七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class课件1 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class课件1 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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Unit4 Don teatinclass Unit4 SectionA11a 2d chant Rain Rain Goaway Comeagainanotherday LittleJohnnywantstoplay Rain Rain Goaway Comeagainanotherday It smother swashingday fightv n 打架 dininghall食堂 hallwayn 走廊 listento听 Newwords musicplayer uniformsn 制服 wearahat戴帽子 sorryadj 对不起 outsideadv 外出 arrivev 到达 Presentation Don tarrivelateforclass Youmustbeontime Don tfight Don tlistentomusicinclass 1aWhichrulesarethesestudentsbreaking Writethenumberoftherulenexttothestudent 2 Don truninthehallways 4 Don tlistentomusicinclass 5 Don tfight 1 Don tarrivelateforclass Youmustbeontime 4 3 2 5 3 Don teatintheclassroom Youmusteatinthedininghall Peter Amy Mike Listening 1bListen Whatrulesarethesestudentsbreaking Writethenumbersafterthenames 2 3 4 1 Don tarrivelateforclass Youmustbeontime 2 Don truninthehallways 3 Don teatintheclassroom Youmusteatinthedininghall 4 Don tlistentomusicinclass 5 Don tfight 比眼力 Don tfightwithyourclassmates Tellyourclassmatewhattherulesshouldbe Don tlistentomusicintheclassroom Don tarrivelateforschool Don teatintheclassroom Youmusteatinthedininghall Don truninthehallways Well wecan tarrivelateforclass Wemustbeontime 1cStudentAisanewstudent StudentBtellsStudentAabouttherulesabove Whataretherules Pairwork Don truninthehallways Whataretheotherrules 1 listentomusicintheclassroomorhallways2 listentomusicinmusicroom3 listentomusicoutside4 eatintheclassroom 2aListencheck theactivitiesAlanandCindytalkabout Listening 5 eatinthedinninghall6 eatoutside7 wearahat8 fight listentomusicintheclassroomorhallwayslistentomusicinmusicroomlistentomusicoutsideeatintheclassroomeatinthedininghalleatoutsidewearahatfight cancan tcancan tcancan tcancan tcancan tcancan tcancan tcancan t 2bListenagain CanAlanandCindydotheseactivities Circlecanorcan tabove Well wecan tlistentomusicintheclassroomorhallways Butwecanlistentomusicinmusicroom 2cStudentAisAlan StudentBisCindy Talkabouttherulesin2a Whataretheschoolrules Alan Wecan teatintheclassroom butwecaneatinthedininghall Uh huh Pairwork No youcan t Whatelse Oh youcan tfightwithyourclassmates Thatmakestheteachersreallyunhappy Oh canwewearahatinclass Isee writeordrawonthedesksusemobilephonessitonthedesksspeakorlaughloudlyintheclassroomrunaroundintheclassroom Canorcan t OurClassRules No youcan t Canwewriteordrawonthedesks Right Wecan twriteordrawonthedesks butwecanwriteordrawonpaperorinnotebooks 1 IsJohnnewatschool 2 Aretheremanyrulesatschool 2dReadtheconversationin2dandanswerthequestions Yes heis Yes thereare Reading 3 Canhebrightmusicplayerstoschool 4 Dotheyhavetoalwaysweartheschooluniform No hecan t Yes theydo 2dRole playtheconversation Role play 1 arrive后面可以不跟到达的地点 e g Don tarrivelateforschool 不要上学迟到 1 arrivev 到达 get to Languagepoints e g TheyarrivedinBeijingatsix 他们六点钟到的北京 Weusuallyarriveatthevillageinthemorning 我们通常在早上到那个小村庄 2 arrive后面也可以跟到达的地点 但后面必须要跟介词in 大地方 或at 小地方 1 Mymotherusuallyget schoolat7 40inthemorning 2 Whendoyouusuallyarrive thebusstation 3 Jenny suncleusuallyarrives Shanghaiintheevening 选词填空 in at to to in at Practice 1 listenv 听 用来提醒某人注意 后面不跟事物 e g Listen Who ssingingintheclassroom 听 谁在教室里唱歌 2 如果后面跟要听的事物 应跟介词to再跟事物 e g Listentoourteachercarefully 认真听老师讲 2 listen的用法 3 fight打架 争吵 1 作动词用e g Jackneverfightswithhisbrother 杰克从不和他的弟弟打架 2 作名词 意为 打架 争吵 常用词组haveafight 打架 吵架 e g Didyouhaveafightwithher 你和她吵过架吗 4 wearv 意为 穿 戴 e g MyauntwearsablueskirtandawhiteT shirt 我姑姑穿着蓝色的裙子 白色的T恤 Doeshewearglasses 他戴眼镜吗 5 haveto与musthaveto着重于客观的需要 含有 不得不 的客观强制性 must着重于主观上自己认为有义务 有必要 如 Shehastocleantheroomeveryweek 她每周都得打扫房间 Imustgonow 我现在必须走 含有haveto的句子变一般疑问句或否定句时要借助助动词do don t或does doesn t 而含有must的句子变一般疑问句是直接将must提前至句首 变否定句是在must后加not 如 Hedoesn thavetodoit 他不必做那件事 Hemustn tdoit 他不许做那件事 Doeshehavetodoit 他不得不做那件事吗 Musthedohishomework 他必须做他的作业吗 在否定句中 don t doesn thaveto表示 没有必要 mustnot mustn t表示 不允许 如 Youdon thavetogothere 你不必去那儿 Youmustnot mustn tgothere 你不许去那儿 练一练 用haveto must填空1 It scoldoutside We stayathome 2 We begoodwithourparents haveto must 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题 1 Hehastoweartheschooluniformatschool 改为一般疑问句 he weartheschooluniformatschool 2 Theyhavetodotoomuchhomeworkeveryday 改为否定句 They dotoomuchhomeworkeveryday Does haveto don thaveto 3 Wemustfinishourworknow 改为一般疑问句 we ourworknow Must finish 不要在上课时听音乐 2 我们必须准时 3 我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗 在图书馆里我们必须保持安静 不要在楼道里跑 Don tlistentomusicinclass Wemustbeontime 将下列句子译成英语 Exercises Canwebringthemusicplayertoschool Wemustkeepquietinthelibrary Don truninthehallways 提示 1 上学不要迟到2 按时上课3 穿校服4 不在教室里吃东西5 不要在教室里戴帽子6 在餐厅吃东西 Writetherulesinyourschool Homework Followtherulesatschool Thankyou


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