2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Learning about language课时作业(8).docx

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2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Learning about language课时作业(8).docx_第1页
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2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars Learning about language课时作业(8).docx_第2页
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Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars课时作业Learning about language.单句语法填空1But for the heavy snow, we would_have_gone(go) there on time.2Had he worked harder, the boy would_have_got(get) through the exam.3I was wet all over. If only I had_taken(take) an umbrella!4The man speaks as though he were(be) a foreigner.5I would_have_come(come) sooner but I didnt know that they were waiting for me.6Its high time that we got/should_get(get) down to our study.7If he had_worked(work) hard last year, he would get a great success now.8But for the rain, we would_have_finished(finish) the work already.9Their advice is that a new factory (should)_be_built(build) in their hometown.10What a pity that he gave orders that all those lovely trees should_be_cut(cut).阅读理解 Lucille Clifton was the first AfricanAmerican poet laureate of Maryland. Critics call her one of the greatest writers of our time. Lucille Clifton was born in Depew, New York in 1936. She began writing poetry when she was about ten years old. She had developed an interest in poetry because of her mother, Thelma Sayles. Her mother was also a poet although her poems were never published. As a child Lucille would sit on her mothers lap and listen as she read poetry. She learned to love words and the power of words. That stayed with her as she grew. While her mother taught her to love poetry,her father gave her the gift of storytelling. He would tell Lucille interesting stories about her ancestors, especially the one named Lucille who was his grandmother. Samuel Clifton said she was the first black woman to be legally hanged in the state of Virginia. Lucille Clifton wrote about it in her poem called Lucy. Lucille often talked about her love for words. She loved the sound of words and the way the words felt in her mouth. She loved finding interesting ways to use words to express what was happening in the world. Unlike her mother, Lucille Cliftons poetry is anything but traditional. Her poems do not rhyme or follow a special kind of pattern. They do not use fancy words. Her poetry is known for being simple, truthful and direct. It is written the way people speak, in a casual, relaxed language. There is very little punctuation and even less capitalization. Many of the poems are uncomfortably honest. Lucille Clifton often said that she tried to comfort the afflicted(折磨) and afflict the comfortable. Over the years, she seems to have perfected that art.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了马里兰州第一位女性黑人桂冠诗人获奖者露西尔克利夫顿。1. What can be learned from the passage?ALucilles parents influenced her a lot.BLucilles father often read poems to her.CLucilles mother published some poems.DLucilles parents taught her to love words.解析:A推理判断题。根据第二段第三句的“She had developed an interest in poetry because of her mother.”及第三段首句的“While her mother taught her to love poetry, her father gave her the gift of storytelling.”可推出她的父母对她影响很大。2. What is the last paragraph mainly about?ALucilles great works.BWords that Lucille used.CLucilles writing styleDBackground of Lucilles poems.解析:C主旨大意题。最后一段提到露西尔克利夫顿的诗歌不传统,不押韵,没有特别的句式,没有虚幻的词汇,简单、真实、直接,采用了随意放松的语言等,由此可知此段主要讲述了其诗歌的风格。3. From the passage, we know that Lucille is _. Afunny BcreativeCselfish Dbeautiful解析:B推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Lucille Cliftons poetry is anything but traditional.Over the years, she seems to have perfected that art.”可知,她在诗歌创作方面不传统,独创自己的风格,由此可推出她是一个有创造力的人。4. Which of the following is TRUE?ALucille Clifton was the first AfricanAmerican poet laureate of America.BLucille Clifton was born in Africa.CLucille Clifton began writing poetry from about 1956.DUnlike Lucille Clifton,her mothers poetry is traditional.解析:D细节理解题。根据第一段第一句话可知,A项错误;由第二段第一句话可知,B项错误;由第二段第二句可知,C项错误;由第五段第一句可知,露西尔克利夫顿的诗与母亲的诗不同,不属于传统类型,由此可知露西尔克利夫顿母亲的诗较传统。因此D项正确。.完形填空 I was a slow learner when I was young. Before five, I couldnt even speak in full _1_. Unlike most other children, I seldom _2_ with others. My extreme quietness made my parents _3_ if I was mentally(智力上) slow, but they were not sure. My learning problems were the _4_ of my mother taking abortion(流产) medicine. When she became pregnant(怀孕的) with me, she didnt want to have any more _5_, so she took medicine to _6_ her pregnancy. The medicine didnt work, _7_ it did affect my early intellectual development. When I was in primary school, I learned very _8_ and was as quiet as a doll. When I was in the fifth grade, I finally _9_. That was the _10_ time in my memory that I had some friends. From then on, I became talkative, laughing and playing like any _11_ child. In my junior high school, my learning _12_ “got stuck in the mud” again. But I never lost faith that I might one day _13_. At the age of 13, I found myself deeply interested in English. _14_ reading English textbooks, I made a habit of reading English magazines, and listening to English programs. That way, I could further expand my _15_. No matter how hard or unfair my situation was, I could choose to move on, rather than _16_. With over 10 years of English selfstudy, I successfully passed TOEFL, and _17_ America to pursue my higher education. Although I frequently experienced many _18_ in my studies, I refused to be overcome by them. My story proves that _19_ has less to do with IQs, but more to do with hard work and persistence(坚持不懈). _20_ let disappointment defeat you.【文章大意】 本文为记叙文,题材为人物故事类。作者小时候学知识比同龄人慢得多,但他从未停止努力,最终取得了去美国深造的机会。 1.A.sentences Blanguages Creports Ddetails解析:A由首句以及本句中的even可知,作者小时候学东西慢,五岁前甚至讲不出一句完整的话。2A.quarreled Blived Cleft Dplayed解析:D由下一句可知,作者非常安静,由此推出本句的含义为“我很少与其他人玩耍”。3A.wonder Bdecide Cask Dtell解析:A作者的极度安静让父母开始怀疑他是不是智力有问题。4A.worry Bexcuse Cresult Dloss解析:C由下文的it did affect my early intellectual development可知,作者的妈妈吃堕胎药影响了他的智力,故此处表示这是吃药的结果。5A.debates Bbabies Cjobs Dpains解析:B当妈妈怀上作者时,其实她不打算再要小孩儿了,因此她想吃药终止妊娠。6A.end Bcheck Creplace Dkeep解析:A参考上题解析。7A.so Bbut Cfor Das解析:B由于“药物没有发挥作用”与“它的确影响了我早期的智力发展”之间存在转折关系,故选but。8A.simply Bearly Ccarefully Dslowly解析:D由文章第一句I was a slow learner when I was young可知,作者小时候学知识很慢。9A.returned Bagreed Cgraduated Dchanged解析:D根据语境可知,“当我上五年级时,我终于发生了改变”。10A.only Blast Cfirst Dshort解析:C由于作者刚刚发生了改变,故此处表示“在我的记忆中那是我第一次有了朋友”。11A.pretty Bnormal Cgood Dlittle解析:B爱说、爱笑、爱玩是孩子的共同特征,故选B项。12A.situation Bdisability Cstyle Ddesire解析:A在作者上初中时,学习情况再次陷入泥潭。13A.forgive Bperform Csucceed Dcompete解析:C由该段下文主要讲述作者通过努力获得成功可知答案。14A.Before BBesides CDuring DWith解析:B除了阅读英语课本外,他还养成了阅读英语杂志和听英语节目的习惯。15A.size Bstory Cbusiness Dvocabulary解析:D阅读英语课文、英语杂志以及听英语节目可以提高词汇量。16A.stay up Bturn down Cgive up Dtake in解析:C由choose to move on可知,此处应选give up。句意:无论处境有多么艰难或不公平,作者都选择继续前行,而非放弃。17A.headed for Bcame from Cchose from Dthought about解析:A作者通过TOFEL(托福考试)前往美国深造。18A.disasters Buncertainties Cproblems Dadventures解析:C由该句中的I refused to be overcome by them可知,此处表达“虽然我在学习上经常遇到许多问题”。19A.happiness Btime Chealth Dsuccess解析:D作者的故事证明了成功与智商关系不大,却与努力与毅力关系大。20A.Just BNever CSometimes DAlways解析:B作者的故事同时告诫大家绝不要让失望击败自己。.语法填空 It sounds like something from a fairy tale. If you look at the horizon at sunset, you might see _1_ flash of brilliant green light across the sky. Indeed, an old Scottish saying _2_ (say) that whoever sees this flash will always be _3_ (luck) in love. While we cant confirm the luckyinlove part of this, there is a scientific _4_ (explain) for the flash of green light. As sunlight enters our atmosphere, it bends _5_(slight). This is due to refraction(折射), the same thing that makes a pencil look slightly _6_(bend) when you stick it half way into a glass of water. The atmospheric bending of light rays is _7_(great) when the sun is right along the horizon, at sunrise or sunset. How does bending sunlight create a green flash? When sunlight is bent by refraction, it separates into different _8_ (color), just like light through a prism (棱镜). _9_ a prism can make a dramatic rainbow, atmospheric refraction isnt that strong. _10_ doesnt turn the sun into a rainbow, but it makes the lowest part of the sun seem a bit more red, and the top of the sun seem greenish blue.【文章大意】 本文为说明文,题材为科普环保类。日落时分地平线上所形成的绿光是由阳光进入大气层时折射所产生的。 1.解析:a考查冠词。事物在文中第一次出现时,前面通常加不定冠词。2解析:says考查主谓一致。主语an old Scottish saying是单数,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 3.解析:lucky考查词形变化。空白处所填词在句中作be的表语,故用luck的形容词形式。 4.解析:explanation考查词形变化。a scientific explanation意为“科学解释”。 5.解析:slightly考查词形变化。空白处所填词在句中修饰谓语动词bends,故用slight的副词形式。 6.解析:bent考查非谓语动词。bend为及物动词,此处表示被动含义,故用其过去分词形式bent。7解析:greatest考查形容词的级。根据语境可知,此处表示在日出或者日落时阳光折射角度最大,故用最高级greatest。 8.解析:colors考查名词的数。color为可数名词,此处表示太阳光呈现出多种颜色,故用其复数形式。 9.解析:While/Although考查从句的引导词。句意:然而棱镜片可以折射出漂亮的七色彩虹,而大气的折射作用却没有那么强。 10.解析:It考查代词。分析上下文可知,此处It指代atmospheric refraction。


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