2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Using language课时作业(3).docx

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2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Using language课时作业(3).docx_第2页
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Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars课时作业Using language.单句语法填空1Its typical of him to_set(set) his aim high but do little, so he is always leaving things undone.2Many new couples are eager to_adopt(adopt) the children losing their parents in the earthquake.3He gave up his dream of going to university, leaving(leave) his parents heartbroken.4She got home only to_learn(learn) that her grandfather was ill.5Professor Smith told me that the book was well worth reading(read)6One reason for her preference(prefer) for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.7Have you heard that George quit his job?Yeah, but I cant figure out why he did so.8To_appeal(appeal) to the world for help, Hollywood stars led a huge fundraising drive for Haiti.9Attempting(attempt) to change someone elses attitude towards life is a waste of time and energy.10Wanda Plaza in Xiamen, located in what was a remote village several years ago, is now a busy area.阅读理解APresident George Washington and his wife, Martha, loved to celebrate the Christmas holidays. There were no trees to decorate or carols (颂歌) to sing. And few gifts were exchanged (交换). Instead, the Washingtons followed the Yule log tradition that came from England. Families would search the forest for a large oak tree, cut it down, and carry it home. The Yule log burned for the 12 days of Christmas (ending January 6) to bring luck for the year to come. Christmas was a big social event for the Washingtons. Friends and relatives traveled on horseback or by carriage to Mount Vernon in Virginia. Christmas meant fancy dinners and fancy partiesand even a few surprises! In 1787, George Washington had a surprise for his Christmas guests. The men didnt notice anything unusual when they woke at dawn to join George and his dogs for a fox hunt. The women kept busy in the living room, playing card games and chatting with Martha. Georges grandchildren, Nelly and Washy, discovered the surprise as they played outsidea camel! Washington was very interested in rare animals. So when an entertainer showed up with an Arabian camel in nearby Alexandria, Virginia, Washington arranged to bring the animal to Mount Vernon for a day. Mrs. Washington had a few surprises of her own. Martha was a fine hostess and carefully chose the foods to be served during the holidays. The Christmas pie baked at Mount Vernon wasnt made with pumpkins or apples. Under the thick crust (酥皮) was a turkey. Stuffed inside the turkey were a goose, a duck, a partridge, and a pigeonplaced inside one another! Martha used four pounds of butter and a large amount of flour to make the crust. Her pie would last for weeks! Martha also prepared other surprises, such as ginger cookies, a decorated cake that looked like a hedgehog (刺猬), and plum pudding. But it was Marthas Twelfth Night cake that had a surprise inside. Hidden in the batter(面糊) of sugar flour, eggs, and fruit was a dried bean. Guests had to chew the cake carefully. The one who found the bean was named king or queen of the party.【文章大意】本文是记叙文。文章介绍了华盛顿总理和他的夫人给客人们准备圣诞节惊喜的故事。1To celebrate Christmas, the Washingtons always _.Adecorated the Christmas tree togetherBprepared Christmas gifts for each otherChad some exciting adventures in the forestDlit an oak tree and kept it burning for 12 days解析:D细节理解题。由第一段的the Washingtons followed the Yule log tradition.a large oak tree.burned for the 12 days可知,华盛顿总统一家遵循圣诞节期间点燃圣诞柴的传统。2. In 1787, the camel that appeared in Georges house was _.Aa gift for his grandchildrenBborrowed from an entertainerChis and Marthas new petDonce found in the forest nearby解析:B细节理解题。由第四段的an entertainer showed up with an Arabian camel in nearby Alexandria . Washington arranged to bring the animal to Mount Vernon for a day可知,1787年圣诞节出现在华盛顿家的那只阿拉伯骆驼是他给客人们准备的惊喜,而这只骆驼是他从一个表演人那里借来的。3. What can we learn about the Christmas pie Martha prepared?AIt was of great size.BIt was made with fruits.CIt was shaped like a bird.DIt was also called Twelfth Night cake.解析:A推理判断题。由倒数第三段描述华盛顿夫人玛莎制作圣诞派的原料以及Her pie would last for weeks可知,她做的圣诞派巨大,够吃好几周。4. The text mainly introduces the Washingtons_.AChristmas gifts BChristmas foodsCChristmas surprises DChristmas holidays解析:C主旨大意题。由文中多次出现的关键词surprises可知,华盛顿和他的夫人都善于过圣诞时给客人们惊喜,故本文主要介绍华盛顿和他的夫人如何准备圣诞节惊喜。BFireworks are exciting, but also hard to control. The Chinese artist Cai GuoQiang, though, has developed a way to harness the visual and physical power of fireworks to make art. He recently used them to create a burning sculpture that stretched (延伸) high into the sky. GuoQiang fittingly named the work Sky Ladder. GuoQiang built Sky Ladder by making a frame out of metal. He coated the frame with gunpowder, the main chemical material in fireworks. The artist tied one end of the frame to the ground and attached a large weather balloon to the other end. The balloon was filled with helium a gas thats lighter than air. When released, the balloon floated upward, pulling the top of the ladder 500 meters into the sky. Thats higher than the top of the Empire State Building! GuoQiang set fire to the bottom of the ladder, and the crackling (啪啪作响的) flames raced skyward up the frame. The sculpture burned for twoandahalf minutes before its flames began to die out from the bottom up. Dealing with explosives (炸药) is challenging, and conditions had to be perfect for GuoQiang to achieve his desired effect. He first attempted Sky Ladder in 1994, but bad weather prevented him from successfully completing the work. GuoQiang put Sky Ladder aside so that he could work on other projects, perhaps most famously the fireworks display that opened the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Finally, after two more failed attempts, GuoQiang successfully sent his flaming ladder skyward last year. He presented Sky Ladder in his hometown, a quiet fishing village near Huiyu Island, Quanzhou. He offered the work as a gift to his 100yearold grandmother, other family members, his friends, and his town. “Behind Sky Ladder lies a clear childhood dream of mine,” GuoQiang explains. “Despite all lifes twists and turns, I have always been determined to realize it. The ladder rose toward the morning sun, carrying hope. For me, this not only means a return, but also the start of a new journey.”【文章大意】本文是说明文。文章报道了中国艺术大师蔡国强的500米高烟火作品天梯“登天”成功的消息。5. What does the underlined word “harness” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?AControl and use.BFind and collect.CSave and develop.DCount and produce.解析:A词义猜测题。由第一段的Fireworks.hard to control和下文介绍艺术大师蔡国强利用烟火创作的震惊世人的“烟花天梯”可知,他找到了一条能“控制并利用”烟火的方法来进行艺术创作。6. The work Sky Ladder Cai GuoQiang built last year _.Aproved to be a failureBcould fly free in the skyCkept burning for 2.5 minutesDwas sent skyward in the evening解析:C细节理解题。由第四段的The sculpture burned for twoandahalf minutes before its flames began to die out from the bottom up可知,蔡国强利用烟火创作的艺术作品天梯在空中持续燃烧了2分30秒。7. Cai GuoQiang first imagined a ladder of fire when _.Ahe was a young boyBhe saw the Empire State BuildingCthe 2008 Olympic Games openedDhis grandmother had her 100th birthday解析:A推理判断题。由最后一段的Behind Sky Ladder lies a clear childhood dream of mine可知,蔡国强在儿时就想象过一架喷着火焰的梯子。8. What would be the best title for the text?ALiving with hope BA birthday giftCBurning man DArt on fire解析:D标题归纳题。本文主要是对艺术大师蔡国强创作的烟火作品天梯成功绽放的报道。D项作标题既指天梯这幅烟火表演作品,也指蔡国强所从事的烟火表演艺术。.七选五 Trust is like money. Its so difficult to earn, easy to waste and no matter how much you have, its just never enough. For you, as a teenager, trust may seem to be a complicated word. _1_ This can cause a lot of tension (紧张) between you, and also can make you feel disappointed and angry. It is impossible for you to be the perfect teenager and child. _2_ But when it comes to trust, you need to understand something. The degree to which your parents give you their trust needs to match the degree to which you prove yourself trustworthy. _3_ If you want their trust, you have to behave honestly and responsibly. When you behave irresponsibly, your parents will certainly be disappointed in you. _4_ The saying “Actions speak louder than words” is true. It is not what you say to your parents that makes them believe in you, but what you do. _5_ Work towards regaining your parents trust. For this, you should listen to your parents, study hard and get good results at school. Say sorry when you have made a mistake, be financially responsible and dont abuse what is given to you or ask for more than you need. In a word, if you try to perform well, your parents will surely trust you again.AIt is important to choose your path wisely.BYour parents arent always willing to trust you.CAnd if your parents give you chores, finish them.DSo what should you do when your parents dont trust you?E. You are going to make mistakes, whether you want to or not.F. You will lose their trust because of the way you have behaved.G. So you need to ask yourself if your pattern of behavior is worthy of their trust.【文章大意】本文为说明文,题材为日常生活类。父母的信任对孩子来说是很重要的,那么怎么能获取他们的信任呢? 1.解析:B本空承上启下。对孩子来说信任是一件复杂的事,你的父母不会总是信任你,这样会对你造成不良的影响。2解析:E本空是对上句的解释说明。做到完美是不可能的,不管你愿不愿意,你都会犯错。3解析:G本空承上启下。父母对你的信任程度和你证明自己值得信赖的程度是相匹配的,因此你有必要问一下自己你的行为模式是否值得他们信任。4解析:F本空是对上句的进一步说明。F项的the way you have behaved即指上句的you behave irresponsibly。5解析:D本空为本段的主旨。由段落内容可知,本段都是重获父母信任的方法。


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