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独立主格结构常见类型及其用法 一 独立主格结构的构成形式1 逻辑主语 V ing这种构成形式内部的逻辑主语是分词的动作执行者 分词表示的动作不是整句主语发出的动作 而是其逻辑主语发出的动作 如 1 nobus wehadtowalkhome A TherebeingB BeingC HavingbeenD Therewas A 2 nobus wehadtowalkhome A AstherebeingB AstherewasC BeingD Therewas3 Sunday thelibrarydoesn topen A BeingB TherebeingC ItbeingD Havingbeen4 Sunday thelibrarydoesn topen A AsitbeingB BeingC ItisD Asitis B C D 2 逻辑主语 V ed该构成形式内部的逻辑主语是分词的动作承受者 1 thetrainstarted A ThesignalgivenB GivingthesignalB ThesignalbeinggivenD Thesignalgiving2 thetrainstarted A AfterhavinggiventhesignalB AfterthesignalgivenC GivingthesignalD Afterthesignalwasgiven A D 3 thetextbecameeasierforustolearn A ExplainingnewwordsB NewwordsexplainedC BeingexplainednewwordsD Havingexplainednewwords4 thetextbecameeasierforustolearn WhennewwordswereexplainedExplainingnewwordsNewwordsexplainingBeingexplainednewwords B A 3 逻辑主语 形容词 副词 该结构相当于一个未带动词的 主 系 表 结构 如 1 thepatientcanleavethehospital A BetterconditionsB ConditionsbetterC ConditionsarebetterD Beingbetterconditions2 thepatientcanleavethehospital A IfbetterconditionsB IfconditionsbetterC IfconditionsarebetterD Beingbetterconditions B C 3 we dliketogoouting A BeingSundayB SundayOKC SundayisOKD IfSundayOK4 we dliketogoouting A IfSundayisOKB SundaybeingOKC SundayOKD A BandC5 youcanwaitawhile A TheplaybeingstillonB TheplaystillonCBeingstillontheplayD AandB B D D 不能省略being havingbeen 的情形在下列两种情况下 独立主格结构中的being 或havingbeen 不能省略 1 独立主格的逻辑主语是代词时 如 ItbeingSunday wewenttochurch 因为是星期天 我们去了做礼拜 2 在Therebeing 名词的结构中 如 Therebeingnobus wehadtogohomeonfoot 因为没有公共汽车 所以我们不得不步行回家 二 独立主格结构在整句中可作以下成分 1 原因状语该结构在句中作原因状语时相当于一个原因状语从句 如 1 nobus wehadtowalkhome A TherebeingB AstherewasC TherewasD AandB2 Sunday thelibrarydoesn topen A ItbeingB AsitisC BeingD AandB A D 3 Ihadtoaskfortwodays leave A MotherbeingillB BotherillC AsmotherwasillD A BandC4 wehavetoworklateintothenight A TheexamnearB TheexambeingnearC AstheexamisnearD A BandC D D 2 时间状语独立主格结构作时间状语时相当于一个由when assoonas after等引导的时间状语从句 如 1 thetrainstarted A ThesignalgivenB AfterthesignalwasgivenC GiventhesignalD AandB2 thetextbecameeasierforustolearn NewwordsexplainedB WhennewwordswereexplainedC WhenteacherexplainednewwordsD alltheabove D D 3 条件状语独立主格结构作条件状语时可以改为由if引导的条件状语从句 如 1 we llgotovisittheGreatWall A WeatherpermittingB IfweatherpermitsC IfpermittingD AandB2 thepatientwillrecoverhimselfsoon A IfthetreatmentisintimeB ThetreatmentintimeC ThetreatmentbeingintimeD A BandC D D 4 伴随状语独立主格结构作伴随状语时相当于一个介词短语或并列谓语 如 1 Wehavelessonseveryday A SundayincludedB SundayincludingC SundayisincludingD alltheabove2 Theboyfellasleep A caponheadB withacaponheadC acaponwasonheadD alltheabove A A 3 Fathercamehome A adogfollowinghimB followedbyadogC beingfollowedbyadogD alltheabove D 分词 独立主格和 with 复合宾语 作状语的区别分词结构 独立主格结构 with 复合宾语结构在句中均可作状语 其区别是这样的 一 分词在句中作状语时句子的主语是分词的逻辑主语 即主句主语是分词的动作执行者 用现在分词 或动作承受者 用过去分词或现在分词被动式 这种情况下的分词短语可以改为相应的状语从句或并列谓语 分词短语在句中常作以下状语 1 原因状语1 late wehadtowalkhome A BeingB AswewereC WebeingD AandB2 busy theyhadnotimetoplay A AstheywereB BeingC BecausetheywereD alltheabove D D 2 时间状语1 thestudents homework theteacherfoundalotofmistakes A WhenhewascorrectingB WhenhecorrectedC CorrectingD alltheabove2 byyourteachers youaresupposedtobemodest A WhenyouarepraisedB PraisedC WhenpraisedD alltheabove D D 3 条件状语1 moretime heissuretofinishhistestpaper A IfheisgivenB IfgivenC GivenD alltheabove2 anotherchance I lldomyjobbetter A IfIhaveB IfhavingC HavingD alltheabove D D 4 伴随状语1 Fathercameback abagofmoneyonhisleftshoulder A carryingB hewascarryingC andcarryingD alltheabove2 Fathercameback byamonkey A andhewasfollowedB followedC andwasfollowedD alltheabove D A 二 独立主格结构和with 复合宾语结构在句子中作状语时 这种结构内部的分词或介词短语的逻辑主语不是整句的主语 即主句主语与分词的逻辑主语不一致 如 1 we llgofishinginthecountry A PermittingweatherB WeatherpermittedC WeatherpermittingD Permitting C 2 hefinishedplayingthegameofchess A HiseyesclosingB WithhiseyesclosedC ClosedeyesD Closedhiseyes3 Icouldn tgetthebookIwanted A ClosedB LibraryclosedC ClosinglibraryD Withlibraryclosing B B 三 使用分词短语 独立主格结构 with 复合宾语结构分别在句子中作状语时要注意 它们与主句之间不应有从属连词 如when if assoonas as while等 或并列连词 如and but or so等 例如 1 theteachertoldtheclasstogothroughthetextA CheckingtheanswersB CheckingtheanswersandC WhencheckingtheanswersandD alltheabove A 2 arainyday soallthefarmershadtostayinside A ItbeingB BeingC ItwasD alltheabove3 As alittlesick heremainedattheclinic A feelingB hefeltC hefellingD alltheabove C B 四 在使用独立主格结构 with 复合宾语结构 分词结构作句子的状语时 一定要看句子主语同这些结构的逻辑关系 1 当句子主语与该状语内部动词之间有逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系时 该状语可用分词结构或从句表示 1 inthought healmostranintothecarinfrontofhim A LostB AshewaslostC HelostD AandB D 2 forthebusatthestop hesuddenlycaughtsightofathief A WaitingB WhenhewaswaitingC AshewaswaitingD alltheabove2 若句子主语与状语内动词之间不存在逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系且状语内有自已的逻辑主语 则该状语不能用分词结构 只能用独立主格结构 with 复合宾语结构或从句 如 D 1 Thesoldierfellasleep A withthecandleburningB burningthecandleC whenhewasburningthecandleD whenburningthecandle2 theTiananmenSquarelooksmorebeautiful A BeingonB WhenbeingonC WithallthelightsonD Whenitturnsonallthelights A C 3 thenotice hehadanidea A WhenhewaswatchingB WatchingC WhenwatchingD alltheabove4 thenotice anideacametohismind A WhenhewaswatchingB WatchingC WhenwatchingD alltheabove D A


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