2 He get upatsixo clock 3 you brush yourteetheverymorning 4 What do heusually do afterschool 5 Danny study English Chinese Maths ScienceandArtatschool 6 Mikesometimes go totheparkwithhissister 7 Ateightatnight she watch TVwithhisparents 8 Mike read Englisheveryday 9 Howmanylessons yourclassmate have onMonday 10 Whattime hismother do thehousework


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