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1 Where theyfrom They refromJapan A isB amC areD 2 yourname MynameisKate A What sB WhoC HowD How s 3 IssheMaria she A No aren tB Yes isn tC No areD Yes is 4 areyouMr Wang Yes Iam A FineB PleaseC ExcusemeD OK 5 AretheyfromCanada No they A areB aren tC notD isn t 6 What s telephonenumber It s8265 3412 A YouB YourC myD he 7 arethey TheyareMariaandJane A WhoB WhatC WhereD How 8 Mary fromCuba A B amC areD is 9 Oneonezero 表示 A 火警B 匪警C 急救中心D 电话号码查询台 10 IsheLiPing Yes A she sB he sC heisD sheis 1 isMary Sheisfive A WhoB WhatC WhereD Howold 2 Whatarethese aredesks A ThisB ThoseC TheyD It 3 Who sthat Kangkang Mary A That sB ThisisC He sD They re 4 Whatclassareyouin I m inclass3 grade7B inClass3 Grade7C class3 grade7D Class3 Grade7 5 Arethosebooks Yes A theyareB theyaren tC thoseareD thosearen t 6 What sthis English It sanegg A theB toC inD 7 Isthatanorange It sanapple A YesB NoC ItisD Itisn t 8 What s overthere 在那边 It sabus A theseB thoseC thisD that 9 doyouspellyourname T I N A Tina A WhatB HowC CanD Where10 Mymomis teacher She s Englishteacher A a anB a aC an aD an an 1 areyouBen No I mnot I mPeter A HowareyouB HiC ExcusemeD Thanks2 MaryandJoyare ClassOne Theyare theUSA A from inB in fromC to fromD in to3 Yes Iam A What syourname B Whatareyou C Howareyou D AreyouMike 4 Isthis car Yes it s Englishcar A a anB a aC an anD an a5 Whatarethose arecakes A ThatB TheseC ItD They 6 What sthat English It sadesk A FromB toC inD 7 isshe She sfine A HowoldB HowC WhereD What8 IshernameKate A Yes sheis B No sheisn t C Yes it s D No itisn t 9 I minClass4 AreyouinClass4 Yes Iam A OKB tooC andD excuse 10 Thisismyteacher MissChen isfromHebei A SheB HeC HerD His11 Lindaisfifteen SheisinClass1 Grade9 A YearB yearsC yearsoldD yearold12 Welcometoourschool A OK B Thanks C Excuseme D Hello 13 What isJanein Sheisin Six A Class ClassB Class classC class classD class Class 14 当你被介绍认识某人后 你应该说 A Goodmorning B Thankyou C Nicetomeetyou D Howareyou 15 当别人称赞你时 你应该说 A Thanks B Good C Yes D No 1 Goodmorning afternoon evening night2 glad nicetomeet seeyou3welcometo 地点 回答 Thankyou或者Thanks 4let s V6 thisis 这是 用于介绍第三者的用语 7 Howdoyoudo 8Howareyou Fine thankyou andyou I mOK I mfine too 9seeyou seeyoulater seeyousoon good bye10excuseme 11 What syourname I m mynameis 12befrom comefrom13inEnglish用英语14 Canyouspellit 你能拼写它吗 Howdoyouspell 15That sOK That sallright You rewelcome Notatall不用谢16 yearsold 岁17telephonenumber电话号码QQnumberQQ号码IDnumber身份证18 thesame 相同的 different 不同的 句型 1 Whatisone sname 2 Where be 主语 from Where do does 主语 comefrom Whereareyoufrom Iamfromquanzhou 3 Howoldareyou I mforteen What sone sage 4 Whatisone stelephone QQ IDnumber 回答 one stelephonenumberis 或者It s 注意 读出号码的时候要逐个读出 5 Whatclass grade be 主语 in 答语 主语 be Class 数 Grade 数例 whatclassareyouin IaminClassFive 注意 Class和Five需要大写 whatgradeareyouin IaminGradeSeven 注意 Glass和Seven需要大写 6 What sthis that inEnglish 回答 It sa an 单数名词 What rethese those inEnglish 回答 They re 复数名词 7 Isthis thatacar Yes itis No itisn t Isthis that Yes itis No itisn t8 Arethese thoseyourpens Yes theyare No theyaren t Arethese those Yes theyare No theyaren t 9Howdoyouspellit E R A S E R eraser 注意拼读方法 Canyouspellit Yes 拼写 或No sorry Ican t 语法 1 Be动词的用法我用am 你用are Is用于他 她 它第三人称单数用is 复数名词都用are勿忘be的三变化 2 一般疑问句什么是一般疑问句用Yes或No作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句 一般疑问句还有下列特点 1 以be动词 助动词或情态动词开头 例 Isyourfatherateacher DoesCatherinelikeanimals 2 往往读升调 3 译成汉语 都可以带上 吗 要将陈述句变成一般疑问句 可以遵循下列步骤 看句中有没有be动词 am is are was were 如果有 将其提到句首 句末打上问号即可 2 如果句中没有be动词 助动词或情态动词 则根据谓语动词的形式借助do does放在句首 具体方法是 如果谓语动词是原形 即主语是三单外的其他人称 则借do 如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式 即主语是三单 则借does 需要注意的是 借does后 原句的谓语动词要变回原形 特殊疑问句英语中特殊疑问句的结构是特殊疑问句 一般疑问句 读降调 不能用yes或No来回答 我们目前所学的疑问词有what who where how 练习 将下列句子变成一般疑问句Iamateacher 2 Theyarestudents 3 Janeisagirl4 TheylikeEnglish 5 IcomefromChina 6 HelikesChinese 7 MariacomesfromCuba 8 WespeakChinese 1 HernameisNancy 2 LucyisfromChina 3 Hismomisfine 4 Miss WangisourEnglishteacher 5 Lucyistenyearsold 6 HissisterisinClassOneGradeTwo 7 Jim sQQnumberis5805000 8 Theyarecars 9 Thisismycap 10 MyfavoritemoviestarisBruceLee 11 Thoseorengesareorange 12 Thegirlistall 二 可数名词的复数 1 规则变化1 一般在名词词尾加 s如 car cars apple apples2 以s x ch sh结尾的词 在词尾加 es如 box boxes bus buses watch watches 3 以辅音字母 y结尾 变y为i再加es 如 family families 4 以fe f结尾 变fe f为v再加es 如 life lives 二 可数名词的复数 2 不规则变化 如 mouse mice tooth teeth foot feet Chinese Chinese Japanese Japanese man men woman women child children 三 a an的用法 a an都表示 一 一个 单词以元音读音开始的 我们在前用an 单词以辅音读音开始的 我们在前用a如 anappleaninterestingbook anEnglishboyanoldman Amap ruler bus box What sthat It s egg A aB theC D an2 What sthatinEnglish It s car It s orangecar A a anB a aC an aD an an3 oldmanis Englishteacher A The anB An anC The theD A a4 Sheis Englishteacher A anB aC theD 1 sb has have an a adj 五官 one s五官is are adj 描述长相 例 Lilyhasasmallnose Lily snoseissmall 2 Iknow Isee3 That sright youareright4 AandBlookthesame AlookslikeBAandBdon tlookthesame lookdifferentJimandLilylookthesame JimlookslikeLily Theylookdifferent 5 lookat n看某物lookfor n寻找某人 某物lookafter n照顾某人6 givesthtosb givesbsth把某物给某人 showsthtosb showsbsth 注意 如果sth是it或them 只能用前者 buysbsth buysthforsb7 Weareindifferentclothes 10 in 颜色ina an the 颜色 单数衣服in 颜色 复数衣服表示穿着 颜色的衣服常常接在名词的后面 表示穿 颜色衣服的 如Thegirlinredismysister 也可位于be动词之后Sheisinapinkdress 11 pants和shoes做主语 谓语动词用复数 但apairofpants shoes作主语时 谓语动词用单数形式 即没有pair用复数 有pair与pair保持一致 例 Hisshoesareblack Apairofshoesisunderthebed Therepairsofshoesarewhite 13 Ithinkheisagoodboy 否定句 Idon tthinkheisagoodboy 否定前置 14 helpsb to dosth helpsbwithsth帮助某人做某事注意 sb用代词时必须用宾格find 找到 发现与lookfor区别 15 代词分类 16 人称代词的主格与宾格 人称代词的主格在句子中当主语 宾格在句子作动词或介词的宾语 如 Ilikeit I为主格 it为宾格 ShelikesEnglish she为主语 Dotheygowithus they为主格 us为宾格 17 名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的用法区别 名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的汉语意思是一样的 名词性物主代词可独立使用 后面不要跟名词 但形容词性物主代词不可独立使用 后面要跟名词 如Itismyshirt Itismine 句子当中my为形容词性物主代词 mine为名词性物主代词 your his her our its their my等都属于形容词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词通常置于名词前 修饰限定名词 作定语 而名词性物主代词mine yours his hers its ours theirs相当于 形容词性物主代词 名词 当主语 宾语 或表语 如 Isthisyourcoat Isthiscoatyours 18 名词所有格 名词所有格表达形式 构成在名词后加 s 意思是 的 如 myclassmate sbag Jim sgrandfather s 通常用于有生命的 而无生命的常用结构 of 如 aphotoofmyfamily一张全家福thefaceoftheclock钟面amapofChina一张中国地图注意 当名词后已有s 所有格只加 如 我父母的相片myparents picture 同学们的自行车thestudents bikes 19 名词所有格 区别 TomandJim sfather汤姆和吉姆的父亲 TomandJimarebrothers Tom s father andJim sfathers汤姆的父亲和吉姆的父亲 句型 1Whatdo does 主语 looklike 询问人的长相WhatdoesyourEnglishteacherlooklike Whatare issb like 询问人的品行Whatisyoursisterlike Sheisnice 2 What s and 加 是什么 回答 It s 例 What sredandyellow It sorange What stwoandfive It sseven 3 Whose 物品 isthis that Whose 物品 arethese those 这 这些是谁的 Whose be 物品 例 Whosecoatisthis Itismine Whoseshoesarethese Theyarehers 4 Whoistheletterfrom 这封信来自于谁 It sfromLily 它来自于莉莉 5 Whatcoloris are 东西 回答 It s 颜色或者They er 颜色 Whatcolorisyourdress It sblack 有实义动词的一般现在时态的用法 动词原形和动词第三人称单数形式动词第三人称单数形式 动词 s es 规则 1 一般情况以及以e结尾的动词 直接加 s make makes come comes2 动词以o s ch sh x结尾 加 es do does watch watches wish wishes miss misses guess guesses3 以辅音字母 y结尾的动词 先把y改为i 再加es 如 study studies4 特殊情况 have has 主语为第三人称单数 否定句 在动词前加doesn t 再把动词改回原形 一般疑问句 在句首加does 再把动词改回原形 回答用 Yes 人称代词 does No 人称代词 doesn t 如 Shehassmalleyes Shedoesn thavesmalleyes Doesshehavesmalleyes Yes shedoes No shedoesn t 2 主语为除第三人称单数之外的人称 否定句 在动词前加don t 一般疑问句 在句首加do 回答用 Yes 人称代词 do No 人称代词 don t 如 Theyhavesmalleyes Theydon thavesmalleyes Dotheyhavesmalleyes Yes theydo No theydon t 1 isyourteacher It sMissGao A WhatB WhoC WhereD How2 TonyandIaregoodfriends butweareindifferent A ClassesB schoolC gradeD age3 Shehasroundface Herhair blackandlong A hasB amC isD are4 WangFanghavetwosmalleyes No shehastwobigeyes A DoesB DoC IsD Are 6 Look thegirlhaslonglegs You reright B Yes sheis C Thanks D Good 7 DoesLiYinghaveasmallmouth No shehasawide A ItB thatC oneD ones8 I abignose butAmy asmallnose have haveB have hasC has hasD has hav 9 Theyarein butin samegrade differentclassesB thesamegrade differentclassesC samegrades differentclassD thesamegrades differentclass10 Dothetwoboyshavebignoses A Yes theyare B No theyaren t C No theyhavebigones D Yes theydo 1 orangeis orange That sright A An B anC An anD 2 Whatdoyouwanttobuy A Twopairsofglove B Twopairofgloves C Twopairgloves D Twopairsofgloves 3 ishiscar It sblack A HowB WhatC WhatcolorD Where4 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项 A SunB rulerC muchD bus 5 WhatdoesYangPinglooklike A Heisastudent B Helookshappy C Helooksatthephotos D Hehasabighead 6 DoyouknowAlice Idon tknowher A SorryB YesC ExcusemeD Thanks7 Whatcolor hershoes Black A amB isC areD be 8 Excuseme isMichaelinblackpantsnow No He sin coatand pantsnow black awhiteB ablack whiteC black whiteD ablack awhite9 Lucy doyou yoursister Lily No welookdifferent A lookB lookatC lookthesameD looklike10 That smycap Please OK giveittomeB givemetoitC giveitmeD givemeit 1 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项 A thinkB theseC thenD theirs2 Thesearemypants His yellow A isB amC areD 3 DoesMaryknow Yes sheknows yours meB you weC you usD your I 4 Whosecapisthis I it sLiMing s A thinkB helpC giveD welcome5 applesarethose Theyaremine A WhatB WhoC WhoseD How6 Isthiscoatyours No mycoatiswhiteandblue This isblue It sLily s A coatB oneC colorD clothes 7 Aretheblackshoes No It s A Tom herB Tom s herC Tom hersD Tom s hers8 Thiscoatisn tyours Whosecoatisit It sMary s A andB tooC thenD OK9 Whoistheman Myteacher Mr White inablueB inbluejacketC inblueD blue 10 PleasehelpJack hisbike Hecan tseeit findsB givesC findD give1 jacketisthis Ithinkit sMingming s A WhoB Who sC WhoseD What2 Whatis name SteveWhite histeachersB herteachersC histeacher sD herteachers 3 Isityourdress No It s A hersB herC myD him 4 WhatcoloristheT shirt It s A anorangeB orangeC theorangeD new5 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项 A theirB mouthC thanksD think6 DoLucyandLily bikes Yes Lucy anewbike butLilydoesn t A has hasB have hasC have haveD has have 7 IsthisTom sbike Idon tknow A OKB GoodC YesD Sorry8 Maryisin redclothesandherhair brown A isB a areC an isD are9 Whatcolor your Mike Black A is pantsB is pantC are pantD are pants 10 Doyoulooklikeyoursister No we A lookthesameB lookdifferentC looklikeD lookat11 bikesarered areblue We TheyB Our TheirC Our TheirsD We Their12 Thedress yours No It sLily s A lookB looksC lookslikeD are 13 Canyougivethisbook Jack Yes Ican atB toC inD from14 Youareniceinthisdress A It sright B No itisn t C Thankyou D OK 15 Please himfindhisbike OK A thinkB helpC guessD know 1 Couldyouplease dosth否定do前加notMayI 后接动词原形 我能做某事2 livein 地点住在某地livewith 人和某人住在一起livein 地点 with sb和 一起住在 3 Whatdoeshesayintheletter 他在信里说了些什么 Whatdoeshesayonthephone 他在电话里说了些什么 4 Whoistheletterfrom 5 alot verymuch放句末修饰动词 非常 例 Iliketheboyalot verymuch not atall一点也不 例 Idon tliketheboyatall Notatall 没关系 不用谢 6 eachother相互 彼此helpeachotherstudentsoftentalktoeachotherinclass 7 dosthwithsb和某人一起做某事Heoftengoestoschoolwithhissister 8 Noproblem没问题9 speak 语言speakEnglishspeakChinesesay 内容Hecansayit that thisinEnglish 10 theGreatWall长城11 likedoingsth喜欢做某事liketodosth想要做某事 12 come goto 地点去某地但home here there这些是副词前面不能加to例 gohome comehere gotheregotodosth去做某事例 Theygotoplaybasketball 13 helpsbwithsth helpsb to dosth帮助某人某事14 beathome bein在家gohome回家gethome到家 20 teachsbsth teachsthtosb教某人某东西teachsbtodosth教某人做某事21 helponeself tosth 请随便 吃 helpyourself yourselves tofish 22 Visit 地点visit sb23 Some one manyof 复数名词 代词24 readabook readbooks读书25 everyday 26 I dlikesth Iwouldlikesth 我想要 wouldlike want Wouldliketodosth wanttodosth想要做某事wouldlikesbtodosth wantsbtodosth27 Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat drink 你想要一些吃 喝 的东西吗 toeat或todrink修饰something 作为后置定语 26 Hereyouare 给你Hereweare 我们到了27 Whatabout Howabout 怎么样 后接代词或名词 还可以接动名词 即Whataboutdoingsth 28 allright好的29 aglassoftea一杯茶twoglassesoftea两杯茶数词 容器 表量的名词 of 不可数名词 可数名词复数Eg Ihaveabottleofmilk Sheneedsfiveloavesofbread Lucywantstobuysixboxesofeggs 30 milkforme我要牛奶31 Whynot 后接动词原形 Whydon tyou 后接动词原形 为什么不做某事呢 回答 Goodidea好主意 32 MayItakeyourorder 可以点菜了吗 34 CanIhelpyou MayIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou 需要点什么 帮忙吗 35 eatout出去吃饭36 letsbdosth让某人做某事37 havedinner breakfast lunch supper吃正 早 午 晚餐have fordinner breakfast lunch supper正 早 午 晚餐吃 38 akindof一种 allkindsof各种各样的 39 befriendly kindtosb对某人友好It sverykind niceofsb todosth suchas例如例 Ilikefruits suchasoranges bananasandapples41 begladtodosth例 Iamgladtomeetyou Iamgladtobehere 句型 Whatdo does 主语 do What be 主语 What sone sjob 回答 主语 be 职业 例如 Whatdoesyourfatherdo Whatisyourfather What syourfather sjob Heisateacher 2 Where do does sb work teach Sb works in on a an 地点名词Eg Wheredoesyoursisterwork sheteachesinahighschool 3 Thisisaphotoofkangkang sfamily aphotoof 4 HeknowsalotaboutChina 1 Couldyouhelpme myChinese Noproblem A inB forC withD about2 Whatdoeshe intheletter Hewantstovisitmyschool A spellB sayC speakD tell3 youpleasetellmeyourname Sure I mLinda A DoB AreC CouldD Is 4 Who sthegirlinred Sorry Idon tknow Ithink isnew A she sheB her sheC her herD she her5 Wheredoeshe He inShanghai live livesB live liveC lives liveD lives lives6 HisEnglishisvery andhespeaksEnglishvery A good goodB well wellC well goodD good well 7 DoyoulikeChinese No Idon tlikeit A alot atallB alot alittleC atall alittleD alittle alot8 istheletterfrom It sfrommyfriend WangQiang A WhatB WhereC WhoD Whose9 arenewhere Let shelp OK A They theyB They themC Them themD Them they 10 YoucanhelpmewithmyEnglishandIcanhelpyouwithyourChinese Youareright Wecanhelp otherB theotherC eachD eachother1 Mr Liisacook Heworks A onafarmB inarestaurantC inanofficeD inahospital2 Whatdoesyourgrandfather 祖父 do Heisafarmer Heworks afarm A onB inC atD with 3 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项 A nowB knowC howD brown4 doeshework Inahospital A WhatB HowC WhoD Where5 WhatdoesJackdo He sfromCanada B He sfine C He sthirteen D He sastudent 6 Gladtomeetyou John A Thankyou B Gladtomeetyou too C That sOK D You rewelcome 7 Myuncledrivesabus Heis ateacherB aworkerC adriverD anactor8 Annhasacutecat colorisbrown A ItsB It sC HisD Her9 Yourmother sbrotherisyour A auntB uncleC brotherD grandfather 10 Whoisthegirl She smysister inayellowB intheyellowC inyellowD onyellow1 Helpyourselves kids A Me too B Thankyou C Allright D That sOK 2 Wouldyoulike bananas Yes please A alotB muchC someD lot3 Whatwouldyoulike Somemilk please A eatB toeatC drinkD todrink 4 Whataboutsome Goodidea A applejuiceB applejuicesC applesjuiceD applesjuices5 Whatdoyouhave lunch Ioftenhavechicken vegetables A for inB for withC to andD to of6 What syourfavorite Jiaozi A foodB vegetableC drinkD juice7 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项 A appleB actC blackD father 8 Riceandfish please A Howareyou B MayItakeyourorder C Helpyourself D Somethingtodrink 9 havesomechicken Goodidea WouldyoulikeB DoyoulikeC WhynotD Whatabout10 Iamnewbutallmyclassmatesare tome A kindB favoriteC happyD different 1 istheletterfrom It sfromMike mypenpal A WhereB HowC WhoD What2 TomspeaksEnglish Jane English too Yes shedoes Do speaksB Does speakC Do speakD Does speaks3 Ioftenhelpmymothercook inthemorning A breakfastB lunchC dinnerD juice 4 Couldyouplease meyourname Sure MynameisKate A tosayB sayC totellD tell5 Doesyourunclework afarm No hedoesn t Heworks arestaurant A on onB on inC in inD in on6 Yourbrotherisverycute Yes is Wealllove A he himB he heC him heD him him 7 DoesHelenspeakEnglish Yes HerEnglishisvery good goodB well wellC well goodD good well8 Whatdoesyourfatherdo A Heisateacher B HeisfromChina C Heisfine D Heis40 9 Isthisaphoto yourfamily Yes itis A inB withC toD of 10 IsMr Brownagoodteacher Yes Heiskind us Welovehim A forB toC fromD with11 You rethirsty 渴 haveaglassofmilk Goodidea WouldyoulikeB WouldnotyouC WhynotD Why12 Whoisthatyoungman He sJack mybrother inblueB onblueC intheblueD ontheblue 13 Whatwouldyoulike I dlike orangejuice please A aB anC twoglassofD aglassof14 Help tothechicken TomandJim Thankyou A youB yourC yourselfD yourselves15 Somechickenandaglassofapplejuice please A Helpyourselftosomefish B MayItakeyourorder C Whatwouldyouliketodrink D Whynoteatoutwithus 1 tryon试穿 tryit themom2 we Iwilltakeit我们 我买下了 这里的take相当于buy 3 buysthforsb buysbsth给某人买某物 4 I mjustlooking我只是看看 5 threehundredandsixty five365 百位数和十位数之间加and 十位数和个位数之间加 6 apairof一对 一双 8 Areyoukidding 你开玩笑吧 9 thinkabout考虑 10 thankyouallthesame仍然谢谢你 11 Isthatall 就这么多吗 That sall 就这么多吧 I2 Ithinkso 我认为是这样的 Idon tthinkso 我认为不是这样的 13 当把东西给某人时可以说 Hereyouare或Hereitis befree havetime有空的 反义词 bebusy havenotimeAreyoufreetomorrow Doyouhavetimetomorrow 17 在某一天使用介词on 在某个时刻用at如 OnSundayatahalfpastsix当this接时间 不用介词 thisSunday18 What sup what swrong What sthematter20 tellsbaboutsth 告诉某人某事tellsbsth tellsthtosb把某事告诉某人ask tellsbtodosth叫某人做某事ask tellsbnottodosth叫某人不要做某事 电话用语 Who sthis 你是哪位 Isthis 你是 吗 Thisis speaking 我是 MayIspeakto 我可以找 吗 Speaking please Sorry he sheisn tin here Sorry I mafraidyouhavethewrongnumber 24 callsb givesbacall打电话给某人callsbback给某人回电话26 Ihavenotime Idon thaveanytime我没有时间 no notany 27 benotin benotathome beout出去了 不在家 28 singasong singsomesongs唱歌flyakite flykites放风筝drawpicture画画playsports做运动watchTV看电视readbooks看书29 letsbdosth 接动词原形让某人做某事31 showsthtosb showsbsth把 拿给某人看 作为名词表示演出 表演32 祈使句的否定句 直接在句首加上Don t 时间的表达方法 1 用 分 past 时 表示 几点几分 如 8 23twenty threepasteight2 用 60 分 to时 1 表示 差几分到几点 如 3 55fivetofour 5 40twentytosix3 直接表达 即 时 分 如 4 10fourten 12 50twelvefifty 2 30twothirty 33 haveto 后接动词原形 不得不 hasto 48 It stimeforsth doingsthIt stimetodosth该到做 的时候了 It stimeforsbtodosth是某人做某事的时候了33 nexttime下一次nextweek下个星期34 nextto near 在 旁边35 getup起床gotobed上床睡觉 36 do doesone shomework做作业 37 haveapicnic野餐 haveclass上课haveameeting开会havedinner breakfast lunch supper吃正 早 午 晚餐have 东西吃 喝 haveagoodtime enjoyoneself玩得很愉快havetodosth不得不 39 alotof lotsof many much许多的 大量的 sblike best sb sfavorite is are 谁最喜欢 42 onone swayto 在某人去 的路上 onone swayhome在某人回家的路上43 Hereweare 我们到了44 It sverykindofyou你真是太好了 45 thanks thankyoufor n v ing为 而感谢你 46 inthetree在树上 外物附着 onthetree在树上 树上本身长出的东西 Inthewall在墙里 window onthewall在墙上 句型 1 Whatdoyouthinkof Howdoyoulike 你认为 怎么样 例 WhatdoyouthinkofyourEnglishteacher HowdoyoulikeyourEnglishteacher Howmuch与Howmany1 Howmuchbe 主语 回答 It s They re 价钱 问价格还可以用what sthepriceof 对价格提问 多少钱 howmuch 不可数名词 对数量提问howmany 复数名词 对数量提问 多少 Howmuchisthebook It sonlyfiveyuan Howmuchwateristhereinthebottle Halfabottle Howmanyapplesarethereinthebag Therearefiveapplesinthebag 3 Whynot 后接动词原形 Whydon tyou 后接动词原形 为什么不做某事呢 回答 Goodidea好主意 4 Whattimeisit Whatisthetime 回答 It s 时间 提建议的六种说法 1 Whynotdo 为什么不 2 Whydon tyoudo 你为什么不 3 Whataboutdoing 怎么样 4 Howaboutdoing 如何 5 Wouldyouliketodo 愿意 想 6 Let sdo 让我们干 有实义动词的一般现在时态的用法 动词原形和动词第三人称单数形式动词第三人称单数形式 动词 s es 规则 1 一般情况以及以e结尾的动词 直接加 s make makes come comes2 动词以o s ch sh x结尾 加 es do does watch watches wish wishes miss misses guess guesses3 以辅音字母 y结尾的动词 先把y改为i 再加es 如 study studies4 特殊情况 have has 主语为第三人称单数 否定句 在动词前加doesn t 再把动词改回原形 一般疑问句 在句首加does 再把动词改回原形 回答用 Yes 人称代词 does No 人称代词 doesn t 如 Shehassmalleyes Shedoesn thavesmalleyes Doesshehavesmalleyes Yes shedoes No shedoesn t 2 主语为除第三人称单数之外的人称 否定句 在动词前加don t 一般疑问句 在句首加do 回答用 Yes 人称代词 do No 人称代词 don t 如 Theyhavesmalleyes Theydon thavesmalleyes Dotheyhavesmalleyes Yes theydo No theydon t 1 Iliketheseshoes CanI Sure trythemonB tryonthemC tryitonD tryonit2 I msorryIcan thelpyou A Notatall B I mnothappy C Thankyouallthesame D Youcan tcomeback 3 Doyoulikethedress madam Yes ItisveryniceandI ll it A ThinkB takeC wantD need 4 doyoutheredskirt It stooshort A What likeB How thinkofC What thinkD How like5 IlikethisgreendressbutLucylikesthatred A itB oneC pantsD shoes6 Thanksforhelpingme A You reright B Thankyouallthesame C Noproblem D Notatall 7 milkdoweneed Fourbottles HowmuchB HowmanyC HowoldD Howheavy8 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项 A catB comeC niceD cute9 Theshirtisthreehundredyuan Threehundredyuan you Do kiddingB Do kidC Is kiddingD Are kidding 10 How theapples Theyarefiveyuanakilo manyareB muchisC manyisD muchare1 Howaboutwithme I dlikethat A playB playingC toplayD plays2 Doyouhaveanytimethisafternoon Yes A Whatareyou B What sgoing C What sup D What smatter 3 Whynothaveapicnic thisSunday A inB forC atD 4 Hello Mike WangWei Hello WangWei A I mB That sC ThisisD It s5 Canyougoforapicnicwithustomorrow I msorryIcan t Idomyhomework A haveB havetoC hasD hasto6 Whatabouthavingdinnerwithme Sorry A I mfree B Ihavetime C Ihavenotime D Ihavesometime 7 PleaseaskJane Sure callmeB givemeacallC toc


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