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Where smybackpack ThisisTommy shouse Doyouknowwhatarethese table bed dresser bookcase sofa chair drawer plant Mikecannotfindhisbackpack soheaskhisclassmateHelen Whereismypencil It sunderthetable 方位介词 On在上面 指与物体表面接触 eg ontheflooronthetree2 In在 里面eg inmybackpackinthetreeUnder在 下面eg underthechair 4 Nextto紧接着 在 旁边eg nexttothesofa5 Between 在 之间eg betweenthesofaandchair6 Behind在 后面eg behindthedoor 表示方位的词组 onthedeskonthefloorintheboxintheclassroomunderthetablebehindthesofabehindthechairnexttotheTVnexttothedoor 在桌子上在地板上在盒子里在教室里在桌子下面在沙发后面在椅子后面在电视旁边在门旁边 Where smybackpack 问 这是一个什么疑问句 应该怎么回答 答 这是一个特殊疑问句 where是疑问副词 引导疑问句时放在句首 后面跟一个一般疑问句 回答这类问句的时候 不能想回答一般疑问句一样用yes或no 而要根据疑问词所问情况具体回答 Doyouknowthenamesofthethings dictionary key Computergame baseball pencil backpack A Whereisyourmather B Sheisathome A Isyourmatherathome B Yes sheis A Isyourmatheronthestreet B No sheisnot 比较 一般疑问句 Aretheyonthebed Yes theyare No theyaren t 特殊疑问句 Whereareyou Iamintheschool 一般疑问句 Isthisadresser Yes itis No itisn t It sabookcase特殊疑问句 What sthis It sanalarmclock Jackforgetwhereheputhisbaseball soheaskhissisterMary Isthebaseballonthesofa Yes itis No itisn t It sunderthechair Grammarfocus Soniacan tfindherdolls sheaskherbrotherDavid Wherearemydolls Idon tknow Aretheyonyourbed No they renot Aretheyinthedrawer Yes theyare Thanks Usethethingstopracticethedialogue Eg Whereisthebaseball It sunderthesofa plate bottle butterfly case strawberry Glasscup egg cake sandwich Itis介词物品 1 2 3 4 2 1 3 2 4 ThethingsinJim sbedroom Canyoutellthenames mathbook Alarmclock CD computergame videotape hat grammar 1 Take to 把 某人或某物 拿到 某处 去 eg Pleasetakemybackpacktotheclassroom 2 bring to 从别处把某人或某物带来或拿来说话者所在的地方 eg Canyoubringyourhattoschool Eg TaketheChinesebookawayandbringmeanEnglishbook

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