七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Fashion Study skills and Task课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit8 Unit8Fashion StudyskillsandTask Look Heiswearingajacket jacket夹克衫 短上衣 Presentation Theisland sfeaturewasitsbeauty featuren 特征 Don tyoulikethefeelofthismaterial materialn 材料 designn 设计 构思 Ilikethedesignofblouse Whatisshe model模特 模型 Sheisafashionmodel It sdarkhere darkadj 昏暗的 黑暗的 深色的 Thisareaincludesmanyfarms includevt 包括 包含 Readthesenewwords jacketn 夹克衫 短上衣featuren 特征materialn 材料designn 设计 构思modeln 模特 模型darkadj 昏暗的 黑暗的 深色includevt 包括 包含 英语单词可以划分成音节 一个单词可能分成一个 两个 三个或更多音节 例如 clean late feel tea at 单音节 Syllablesinwords单词的音节 lazyfashionabout 双音节 expensivepopular 三个音节 Wordswithonesyllable funswim ListentoAandrepeatthewords Wordswithtwosyllables en joyclev er Wordswiththreesyllables inter est edfa vour ite 1 lazy 2 gentleman 3 cotton 4 smooth ListentoBandwritedownthenumberofsyllablesintheblanks 5 carrot 6 popular 7 glove 8 important 2 3 2 1 3 3 1 3 提示 音节划分的规律是以元音字母或元音字母组合为核心 以辅音字母为界线 Workinpairs Matchthesyllablestomakesixtwo syllablewords spe week ent dren foot preg ball ern chil mod end cial special weekend present children football modern Listenandthesingularandpluralformsofthewords Tick ifyouhearanextrasyllableinthepluralform 1shirt shirts5piece pieces2lady ladies6price prices3match matches7blouse blouses4size sizes8photo photos Task Designingclothes 1 Whatistheshirtmadeof 2 Whatcolouristhejacket 3 Whatarethetrainersmadeof ReadPartAonPage102andanswerthefollowingquestions It smadeofcotton It sdarkblue Leather Listenandcompletetheform Whiteshirtslookclean andwhitematchesanyothercolour Studentslooksmartindarkbluejackets Theyareverypopularamongstudents Theyarelightandcomfortableandallthestudentslikethem ReadaloudthearticleandthentrytocompletePartC 一 选择题 1 I mthinkingabout A whattodoitB howtodoC todowhatD howtodoit2 Shealwaysspendsalotofmoney clothes A buyB buyingC buysD tobuy Exercises 3 Canshe youherdictionary A lendsB lendC borrowsD borrow4 Thispairoftrousers madeofleather A isB beC areD 5 Look Here twobus A comeB comesC iscomingD arecoming6 It ssixo clock Sandy aletter A writesB writingC iswriteingD iswriting 7 you withhernow No I mnot A Do playB Are playC Are playingD Do playing8 Shelooks withhernewhat A beautifullyB happilyC lovelyD well 二 翻译 1 你能把你的深蓝色的夹克衫借给我吗 2 这件男衬衫摸上去柔软光滑 3 她不仅会唱歌而且会跳舞 Canyoulendmeyourdarkbluejacket Thisshirtfeelssoftandsmooth Shecanbothsinganddance 4 瞧 他正在河里游泳 5 你觉得这双皮鞋怎么样 6 白色和其他任何一种颜色都可搭配 Look Heisswimmingintheriver Whatdoyouthinkofthispairofleathershoes Whitematchesanyothercolour Reviewallthenewwordsandlanguagepointsinthisunit Homework Good bye


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